12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: Too long as NeedsFix. Rejected.
23 Jan 2012
Bribe: This looks way, way better from the last time I reviewed your resource, and you added some good new features as well.
The main thing you need to change is the indexing. You use Paladon-esque indexing which only recycles indices after all the units leave combat, so over the course of a battle you will accumulate lots of indices making it dangerous.
I recommend you use the custom value of units provided by UnitIndexer, in combination with arrays, and then pick all units in the "in-combat" group in that "every 1 second" trigger.
You should also only fire the combat event if the damage is greater than 0, and you could also check the "starts ability effect" event and add units to the group if the spell target is an enemy.
Also, please don't advertise in large font.
IcemanBo: Too long as NeedsFix. Rejected.
23 Jan 2012
Bribe: This looks way, way better from the last time I reviewed your resource, and you added some good new features as well.
The main thing you need to change is the indexing. You use Paladon-esque indexing which only recycles indices after all the units leave combat, so over the course of a battle you will accumulate lots of indices making it dangerous.
I recommend you use the custom value of units provided by UnitIndexer, in combination with arrays, and then pick all units in the "in-combat" group in that "every 1 second" trigger.
You should also only fire the combat event if the damage is greater than 0, and you could also check the "starts ability effect" event and add units to the group if the spell target is an enemy.
Also, please don't advertise in large font.