Distant Damage Spell alternatives

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Level 10
May 21, 2006
I need a single target damage spell which can show a missile art and doesnt do an effect like stun or another graphic at its end. For example I tried Chain Lightning but it cannot show an missile art only FSX at its target and I tried acid bomb which sadly shows this acid debuff at its end even when I remove the buff.

If someone could give me some alternatives, I would be really glad.
Level 10
May 21, 2006
Ah cool. Have found the channel Spell, how does this id thing work? Is it possible to set the id to (i.e.) Stormbolt and trigger it with " Unit do Stormspolt at target " etc. Because it is really important that I am able to trigger it.
Channel doesn't show missiles either.

If you need an ability that fires a missile, the goto is acid bomb. Set the duration to something low like 0.01 seconds (don't set it to 0, as then the debuff will be permanent) and the debuff will not show up. Also, set the armor reduction to 0.

I've found acid bomb to be the least invasive of all missile abilities. Even with a stun duration of 0.01 seconds, spells like firebolt or stormbolt will cancel any orders for the target.

The alternative (though at the cost of a much higher impact on game performance) is using a missile system.
Dirac's Missile is the typical goto in this case. It's highly configurable and has a very intuitive macro-based design. If I had the time, I would re-script all missiles in my map via this missile system, instead of using any WC3 default missiles. The advantages are huge.
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