I will make you some requests that we made in another Topic and they didn't help us, so I will ask it from you and if you make us all of them you will get rep from: CrackBam,darksacred and me, and also I will write your name into my Signaputer and you will get credits in our maps too ofcourse, okay let me start, I really know they're hard to be made but we wan't them hard and please.. 100% GUI, and if you can each Spellpack for someone of these guys in diffrent map so we don't confuse our selves
Don't forget that I informed darksacred and Crackbam that I will make the request to another one(you) cuz the one we requested from already is not helping anymore, and they accepted, so don't worry.
1st Crackbams:
1) Manawalk [
Spell Levels: 1]
= Just windwalk, but the only diffrence, any second the unit is under Manawalk he will lose 80 Mana Points, but when hes having 79 Mana and under, the Unit appears and to be under Manawalk again needs 80+ Mana and needs to wait 8 seconds to turn it on again, also when he attacks the spell is automatically stopped for 8 seconds too, and also this Spell can be turned if the Player clicks on it again after turning it on if he wants to do not lose any more mana (Like mana shield, he can turn it off when he wants)
2) Backstab [
Spell Levels: 2]
= Backstab, when a unit has this Passive, make the Addinational Damage (The green thing after dmg) and the normal Heroes Damage fuse and be doubled (x2) on the target unit. For e.x. if user has 58 dmg and 22 double dmg, the unit that will be attacked from the user of Backstab Passive Spell, will earn 160 Damage. And backstabs level 2 will triple the Damage. It is Passive Spell, means you don't click it it works always as critical strike, and also it has only 2 Levels. Something last for this one, when it is succesfully attacked someone from behind make the victim thats attacked have any of the bleed effects each time it is Backstabbed, you choose which, probably a Red Bloody one.
3) Mana Infection [
Spell Levels: 1]
= When someone steals from this Unit even a piece of mana from this Caster within 5 seconds after this spell casted, the drainer of mana will die. So for example, if someone uses Siphon Mana on my Unit and I use Mana Infection, the Siphon Mana's User will die, but Mana Burn or Feedback User won't die since it just burns mana from my Unit and not steals. Please, for this one, use what/ever method expect one the method that I need to put like ALL the whole spells like Siphon Mana etc. for Infection's work, like which Spells will make this one work. So it automatically regognizes which spell must be casted so the caster dies or w/e, cuz theres alot of spells in my map and I can't put them one by one.
2nd darksacred:
1. Speeding Eliminate [
Spell Levels: 3] (It will set the cooldown of Caster to 0.40 seconds per hit and the Caster will attack the Victim 12 Times, each time the Victim will have a SFX of Blood until the spell is succesfully casted and Victim got hit 5 Times, also while Spell is casted both the Unit of Caster and Victim can't move or make any Spells as they're disabled/paused, in Level 2 it will hit the Victim 10 Times and in Level 3 it will hit the victim 17 Times)
2. Mind Strike [
Spell Levels: 2] (When this Spell is casted, the Enemy that was targeted will start lossing 25 HP and MANA per.sec for 8 Seconds, and also these 8 Seconds the Victim will be stunned, at Lv2 the enemy will lose 50 HP and 50 Mana for 8 seconds + stunned)
3. Heart Strike [
Spell Levels: 3] (When this Spell is casted, the victim will lose: 1) 10% of his Health and 2) 200 HP but theres only 5% this Spell will succed and Cooldown is 160 seconds if it fails a Red Floating Text appears uppon Caster's head and says "Missed", on Level 2 it gets 15% of enemies Health and 400 HP now theres 10% this spell will succed and same cool down if it fails a Red Floating Text appears uppon Caster's head and says "Missed", and on Level 3 it gets 20% of enemies health and 600 HP now theres 12% this spell will succed, if it fails a Red Floating Text appears uppon Caster's head and says "Missed")
4. Focus [
Spell Levels: 1] (This spell combines with spell request 3, when this Spell is activated spell request nr.3(heart strike) has 25% Chance for Spell to work on Enemy at Level 1 of Heart Strike instead of 5%, and at Level 2 of Heart Strike the unit has 35% chance that this spell will work than 10% and in Level 3 Heart Strike it has 45% chance that this spell will work than 12%, also this Spell has Cooldown of 800 Seconds and Duration of 10 seconds, after these 10 Seconds the Heart Strike will have same chances, also something more on these 10 Seconds that this Spell is activated the Casters attacking speed will be increased by double than it is right now and there will be 80% chance for miss each hit the Caster earns.)
5. Time Lock [
Spell Levels: 4] (When this Spell is casted, it makes a Save, and after that what ever happends to the Unit that casted this spell with duration of 10 seconds, after 10 seconds the Unit goes back to the same HP/Mana he were at when the 10 secs passed, with same skills and all that, if the Unit dies before the 10 Seconds passes, he goes back to where he was before he casted the Spell immeditly instead of waiting 10 seconds, also make a Mdx of Ability or something to go where he made the Time Lock Spell while 10 seconds are passing, you can try a SFX or something you think is cool for Time Lock, I mean like when this Spell is casted a MDX appears at the place he made the Spell and when 10 seconds passes or unit dies so he goes back to the posistion he firstly casted Time Lock, the Caster gets the SFX Blink for a sec and goes back to last place he was when he actually casted this spell. On Level 2, all stays same the only diffrence there is 20 Seconds, and on Level 3 all same again but theres 35 seconds, on last level which is 4, it has 50 seconds Time Locking.)
Well about me, all I wan't is these spells to be made for those guys, cuz I will use one of them too as I already asked permission to use from them, so you get my Rep and Credits on my map+sign too good luck and thank you, hope you can make them..
EDIT: Nvm, I wan't only one too, "Holy Punisher Spell":
When one of the following Heroes: Mal'Ganis,Arthas Evil has 3000 Health and under, this spell can target them and a Pink Portal (you know which I am talking about I guess) will appear behind them (the portal wont move as it absorbs) about 200 aoe behind them, and it will disable them from moving or casting spells, and the portal will very-slowly start grabbing-absorbing the Hero inside it, when it is finished and the Hero (Mal'Ganis or Arthas Evil) are inside the Portal, (cuz none else can be absorbed from this spell, only these two) he (Mal or Arthas) will be absorbed from the portal completly, and the Pink Portal will be killed(cuz it has nice anim of kill) as the Enemy Hero will be dead too absorbed in the portal, remember that the Items that the hostile has as Item Tables must drop, as Mal and Evil Arthas keeps being two enemy-bosses in my map after all and when they're killed the Items on their Tables shall drop aswell.
thank you!!!
EDIT2: I know the Request Format is:
But I didn't use this Format, as I already said anything you needed in my whole reply, if you didn't understand anything or you got any problems that I can help with actually, then just go on no prob.