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Dwarf Warrior v1.1
Model Edit by Urkdrengi

Comments: Dwarves are my favorite fantasy race - aren’t they everyone’s? Blizzard does
a great job with these guys but I wanted to make a standard melee unit.
Please feel free to give me pointers as to how I can make it better.
Also, please feel free to use this model in your map/campaign. Just give credit where
it's due and all that. Enjoy!

How to use: If you do not know how to import you can check out Darky27s
tutorial over at wc3campaigns.

Paths Needed to Import:

*****Update Fixes v1.1*****
-Textures have been combined into one to greatly reduce file size! (& reduce import hassle)
-Splats like blood no longer float (n'case you noticed)
-Footprints have been added
-Axe Drinking animation has been removed :)
-Minor Tweaks to Geometry and skin

[email protected]

dwarf warrior

DwarfWarrior (Model)

Level 8
Jul 14, 2004
*****Update Fixes v1.1*****
-Textures have been combined into one to greatly reduce file size! (& reduce import hassle)
-Splats like blood no longer float (n'case you noticed)
-Footprints have been added
-Axe drinking animation has been removed :)
-Minor tweaks to geometry and skin
Level 4
Aug 7, 2004
Don't give Urkdrengi any ideas! He shall flood this section with uber dwarf-models, FLOOD I SAY!!
Who the heck needs goblins, anyway???
Level 2
Apr 2, 2004
wonderful model maybe some people should get together and make a dwarf pack? like a mini race like the naga's that would be interesting because your work is incredible 4/5
Level 8
Jul 14, 2004
does it have team color this time?

No, I am extremely reluctant to use team color becuase I think it's ugly. In fact, It Overwhelms Warcraft III entirely for me. The cartoony look is pushing it far enough. I think short bearded guys vs tall green guys should be distinction enough, ect.

Maybe I'll make a model with toned down TC.
Level 1
Jul 24, 2004
Think about this Urkdrengi, let's say that multiple players all have units that use this model. As there is no team color or any way at all to tell which army is who's. How would anybody know friend from foe?
Level 8
Jul 14, 2004
Think about this Urkdrengi, let's say that multiple players all have units that use this model. As there is no team color or any way at all to tell which army is who's. How would anybody know friend from foe?

Welcome to the world of conflict!
Hehe, I do see what your getting at there Arthelorn, and Lady_Shadow offers a brilliant solution if you MUST have it. Just add hero glow with triggers. But those arn't the kind of maps I wanna see this in anyway. I went to the effort to rid the stuff for a reason. Thanks for the interest though. Maybe I'll make variations so teams have there own unique model.
Level 6
Apr 15, 2004
I will stand with you on the team-color issue, partly. Teamcolor makes things ugly in campaigns, race vs race maps (elves vs orcs, etc) rpgs, cinematics, and some other. However teamcolor is useful in footman wars and the alike and melee. Still I think it is a good thing removing. Two armies never carry the same armor and weaponry, not even newly shattered fractions.
Level 2
Oct 16, 2005
(deep breath) i agree with Urkdrengi who the hell needs team colours i mean no one in realife has one so why should we give them some i mean could yopu imagine trying to be a spy they would notice if everyone had red and you had blue.

That is all
Level 1
Feb 8, 2006
Whoa, sweet little model. I'd say this captures the charm of the Warhammer Dwarf quite well.8)

As for the teamcolor fuss...meh. I never really liked the stuff myself. This is still perfect for campaigns or multiplayer if you don't have Dwarf vs dwarf or allies using the same model... Just make more. :wink:
Level 2
Oct 11, 2006
The Teamcolor is not an Nessecity, Ever saw bright colored armies in real wars?.. Dont think so, its the chaotic point of battle, not knowing who is friend or Foe, keep it removed, realism goes before teamcolor. 4.8/5
Level 1
Mar 30, 2008
I agree with the others, and not to say I dislike the model, I love it as is, but just like the slayer model, it would be nice with a team color. Especially for the map I want to use it for. I'm not knocking the model though, your a very talented model maker.
Level 1
Aug 14, 2010
Every time I try to put it on my mountain king, it just comes out as a shadow in the map. Can anyone help?