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Discuss Pirate Tag 1.4b

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Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
Some suggestions, I already told some of them in game, but here goes again:

-Display the text message telling to use ILKJ instead of mouse only to the player trying to use the mouse
-This map could use some music, with the file size being only 150kb, there's plenty of room. Nicely compressed tune looping adds maybe 200-400kb only.
-Camping is pretty lame imo. Maybe make it so that you get send back when you hit a wall?
-Powerups! You walk over them and get some sort of bonus. Usable by the land huggers only, you could make some special ones for the pirates too. Example for the land huggers:
Speed bonus (must have :)),
Disguise (turns the land hugger into a pirate for short amount of time, but he isnt really caught, if the land hugger runs into a pirate while in disguise he gets caught),
Slow speed (negative powerup, slows you down),
Shield (you cant get caught for short amount of time),
Invisibility (you turn invisible, you can still get caught if you run into a pirate)
And so on....
Yeah, those power ups or runes as they will probably be will be in the next version, I think I will add 4 different or something like that.

Thanks for the suggestions and yes I will try to do something to prevent camping, perhaps make regions at the very end so if you walk out there a sea monster comes and attacks you :p

I don't know many pirate like tunes so if you know anywhere where there is a semi short tune then do link me to it!
Level 10
Dec 11, 2006
The Pirate tag is a little fun tag ofc, but yea needs a bit improvement.
Heres some suggests:

-Pirate ship sailing around the island (i know sailing whas ur idea) and maybe make it shoot some kind of bombs thats pushing people, so if unlucky u get pushd to a pirate, maybe if u want and can make.

Thats all suggests for now.
A net trap would be unfair imo. But a speed increase could easily be done, thanks for the suggestion. I don't like the zooming out thing, I think the camera view should be sort of limited, if you want more overview you can always just take the locked camera off.

Random powerups will appear as runes which will give temporary boosts of different kinds.

What do you mean with the sorting of the leaderboard, Fulla? What is there to sort?

And a song/tune of some kind will come in the near future Jaakko, I just need to find a really good tune that doesn't get annoying in the long run, which is kind of hard, but if you have any suggestions then feel free to post them.

Thanks for the feedback, +rep!
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Like Say:
Ppl1 - 0
Ppl2 - 2
Ppl3 - 0
Ppl4 - 1
Ppl5 - 0

Ppl2 - 2
Ppl4 - 1
Ppl1 - 0
Ppl3 - 0
Ppl5 - 0

Theres a GUI trigger, Sort Leaderboard by XXX
XXX can be, lots of things, in this case whatever ure using as the score.

This was easier to see whos winning and who we have to gangup on Yarr!!!

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

I'd like to point out that I like the hat and hook I saw in the last version I played.

Seriously, I only played it singleplayer to check it out, but judging from the idea and the controls I can imagine it's a very innovative experience when playing online. Good luck with your project raging.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
If ur going to make more maps to choose between i got one idea for one.
In the middles theres a pirate ship, if the landhuggers get in range of it they will become pirates, and since pirates is already pirates they can use this to travel from place to place.
So its sorta like a train traveling up and down, if u get in front of it there isnt much left of you.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
ragingspeedhorn said:
I don't really get it, could you try explaining it to me? Or drawing some kind of map of how you mean this would look like or something?


  • YARRJPG.jpg
    38.6 KB · Views: 177
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
I got a new better idea for your map:
Instead of using the current point system, you get point for every second.
If you are the only one left and everyone has chasing you for a little while you get more bonus points, like double points.
Also have a funny chasing sound!
Like Benny Hill or something...
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Just a point on the coastal terrain.
It gets realy annoying when someone sits in one of those places where its very hard to get at them, now this may be part of the intended gameplay but I think that if you rather use pathblockers all around the coast to make the island circular it would cause player to be running and dodging alot which I believe is the intended gameplay.
But those are just my thaughts...
There are points where people can access by clicking with the mouse and moving a tiny inch before getting paused, I will make such areas either un-accesable OR if the new walk system, made by MindWorX, actually works without lagging (which we weren't sure about and I can't test it) then that should be fixed and the walking is more straight than what it is now where you sometimes walk to the side instead of directly straight.

Thanks for your concern, whatever any of you have on your minds do shout it out, I am always ready to answer anything you might have thoughts about, complex or not :)
--- Project update! ---

1.5 is coming along great, I have just finnished some different improvements of the map and most of the bugs found earlier has been fixed, what needs to be done now is AI for 1.5 so you can have computer players instead of real players for single player purposes, leaving players and so on.

Hopefully I can have the new version ready for release soon. If you have any more ideas/bugs/suggestions that you would like to have fixed/included in 1.5 then post now! Rep is given for any usefull feedback!
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Good to hear rage!
Sorry about not getting back to your earlier... When your ready just send me a copy of v1.5 and I'll get to work on the AI.
It will take some time though, I suggest maybe releasing v1.5 and then adding AI in lets say v1.5b along with bug fixes if nessisary.
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