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Eternity's End Enhanced


Here it is, the last chapter! Here what you will find:
- Heroes (and creatures) Level Cap raised to 20
- Lots of custom units(Humans, Creeps, Undeads, Night elfs, with new models)
- Lots of new custom Items
- Item combine system, Explore the map to find all the items and combine them to achieve true power!
- Lots of custom ability, majority of them is created via triggers!
- Tyrande's Devotion: Tyrande will be able to accumulate Devotion by killing units and using spells, after reaching 100 Devotion she unlocks new powerful abilities!
- Lots of custom upgrades!
- LIFE NEXUS: Build this Structure to mix your units and create more powerful ones! To see the recipes just type /Recipes in chat during the game!

- Shandris will accompany you throughout the Campaign!
- 4 Different difficulties: Easy, Normal, Hard and Nightmare

If you fell like a champion and want to push over your limits, you can play Nightmare difficulty! Nightmare is not just Hard difficulty but harder, Nightmare changes the gameplay of all levels, adding new features like new upgrades, units, mechanisms and other stuff that you will only see in this difficulty, however, i suggest to first play the campaign in Hard difficulty before passing to Nightmare, also, finishing a chapter in Nightmare will reward you with a special item in the next one.

Each time a unit is trained, there's a chance it will gain a prefix, but what does it mean? For example, you can train an Archer and it will gain +2 Attack damage or +2 Armor, depends on the prefix. There are 5 types of Prefixes: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary and SUPER. The Super prefixes are the most powerful and are obtainable only from Chapter 3, of course Legendary And Super Prefixes are the best ones. Sometimes its not obvious the Bonus gained, that's because a unit can gain 40% Chance to Critical Strike but the ability will not be visible.

Last thing: There are some secret recipes for the Life Nexus.

Thanks to teozamait for the idea.

'Secret Recipes'
Chapter 1:
2 Furbolgs = 1 Champion Furbolg
1 Champion Furbolg 1 Wisp = 1 Furbolg Ursa Warrior
Chapter 4:
4 Troll Warlords = 1 Troll Annihilator
Chapter 6 & 7:
4 Watchers = 1 Killer
1 Moon Warrior 1 Druid of The Talon 1 Wisp = 1 Thunder Shaman
Chapter 7:
4 Treant Fighter = 1 Treant Expert Fighter

General Hotfix
Fixed the Life Nexus bug, now you can save and load and it will works.
Added 300 Hit points to Royal Guards and removed their Mana.
Shandris don't cost 5 Food.
Moon Warriors costs now 2 Food

The_Silent, kola, Sin'dorei300, Unknown102,Yours Truly,Direfury, Null, communist_orc, JesusHipster, Himperion,wingednosering,
nightelfbuilder, GooS, Stefan.K, BLazeKraze, Alexen, JollyD, Sun gate, Retera,r.ace613,Darkfang, Marcos DAB,JollyD, Vinz,Vensedouh
Lelling,Jozz, bigapple90,Scias,Maxwell,67chrome,Sellenisko,Explobomb,Sellenisko,Ceterai,StonemaulMidget,Artork312,Ginufe,PeeKay, the panda,Chucky
Ujimasa Hojo, morbent,-Grendel, UgoUgo,morbent, doom_sheep,Hellx-Magnus,kola,Naze,CRAZYRUSSIAN,Hexus,Remixer,Wildfire,AlienAtSystem,lion man,Alexen
-Grendel,WyrWuulfe, Stefan.K, nightelfbuilder,kangyun,Sun gate,Scias, zbc,Blood Raven,Misha,Eagle XI,zerotul,Pharaoh, PeeKay,Jozz,~Nightmare
Edge45,Legal_Ease,Windrunner29, morbent,Redsteel1,Murlocologist,Banzay89,Hellx-Magnus,Nudl9,Ujimasa Hojo,BLazeKraze,Yours Truly,SkriK,HappyTauren,kangyun
Deamonic Sword,NFWar,Alexen,Mr.Goblin,BLazeKraze,-ToasT,San,Destination9747,Kyzerdrood32,Lordan12,Fuzzyfury,Sellenisko,Dargoth,Alethos,Paladon, bu3ny
Sometimes Loading a game will make the game crash.

Act V: Eternity's End (Campaign)

Shandris could use glow. Either find a custom model or use this: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling Superior Archer doesn't seem like anything special but a buffed up Archer and it doesn't even have the ability to ride the Hippogryph. You can...
Level 6
May 14, 2016
Hello, on the first mission when you destroy the enemy base the quest doesn't get completed unless you use "allyourbasearebelongtous" (since that was originally implemented by Blizzard) and you're stuck in that map. Make sure you have set up the proper triggers.

Shandri's Night Warrior ability doesn't do anything
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Level 24
Dec 24, 2019
Hello, on the first mission when you destroy the enemy base the quest doesn't get completed unless you use "allyourbasearebelongtous" (since that was originally implemented by Blizzard) and you're stuck in that map. Make sure you have set up the proper triggers.

Shandri's Night Warrior ability doesn't do anything
Not true for me, I just played the first mission and if it is completed by destroying the base, did you do the first mission of build the base or did you attack with whosyourdaddy? Because it may have been that.

The error that I did find was that the Forest Spirits do not collect gold, or at least they did not leave me, only wood.

this campaign is full absurd, where orcs get ogrons during the RoC? they exist only in draenor! Non canonic must say.
The fact that it is not canonical does not make it absurd, if you do not like something you say it with respect, but you do not come to say that it is absurd. There are people who spend many hours creating content and the least they deserve is that the criticism of said content is made with the respect that any person deserves.

And if not, you open the World Editor and do it yourself to make it perfect.
Level 6
May 14, 2016
Not true for me, I just played the first mission and if it is completed by destroying the base, did you do the first mission of build the base or did you attack with whosyourdaddy? Because it may have been that.

The error that I did find was that the Forest Spirits do not collect gold, or at least they did not leave me, only wood.

I started attacking the base before the first quest was completed but I did destroy the base after that quest was completed, so it may have been a conflict with triggers for me attacking before completing quest earlier.
Level 9
Oct 20, 2021
Not true for me, I just played the first mission and if it is completed by destroying the base, did you do the first mission of build the base or did you attack with whosyourdaddy? Because it may have been that.

The error that I did find was that the Forest Spirits do not collect gold, or at least they did not leave me, only wood.

The fact that it is not canonical does not make it absurd, if you do not like something you say it with respect, but you do not come to say that it is absurd. There are people who spend many hours creating content and the least they deserve is that the criticism of said content is made with the respect that any person deserves.

And if not, you open the World Editor and do it yourself to make it perfect.
this is just little changed original blizzard campaign i dont think what it takes a lot time to change some gameplay aspects. I say what what i respect people who make your own campaigns with non-standart plot but I don't understand those who feed everyone with remakes are there really so few of them on the Hive?
Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
Hello, on the first mission when you destroy the enemy base the quest doesn't get completed unless you use "allyourbasearebelongtous" (since that was originally implemented by Blizzard) and you're stuck in that map. Make sure you have set up the proper triggers.

Shandri's Night Warrior ability doesn't do anything
wich difficulty you played? i've tested it today and everything worked, pretty strange, will also check night warrior
this campaign is full absurd, where orcs get ogrons during the RoC? they exist only in draenor! Non canonic must say.
i focus more on the gameplay aspect, you will easily find non canonic stuff, nothing too absurd
Not true for me, I just played the first mission and if it is completed by destroying the base, did you do the first mission of build the base or did you attack with whosyourdaddy? Because it may have been that.

The error that I did find was that the Forest Spirits do not collect gold, or at least they did not leave me, only wood.

The fact that it is not canonical does not make it absurd, if you do not like something you say it with respect, but you do not come to say that it is absurd. There are people who spend many hours creating content and the least they deserve is that the criticism of said content is made with the respect that any person deserves.

And if not, you open the World Editor and do it yourself to make it perfect.
the forest spirit should not collect gold, its on purpose :D, just because i wanted to let them at least collect wood.
I started attacking the base before the first quest was completed but I did destroy the base after that quest was completed, so it may have been a conflict with triggers for me attacking before completing quest earlier.
i will check it.
this is just little changed original blizzard campaign i dont think what it takes a lot time to change some gameplay aspects. I say what what i respect people who make your own campaigns with non-standart plot but I don't understand those who feed everyone with remakes are there really so few of them on the Hive?
personally, i don't care much about it, i focus on the FUN aspect of the campaign, i mean c'mon, who cares if the Ogron wasn't used by Orcs in Roc, i made them in Invasion of Kalimdor, so i used them in Eternity End
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
playing first mission on nightmare and every time Tyrande hits a enemy I see Tes on the left hand side (think its only when using searing arrows but not sure)
Also night warrior is active for me during the night
Level 6
May 14, 2016
My apologies, night warrior wasn't working for me in the 2nd mission but then it started working on the next ones
Level 4
Jan 25, 2022
May i ask you if we play night elf campaign in nightmare mode when our unit killed by the undead or the legion it will resurrected to become enemy troop or not because only one thing that i don't like in human campaign nightmare mode because when your unit killed by the undead it will resurrected as undead unit that mean arthas can resurrected only murloc and spider because your army corpse resurrected into enemy troop and you can use only hero , tower , and sniper to defend your base until your troop and upgrade is ready to attack undead base
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Level 1
Jan 20, 2022
there have some error about the balista on mission 2, the balista can't hit trees and the hidden item behind the trees are unable to be claimed


  • image_2022-01-25_100913.png
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Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
In the Life Nexus it displays Watcher + ancient wisp = Dark Disple but unit says Dark Protector
Nightmare item - Magnificent Crystal is it supposed to hit buildings?
nice dialogue in chapter 5 you know the one.
champion archers cant mount hippogryph
Enraged water elemental does not have frenzy on auto cast when you can use it.
Level 2
Dec 31, 2021
How can chapter 3 nightmare be possible? You get attacked at 3 fronts with towers being completely useless while you also have a timer of trees. Maybe I'm just a noob and the level is actually pretty easy for others but damn that level is way too hard for me.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
playing first mission on nightmare and every time Tyrande hits a enemy I see Tes on the left hand side (think its only when using searing arrows but not sure)
Also night warrior is active for me during the night
I left the debug... Fixed xD.
My apologies, night warrior wasn't working for me in the 2nd mission but then it started working on the next ones
I tried it and it works for me, if you have more troubles with night warrior tell me please, its a pretty annoying passive
May i ask you if we play night elf campaign in nightmare mode when our unit killed by the undead or the legion it will resurrected to become enemy troop or not because only one thing that i don't like in human campaign nightmare mode is
when your unit killed by the undead it will resurrected as undead unit that mean arthas can resurrected only murloc and spider because your army corpse resurrected into enemy troop and you can use only hero , tower , and sniper to defend your base until your troop and upgrade is ready to attack undead base
You mean Grave Hand? I decided to not put it in this campaign because you fight not only the undead, also because it would load more the campaign, its already 76 MB when the original one was like 16MB xD
there have some error about the balista on mission 2, the balista can't hit trees and the hidden item behind the trees are unable to be claimed
you can attack trees one by one, anyway i fixed the area target
In the Life Nexus it displays Watcher + ancient wisp = Dark Disple but unit says Dark Protector
Nightmare item - Magnificent Crystal is it supposed to hit buildings?
nice dialogue in chapter 5 you know the one.
champion archers cant mount hippogryph
Enraged water elemental does not have frenzy on auto cast when you can use it.
Wow i didn't notice the change of names, anyway fixed it.
Magnificient Crystal is supposed to hit buildings, yes
I wanted to put a little easter egg xD
Its normal that champion Archers cannot mount hippogryphs, i removed that feature
The Life Nexus keeps bugging out on the first mission even after I types /fix.
Can you tell me EXACTLY what you do to bug it?
Chapter 3 can't play
Check the version
Level 1
Sep 4, 2021
Can anyone please provide me the links for the previous Acts for this campaign? I would love to play the rest, i love it a lot!!
Level 4
Jan 25, 2022
I left the debug... Fixed xD.

I tried it and it works for me, if you have more troubles with night warrior tell me please, its a pretty annoying passive

You mean Grave Hand? I decided to not put it in this campaign because you fight not only the undead, also because it would load more the campaign, its already 76 MB when the original one was like 16MB xD

you can attack trees one by one, anyway i fixed the area target

Wow i didn't notice the change of names, anyway fixed it.
Magnificient Crystal is supposed to hit buildings, yes
I wanted to put a little easter egg xD
Its normal that champion Archers cannot mount hippogryphs, i removed that feature

Can you tell me EXACTLY what you do to bug it?

Check the version
Level 6
May 14, 2016
I tried it and it works for me, if you have more troubles with night warrior tell me please, its a pretty annoying passive
Sem Título.png

See here for example, it's night time and night warrior isn't turned on. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't, it is very inconsistent.
Same thing for "Life Nexus" building, on one mission it works fine then on another mission you can't fuse any units and the /fix command doesn't fix anything.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
How can chapter 3 nightmare be possible? You get attacked at 3 fronts with towers being completely useless while you also have a timer of trees. Maybe I'm just a noob and the level is actually pretty easy for others but damn that level is way too hard for me.
Its called 'Nightmare' for a reason xD, i mean, for someone is easy even nightmare, i don't know what kind of beast they are but its seems i need to create an HELL difficulty xD, anyway chapter 3 is possible, remember to use the Nightmare units and upgrades, otherwise it will be nearly impossible
Can anyone please provide me the links for the previous Acts for this campaign? I would love to play the rest, i love it a lot!!
Just check my profile and my resources
View attachment 393967

See here for example, it's night time and night warrior isn't turned on. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't, it is very inconsistent.
Same thing for "Life Nexus" building, on one mission it works fine then on another mission you can't fuse any units and the /fix command doesn't fix anything.
Maybe i know why here it doesn't work, anyway for the life nexus i'll try to fix it, are you playing the correct version? because i HEAVILY tested the life nexus and everything worked fine
Finished this campaign, though I forgot to record the last level (I thought I am going to just playtest and see what happens so I can plan better, but apparently I just lucked myself REALLY HARD). I am at the moment, regretting my choice to not record.

It is possible to kill Archimonde even at Jaina's base (after he charges). I only spam Chimaera and Punisher as key defense unit (and rush tech), build an aura structure, and then another Power to spam Treant. Added Champion Archer to hasten the whole killing spree. I understand that Archimonde's charge signals the change of base timer, but about that ...

Also, the game suffers from lagging in this particular chapter due to massive usage of Devotion (I spam the Rejuvenation in particular, since it helps me handle healing with ease).
what are the nightmare contraprions? xD
I think he meant the Clockwerk Horror, if not the Flying Nightmare. It depends on whether we are talking about the first or the second base.


Just curious, did you use TERRY MCDONALD map as a base like older ones? Weird you didn't credit him in this one so I want to confirm.
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Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
Played on 1.31.1

- Hard Difficulty.

Mission 1:

  • Why is Shandris so Sassy? lol
  • The Furblog Chieftain doesn't leave his post after you complete the sidequest.
  • Loading a save doesn't let me fuse the huntress and Moon warrior into a watcher. I already had a Huntress inside the the Life Nexus at the time so maybe some error happened there. Though loading a save where she wasn't in the Life Nexus doesn't seem to solve the Problem.
  • Whenever I get attacked or attack the enemy (regardless of what they are) the chat box gets flooded with "tes".
  • Shandris Costs food.
  • I Think this is the first time I've actually used Buildings in my offensive.
  • For Items that require Devotion to Upgrade maybe showcase a way for how much Devotion it needs to Level up.
  • Nature's Blessing is Green instead of an Icon. In Tyrande's Ability.
  • Adrenaline is basically Frenzy. Why not let us Auto-Start it with Right Click?
  • Only 100 Food? Big sad

Mission 2:

  • Shandris "Just kill them all" is missing a Full stop at the end
  • Nature's Blessing isn't Green anymore.
  • Doom "Royale" Guard is spelled wrong.
  • Ballista Can't attack Trees. So I can't get the Strange Amulet.

Mission 3:

  • You can Attack the Graveyard and Kill Tichondrious using the ballista. Or using the Dark Protector's Blink Ability to travel to the left. I attacked the base on the left. I could destroy it but I decided it wasn't worth it.
  • Life Nexus Once Again doesn't work if you load a save.

Mission 4:

  • You are strong enough to destroy the Orc base pretty early on.
  • No one attacks you? Did I mess up by attacking the orc base first?
  • Life Nexus again :(
  • Location of Gargantur and Mjolnir?

Mission 5:

  • That's one odd panda...
  • Even on hard this is... ridiculously easy.
  • You say thats not all the Recipes but how are we supposed to figure out the rest?

Mission 6:

- I was hoping for more secrets here and what not. The map feels a bit empty?

Mission 7:

  • Loading Saves/Restarting crashes Warcraft. Doing it from Main Menu isn't an issue.
  • Low Key hoped we'd control all 3 bases lol. But that would be insane. Yes.
  • Archimonde shows up to beat us up. If you are smart enough you can destroy the bases easily enough.
  • For Jaina and Thrall why not give them a full set of 6 items? Since this is the end game and what not.
  • For Jaina's base do give her another Hero. Like a generic Paladin.
  • Accidently made some sort of Treant monster thing but I don't know How I did that.
  • The New Recipe shown for Stone Treant doesn't work.

Mission 8:

- Unable to Load.


Fantastic Campaign. Thoroughly enjoyed. It breaks my Heart that I've already ended it. Really looking forward to playing Nightmare but I'm hoping you can fix the Life Nexus issue first. Also you mention there are other Recipes but the amount of combinations are endless. At least like give us a hint if you don't want to just fully show us. Tree of Life constantly shows up a back up ability but you cannot buy it since you can't build an Ancient of Wonder. The 4 moon warrior = Royal Guard. The Royal Guard has mana but no abilities to utilize it for?
Level 4
May 12, 2021
nightmare mode heroes die so fast they are not strong especially Shandris.
I want to know if this is right or I am not ready for nightmare mode.
Level 2
Dec 31, 2021
Can you at least provide hints for each new secret because the possibilities are endless and it isn't fun, esp on nightmare.
Level 2
Jan 26, 2022
How can chapter 3 nightmare be possible? You get attacked at 3 fronts with towers being completely useless while you also have a timer of trees. Maybe I'm just a noob and the level is actually pretty easy for others but damn that level is way too hard for me.
I beat it on nightmare difficulty, tho i dont have a screenshot of it but I can share you on how i cheesed it, the first thing you should do is get your dryads and all your troops and just rush into the undead waving incoming, you have to time it and aggro the lich and his lackeys, not all of them just aggro sum then kill it, after that regen on the fountain and wait for the others to return then snipe the dreadlord, it wont be easy but worth it to clear the waves for your glaive throwers, and yes after clearing the remainder, the undead will construct a base, you should put pressure on the enemy till you wait for your siege to sniper tower, At the same time the undead will try to defend but lack the capability because most of them are summoning and not built, hold it until your first glaive arrives, then start sniper it, train troops like archers and huntress as well to keep the pressure on. Last thing, the lich and dreadlord will be ressurected, kill them and the altar. After clearing the base. The enemies wont bother you anymore, from the bottom left and flyers from the East. You can take your time building in your new base where the previous undead and orc stayed. Hope it helps!

Oh at chapter 4, it will be very hard, I'm finding ways on how to cheese it because it's very hard. I suggest you destroy the Orc base and yes it's accessvble, managed to do that, but the humans and undead keeps attacking you so be careful.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
Finished this campaign, though I forgot to record the last level (I thought I am going to just playtest and see what happens so I can plan better, but apparently I just lucked myself REALLY HARD). I am at the moment, regretting my choice to not record.

It is possible to kill Archimonde even at Jaina's base (after he charges). I only spam Chimaera and Punisher as key defense unit (and rush tech), build an aura structure, and then another Power to spam Treant. Added Champion Archer to hasten the whole killing spree. I understand that Archimonde's charge signals the change of base timer, but about that ...

Also, the game suffers from lagging in this particular chapter due to massive usage of Devotion (I spam the Rejuvenation in particular, since it helps me handle healing with ease).
ahh, i thought the lag was for the runes, for that chapter i created a limit for the runes to spawn, seems like it wasn't it... i don't think the problem is the devotion, its just a number that raises and the abilities aren't 'heavy'... i'll check it...
I think he meant the Clockwerk Horror, if not the Flying Nightmare. It depends on whether we are talking about the first or the second base.


Just curious, did you use TERRY MCDONALD map as a base like older ones? Weird you didn't credit him in this one so I want to confirm.
clockwork horror are VERY dangerous, high damage and high armor, spell immunity and your units will attack them only when there's no one left, that's probably because they have fortified armor, the flying nightmares are pretty strong but they don't appear very often in this campaign, Also i didn't credit TERRY just because i don't think is necessesary, i used his campaign but there's no trace of his work, maybe a little terrain modification, anyway i thinks he's gone, if he wants i can credit him, np
Played on 1.31.1

- Hard Difficulty.

Mission 1:

  • Why is Shandris so Sassy? lol
  • The Furblog Chieftain doesn't leave his post after you complete the sidequest.
  • Loading a save doesn't let me fuse the huntress and Moon warrior into a watcher. I already had a Huntress inside the the Life Nexus at the time so maybe some error happened there. Though loading a save where she wasn't in the Life Nexus doesn't seem to solve the Problem.
  • Whenever I get attacked or attack the enemy (regardless of what they are) the chat box gets flooded with "tes".
  • Shandris Costs food.
  • I Think this is the first time I've actually used Buildings in my offensive.
  • For Items that require Devotion to Upgrade maybe showcase a way for how much Devotion it needs to Level up.
  • Nature's Blessing is Green instead of an Icon. In Tyrande's Ability.
  • Adrenaline is basically Frenzy. Why not let us Auto-Start it with Right Click?
  • Only 100 Food? Big sad

Mission 2:

  • Shandris "Just kill them all" is missing a Full stop at the end
  • Nature's Blessing isn't Green anymore.
  • Doom "Royale" Guard is spelled wrong.
  • Ballista Can't attack Trees. So I can't get the Strange Amulet.

Mission 3:

  • You can Attack the Graveyard and Kill Tichondrious using the ballista. Or using the Dark Protector's Blink Ability to travel to the left. I attacked the base on the left. I could destroy it but I decided it wasn't worth it.
  • Life Nexus Once Again doesn't work if you load a save.

Mission 4:

  • You are strong enough to destroy the Orc base pretty early on.
  • No one attacks you? Did I mess up by attacking the orc base first?
  • Life Nexus again :(
  • Location of Gargantur and Mjolnir?

Mission 5:

  • That's one odd panda...
  • Even on hard this is... ridiculously easy.
  • You say thats not all the Recipes but how are we supposed to figure out the rest?

Mission 6:

- I was hoping for more secrets here and what not. The map feels a bit empty?

Mission 7:

  • Loading Saves/Restarting crashes Warcraft. Doing it from Main Menu isn't an issue.
  • Low Key hoped we'd control all 3 bases lol. But that would be insane. Yes.
  • Archimonde shows up to beat us up. If you are smart enough you can destroy the bases easily enough.
  • For Jaina and Thrall why not give them a full set of 6 items? Since this is the end game and what not.
  • For Jaina's base do give her another Hero. Like a generic Paladin.
  • Accidently made some sort of Treant monster thing but I don't know How I did that.
  • The New Recipe shown for Stone Treant doesn't work.

Mission 8:

- Unable to Load.


Fantastic Campaign. Thoroughly enjoyed. It breaks my Heart that I've already ended it. Really looking forward to playing Nightmare but I'm hoping you can fix the Life Nexus issue first. Also you mention there are other Recipes but the amount of combinations are endless. At least like give us a hint if you don't want to just fully show us. Tree of Life constantly shows up a back up ability but you cannot buy it since you can't build an Ancient of Wonder. The 4 moon warrior = Royal Guard. The Royal Guard has mana but no abilities to utilize it for?
ok i have to fix this life nexus, maybe its when you save that it bugs. I've already removed the 'tes'
Adrenaline is not frenzy because Shandris takes more damage, its Berserk
already fixed the green icon
I decided to try with 100 food because i felt like the 'Strategy' aspect of the game was gone with more than 100 food... dunno if its the right choice onestly.
Fixed the ballsitas
I'll make Thicondrius, the ghouls and the graveyard invincible xD
in chapter 4 The orcs attack always you, the undead and human sometimes you and sometimes each other, just to make it easyer
The gargantuar and Mjolnir are in purple, that means you can obtain them only in nightmare, You have to finish chapter 3 in nightmare to unlock the Gargantuar.
On mission 6 there are a few special monsters that drop some good items, also its full of monster that drop tomes, dunno why it feels empty to you xD
if i give a full set of items to jaina and thrall you could go and beat Sargeras not only Archimonde xD, also i thought about using all the bases but that means A LOT OF WORK, add all units from the human and orc campaign, making the abilities, adding the buttons etc... i'd have an heart attack xD
Dunno how the heck you destroyed the base since Archimonde can spawn a lot of demons. Maybe you made the Treant Expert Fighter, it was a secret unit xD, Also what? the Stone sentinel recipes works for me, maybe its the same problem with the save... i'll make a correction now... Mission 8 was a Terry one's, but i removed it because i didn't like it and it was his. Maybe i messed up the credits... the Royal guard has mana?... I've never noticed it... cool, i'll remove the mana XD Also i always forget to remove the backpack, its incredible how i made all the campaign and totally missed it, guess my eye is used to it...
One last thing... WTF I HAVE TO DO TO DESERVE 5 STARS FROM YOU SHELLSHOOOOOCK!. now my goal in my life is to make you rate 5 star on at least 1 campaign of mine... xD
nightmare mode heroes die so fast they are not strong especially Shandris.
I want to know if this is right or I am not ready for nightmare mode.
Shandris has high damage but less life, it was better if i removed also a bit of armor but nevermind, also be cautious about the Rogues, they kill heroes like flies.
Can you at least provide hints for each new secret because the possibilities are endless and it isn't fun, esp on nightmare.
in chapter 1 and 4 you can find out wich recipe you can do, there are a few secret recipes that i won't tell you because they are 'secret'. also don't think you need them to win in nightmare, i tested the campaign without this units, i'm not dumb, they are just a little addon, Shellshock has found one, maybe someone will find another. You can also check the triggers and find them if you want, but i repeat, you don't need these secret units to win
One I figured out is 4 Treant Fighter = Stone Sentinel

Have yet to find anything else.
WHAT?! ok i messed up something, i'll release an update soon for fixing this life nexus, sorry about it but its pretty delicate
View attachment 394011
TF happened here? i'll check it
Level 2
Dec 16, 2011
Hey :) This campaign looks very interesting and i'd love to play it but.. I can't :p Been trying to make it work for a while, trying several versions including 1.27b which is the suggested one. None of them work for me. I can start playing but whenever i try to load the savegame it just crashes every time. Any advice?
Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
Hey :) This campaign looks very interesting and i'd love to play it but.. I can't :p Been trying to make it work for a while, trying several versions including 1.27b which is the suggested one. None of them work for me. I can start playing but whenever i try to load the savegame it just crashes every time. Any advice?
For some reason sometimes saved games crash, i'm trying to fix another problem now, always related with the Life nexus, but i'm afraid i won't be able to do it...
Level 2
Dec 16, 2011
Thanks for the quick reply :) I see. Well it seems there's no solution atm for me then, but i'll try again some other time. Thanks again and best of luck fixing the issues :)
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
ahh, i thought the lag was for the runes, for that chapter i created a limit for the runes to spawn, seems like it wasn't it... i don't think the problem is the devotion, its just a number that raises and the abilities aren't 'heavy'... i'll check it...

clockwork horror are VERY dangerous, high damage and high armor, spell immunity and your units will attack them only when there's no one left, that's probably because they have fortified armor, the flying nightmares are pretty strong but they don't appear very often in this campaign, Also i didn't credit TERRY just because i don't think is necessesary, i used his campaign but there's no trace of his work, maybe a little terrain modification, anyway i thinks he's gone, if he wants i can credit him, np

ok i have to fix this life nexus, maybe its when you save that it bugs. I've already removed the 'tes'
Adrenaline is not frenzy because Shandris takes more damage, its Berserk
already fixed the green icon
I decided to try with 100 food because i felt like the 'Strategy' aspect of the game was gone with more than 100 food... dunno if its the right choice onestly.
Fixed the ballsitas
I'll make Thicondrius, the ghouls and the graveyard invincible xD
in chapter 4 The orcs attack always you, the undead and human sometimes you and sometimes each other, just to make it easyer
The gargantuar and Mjolnir are in purple, that means you can obtain them only in nightmare, You have to finish chapter 3 in nightmare to unlock the Gargantuar.
On mission 6 there are a few special monsters that drop some good items, also its full of monster that drop tomes, dunno why it feels empty to you xD
if i give a full set of items to jaina and thrall you could go and beat Sargeras not only Archimonde xD, also i thought about using all the bases but that means A LOT OF WORK, add all units from the human and orc campaign, making the abilities, adding the buttons etc... i'd have an heart attack xD
Dunno how the heck you destroyed the base since Archimonde can spawn a lot of demons. Maybe you made the Treant Expert Fighter, it was a secret unit xD, Also what? the Stone sentinel recipes works for me, maybe its the same problem with the save... i'll make a correction now... Mission 8 was a Terry one's, but i removed it because i didn't like it and it was his. Maybe i messed up the credits... the Royal guard has mana?... I've never noticed it... cool, i'll remove the mana XD Also i always forget to remove the backpack, its incredible how i made all the campaign and totally missed it, guess my eye is used to it...
One last thing... WTF I HAVE TO DO TO DESERVE 5 STARS FROM YOU SHELLSHOOOOOCK!. now my goal in my life is to make you rate 5 star on at least 1 campaign of mine... xD

Shandris has high damage but less life, it was better if i removed also a bit of armor but nevermind, also be cautious about the Rogues, they kill heroes like flies.

in chapter 1 and 4 you can find out wich recipe you can do, there are a few secret recipes that i won't tell you because they are 'secret'. also don't think you need them to win in nightmare, i tested the campaign without this units, i'm not dumb, they are just a little addon, Shellshock has found one, maybe someone will find another. You can also check the triggers and find them if you want, but i repeat, you don't need these secret units to win

WHAT?! ok i messed up something, i'll release an update soon for fixing this life nexus, sorry about it but its pretty delicate

TF happened here? i'll check it
I don't think you should make Tichondrius invincible but Divine Armor is enough. As well as us getting attacked by the air by the undead (in the Nightmare difficulty if that isn't already the case). I still want to see if I can kill Tichondrius. Purely for Flexing purposes.

On Mission 6 I think you should all of them have bases instead of just units. Like Tichondrius has a base/ The Demon gate has a base etc etc.

I also wanna add that I really liked the differences you've made in this campaign. Like this doesn't feel like an orc campaign reskinned with Night Elf. It feels like something Completly new.
Level 1
Aug 19, 2021
Hey man, first of all thank you for this amazing campaign, at the moment i am playing the last mission and it was very fun.
Besides that i dont unterstand your "Acts", where i can download Act 1 - 4 ? You only have 4 campaigns and the only one with a act prefix is the orc campaign