• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Fanmade of Arkain

Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
This design is bonkers and creative, and I love the desert clothes he's wearing, and the runes thingy being wrapped around his rifle (Also, the red glasses kinda reminds me of SC1 Vultures' riders.). I can see them emerging from sandstorms to ambush the Dominion's warriors, embedding explosive runes into their bodies with each shot, or incendiary runes to melt through armor, allowing their allies, the Salrian pikemen to finish the targets quickly.

Excited to see your next work. :thumbs_up:

Also, I'm bad at drawing, but I'd like to see a pic where Gardon and van Durce shake each other's hand in Christmas Truce style, while in the background, Thanok is crossing his arms disappointedly.
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017

Centaurs are known as great archers. Capable of sticking an arrow into the smallest of armor openings. For this reason, Salrians cover their bodies to the point of only revealing their eyes.
Salrian archers are known, not just for their prowess against the horsemen. But also for theirs scarlet eyes, which mark the arduous training in the sands of Salria.
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017

The soldier most recognized by the people of Salria. They are responsible for enduring the stampede of horsemen, every time they endanger the kingdom.

It doesn't matter how many times they come. Centaurs, demons, men... it doesn't matter. The answer is always the same. A wall of spears with golden faces await them.
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017

It is known that in Salria, hybrids between humans and other species are part of the population. And it is not uncommon to see them being part of the defenses of their walls. For the Salrians, if you are born in the sands, then you are part of them. Some mixes go unnoticed... others... not so much.
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017

Mystics are women completely covered in special magical fabrics, which allow their magic not to leak from their bodies. These women have the blessing of magic along with its curse. Every time they use a spell, if they're not careful, it may be their last, as each use seeps their mana from every pore in their bodies. Draining all the vital energy within them.

Only one more unit....
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Level 24
Jul 10, 2017

"Once I went to Salria. Those lads have more gunpowder than sand. I saw a clan with gems in their beards with the biggest cannons I've ever seen. They called them Bombardas and when they fire... they sound like thunder in the sky. I considered staying and living there just to use them."

Bloodstone Dwar.

Done, lads. Thats my version of Salria.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

View attachment 406256
"Once I went to Salria. Those lads have more gunpowder than sand. I saw a clan with gems in their beards with the biggest cannons I've ever seen. They called them Bombardas and when they fire... they sound like thunder in the sky. I considered staying and living there just to use them."

Bloodstone Dwar.

Done, lads. Thats my version of Salria.
Well done!

You created a fitting tribute to the Salrians. I like the archers (both the regular one and the horse rider) and particularly Djinn. Adding a vaguely/loose Arabic motif definitely helps to distinguish Salria from other Kingdoms.

If you create pictures for other Arkain factions, my suggestion would be the Cliffhunter Clan. It only has two specific units due to a lack of female orc models, but perhaps Amari's personal clan could be properly represented at least in other people's drawings.

Also, one idea I had for Arkain unit is a female orc warrior from the Ironthunder Clan, who wears an armor similar that of samurai and uses powers of nature to empower herself, increasing either her physical strength, her speed and agility or her armor. These orcish "samurai" would be the elite units of the Ironthunder Clan, capable of going toe to toe with the Redfist. If you're interested, you could try making a picture of them.
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017
Well done!

You created a fitting tribute to the Salrians. I like the archers (both the regular one and the horse rider) and particularly Djinn. Adding a vaguely/loose Arabic motif definitely helps to distinguish Salria from other Kingdoms.

If you create pictures for other Arkain factions, my suggestion would be the Cliffhunter Clan. It only has two specific units due to a lack of female orc models, but perhaps Amari's personal clan could be properly represented at least in other people's drawings.

Also, one idea I had for Arkain unit is a female orc warrior from the Ironthunder Clan, who wears an armor similar that of samurai and uses powers of nature to empower herself, increasing either her physical strength, her speed and agility or her armor. These orcish "samurai" would be the elite units of the Ironthunder Clan, capable of going toe to toe with the Redfist. If you're interested, you could try making a picture of them.
I'll try. Never draw orcs before.


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Arrogant knights mostly thanks to natural defenses have never had to face the brunt of the demon invasions like the other kingdoms, if there is anything demon related it is the slaves causing what trouble they can. Salria as a kingdom has degraded from its almost perfect safety for over a thousand years with the ruling class becoming unbearable. The current war against the centaur is only really possible because the Empire forced all of the kingdoms to stop fighting eachother, when they were vassalized, even while there were demonic invasions going on.

I'm probably messing up a few things and Shar could answer it better since I've been up since 3 a.m. for work stuff but in short: knights, rich, arrogant, isolated, like being isolated, actually really skilled, common folk are nice
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017
Arrogant knights mostly thanks to natural defenses have never had to face the brunt of the demon invasions like the other kingdoms, if there is anything demon related it is the slaves causing what trouble they can. Salria as a kingdom has degraded from its almost perfect safety for over a thousand years with the ruling class becoming unbearable. The current war against the centaur is only really possible because the Empire forced all of the kingdoms to stop fighting eachother, when they were vassalized, even while there were demonic invasions going on.

I'm probably messing up a few things and Shar could answer it better since I've been up since 3 a.m. for work stuff but in short: knights, rich, arrogant, isolated, like being isolated, actually really skilled, common folk are nice
Then it looks like I made like a "Golden years" era of Salria.
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017

"I don't like magic. For me things are settled with fists or gunpowder... but I don't see any other way to tame these fluffs. Ye haven't fought for yer life until ye fight one of these. Do ye have any idea, the monster ye must be to survive in the caves of Death Mountain? And to be the predator of that place?

I've seen them kill ogres... OGRES, Lad! That poor bass... one of his heads had to see how the other was mauled by these beasts."

Orgen from the Bloodstones

Unit: Black bears / Bloodrune bears

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Any comments to this point? What you all thing about them? I would like to read your opinions.
Alright, your work definitely deserves comments and attention.

Bloodstone Dwarves are portrayed as being different, less traditional than other Dwarven clans, and are also aligned with the Redfist – one of the most vicious and fanatical faction in Arkain. Dark colors with some red details establishes the Bloodstones as "grittier" version of Dwarves.

King Ragnar: The most distinguishing feature, for me at least, is him having one red colored eye. That, along with his dark outfit, definitely suits the leader of Bloodstone Dwarves

Flame Drake: A dwarven warrior with a dark outfit and dragon-shaped firearm. His googles makes me think of Dr. Eggman from Sonic.

Black bears/Bloodrune Bears: The most intimidating and dangerous unit in my opinion. Cool, yet I very much prefer for the Ogres not to get mauled and killed by them. I prefer Dominion Races over Humans, Dwarves and Elves, so I root for them. Still, these bears are my favorite units here.

Bloodstone Highlander: Slightly less dark and grim unit of the Bloodstones, but covered in armor, representing the danger of Bloodstone Dwarves.

Warlock: Another Bloodstone covered in armor, even more so than the Highlander, as there's no (uncovered) beard. While other Bloodstone Dwarves wear heavy boots, Warlock's footwear resembles a large, metal human foot

Bear Rider: My second favorite unit, after the Black Bear. Fully covered in armor, which is quite like a second skin, this warrior demonstrates the grittiness of the Bloodstones.

Overall, I like the motif of having Bloodstones being covered in armor and darker color schemes. A worthy foe for the Dominion.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I am a real fan of your drawings, as you know by now, and I also know for a fact I am not alone. ;)
I think you hit the nail when it comes to the design of the Bloodstones with your art - of course the Salrians were also fantastic.
I do wonder what you will come up with next!


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Everything is great, I've wanted runes/tattoos and such on models since 2015 so it's double cool. And that warlock has got everything going for him; runes, mask, beard armor, really really nice gloves, and the individually armored toes are not something I see too often in any art piece.

Bears are cool, armored bears are cooler. The bear rider himself one hands a war hammer so you know he'll mess anyone up.

Bloodrune bear keeps reminding of samurai jack so I can easily see it taking out many enemies at a time.

The highlander stands out from the rest of the dwarves by being lighter and brighter but no less intimidating.

Ragnar looks like an ancient evil and I'm all for it.

And the flame drake is great, every once in a while as I'm looking at the pictures in passing I keep thinking he's got a cigar in his mouth.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
I think the units with the red/black color scheme are by far my favorite due to personal bias, but I'll also like their design:

Ragnar: His glowing red eye and the cracked horn on his helmet do a good job at visual storytelling: He has seen and gone through a lot of shit, and not even a missing eye or two will stop him from bashing his enemy's skull. I'm sure he can use a tattered cloak too, and as it would make him even more badass.
Riflemen/Flame Drake: It's hard to comment since it's simple, but also fits the vibe of a Dwarven rifleman, so it's still good. The only thing I think you can add is that, to show their elite status among other riflemen, make them wear Black Dragonscales armor, since the Dwarves were dragon hunters.
Bloodrune Bear: I like bears. And I love big bears. The runic enchantment plus its battle scars give it a very grizzly look. (Yes, I tried to force a bear pun in here).
Warlock: I spot runes on his exposed arms too instead of just his clothes, which is good, and also the skull chain to show his achievement. I personally think the mask should only cover the upper half of his face to show off his beard (because Dwarven fashion), the runes should be glowing, and he should have a more confident or almost arrogant posture instead of a combat-ready one.

I don't have anything interesting to add to the Highlander and Bear Rider, so just take my word for it when I say that they're good. Now we just need someone to make those models in-game, because I can already think of a many fun abilities to give to them.
Level 3
Oct 5, 2020
Hello. I have a question that would be very helpful to me.

Could someone give a table will the units of the factions? At least the most famous.
Hello. Dominion is hard one to make since its union of factions, but Ironfist is easy one since it had some recent updates:
Here is discussion list with some of those new units: Johnwar's Models Discussion
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