So I settled down and thought about some new things that you can use on your camping.So you ready??!!!Here goes
Bulldings section:
To me the rogue buildings were rushed and lacked originality.
1.Main building:For a human society to have a oversized centaur tent as a main bulding its kinda weird.Imo you could have used a Town market model as a main building just make it bigger and make it darker and name it City hall or whatever pops in your head.
2.Farms:IMO it would have been better if you used the human farm model or just keep the existing one
3.Barracks:A mercenary camp model would be much more fitting
4.Deffensive towers:Here i would suggest to shift the roles,Font towers should become Boulder towers(whith sige damage) and as for replacment for them just use the casual human scouting tower model.
5.Lumbermill/Blacksmith:This is kinda hard sinc i dont know if you are capable of doing it this,a modyfied human GrainWarhouse that has a pieace of wood popping out of it could be interesting It works as a place to drop lumber and do upgrades for the army
6.Spellcaster Unite building:Hmm...Arcane Observatory a littel bit smaller than the standart model
Unite Section:
Rogues only unites were FootMan and Spearthrowers
1.Cavalery:Use the Bandit Lord unite,just remove his ablitys and rename him to Rogue Rider as well as add the animal war traning upgrade
2.Spellcasters:As supportive unites Use the emissary model rename it to Rogue Cleric or just Clreic for ablitys healing hand,Absorb magice and Frost armour
Agressiv spellcaster unites use the Hydromancer model,for ablitys Blizzard,Sea Element summon(the one that has bash as passive) and Water wave.
7.Sige unites:Use the warcraft 3 regin of chaos orcish katapult model
Building upgrades section:
Barracks:It has defens upgrade,Blaistic upgrade and animal war training upgrade.Spwans FootMan unites,JavalinThrower unites,Cavalary Unites and Sige unites
Lumbermill/Blacksmith:It has Lumber Harvesting upgrade and Masonry(the one that improves the building armour) upgrade.As for army upgrades use the orc model and icons it fits perfectly
Arcane Observatory:Has the adept and master upgrades for both spellcaster unites Spwans Clerics/Rogue Clerics and Hydromancers
CityHall:It has the upgrades to City Keep and City Cathedral.Spwans Slaves.