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EmberCraft v1.2b


Hosted by
Developed by

(Dedicated forum & Credits)


About The Map

EmberCraft is a total conversion isometric ARPG. It is heavily influenced by the infamous Torchlight 2 and Diablo 3 as inspiration for the dark atmosphere but takes place in an entirely new world with custom plot and storyline. It features enjoyable monster massacre with challenging and amazing boss fights. It revolves around a cluster of powerful random content generation systems (for item stats, dungeon, shop, etc), to always deliver new experience on each go, and to provide incredible amount of item variations (6,000+ and counting).



The world was once a peaceful place. That's until unidentified beasts began to invade and wreak havoc everywhere. They seemingly appear out of nowhere, as if they came from other reality. After years of calamity with no resolution, a mysterious figure came to us and offered a solution. He claimed to be able to facilitate teleportation across multiple realms. We then called him The Mercenary, for a reason. He avouched that the very same phenomenon is also occurring in other worlds simultaneously and asked for cooperation to resolve the nodus. He then told us everything, about the Netherflame and The False Goddess, the root of this chaos...
Verraje, the false goddess, is a self-proclaimed deity who desires chaos and total destruction. To achieve her ambition, she created the Netherflame, undying dark flame, to disrupt the balance in nature by uncontrollably producing vicious monsters all across the multiverse, creating endless conflicts, with the ultimate goal to wipe out all kind of life form and send everything back to nothingness. After years of struggle, we finally found a way to reach the celestial palace and we started numerous clashes with the goddess. But many strong heroes have fallen under her otherworldly might...
But it was not all in vain. We noticed that the beasts stopped appearing when we were clashing against the goddess. We then speculate that the Netherflame, the once thought eternal and infinite, can be extinguished by defeating the goddess...
Being aware of the struggle, the goddess started to gave birth to some of the most frightening beasts in existence from her own flesh and blood. They guard every gateway to the sacred palace. Since then, no one has ever managed to reach the palace. Those guardian beasts are frighteningly powerful. But we, yet again, speculate that for her to achieve such feat, it must have weakened her in some way. This can be our chance to defeat her and put an end to this centuries-long calamity.

We have lost many times and many lives. But we can not afford to give up after all the sacrifice of our ancestors and many great heroes. We need the bravest warriors like you to continue our struggle and keep fighting in the front line. Our fate, our world's fate, now lies in your hands, warrior.
* the story is still under development.




A melee combatant. Wield a one-hander sword and a shield. They possess immense physical prowess and use brute force to defeat their enemies.




Dark Knight


A ranged combatant, wield a bow to attack targets from long distance. They are a versed hunter and trickster.




Moon Strider

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Play co-op with your friends via LAN or Battle.Net. Declare battles with other players to determine the strongest! The map is balanced for playing in both single player and multi player mode. Keep in mind that save data from single player mode can't be loaded in multi player mode.




The map not only harbors more than 6,000 different items, ranging from common items up to legendary ones! But also introduces item quality and gear collection system. Using gears from the same collection will reward remarkable bonuses. Not only that. You can also insert elemental gems into each gear, granting you some extra elemental prowess! It also supports a very unique gear upgrade system. It provides various upgrading materials for you to hunt, such as ores and gemstones (topaz, jade, crystal, and quartz). Not only significantly improves your strength, upgrading gears will also unlock awesome visual effects to make your character looks sharp! Read more detail about the socket and upgrade system here.



Collect pets to aid you in combat. Some pets unlock special buffs/debuffs or even special skills. Pets are incredibly rare!
But will definitely worth the effort and what more? They are adorable!





Thread Design by: Quilnez

EmberCraft v1.2b (Map)

I can see this being improved over time and its quality raised. As it has many innovative systems implemented, Approved.
Level 1
May 18, 2017
I like a concept of this map. Good luck with it! Btw, 1st skill for Knight is not working when I press an assigned number on keyboard.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
I tried playing this, but since there is no opposing team I couldn't start on BNet
I will fix it. There are still some desync issues so you can't play it multiplayer (yet) anyway.

I like a concept of this map. Good luck with it! Btw, 1st skill for Knight is not working when I press an assigned number on keyboard.
Make sure when calibrating, you type "-c" then press CTRL+Enter (not just Enter).
But "Charge" ability isn't working yet indeed.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
This is not a demo. It's work in progress AKA more of a test map.
Terrain is pretty repetitive and some enemies are hard to be clearly seen on it because of the colour.
It starts working in frames after a while of playing. Either something related to leaks or I don't know.
The systems and all that are really interesting. However, at least a somewhat full level is required to approve this as a full working resource.

I vote for Substandard until then. @Paillan what do you think?


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Have you tested the last version? Because I've improved the environment to make the monsters look clearer. The fog was too dense in the previous version indeed.
Well, if it's only the environment you've changed, it's not enough. I really don't know why you hurried with this to upload it as a map instead of leaving it in the development forum until you get a full hero working with spells, stats and everything (that includes: getting items, fighting creatures to level up and get loot and so on).
As I've written, everything is going in a really interesting direction. However, in terms of being considered a map, it's pretty much not there yet. Maybe, have at least some rooms where you get to level up, get some loot and then fight a boss?


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Well, if it's only the environment you've changed, it's not enough. I really don't know why you hurried with this to upload it as a map instead of leaving it in the development forum until you get a full hero working with spells, stats and everything (that includes: getting items, fighting creatures to level up and get loot and so on).
As I've written, everything is going in a really interesting direction. However, in terms of being considered a map, it's pretty much not there yet. Maybe, have at least some rooms where you get to level up, get some loot and then fight a boss?
I will try to make this map acceptable asap, but in most cases this map will not be finished. I will be working on its "game" version using different engine starting the next month as my final assignment. Consider this one as a warm up.

As for why so hurried up? I answered the question in the in-game's Read Me.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Hello there!

You make very interesting WC3 projects, I've had a look at all of your projects and I am very impressed. I'm subbing to this thread to follow it's development. Good job on everything, you are an amazing coder :)
Thanks for following and thanks for the kind words. I hope it's gonna worth your times following. : )


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Getting some deep Diablo 1 nostalgia from the screens.

Subbed for now.
That's what I'm trying to achieve, even tho I haven't ever played Diablo. Tehe~

Holy Shit! Amazing!! :goblin_jawdrop:

That's why I love world editor.
It is possible to altar everything you want (when you know how to use vjass/jass and these codes, of course)
Thanks for the comment and rating!


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Since it's got bumped I will release this update earlier.

Update v0.2.271
- Now controls are completely synchronized
- Added sub class system
- Added cooldown group for consumeable items
- Now consumbeable item charge is decreased when used
- Better item slot stacking behavior
- Added item requirements
- Improved tooltips height calculation
- Hotfix on timer leaks that causesd the performance to drop very quickly
- Fixed a little exploit to remove skill from shortcut bar even when on cooldown
- Fixed disappearing models bug near screen top edge
- Reworked skill and attribute point distribution
- Balanced attribute point improvements
- And other improvements




Amazing looking map. It has random generation? Sweet. But that diablo UI and the dialogs in the corners... amazing.

I love solo roguelikes so I'm giving this beast a try.
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
I got notification to leave feedback, so here it is. It crash after loading. I believe it's because I use my dying old laptop, or my buggy Warcraft in this old laptop, so don't mind it XD


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Update v0.3.524:
- Added new musics
- Fixed shortcut bar visibility bug
- Added transition between dungeons
- Added dungeon verification
- Fixed main control selection bug for archer class
- Optimized text tag usage
- Added ESC button functionality for closing UIs
- Now tooltips are able to display skill info
- Maximized tooltips management
- Added small village
- Now shortcut bar are able to add items
- Added merchant distance checking
- Now selling items requires a nearby merchant
- Added feature to re-claim sold items

A big update! This one is such a big leap, we are now much closer to completion!


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Still can't try it out because the newest patch of WC3 isn't supported. This should be the main issue to work on, a lot of people are trying to test your map but they can't since you haven't made it playable with the latest version.
Ah! I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. Yeah I should've been more concerned about this issue.
I think I know what's probably causing it tho. I will upload a quick update when it's done.

Thanks for testing and reporting.
Last edited:
Level 1
Aug 7, 2017
Hi, I am not sure if it's on my end or not but the Archer hero has no skills to choose from - all tabs for Adventurer, Hunter, and Ranger are simply empty from level 1 onward. Stat points work fine. There is no issues with the other hero. The same problem persists for all different versions of your map that I have downloaded so far. My WarCraft version is 1.27b.

Amazing map by far! Keep up the excellent work!


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Thanks guys!

Updated to v0.4.357:
- Added chat commands
- Added dungeon scroll system + monster & player stats modifier
- Now level difference is factored in critical & block rate calculation
- Add X & Y hotkey for auto using potions
- Fixed item cooldown exploit on pickup
- Now items on same cooldown group will have uniformed cooldown (based on the used item)
- Add shop sub category system
- Now requires calibration before playing
- Increased xp share range
- Now with respawn system, finally...
- Fixed mysterious white box bug
- Block only works for classes with shield
- Starting status is now based on attributes
- Re-balanced attribute status bonuses
- Now gem data is duplicated properly
- Add gem socketting functionality
- Now gems and scrolls have rarity rank
- Improved damage calculation
- Now item set can give more than one bonus per piece
- Added extra-measures against desync
- Now tooltips is able to display item comment
- Now modifying attributes will verify worn equipments
- Now equip/drop/detach-ing items will update tooltips properly
- Now items and equpment set can have attack speed and move speed bonus
- Now selecting main unit will select controller automatically
- Fixed a possible source of desync when switching between character window tabs
- Now tooltips & shortcut bar will be updated when an item is stacked
- Fixed skill menu arrow tooltips bug
- Tooltips is now able to display real values

Next update will be the alpha version. It won't be as much (in term of number) but will include a number hardest & roughest yet crucial systems, such as save/load system, and tons of new contents (items, skills, scrolls, monsters, dungeon stamp variations, etc.).
Level 14
Jan 9, 2014
Cant play the map, nothing happens after loading!

Why do you even make a map that supports only some versions of warcraft? That makes no sense to me... Everyone should be able to play any map...
Level 10
Jul 5, 2012
Keep in mind that this is still a prototype version.

I see. A prototype that does not even work. The UI is crashed, after the map loading nothing ever happens despite how often I click the hero Icons or any other key on my keyborad. Has anybody here even tried to play the map? I really feel like beeing kidded. The terrain looks so empty like the quality of models should do the work but the use of them is so ... gnah. Wasted. There was not even 1 second of gameplay. If you don't believe it check the attachement or try it yourself.

Oh and an even bigger joke is this:
I can see this being improved over time and its quality raised.
As it has many innovative systems implemented,


5. Complete Release
When uploaded, the map must be out of the developmental or alpha stage. You may still add onto a map after updates, but the upload should be a full release. ALPHA and early-BETA versions, "teasers/trailers", etc. can be posted in Map Development. Furthermore, do not upload maps and use it as a request thread. If you want a user to add something to your map for you (system, etc.), then please make a thread in WEHZ.

>> WHO gives a §$%& on "innovative systems implemented" when the game itself does not even work and is so far away from beeing completed? This map is definitly very far from beeing completed. I demand that you undo your failure. This map should be clearly unaproved and needs a lot of fixing! I would give 0 stars for how stupid I feel now for even downloading it and beeing blinded by the first impression. Seriously. That's not how you should trait possible players.

To the author: I can see you try to accomplish a very nice map and I bet it would be fun to play it - if it was completed or at least playable. You should take your time and re-do it from the scratch as nothing works right now and thus it just is a useless wannabe eye-candy map imho.

/drops this:


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Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Why do you even make a map that supports only some versions of warcraft? That makes no sense to me... Everyone should be able to play any map...
The combat mechanism in the map need to use what's so called "memory hack" and it happens to only support most used patch versions (1.26 and above). Guess it doesn't support newer patches yet. But I think it will... soon.

I will make contact with someone competent about it.

The terrain looks so empty blablabla...
I barely put any effort to the terrain. I just randomly throws away those objects to the terrain editor. Even I wonder how it ended up looking like a village at all...


But I suggest you, good sir, not to bad mouth about the others' work.
First, I'm a coder, not artist like Imago_. Secondly, the terrain may looks empty indeed, but everything's generated by code. To make it looks nicely filled, it requires a bit more efforts than manually assembling everything like you two usually do.
Your combat mechanism (including threat system, etc.) in all of your maps are crap imo. But I never bad mouthed about it in your threads since I respect your own field of expertise. I suggest you to do so.

This map is definitly very far from beeing completed
I have no comment about the approval tho. But this map is actually very close to completion, I only have a few things left in my to-do list.
Anyway, there were indeed a few maps in the past getting approved with nice ratings even before they're completed. Probably mods also consider project size.

This map should be clearly unaproved and needs a lot of fixing!
Everything should be fixed with 4-5 lines of codes and I don't need to rework on anything from scratch. lol

Thanks @Lockheart for bothering to upload a screenie. Never been sure it's a patch compatibility issue since no one actually told me what happened in the map. This makes everything easier for me.

I'm terribly sorry for the let down. I hope it will be playable in newer patch version in the next update. I will notify you two when it happens. Cheers!
Level 10
Jul 5, 2012
Sorry if you felt offended. I clearly just told you my thoughts and gave you a reasonable explanation on them, too.
A game that can't be played is a game I barely can give positive critism about.

Hopefully this will ever work because for the current moment all of your efforts would be wasted if it can't be played properly.
Especially since the screens look really promising.

You shouldn't see my post as (as you called it) 'bad mouthing'.
Once you can deliver some content that's playable I'm sure there might be enough positiv feedback from me to tell you.
As for you, you are free to post your feedback about "crappy systems" as much as you want.
If you add some advices in general or on how to improve certain parts you are more than free to tell.

But what else did you expect a player to tell you about the current version of your map?
It can have all the most pretty models or code lines and systems in the world. What remains is: can't play = can't play.
And you couldn't expect me to get why it's not playable or when it should be - or even how much effort it is to fix it at all.

So once your map works I'd appreciate if you could inform me about.
I'll test it and gladly change my feedback once the game would work.

Thanks @Lockheart for bothering to upload a screenie. Never been sure it's a patch compatibility issue since no one actually told me what happened in the map. This makes everything easier for me.
You are welcome.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
I referred to a particular part of your post which I felt like you are bad mouthing about my terraining skill, which is indeed bad since I don't really have the touch. I don't feel offended about anything else.
quality of models should do the work but the use of them is so ... gnah.
In overall, I do appreciate your feedback.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
@Lockheart @Imago_

Warcraft III uses different versions, and we can't expect every map to work for all. The site even has a "recommended version" category for the resource, which could use some fixing since it says 1.21b, but it obviously doesn't say "current" as most maps do. We have no rule on what versions are allowed or not. Those who don't use battle.net don't have 1.28 and above. Those who do have battle.net have 1.28 and above. It's that simple.

Regarding the WIP rule, I trust that both deepstrasz and Paillan. Quilnez has even stated that the version is already close to final. The "prototype" comment was made long before this map was approved. If this is not the case, you can report it again with proof IF any of you are using the correct version this map works on.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
I can't be sure. Within a week I have finished 10 out of 33 tasks in my to-do list, and the number of tasks is still counting.
I spent the whole last 3 days only for save/load system alone and still not finished. But the rest wouldn't be as rough as this one. And I just remembered I made a promise to make an inventory program for someone, damn... So I think it will be 1 month or more.

I canceled my plan to release alpha version in the next update... I will release full version instead. I'm regretting to upload the map too early. I don't know how many people have been disappointed to download a barely playable map. lol