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Dummy stun

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Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
Okay, in another thread I saw that the way to make a dummy stun targer is by giving it a stun passive, with 100% chance to stun, but what order do I use for it to work?
Attack-Once or Damage Target?
If it's "Attack-Once" - does the dummy need to have at least 1 attack unlocked? (attack-1 or attack-2)
And does it happen instantly, like the damage target?
Does it work if the dummy has 0 damage?
Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
Slow down. What are you trying to make happen? You want a unit to stun other units? Does it need to be a dummy? What if it can be done in OE?
I want to make a triggered spell have a stun.
Okay I checked it out. Seems like a bit of an overkill to me. But I looked at his code and seems like he's applying the stun trough a fireball. I had the same idea (to apply the stun this way), but I had seen somewhere that "dummies with 100% bash are the way to do it" so I decided to ask here 1-st.
I want to make a triggered spell have a stun.

Okay I checked it out. Seems like a bit of an overkill to me. But I looked at his code and seems like he's applying the stun trough a fireball. I had the same idea (to apply the stun this way), but I had seen somewhere that "dummies with 100% bash are the way to do it" so I decided to ask here 1-st.
100% bash has the advantage that it hits magic immune units by default. But this is not a problem with firebolt either, if you make firebolt a hero ultimate (ultimates can hit magic immunes).
Level 12
May 22, 2015
War stomp is a really bad idea. Even if the AOE is 0, it was still lagging the game for me. Maybe there is a way to remove the terrain deformation, but I've decided to never use thunderclap / war stomp / shockwave if it is going to be used outside of its normal use.

How does this pause trick work? Can it be abused to reset unit attack cooldowns?
Level 12
May 22, 2015
War Stomp doesnt have terrain deformation if you set it up properly.
AoE of 0 would hit nothing I assume...

Ya it did hit nothing. I had that at one point as a dummy "do nothing" ability for my recipe items (you activate the recipe to autocomplete it in my map). I was spamming it without enough money to autocomplete and the frame rate dropped to 30 and lower depending on how quickly I clicked it lol.

I ended up replacing it with the "penguin squeak" ability since I think that actually does nothing by default.
Level 15
Aug 14, 2007
I am pretty sure damage target won't work with bash, although things like torns aura do activate (only that I am sure). However, using the attack once also means the unit need to have attack 1 or attack 2, attack cooldown to ensure it only hit once, always hit or dodgable (although dodgable will totally make the spell pointless).

It will also deal physical damage. If you do a hero ability level 6 requirement war stomp, that ability will go though avatar for the stun but not damage.
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