14:20, 28th Aug 2010
Apparently this works and it could be quite useful.
Apparently this works and it could be quite useful.
(8 ratings)
Generally, what does it do? All I see is hosting map and stuff, but I wanna see it work for real
So basicaaly it creates a "neutral" enemy?
can i use this program in LAN ?
i want to test some maps which cannot be played in single player.
Sorry but this seems pretty useless because you can always use computer slots. But it prolly can be useful for maps where you cannot get computer slots.
They just don't get it.. Maps can have conditions like if you want to get a save/load game code, there is a condition that the game needs at least 2 human-controlled players so this and that feature can be used, else it wouldn't do anything.. With this tool you can actually do that alone.. I'm pretty sure that's what it does, I'll test it now..
Edit: It works perfectly take a look at the shots belowBut are the bots suppose to drop out as the game starts?
Why it keep says "Wrong password"?
I don't even have a passsword
Keep working on it ^^ i would like to see the next version, maybe the bots wont be dropped. =3
does this have any connecton with the shadowfrench fake player?
because i want to create my own clan with fake players lol
so this works only with games or you can also create fake players at channels?
So means if I don't have that password I cant use it?why your wc3 server sets a different then reg password i dont know, might be because it's not a english version, outdated. or something.. try hosting it public, not private.
So means if I don't have that password I cant use it?
Btw, using more than 1 Fake-Player results in a crash. (Epic 8 player orpg!)
This is interesting..
EDIT: Is it suppose to crash after the map has loaded?
thats incorrect, the program allows multiple instances of it self
sorry, but this program sucks and it is USELESS (in my opinion!)
rating it 2/5
Last Activity: 09-24-2010 06:27 AM
(Use StealthBot or another channel bot able to accept clan invites, first you need the cdkeys though)