Exodar and Lightforged Draenei v.4


Exodar and Lightforged Draenei v4
Created by wa666r



Another Alternate melee in my series of maps involving lore races from the Warcraft universe. This addition allows the players to explore and play as the erudite race of the Exodar Draenei and the Lightforged Draenei.


The Exodar Draenei are a resilient and mystical race known for their profound connection to the Light and advanced technology. Harnessing the power of Arkonite Crystals, they spread empowering auras across the battlefield, significantly boosting the strength and resilience of their troops. The Gift of the Naaru, a divine blessing, enhances their healing capabilities, allowing them to recover swiftly from injuries. Their formidable forces include a variety of mechanical units, which provide both offensive power and sturdy defenses. With an abundance of healing abilities and technological prowess, the Exodar Draenei stand as a formidable and enduring faction in any conflict.


The Lightforged Draenei are a devout and tenacious race, blessed by the Light with an array of radiant abilities. Their warriors are most formidable when in peak condition, harnessing the Light to its fullest potential at high health. Renowned for their exceptional durability, they excel in enduring prolonged battles. The Lightforged Draenei have a significant emphasis on restoration and healing, ensuring their troops can swiftly recover from wounds and maintain their strength on the battlefield. With their unwavering faith and robust defenses, the Lightforged Draenei are a beacon of hope and resilience. Their powerful light-based abilities not only bolster their own ranks but can also turn the tide of battle, illuminating the path to victory.










Change Log:

- NEW MAP (Divide and Conquer)
- NEW VOICES (Orc sounds)
- Changed Peacekeepers model
- Added Attachment to the Sphere of Naaru (looks a bit better)
- New Upgrade for the Main Building
- Crystals have Spell Immunity and True Sight now
- Salamaders have piercing damage and attack air.
- Small Changes

- NEW Altar of Wonders model and icon
- NEW Crystal model
- NEW Refinery model
- NEW Breeding Den model/icon
- NEW Angelic Asylum model/icon
- NEW Ata'mal Shard Model
- New unit: Moth
- Peacekeeper model changed
- Champion completely revamped
- Vindicator completely revamped
- Anchorite completely revamped
- Vicar completely revamped
- Clairvoyant completely revamped
- Seer completely revamped
- Sphere of Naaru revamped
- Augur completely revamped
- Zealot completely revamped
- Prophet completely revamped
- Exarch completely revamped
- DOZENS of new icons
- So, so, so, so much more!

- Complete overhaul of regular Draenei
- A new Lightforged faction added

- Revamped Both factions entirely.


Ujimasa Hojo
General Frank
Diego Delgado


Exodar and Lightforged Draenei V.3 (Map)

Exodar and Lightforged Draenei v.4 (Map)

11:53, 22nd Jul 2013 Orcnet: Legal_Ease's review:




11:53, 22nd Jul 2013
Orcnet: Legal_Ease's review:

Legal_Ease;2383363 said:
Review of Draenei
By Legal_Ease
This is a great map, true to lore (I assume because wa666r is a lore scholar) and fun to play. Though I got pwnd by NE on easy, I feel the race is balanced. The new race looks really good! Nice map choice too! Fixed up description looks great!

The Pros
-Triggered race selection option is cool! (why not use it for every race?)
-Cohesive look - everything fits really nicely. Great model choices!
-Nice icons!
-Balanced race is fun to mix it up!
-Tooltips useful!
-Custom Spells were fun and easy to understand!
-MANA MINES???? f#(k Yeah!

Suggested Improvements
-Still a few bad icons. DISBTN missing for 1 hero. PASBTN for research should be changed to plain old BTN.
-Structure Icons in wrong places. Farm = hut but was not in farm position X,Y. I blame this for my loss, since I built a shop 1st. I should read more, but I like to build fast.
-The crystal defense things didn't keep me from being destroyed :) they should hit harder and more often.
-Sounds didn't all fit but without importing tons of new ones, I don't know how you could fix that. Maybe using more Naga instead of NE sound? idk.
-nothing else....

Overall Rating
4/5, and +rep. This is really nice and the suggestions I offered are fairly minor changes. This map is 99% perfect. Voting for approval obviously!

Review of Draenei
By Legal_Ease
This is a great map, true to lore (I assume because wa666r is a lore scholar) and fun to play. Though I got pwnd by NE on easy, I feel the race is balanced. The new race looks really good! Nice map choice too! Fixed up description looks great!

The Pros
-Triggered race selection option is cool! (why not use it for every race?)
-Cohesive look - everything fits really nicely. Great model choices!
-Nice icons!
-Balanced race is fun to mix it up!
-Tooltips useful!
-Custom Spells were fun and easy to understand!
-MANA MINES???? f#(k Yeah!

Suggested Improvements
-Still a few bad icons. DISBTN missing for 1 hero. PASBTN for research should be changed to plain old BTN.
-Structure Icons in wrong places. Farm = hut but was not in farm position X,Y. I blame this for my loss, since I built a shop 1st. I should read more, but I like to build fast.
-The crystal defense things didn't keep me from being destroyed :) they should hit harder and more often.
-Sounds didn't all fit but without importing tons of new ones, I don't know how you could fix that. Maybe using more Naga instead of NE sound? idk.
-nothing else....

Overall Rating
4/5, and +rep. This is really nice and the suggestions I offered are fairly minor changes. This map is 99% perfect. Voting for approval obviously!

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Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
Thanks Legal_Ease.
I just decided to have that new optional trigger; so that's why the other maps don't have it.
Which hero is missing the DISBTN? When I played, all were present.
"Crystal Defense things?" can you be more specific... the entire race is crystals haha
Unfortunately, there arn't many Draenei voices available, and if I were to use the Naga, they'd sound a little too evil for a holy race.
Level 17
Jul 16, 2007
There is a strange bug(?) going on(am I the only one having it/noticing it?), when the units move. It could be the peacekeepers, or vindicators, or champions, or all of the units. A constant 'eredar death' sound keeps looping when moving and makes the gameplay annoying and laggy, so see to it please!

As for the rest, this is utmost the most completed dranei altered melee map. I like the fact that there is absolutely no broken dranei.
Long text:
-As for the naaru light/soul, why don't you try to change the model from wips, to RUNE(like the model of rune of healing, rune of mana, etc).
-I noticed the race lacks ranged attacks in early game(actually there is only one piercing attacker, the naaru thing), which makes the race imbalanced. Also there are no flying units :(.
-I understand that you tended to keep as close to the lore as possible[considering the buildings mechanics and units - having magic attack, where you did an excellent job) but it wouldn't hurt to add some balancing to it as well(perhaps replace the peacekeeper unit with something ranged/piercing attacker) ]
-The map, it is supposed to be a fast play. (considering the lack of easy gain additional goldmines and map size). So I strongly suggest that you change the map to a 12 player one, and possibly a greater map size/longer game time required, because I presume players want to enjoy the new race to the maximum, and to do that requires time.

*In short: too many melee/land only units early game, a tad imbalanced, add some piercing attack units, remove the hero model for the healer unit, change the map(please, it's a boring map).

Rating: None yet (I really like altered melee and new races, so I want to rate this a 5/5 but that bug that happens to me really makes me nervous :3, could you first update before I rate).
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
There is a strange bug(?) going on(am I the only one having it/noticing it?), when the units move. It could be the peacekeepers, or vindicators, or champions, or all of the units. A constant 'eredar death' sound keeps looping when moving and makes the gameplay annoying and laggy, so see to it please!

As for the rest, this is utmost the most completed dranei altered melee map. I like the fact that there is absolutely no broken dranei.
Long text:
-As for the naaru light/soul, why don't you try to change the model from wips, to RUNE(like the model of rune of healing, rune of mana, etc).
-I noticed the race lacks ranged attacks in early game(actually there is only one piercing attacker, the naaru thing), which makes the race imbalanced. Also there are no flying units :(.
-I understand that you tended to keep as close to the lore as possible[considering the buildings mechanics and units - having magic attack, where you did an excellent job) but it wouldn't hurt to add some balancing to it as well(perhaps replace the peacekeeper unit with something ranged/piercing attacker) ]
-The map, it is supposed to be a fast play. (considering the lack of easy gain additional goldmines and map size). So I strongly suggest that you change the map to a 12 player one, and possibly a greater map size/longer game time required, because I presume players want to enjoy the new race to the maximum, and to do that requires time.

*In short: too many melee/land only units early game, a tad imbalanced, add some piercing attack units, remove the hero model for the healer unit, change the map(please, it's a boring map).

Rating: None yet (I really like altered melee and new races, so I want to rate this a 5/5 but that bug that happens to me really makes me nervous :3, could you first update before I rate).

Thanks for the review. :goblin_yeah:
- As for the sound, its the Peacekeeper. I tried everything to stop that, but its the model itself.

- I originally intended to change the Sphere of Naaru, but if I do, there will be no team color specifics; it will be hard to tell which play has the unit.

- You do bring up a good point about the piercing damage, I could try do something about it; maybe change the Salamander to piercing.

- Unfortunately, I cannot really change the map all that much by itself, but I am working on something new that has all five of my races. Wait... I can do that, just gotta transfer the data. Next update, will have the race be on a much map
Level 17
Jul 16, 2007
Thanks for the review. :goblin_yeah:
- As for the sound, its the Peacekeeper. I tried everything to stop that, but its the model itself.
Well you either change the model, or some players who are annoyed will be forced to not make any peacekeeper units(also I forgot to mention this unit lacks portrait model)
If you will consider this model Sellenisko's - Dranei Huntress for a replacement of the peacekeeper
- I originally intended to change the Sphere of Naaru, but if I do, there will be no team color specifics; it will be hard to tell which play has the unit.
Good point there although have you seen this alternative

- You do bring up a good point about the piercing damage, I could try do something about it; maybe change the Salamander to piercing.
Well I was also wondering why Salamander didn't have piercing attack, and possibly make it able to attack air units as well.
Wait... I can do that, just gotta transfer the data. Next update, will have the race be on a much map
Great! ^_^, it would be even greater if you take a melee map made by users here, that way we enjoy a new map, and a new race!
Some good ones if you consider my opinion:
Remixer's Ancient Temple - 8 player(4/5 mod rating)
normalice's Hegemony - 8 player(5/5 mod rating)
normalice's Splatter - 12 player (4/5 mod rating)
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Though I got pwnd by NE on easy, I feel the race is balanced. The new race looks really good!

The balance is more than questionable. What is also questionable is why the Draenei open up with two melee units. It's something different, to an extent, but it appears to just be doubling up on unit roles early game. Honestly, I feel like this race could rush with Peacekeepers and, if not win every time, at the very least cripple the opponent enough that they can't recover (the damage is insane for 2 food, and so is the health, despite having Medium Armor [arguably the most powerful armour in the game, although it will be weak against enemy tier 1 melees]).

It seems that the Prophet hero may have too many stats going around, too. Bit questionable on that one, it has an infinite mana pool at level 2.

Speaking of heroes, why do most of the hero abilities, if not all of them, seem to be more powerful versions of existing ones?

Reached Tier 3 to finally get that Champion unit. Imagine my surprise to see another melee attacker with Heavy Armor. Yaaaaay...

Could the Seer have any more damaging spells? I don't think it has enough.

It's almost as if this wants to be a Caster race while having a barracks full of melee units. Does anything do Piercing damage?

Why does Atrophy do 6% health at a time? Wasn't Death And Decay's 4% enough?

First appearance of Piercing damage was the Salamander. Cost me 6 Food. But now I can finally deal with air threats appropriately. Gooood. (Also, it has Heavy Armour. I may have difficulty with Gryphon Riders. Or Frost Wyrms. Or any heavy flying unit.).

Good thing I have the Sphere Of Naruu to deal negligible Piercing damage as an alternative. Yaaay... (3 Food).

Oh, good. The Clairvoyant was a caster all along. And its first spell is a damaging spell! I was afraid we didn't have enough of any of those things. I sure hope they don't get Dryads (does Easy Night Elf get Dryads?).

For a caster race, there sure does seem to be a certain lack of heavy magic damage. I'm beginning to see why they died in the lore (they did die in the lore, right? That /was/ what you were going for, wasn't it?).

Elekk Riders, ah yes. I'm glad I finally have a normal damage user with Heavy Armor. Wouldn't be balanced without it.

So, what have we learned here today? That you can make a review look as snazzy as you want, but in the end it's about as useful as the pointless moose picture you put the hidden tag.
Level 17
Jul 16, 2007

The sarcasm is strong with this post

-Although I DO agree with Wazzz about the mods's choice of review, since it doesn't cover the details and balances, but it definitely is not Legal_Ease's fault for that.. also Wazzz could be less sarcastic about it.

*And as for the Elk rider unit, it has siege and melee attacks, so it can be used as a knight and a siege weapon. So I also suggest that you balance that unit by raising the food cost, that way the player could get 2 Elk Riders at most.(6 or 7 food, since its 2 units combined in one). OR you can remove the melee attack and just keep with the siege attack(kinda like the Orc wolf rider)
*Other than that, I'm glad you changed the map and the peacekeeper model!

*Try to balance it out a bit with the early game, as Wazzz and I mentioned above, it does indeed lack an early game piercing attacker(take the stock races for instance, they all have a ranged/pierce attacker in tier 1).
*But on the other hand, this is not intended to be a replica to the stock mechanics of gameplay, so maybe it was intended that way.
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
The balance is more than questionable. The balance is more than questionable. What is also questionable is why the Draenei open up with two melee units. It's something different, to an extent, but it appears to just be doubling up on unit roles early game. Honestly, I feel like this race could rush with Peacekeepers and, if not win every time, at the very least cripple the opponent enough that they can't recover (the damage is insane for 2 food, and so is the health, despite having Medium Armor [arguably the most powerful armour in the game, although it will be weak against enemy tier 1 melees]).

Well then, Captain Sarcasm. I appreciator the review, but it could have done without the attitude. There's no need for that. As for your question, the Draenei have two melee units because they are a different race, therefor the play-style will be different. I want the race to be played differently - so that you cant just cut and paste strategies from other races into this one. One unit is quicker with less defense, while the other is slower with higher survivability. Now, you say that the Peacekeepers can rush, Have you tried it? You said it yourself, their armor is medium. which is weak against early tier units. So how can this be done? With that said, I cant help to think that you are right about the health & damage of them - I will lower the stats a notch - but that unit's role is damage dealer; naturally he will be able to do his role.

It seems that the Prophet hero may have too many stats going around, too. Bit questionable on that one, it has an infinite mana pool at level 2.

That's something I haven't spotted until you said something. I will fix that. But the Prophet is a pure mage, so his mana will still be higher than most. Around the Same as the Archmage.

Speaking of heroes, why do most of the hero abilities, if not all of them, seem to be more powerful versions of existing ones?

Because there are only so many abilities that I can use (Im taking up GUI to change that). As for a stronger version, I don't quite think so. Example: Hallow Slam (Thunder Clap) deals slightly more damage and reduces movement speed by 75% (instead of 50%), but it does not reduce any attack rate. I believe that's a bit more of a fair trade. Its neither weaker or stronger than the original.

Reached Tier 3 to finally get that Champion unit. Imagine my surprise to see another melee attacker with Heavy Armor. Yaaaaay...

Well if you actually read what the Casern says (Primary "Melee" troop production.) then you would know that it was going to be a melee unit. Its like a Footman and a Knight... but heavy armor melee attackers.

Could the Seer have any more damaging spells? I don't think it has enough.

Look at the description: "Offensive spellcaster with destructive powers." Need i say more?

It's almost as if this wants to be a Caster race while having a barracks full of melee units. Does anything do Piercing damage?

The Sphere of Naaru and Salamander. I will allow the Peacekeeper to fire projectiles with piercing damage against flyers only.

Why does Atrophy do 6% health at a time? Wasn't Death And Decay's 4% enough?

Yo got me there... I'll nerf it.

First appearance of Piercing damage was the Salamander. Cost me 6 Food. But now I can finally deal with air threats appropriately. Gooood. (Also, it has Heavy Armour. I may have difficulty with Gryphon Riders. Or Frost Wyrms. Or any heavy flying unit.).

Lowered the food cost to 4 and Elekk Rider increased to 5. Also the Armor was changed to Medium. The Salamader used to deal siege damage so his armor was heavy. Forgot to change it to medium before.

Good thing I have the Sphere Of Naruu to deal negligible Piercing damage as an alternative. Yaaay... (3 Food)..

With the Harm ability that decimates heroes and spellcasters, I think its worth 3 food. But I did greatly increase the attack speed of them.

Oh, good. The Clairvoyant was a caster all along. And its first spell is a damaging spell! I was afraid we didn't have enough of any of those things. I sure hope they don't get Dryads (does Easy Night Elf get Dryads?).
(3 Food)..

Then maybe get some of the many melee troops against the dryads...
Yes -one more damage spell; its that units main focus spell.

For a caster race, there sure does seem to be a certain lack of heavy magic damage. I'm beginning to see why they died in the lore (they did die in the lore, right? That /was/ what you were going for, wasn't it?).
(3 Food)..

Well then maybe you could combine all of the damage spells to deal the heavy magic damage you want.

Elekk Riders, ah yes. I'm glad I finally have a normal damage user with Heavy Armor. Wouldn't be balanced without it..

And Siege damage. Maybe there are too many normal-type attackers. The Elekk Rider will have only siege attacks.

Thanks nether-the-less for your crude review. It helps to make my race better.
That's something I haven't spotted until you said something. I will fix that. But the Prophet is a pure mage, so his mana will still be higher than most. Around the Same as the Archmage.

it was more so that his stats just seemed to be a little higher all over, like his strength and agility were pretty decent and he managed to pull off so much intelligence at such a low level despite having decent growth in those areas. it /might/ be too much.

Well if you actually read what the Casern says (Primary "Melee" troop production.) then you would know that it was going to be a melee unit. Its like a Footman and a Knight... but heavy armor melee attackers.

can't really compare it to that scenario, as those are the only two units in the Human race dealing normal damage at melee range. you have two more on top of this.

Look at the description: "Offensive spellcaster with destructive powers." Need i say more?

that is not how you do an 'offensive' caster, it has no caster qualities other than damage spells, meaning it has no real use or function.

The Sphere of Naaru and Salamander. I will allow the Peacekeeper to fire projectiles with piercing damage against flyers only.

that could work effectively, definitely. although you kind of already have too many normal damage melee attackers, even three would be questionable. could potentially do piercing damage for the melee attack as well.

Lowered the food cost to 4 and Elekk Rider increased to 5. Also the Armor was changed to Medium. The Salamader used to deal siege damage so his armor was heavy. Forgot to change it to medium before.

that has a little more potential, although i question why the elekk rider wouldn't be pure siege damage. after all, you have so many normal damage users. the peace keeper and/or elekk rider could/should have slightly tweaked roles based on their damage type, which has been covered.

With the Harm ability that decimates heroes and spellcasters, I think its worth 3 food. But I did greatly increase the attack speed of them.

it is a good anti-caster, but it certainly doesn't fill the gap where the piercing damage is horribly lacking, which should be fixed by the Peacekeeper's anti-air attack (i'm liking that idea)

Then maybe get some of the many melee troops against the dryads...
Yes -one more damage spell; its that units main focus spell.

at least one of these caster units needs a little less emphasis on being a caster and a little more emphasis on dealing heavy damage (not through abilities). you could keep the heavier ones as 'casters' in that they use mana and the whole shebang, but they need some heavier damage. also, it's a little questionable having an attack upgrade for the casters, it could lead to a bit of imbalance there.

And Siege damage. Maybe there are too many normal-type attackers. The Elekk Rider will have only siege attacks.

ah, you already came to that conclusion for the elekk rider, should work
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
I think three melee units is a good amount; considering that they are all different and provide separate support.

I think the Clairvoyant will have a different first ability. Instead of the Ice Blast, he will have a spell that increases total damage done for the cost of magic. Kinda like the Destroyer. To get him into the role as a heavy damage dealer. I think it will work out well with his other abilities.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
, than it does not really make much sense to say it :p.

I like it Wa666r. You made good use of custom models and the race felt fresh/new. What you did with the town-hall like building and food production building was nice (nice abilities). A few things that could be done better:

- the Crystal is useless in this map. Divide & Conquer has too few choke points for that. I do like the idea of it and would like therefore see the race in an other map/terrain.
- I miss a tower. Would be nice to combo it with the Cystal. Maybe an option that a Cystal can be upgraded to give it an attack? (like Scout Tower can be upgraded too Guard Tower)
- the human ground texture under the Draenei structures looks out of place I think. I think no ground texture would look better.

Rating: 4/5.
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
[K40$]-Spectre;2400455 said:
I like it Wa666r. You made good use of custom models and the race felt fresh/new. What you did with the town-hall like building and food production building was nice (nice abilities). A few things that could be done better:

- the Crystal is useless in this map. Divide & Conquer has too few choke points for that. I do like the idea of it and would like therefore see the race in an other map/terrain.
- I miss a tower. Would be nice to combo it with the Cystal. Maybe an option that a Cystal can be upgraded to give it an attack? (like Scout Tower can be upgraded too Guard Tower)
- the human ground texture under the Draenei structures looks out of place I think. I think no ground texture would look better.

Rating: 4/5.

Thanks man. I'm glad you liked it.

I understand that you might feel nostalgic about the towers, but I wanted to make this race more unique. So, naturally, to compensate for the lack of towers, this race has Mana Mines and Salamanders; providing the long range and close range defense with a new tactic.

Hmmm maybe it does look a bit obscure. I'll check it out.
Level 1
Jul 22, 2011
Having a problem here where it seems we cannot get, on a multiplayer game, more than one draenei race going. Each time we have more than one human player, usually 2nd one to get on does not get the yes / no buttons up when asked whether they want to pick draenei. It simply has the question at the top of the dialogue box and then nothing else. Further, one has to go back into the OS UI and click exit because one cannot quit the game otherwise.
Level 1
Jun 2, 2014
Good map!
but the Range of the dreanai town hall (Redoubt) is too far- it literally attacked all the creeps! (the range is 2000....)
Level 5
May 30, 2013
Hello,here's my review about your map:1.Terrain:Very nice good job the only score i can give you for this is 5/5 2.Units and creeps:You placed them perfectly and their attack and defense is good 5/5 3.The buildings and etc: All of them are good but the dreanai town hall's range is very high 5/5. And the final rating: 5/5 You did a very good job will share you map with friends and others.Good luck :)!
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
Hello,here's my review about your map:1.Terrain:Very nice good job the only score i can give you for this is 5/5 2.Units and creeps:You placed them perfectly and their attack and defense is good 5/5 3.The buildings and etc: All of them are good but the dreanai town hall's range is very high 5/5. And the final rating: 5/5 You did a very good job will share you map with friends and others.Good luck :)!

Please don't review my map on the terrain or map. I did nothing to the terrain itself; it's the original map. Same with the creeps. The Town Hall is suppose to have extreme range because they have no available towers.Thanks for the review though!
Level 2
May 16, 2013
Not sure, if it by design… looks rather weird, that exarch's magic abilities affect magic immune units.
Level 3
May 5, 2013
This is pretty neat, Where do you find all these models you use? I can't find them anywhere,

I second this! While one or two of the authors you listed under "Credits" seem to have removed their content, you have quite a few models I would KILL to get my hand on:

-MOST IMPORTANTLY: The Moth - I absolutely NEED a flying unit for my Draenei race, and I've been forced to do some BS about repurposed Nether Drakes without a good Moth unit (including the icons)
-SECONDLY: The Draenei-edited Huntress Hall (Breeding Den), as I need a good "Blacksmith" building model (including the icons)
-THIRDLY: The "Footman-esk" model - the Peacekeeper.
-FOURTHLY: The icon for the "Champion" unit
-FIFTHLY: -The icon for the unit passive ability "Gift of the Naaru" (looks like a World of Warcraft rip, like some of these others)

Far less important but would still really like to know where they're from:

-The Refinery model (including the icons)
-The reskinned Sacrificial Pit, "Angelic Asylum" (including the icons)
-The Crystal model (including the icons)
-The edited Arcane Tome Pedestal model, "Ata'mal Shard"
-The icon for the hero spell "Thunder Bolt"
-The icon for the hero spell "Stormcaller"
-The icon for the hero spell "Naaru's Light"
-The icon for the hero spell "Mend"
-The icon for the hero spell "Heroic Blow"

It would be nice to know the rest, too, but it would probably be a lot of work (well maybe not, pretty much every single model I've downloaded has documentation included).
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
I second this! While one or two of the authors you listed under "Credits" seem to have removed their content, you have quite a few models I would KILL to get my hand on:

-MOST IMPORTANTLY: The Moth - I absolutely NEED a flying unit for my Draenei race, and I've been forced to do some BS about repurposed Nether Drakes without a good Moth unit (including the icons)
-SECONDLY: The Draenei-edited Huntress Hall (Breeding Den), as I need a good "Blacksmith" building model (including the icons)
-THIRDLY: The "Footman-esk" model - the Peacekeeper.
-FOURTHLY: The icon for the "Champion" unit
-FIFTHLY: -The icon for the unit passive ability "Gift of the Naaru" (looks like a World of Warcraft rip, like some of these others)

Far less important but would still really like to know where they're from:

-The Refinery model (including the icons)
-The reskinned Sacrificial Pit, "Angelic Asylum" (including the icons)
-The Crystal model (including the icons)
-The edited Arcane Tome Pedestal model, "Ata'mal Shard"
-The icon for the hero spell "Thunder Bolt"
-The icon for the hero spell "Stormcaller"
-The icon for the hero spell "Naaru's Light"
-The icon for the hero spell "Mend"
-The icon for the hero spell "Heroic Blow"

It would be nice to know the rest, too, but it would probably be a lot of work (well maybe not, pretty much every single model I've downloaded has documentation included).

The Draenei are my favorite race in the Warcraft universe, so I had treated this map with a little bit of extra than the rest;. Also, there was such a limited array of resources for used on just the Draenei , so I had to make my own.

The Moth model and the icons was created by me. It's basically a recolors and few scale changes to the Faerie Dragon.

Again, the Breeding Den and it's icon was done by me.

The Peacekeeper and Champion models I have found a looonnnngg time ago; and luckily I kept them.

That Icon can be found on the WoW wiki page; you can find every icon they have.

Refinery: I had created. The Icon is from map I can't quite remember.

Angelic Asylum and the icon I had made.

Crystal Model I had made; icon from elsewhere. Same with the Shop building.
Level 3
May 5, 2013
The Draenei are my favorite race in the Warcraft universe, so I had treated this map with a little bit of extra than the rest;. Also, there was such a limited array of resources for used on just the Draenei , so I had to make my own.

The Moth model and the icons was created by me. It's basically a recolors and few scale changes to the Faerie Dragon.

Again, the Breeding Den and it's icon was done by me.

The Peacekeeper and Champion models I have found a looonnnngg time ago; and luckily I kept them.

That Icon can be found on the WoW wiki page; you can find every icon they have.

Refinery: I had created. The Icon is from map I can't quite remember.

Angelic Asylum and the icon I had made.

Crystal Model I had made; icon from elsewhere. Same with the Shop building.

Hmm. Well you didn't release the resources, so I'll just go ahead and ask: do you mind if I use those assets I mentioned that you made in my custom Draenei race map...? Its nowhere near finished and probably won't be released anytime soon (although the race at least is probably 85% completely built, I just need to work on adding the spells and buffs for the most part). It figured the ones I wanted were the ones I couldn't find because they were only ever made for this map! XD

Draenei is my favorite Warcraft race, too! :]

Oh, I'm not sure if you're the best person to ask or not, but I'm trying to make a custom "Orb" item with a scripted trigger effect that adds additional damage if the enemy is an Undead or Demon. the script I have right now is:


But currently it seems like I can only ever get the damage to either affect everything or nothing (it's not firing at all in this iteration)...
Level 3
May 5, 2013
Hmm. Well you didn't release the resources, so I'll just go ahead and ask: do you mind if I use those assets I mentioned that you made in my custom Draenei race map...? Its nowhere near finished and probably won't be released anytime soon (although the race at least is probably 85% completely built, I just need to work on adding the spells and buffs for the most part). It figured the ones I wanted were the ones I couldn't find because they were only ever made for this map! XD

Draenei is my favorite Warcraft race, too! :]

Oh, I'm not sure if you're the best person to ask or not, but I'm trying to make a custom "Orb" item with a scripted trigger effect that adds additional damage if the enemy is an Undead or Demon. the script I have right now is:


But currently it seems like I can only ever get the damage to either affect everything or nothing (it's not firing at all in this iteration)...

Mmk, after some rather annoying struggles with figure out the correct file paths for everything, I finally managed to get your models imported and working. I kept a backup file in case you tell me later that you don't want me using them, but for now heres a screenshot:

Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Wow this is great I really like melee maps and with new races, this is my favorite race that you put into a melee map for now.5/5 Maybe you can make the grimtotem tribe or any tauren tribe? Tauren is my most favorite race of all.
Level 5
Dec 12, 2014
Dear Wa666r,

I would like your help here.
I loved this map and spent the day trying to export a draenei hero you made into other melee maps so I can use them there.

After following step by step with the guide here, however, I am still to no avail.

The 4 model files of the hero Unbroken Sage I exported then imported just won't load. Is there something I should do with the files' pathways?

I have no purpose of publishing any of your creation as my own, and intend only to use your amazing work for my own offline games. So if you see this~hope you can help me out.
Level 2
May 16, 2013
When I played v2, I thought it is the best custom race map I had have played. Now I can say, I liked v2 more than v2.2.
New structures look less unique and their building animations are too bright and rather hurt eyes.
Also I clapped eyes on a new healing spell. It is like 4 hp for 4 caster's mp, so not too useful in a battle.