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Disable Single Player

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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Stupid pointless crappy idea which will make guys like me break the map just to allow singleplayer.

Anyway, all secrets can be discovered in under 1 hour reading the maps master JASS script, so again a pointless idea that will hurt 100s of players just to do nothing.

The idea is to allow people freedom, they can try finding them the hardway, or cheating for them. If a save system is implimented, remember to disable saving if he is not playing online (sp online is fine as no cheats can be used) to prevent real cheating though.
Level 6
May 3, 2009
I think because there is going to be huge numbers of secret bosses/items, you should maybe add a system where if someone is playing single player,the game automatically ends. This would stop cheating/finding out secrets. I think "Impossible bosses" has this system.

noty i like singleplayer and i dont want the D3W team to remove it sorry.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I took it as a joke first, but then i saw that you was seriuse, which made it even more fun.
Why remove single player? just dissable cheating so that atleast noobs cant find all secrets by cheating... Only people that is experienced in JASS and look into the map codes, like Dr Super Good, will be able to find them. And if they spend the time only by doing that, they deserve to know about it..
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
I took it as a joke first, but then i saw that you was seriuse, which made it even more fun.
Why remove single player? just dissable cheating so that atleast noobs cant find all secrets by cheating... Only people that is experienced in JASS and look into the map codes, like Dr Super Good, will be able to find them. And if they spend the time only by doing that, they deserve to know about it..

Why remove cheats? If people like to play with cheats then let them.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Why remove cheats? If people like to play with cheats then let them.

I dont see the point in cheating. People can fuck up the entire map and find stuff they were never suppost too. Just by using whosyourdaddy you can make the entire make go wtf. Cheating just cause bugs and is pointless.
If you want to play the map, then play it normally and dont cheat :eek:
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Just make it so that the more players you have, the more secrets you can find and exp you can get, just like in The Black Road...
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
And also make it so that when you do certain cheats, certain places get disabled, that way, you must play fairly even in Single Player to unlock a lot of stuff, even though the Cheat Works, the secrets don't...
Level 11
Aug 4, 2007
I thought this was meant to be essentially a multiplayer map. What is the point of playing diablo 3 warcraft single player. The only way you would be able to finish it would be by cheating. When this map is played often, i dont want some noob telling me all the secrets he found out using iseedeadpeople, that just spoils the fun for me as I would want to figure them out with friends on Bnet.

Also i really dont see how cheating lets you test the map. If you can kill something with cheats, It doesnt mean you can kill it without cheats. Playing the map through with other players would be the most efficient way of testing.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I thought this was meant to be essentially a multiplayer map. What is the point of playing diablo 3 warcraft single player. The only way you would be able to finish it would be by cheating. When this map is played often, i dont want some noob telling me all the secrets he found out using iseedeadpeople, that just spoils the fun for me as I would want to figure them out with friends on Bnet.

Also i really dont see how cheating lets you test the map. If you can kill something with cheats, It doesnt mean you can kill it without cheats. Playing the map through with other players would be the most efficient way of testing.

If you cant play single player, its nearly impossible for people to judge the map sometimes becosue they have to start up a game, get some people, and hopefully get nice people so your able to enjoy the game, etc.
And even if its suppost to be a multiplayer map, we are trying to balance it so that it is possible solo, with all classes :p
Some people doesnt have b.net, some people maybe doesnt have access to internet for a while (a RL friend for example, he moves to he's mom every second week, and has no internet, he still wants to be able to play this map cus he enjoys it.). Single player is a big part of the map afterall.

But i dont see the point in cheating, but that can be required to test the map out aswell sometimes.
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
At this point, it is unlikely we will disable single player :)

As LTGH said, it is a large part of the testing process. At this stage, cheating is no big deal either. If players want to single player the map with "whosyourdaddy" then thats up to them :) While theres no save/load codes, using cheats won't give anyone an unfair advantage.

If we do include some sort of save/load system, there will still be no need to disable single player :) We will just need to make some triggers which prevent cheat codes from being used :p Other than that, single player will still be fully playable :D
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
At this point, it is unlikely we will disable single player :)

As LTGH said, it is a large part of the testing process. At this stage, cheating is no big deal either. If players want to single player the map with "whosyourdaddy" then thats up to them :) While theres no save/load codes, using cheats won't give anyone an unfair advantage.

If we do include some sort of save/load system, there will still be no need to disable single player :) We will just need to make some triggers which prevent cheat codes from being used :p Other than that, single player will still be fully playable :D

Why not just dissable saving in single player? or having single player codes separated from multiplayer codes then?
There is always hacks to cheat offline anyway.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
CloudWolf, its called you disable saving in singleplayer. If its online via Bnet or LAN with only 1 player, you then enable it as cheats can not be used. That is how maps like SWAT AM do their save system and in my opinion it is the best. How to detect? Well there is 1 variable which I think does this but you can also use gamecache, as gamecaches do not save when online.
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