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Dio's WIP Shenanigans.

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Level 45
Dec 13, 2005
Figured I didn't have enough rep as is.
Anyway, I kinda finished this guy today,


but then I decided he was boring, so I made this, instead,


EDIT: Was working on some armor. Don't really like it. Also there'll be two variations, one melee, one magic-y. Using the red, respectively purple felhound textures.

Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
i like how you keep the color variation thing in your models. anyway, i'm guessing by the stance it uses archimonde/ dreadlord animations. i'm pretty sure the first one is beastmaster. just a wild guess.

EDIT: can we see it with snap dragon texture?
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Level 17
Jul 1, 2010
If you don't like it, then at least offer some constructive cristim
I suppose you're right...Let's see:
Besides the fact that they're so low poly as for War3 the textures and unwrap are really ugly my guess is you made the model from other model parts right ? Anyway, I think you should remake the texture and unwrap and also wtf is with the legs, why aren't they connected to the rest of the body ? the model has no logic, is it suppose to be some kind of alien ? if so congrats it does look but you could do better, try drawing your concept from your mind first until you get something you like and then model, I don't know to me it looks cheap...but the texture and unwrap are the primary concerns...with a great texture you can make the model look great
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
chucky, I really hope that you realize, that Dio used INGAME textures, that means models taken straight from the warcraft III MPQ. There is no drawing in using them. You either use them, if you are too lazy to draw your own, if your texturing skills are too lacking to draw your own or if you just want a challenge, because it can be really difficult to find matching textures...
the non connected body parts are called creative freedom. It is a fantasy game, there simply is no logic in it(like magic and magical creatures like Centaurs simply do not exist)
Also: it is a model for an 10 years old game. There is a reason to make it low poly and edgy.
Level 17
Jul 1, 2010
chucky, I really hope that you realize, that Dio used INGAME textures, that means models taken straight from the warcraft III MPQ. There is no drawing in using them. You either use them, if you are too lazy to draw your own, if your texturing skills are too lacking to draw your own or if you just want a challenge, because it can be really difficult to find matching textures...
the non connected body parts are called creative freedom. It is a fantasy game, there simply is no logic in it(like magic and magical creatures like Centaurs simply do not exist)
Also: it is a model for an 10 years old game. There is a reason to make it low poly and edgy.
yeah well if you're gonna make a model make something worthwhile like the lich king model or deathwing. Anyways War3 textures suck so bad that even thinking about them gives me eye burn...and with the model logic I was saying that no part of anatomy especially organic beings stands up by itself without being connected to other parts...
Btw: texturing skills are all the same as making icons or drawing other shit and I am very good at drawing...
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
if you dislike wc3 and its art style that much....why did you even join a WC3 community?? WoW is not everything( + those 2 models are using custom textures).
Oh and those not connected model parts could be connected by telepathy. As I said there is no reason for logic in a fantasy game.
Level 17
Jul 1, 2010
if you dislike wc3 and its art style that much....why did you even join a WC3 community??
HAHAHAHAHAHAH !!! I love Warcraft and I joined because I like modding and sadly War4 is not even on the horizon so I'll stick with this...

Yes I am very glad you are good at drawing. Now go find someone else's thread to bug, because this one obviously doesn't rise to your standards.
Hey man I was just saying what I think, is that a crime ? I didn't insult him or anything...
All people wanna hear is how great their stuff is but when they hear something other than that they go berserk...
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Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Well, while the model is not of greatest quality, I still like the originality of it.

Chucky said:
the model has no logic, is it suppose to be some kind of alien ?

Dionesiist said:
Yeah this ain't going as I would like it to. Not alien-ish enough.

I think that answers your question and makes your whole opinion about the model's logic... invalid. It's an alien and it's Dio's concept, so he decides what it looks like.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Let's see now, Chucky...

yeah well if you're gonna make a model make something worthwhile like the lich king model or deathwing.

Because that would be SO incredibly creative. I couldn't imagine something more creative than that.

Anyways War3 textures suck so bad that even thinking about them gives me eye burn...

Oh, so now you are insulting Samwise Didier and plenty of other talented artists(and trust me: They are FAR more talented than you) who created something that was considered pretty much ground-breaking in 2002. Lovely.

and with the model logic I was saying that no part of anatomy especially organic beings stands up by itself without being connected to other parts...

But that is why the model is creative.
Who said it has to be an organic being? The laws of logic do not apply in video-games. The legs may be connected by telepathy, magnets, electricity or magic, or whatever other concept Dionesiist wants to come up with. It doesn't HAVE to make sense. Walking skeletons and living zombies don't make sense either.

Btw: texturing skills are all the same as making icons or drawing other shit

Texturing and drawing icons are too ENTIRELY different things. The whole process is different. When making an icon, you strive to include as many details into a small image as you can, so that the idea is clearly conveyed from first glance, AND looks pretty while doing that. Texturing is just ENTIRELY different. You have to take the wrap into account, as well as how the light affects each part of the model\texture, how things connect, etc. So, again; Texturing is very different from icon-making.

and I am very good at drawing...

Stroking your own ego. Lovely. Absolutely lovely.

(P.S: You're supposed to let other people do that for you.)

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Except for the colour scheme being somewhat wacky, I like these "new" legs a lot better than the freshly severed ones you had initially.
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