EmberCraft Alpha Testing

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Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011

Hello everyone! I'm glad to announce that EmberCraft is very close to completion. I'll start to look for some folks to alpha test the map. This is a closed group testing. I'll reward exclusive in-game items for alpha testers that will always be valid for any further map versions. Surely it's an extremely helpful item for early levels.

(What is this map even?)

If you have tested the released prototype version of the map, you must know that the map has been much improved with these major changes:
- Remastered terrain
- Added save/load system
- Level (player & monster) and experience system has been fully formulated

In short, the map is now completely playable. I'm reluctant to reveal more here, I will do so when it's released.

Of course all of those means nothing without screenshots so here we go:
(In-game look)

(Terrain showcase)
2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg

If you are interested to help, please send me a PM or VM. The alpha testing is expected to be held this or next week.

Thank you for your kind attention!

Best regards,
Level 10
Aug 26, 2017
I don't know what other people think or say but I admit that this looks great. Making this with a WC3 Map Editor is really something to admire.
Level 12
Jun 15, 2016
Can you at least care to explain why this thread is moved to less recognized section? Is that how shameful to post in my thread? That explains why my threads always left uncommented SMH

Perhaps it was removed because the purpose of this thread is specifically to look for alpha testers, as opposed to a development update thread.

By the way the map looks amazing and I'd be happy to help with the testing if possible.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Perhaps it was removed because the purpose of this thread is specifically to look for alpha testers, as opposed to a development update thread.
No, that's not it. They've always got something against me. They are always so excited to banish all my stuffs. But I was kind of overreacting tho, I'm actually quite used to this bullshit since it happens all the time, literally every time I submitted anything in this site. Probably that's because I called this site a "trash can" in other place, but I wasn't so wrong after all.

Anyway, thanks for the kind words guys. :)
The Staff member who moved it believed it was more suitable here. However, contrary to popular belief, we are humans as well, and we make mistakes like everyone else. With that in mind, you can make a thread in Staff Contact and let us know about the mistake instead of bitching about us on the forums and or wherever else you are active on the internet.

I understand that this was almost a month ago, but keep this in mind the next time something like this happens again.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Ah! I see, I see.. Sure, I understand. So I have to create new thread every single time I submitted anything related to map. Yeah, sure! Very convenient.

And well, guess what? I'm a human too! I was not pissed for nothing.
The way you are doing things is what makes me said such thing, why else?
Every time I tried to tell what your wrong doing is other staffs will come in and defend each other then got on me all at once and laid it on my face that I'm the wrong so I have no other choice but to back the fuck off.

based on my experience, I really don't want to interact with any of you staff guys if possible, so please don't make me to.
I never said you had to create a thread every single time you submit anything related to map, simply if you have a problem with us. I also never stated that you were in the wrong, hence why I said that as Staff, we also make mistakes, and are willing to fix them if you can meet us halfway.

Whatever interaction you had with us that makes you act this way must have not been recent given the last post you made in both our contact forums. Regardless of when it was, I'm hoping you can take my word that our current Staff members have grown and learned since then, and we are definitely always happy to see community members notice and understand our mistakes. However, if you refuse to do that, and rather continue bitching and whining, I don't see why I should cater to you.
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