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Escape System v2.0 [eleljrk]

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Now everything is changed! From a simple slide system, its a ESCAPE SYSTEM. Where you can create a whole game out from this little system!

Read the following if you are intressted!

Escape System:

Version 1.0
by eleljrk

- First Release

Version 1.1
by eleljrk

- Fixed unit group bug.
- Removed "set unit" trigger and added a more precise system in the setup!
- Fixed everything this was rejected for!

I hope this will please the HiveWorkShop moderators!

Version 1.2
by eleljrk

- Removed some "leak" or "unefective" actions.
- Removed "turn around" chose.
- Added Dark Ice as none moving ice!
- Improved most of the triggers!

Version 1.3
by eleljrk

- Renamed the project from "Slide and Ice - System" to "Escape System"!
- Added damage tiles.
- Added death tiles.
- Added revive points / units.
- Fixed and improved setup and added settings trigger.

Enjoy the new system! A whole new concept!

Version 1.4
by eleljrk

- Added killer units. (Units that kill when you get close)

Version 1.5
by eleljrk

- Added Locust to units. (killers)
- Removed "No Move slide" trigger and moved the actions to "Slide"
- Set the time to 0.03 instead of 0.05 / Changed normal slide speed
- Added special effect to Damage!
- Added this short thanks to:
- - - * Aspard - Not for so much, but for beeing there.. O.,o
- - - * IaMfReNcH - For his great ideas! Thanks alot :D

Version 1.6
by hell gate

- Fixed alot of Leaks. Around 10-20!

Comment from eleljrk:
- Thanks alot man, good job and much more smoothe and stable! (OBS: And harder, units moves a bit faster)

Version 1.7
by eleljrk

- Removed some sence of lagg.
- Fixed some leak.
- Damage tiles is now cooler, and does more damage!

Enjoy my FINAL release!

(Where is 1.8 and 1.9?? :s)

Version 2.0
by eleljrk

- Rewrited the whole code / GUI
- Fixed everything that was uneffective
- Removed some leaks
- Added Mirror Slide

Lets hope that this is the final release.. lol

NEW - Image from this version:

And then back to the old!

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

All the following can simple be changed in the Setup trigger! Everything can be changed there! Even which type of tile you want to slide on, or die on!

Remember, this is made so you can edit everything inside the Setup, so you don't need to change every trigger at each game update!

Read everything, its shorter then it looks like!!

On the slide tile, you can slide around. This is a "skill" thing. You have to do difficult swings, and moves. And have to go dangerous places with no protection! This is maybe the best thing with this system!

Same thing as Slide tile. But, you cant move! NOT AT ALL! You are stuck in the set direction to victory or death! So be precise before doing anything.. Stupid..

Makes the unit go 180 degrees away from where you want him to go, this makes him to go in 100% wrong direction, and makes a mirror. Good at making maps harder!

If you move on the Death tile, you will instantly die! You cant do anything else. This is placed around the map, to make it difficult. Else its just fun!

Do not block the way with this tile, you cant get trough!

This tile takes some damage every second from the unit on it. This is uses so people not are gonna camp, but are moving. Because, you die after a while!

If you come close the the Circle of Power unit, all your dead team-mates will come alive! Also all not-dead heroes will come to the position of the circle of power! Use this around on the map, after hard spots and places!

OBS: You have to add each of this units MANUALLY in the Setup Trigger. You cant create a Revive Unit in the middle of the game!

This is the unit groups that kills nearby HEROES.
Another point why you have to set your "runners" or "escaper's" to heroes. Else it wont work properly!
- You can set their movement distance, only one distance each unit type. But you can add 1000 unit groups! (Or maybe more..?) So enjoy! :D

This is MUI, wich means it works for many units / heroes at the same time!
When you have entered the correct data for SS Setups you can do this things:
- Slide
- Mirror Slide
- Dont move slide
- Poison / Damage on tile
- Die / Kill on tile
- Make enemy units kill you by tuch
- Just move without anything extra
- Making mazes and hard maps to complete

With all this stuff you can make something like the popular game called "Polar Escape".
This is not the system used there, this is made by me for helping you!

This works like this:
- Unit entering a SETUPED tile can slide / damage / die by using the "SS TheSystem"
trigger, wich does everything with the sliding unit. You dont need to add the unit to
a special group, the system does it by itself.. (Only heroes will be added, but all
heroes in the map will be added)
You can add killing units / creeps that will kill the slider / hero when the slider /
hero is to close to him. You can set direction in WE (World Editor) by making it face
thedirection you want. In the "Object Editor" you can create new creeps / units and add
them to the map by setting them up in the "SS Setups" trigger. One unit-type can only
move one distance! So for different distances you need new units / creeps. You also
need to add the Maximum number of "Killer Units / Creeps". Else the creeps / units not
in the count, wont move. And will just stand and watch the game.

When you enter the setuped unit for Respawn, all dead heroes / sliders and the current
alive will be moced / rescurected on the unit that made to the respawn unit. This is
very simple, and you can add some cool custom text if you check the "SS Respawn"
trigger! I hope you will enjoy that!

There is some UnEnabled triggers, witch alows you to do some extra stuff. I wont make
any big documentation for them. But its a short text at the "Trigger Comment".

Hope you enjoyed reading this!

This is a simple and easy version of Escape Maker. The current map is just to show what this can do! You can add own triggers (of course..) and even more obvious, own terrain! You can use this system to make a whole game!

You don't need to reed this if you know how to import Triggers to your own map!
So here is the 5 points you have to follow if you want this system for your map:

1.) Find the "Escape System" folder and copy it to your Clipboard (Just Copy it by
pressing CTRL + C (Control + C)

2.) Open your own map, and hit File tab on the menu. Then go to Preferences -> General

3.) Check / Mark or turn on "Automatically create unknown variables while pasting trigger
data" Then click / press / hit "OK".

4.) Open your Trigger Editor, and Paste the Folder "Escape System" there. You can do that
by pressing CTRL + V (Control + V)

5.) Open the SS Setup Trigger and edit it to your like, and if there are any "Unenabled
Triggers" you have to enable them, oftest its a small bug caused if a action "Trigger
turn off / on / run" is in the trigger. Just open the action and click OK.

Now you should have a working "Escape System" on your map! Don't forget to give credits
and enjoy this system! :)

If you use this system, remember to add my name in the credits!
Enjoy my friends of HiveWorkShop.com

Thanks to:
Well, Hell Gate for learning me some stuff of leak.
Ralle for HiveWorkShop and his tutorials.
KingofCakes for making me write this new version.
Aspard should not be here.. But he deserve it becouse of all help, rep and.. beeing here!
IaMfReNcH for his great ideas, and much help!

And also a few more persons, that knows they are in this list, but not writed down! :D


Slide, Ice, System, Escape, Build, Game, Run, Poison, Funny, Killers, Units, Final, Release

Slide System (Map)

16:14, 24th Sep 2009 Hanky: This will be useful for GUI users who don't know how to make the main triggers for a slide escape. The system isn't perfect yet but still helpful for some people. If you could add some more documentation about "how the...

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16:14, 24th Sep 2009
This will be useful for GUI users who don't know how to make the main triggers for a slide escape. The system isn't perfect yet but still helpful for some people. If you could add some more documentation about "how the system work" etc. it would be even more handy for some people.

How I already said I'll rate this "useful" since maybe some people need something like this.
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Looks like a fail for me. Unstoppable sliding, presetting every unit to the system, using Integer A, pausing units every 0.05 seconds, they are unable to cast or attack, but can be easily damaged. You even know 1 possible bug, but still uploades the system here, lol >< Rule violation, huh?

For me sliding system should be like non-leakin and non-lagging ice, on which I will just have my unit really sliding, which means he will be able to cast and attack, won't be paused, but has a bigger speed with fading on coming to the target position of an issued order and sliding a bit further than it. <-- That's sliding, not unstoppable instant moving on units...

EDIT: To Anachron,
Well, where is it? :D
I'm definetily sure, I've already seen one, but didn't manage to find it again to give a link to this guy. :)
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
I have made a slide system with:
No Group used
No Point used
No GUI used.

Its about 1000x better :D
This is not a place to recommand your own systems.. But, you havent uploaded it anyway.. (Not on HiveWorkShop.com at least)

I suggest allowing diffrent speed on diffrent tiles.
Thanks for idea, i will do!

Pausing units every 0.05 seconds, they are unable to cast or attack, but can be easily damaged.
Sliding is not for damaging enemies.. Its basicly for sliding. And you can turn on and off this function in setup!

You even know 1 possible bug, but still uploades the system here, lol >< Rule violation, huh?
What? I dont know about any bugs in this version? I removed all known bugs!

For me sliding system should be like non-leakin and non-lagging ice, on which I will just have my unit really sliding.
Well.. This does not lagg, and i dont see any leaks.. (Im maby a bit new, but i dont, so if you do.. TELL ME)

Which means he will be able to cast and attack, won't be paused, but has a bigger speed with fading on coming to the target position of an issued order and sliding a bit further than it. <-- That's sliding, not unstoppable instant moving on units...
You are able to cast and attack, the "No move" is set to off, you can turn on if you would like to.. It is supose to be unstoppable if im right..? (You stop if you hit something thats not ice)
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
About the possible bug:

Mail me: [email protected] or go to HiveWorkShop.com for questions.

This system is made by: eleljrk
If you use this system, add him as thanks to!

OBS: There is 1 bug, dont select many units and move at same time!

From the map :p

And I can't attack or cast a spell during sliding, because I have a command "Stop" every 0.05 seconds. And btw, Helicopter sliding? ;D
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
Helicopter can't slide... He flyes! ;D

Ok.. ^^

Now, ive updated and added and removed some stuff! :D
Enjoy a improved version!
Version 1.2
by eleljrk

- Removed some "leak" or "unefective" actions.
- Removed "turn around" chose.
- Added Dark Ice as none moving ice!
- Improved most of the triggers!

And sorry.. Ive not added "spell" thing yet..
- And for Anachron
Hehe.. Now your not the only one without points ^^ (I just had points for making it look more simple..)

eleljrk said:
And sorry.. Ive not added "spell" thing yet..
I found out that you can use Paladins - "Divine Shield".
So you can use spells with no channeling / cast time!
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
This systhem is pritty good, but can you make so you don't need to make a stering for evry unit, just make a unit group, then move picked unit bla bla.
And btw change the speed to 10 and the evry time per sec to 0.02 Mutch better slide :D

0.02 is also more lagg.. :/ And it will maby make the spells even more worthless.

About the group, i am working on that, version 1.0 didnt need any of the setups, but it was buged. I will see what i can do for you my lord, as they say.. :con: i think..

Anyway, thanks for the reply!

Pictures added! Enjoy! :grin:
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
It has to do with the units casting point, not the spells casting time.

Why you think so? :)
Its updating (stoping) every 0.5 secound.. That meas, canceling / stoping abilities from beeing casted. I cant see any relation between Casting Point and time.

If you do, tell me. :)

Please give +Rep if you think i desevre.. ;) (As you may see, im a bit poor of reputation)
Rate what you think it worth! And dont have in mind of own / other systems.
Aprove? Reject? Someone? ^^
Level 12
Jun 28, 2008
Why you think so? :)
Its updating (stoping) every 0.5 secound.. That meas, canceling / stoping abilities from beeing casted. I cant see any relation between Casting Point and time.

If you do, tell me. :)

Casting Point isn't a point as in location, it's a factor of the units spell animation. It's the amount of seconds into the animation at which the spell is actually cast.

let's say your system is causing a unit to be stopped every 0.4 second, but that unit has a 0.75 second casting point. That unit will be unable to cast any spells. A unit that has 0.00 second casting point will always be able to cast spells, but that will not look good, as the spell will be cast before the appropriate time in the animation.
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
You see, I like your tenacity and hard-working, but this system should be updated much more... I feel something is missing. And it's very important, but I can't get what definetily. Maybe that's possible usage? ... What will happen, if I can't turn units, but there is a wall in front of me? oO Flying units shouldn't slide... All those problems with attacks and spells... And even more such a sliding isn't realistic, I've already told you, how I imagine REAL sliding, not unstoppable, but to the target point + some additional distance with a high speed at the beggining lowering up to the end...
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Please give +Rep if you think i desevre.. ;) (As you may see, im a bit poor of reputation)
Rate what you think it worth! And dont have in mind of own / other systems.
Aprove? Reject? Someone? ^^

Asking for reputation is as good as asking for trouble. If there is any staff that are as cruel as Mecheon still exist, you would probably receive -6 by now.
Level 6
Jun 4, 2009
0.02 is more lagg. That's true. But it can run with 0.02.

Then, you shall use 0.03 : it's the upper delay with a really smooth movement. 0.05 hurts my eyes. In order to be able to cast, you may use Custom script: call SetUnitX(udg_TMPUNITVAR, udg_TMPREALVAR). Just replace TMPUNITVAR by a temp unit variable name in which you set the unit before calling. Then, replace TMPREALVAR with a real variable name in which you set the X coordinate of the unit. Do the same with SetUnitY.

Then, set movement speed to 0 on ice, so it won't be able to move + slide. Enventually store previous value into an array.
I think setting movement speed to 0 won't prevent to turn. But if it does, it's benefit : on dark ice, you won't need to pause, so it'll be able to cast spells. And to allow turn on other ices, you will only need a trigger that listen to "move" order and gather the target location, then order unit to face loc over 0.00, and it'll do over normal turn speed.

As I remember on previous experiments, what I said should be correct, but since I'm not testing it now, it can be a mistake.
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
Casting Point isn't a point as in location, it's a factor of the units spell animation. It's the amount of seconds into the animation at which the spell is actually cast.

let's say your system is causing a unit to be stopped every 0.4 second, but that unit has a 0.75 second casting point. That unit will be unable to cast any spells. A unit that has 0.00 second casting point will always be able to cast spells, but that will not look good, as the spell will be cast before the appropriate time in the animation.

Thanks for that! I will rememver, maby even try to fix that..!..

You see, I like your tenacity and hard-working, but this system should be updated much more... I feel something is missing. And it's very important, but I can't get what definetily. Maybe that's possible usage? ... What will happen, if I can't turn units, but there is a wall in front of me? oO Flying units shouldn't slide... All those problems with attacks and spells... And even more such a sliding isn't realistic, I've already told you, how I imagine REAL sliding, not unstoppable, but to the target point + some additional distance with a high speed at the beggining lowering up to the end...

Hehe.. Ill see what i can do.
And im not sure yet whats missing.. And i cant feel any.. "Pain" inside me that there is anything.. ^^

Asking for reputation is as good as asking for trouble. If there is any staff that are as cruel as Mecheon still exist, you would probably receive -6 by now.

Ehh.. If i got -6, i would have -5 (But, thanks from a random person i got 2 now!) so -4.. :hohum:

Looks not like direct asking ;P It even has conditions :)

If ( Unit ( Aspard ) ask a question ( stupid ))
explode unit ( asking unit ) and ban him for 10 years

And if you ask where this scripts comes from, its Game Makers 7.0 PRO ^^


0.02 is more lagg. That's true. But it can run with 0.02.

Then, you shall use 0.03 : it's the upper delay with a really smooth movement. 0.05 hurts my eyes. In order to be able to cast, you may use Custom script: call SetUnitX(udg_TMPUNITVAR, udg_TMPREALVAR). Just replace TMPUNITVAR by a temp unit variable name in which you set the unit before calling. Then, replace TMPREALVAR with a real variable name in which you set the X coordinate of the unit. Do the same with SetUnitY.

Then, set movement speed to 0 on ice, so it won't be able to move + slide. Enventually store previous value into an array.
I think setting movement speed to 0 won't prevent to turn. But if it does, it's benefit : on dark ice, you won't need to pause, so it'll be able to cast spells. And to allow turn on other ices, you will only need a trigger that listen to "move" order and gather the target location, then order unit to face loc over 0.00, and it'll do over normal turn speed.

As I remember on previous experiments, what I said should be correct, but since I'm not testing it now, it can be a mistake.

I didnt understand much of this.. :/
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
What? I didn't ask any stupid questions =\

No, you didnt, i just joked.


Version 1.3
by eleljrk

- Renamed the project from "Slide and Ice - System" to "Escape System"!
- Added damage tiles.
- Added death tiles.
- Added revive points / units.
- Fixed and improved setup and added settings trigger.

Enjoy the new system! A whole new concept!

Download it and test it out NOW! Check out the Pictures!


NEW UPDATE.. omg, same reply! O.,o

Version 1.4
by eleljrk

- Added killer units. (Units that kill when you get close)

Enjoy this new units! This is very flexible. :O
Last edited:
Level 6
Jun 4, 2009
well, 0.03 is the upper value an escape maker can use. It's the highest delay with a smooth movement. So never put value higher than 0.03. It currently hurts my eyes.
Then, you wont need to pause on darkice, because the unit won't be able to turn with such a delay. To allow turning, just do it via another trigger handling move order and use the action Set unit face to loc 0.00 (and avoid leak here).

Then, why didn't you added locust to your creeps ?
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
well, 0.03 is the upper value an escape maker can use. It's the highest delay with a smooth movement. So never put value higher than 0.03. It currently hurts my eyes.

Mhmm.. Intressting idea, ive had a person with 0.02, but i think that would be to laggy.. And 0.03, well.. With to many triggers, and to big map, its gonna be laggy. But ok, persons with bad computers is behind this generation.. I think..

Then, you wont need to pause on darkice, because the unit won't be able to turn with such a delay. To allow turning, just do it via another trigger handling move order and use the action Set unit face to loc 0.00 (and avoid leak here).

I allready have a trigger for turning around. And thanks for the idea. :)

Then, why didn't you added locust to your creeps ?

What is locust?.. Hmm...
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
From my experience, talking about "Locust" mean talking about "Aloc" ability (That's a Raw Code of the Anub'Araks little-minions which are spawned during his ultimate) and this is made to make units unpickable. ;) Combining it with neutral invulnerability we can get perfect dummy unit - uncontrollable, unpickable and immune. That's the way we all here do it. :p
Level 6
Jun 4, 2009
then, for the SetUnitX and SetUnitY, they are JASS functions that allow you unit moving (like Move unit to loc), but without a stop order, so it can use target casts. (but then, you'll have to set movement to 0 on ice, because the unit are still able to move.)

  • Set temploc = point with polar offset
  • Set tempreal = X coord of loc temploc
  • Set tempunit = unit beeing computed
  • Custom script: call SetUnitX(udg_tempunit, udg_tempreal)
  • Set tempreal = Y coord of loc temploc
  • Custom script: call SetUnitY(udg_tempunit, udg_tempreal)
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
then, for the SetUnitX and SetUnitY, they are JASS functions that allow you unit moving (like Move unit to loc), but without a stop order, so it can use target casts. (but then, you'll have to set movement to 0 on ice, because the unit are still able to move.)

  • Set temploc = point with polar offset
  • Set tempreal = X coord of loc temploc
  • Set tempunit = unit beeing computed
  • Custom script: call SetUnitX(udg_tempunit, udg_tempreal)
  • Set tempreal = Y coord of loc temploc
  • Custom script: call SetUnitY(udg_tempunit, udg_tempreal)

If i think over it, it is awsome. But right now, when im not thinking over it, its a bit.. To much.

Can you give a better "description"?

and now, what everybody have waited for.. (Yah..):

Version 1.5
by eleljrk

- Added Locust to units. (killers)
- Removed "No Move slide" trigger and moved the actions to "Slide"
- Set the time to 0.03 instead of 0.05 / Changed normal slide speed
- Added special effect to Damage!
- Added this short thanks to:
- - - * Aspard - Not for so much, but for beeing there.. O.,o
- - - * IaMfReNcH - For his great ideas! Thanks alot :D


The slide systhem still looks like your geting teleported forword insted of realy slide, Change the speed of the evrytime triggering to 0.02 and the speed to 15, Mutch better slide, and I son't see how it laggs.

Funny.. Didnt update it before now, so why should it be any change?
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009

Version 1.6
by hell gate

- Fixed alot of Leaks. Around 10-20!

Comment from eleljrk:
- Thanks alot man, good job and much more smoothe and stable! (OBS: And harder, units moves a bit faster)


All thanks goes to Hell Gate for a more smoothe and stable version of: Escape System!
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Testmap needs to be improved. It's nearly impossible to pass through the first two waves of blue units and this makes impossible to escape from the starting square surrounded by lava. ;)

Also you should think off a better testing system in case of heroes. Make one hero so, that it's revived instatntly at the beggining! Otherwise, we have to reload the map every four unsuccessful tryes :D

Otherwise, there are impressive! advance since the first time you've uploaded this system! Good job.
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
Ive made trought the map, so it IS possible.
At the end its barrels, trees and gates just to see how the system works with collisions.

About that with "Dying units revive". Im gonna do like Polar Escape.
( Creates a Circle of Power when unit dies )

Right now im working on Battle for Honor, so it have to wait a bit.

- Anything else?


Version 1.7
by eleljrk

- Removed some sence of lagg.
- Fixed some leak.
- Damage tiles is now cooler, and does more damage!

Enjoy my FINAL release!
Last edited:
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
You could also make the wind walk work so it ignores collision and you dont die... But I can only think of disabling collision trigger for Wind walk duration for one player but that would be good if you had only one unit.

Thats simple to add.

Here is an example:
  • WindWalk
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Wind Walk
    • Actions
      • Set integer_windwalk = (integer_windwalk + 1)
      • Set Boolean_use_windwalk[integer_windwalk] = True
And then just add the boolean to the "Killer" trigger. Use an IF and a "For Integer.. bla..bla.. LOOP" and a set false and then whops, it works.. :)
Level 2
Jun 26, 2007
system sux

you said the same thing about my system. Care to explain your reasoning?

It's not very helpful criticism when you don't explain why..

I do enjoy the system, nothing really wrong with it. It could be better if some triggers were done in JASS, but *most of* the type of people that usually make escapes don't use/know JASS.

Also, using terrain checks usually gives a "tight" path, and a lot of mazers don't like that..
Level 9
Aug 27, 2009
@Arnadath Well, its not my problem what spells you chose to add to your heroes.. Im not gonna create your heroes.
And why does it sux? Cus you dont know anything of GUI and dont understand it?

@nooblet Why should i JASS? I dont even know JASS... -.-
Well, you can create Region death if you want to, but i just have to say.. Gooooood luck! :)