Diablo 3 - Monk for WC3 - WIP

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Level 8
May 15, 2008
First time I saw it, the model looked good but then he started looking like a child. The monk looks like a child version to me. And he doesn't seem buffed enough. Thats just my opinion. I don't know if its like that ingame.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
First time I saw it, the model looked good but then he started looking like a child. The monk looks like a child version to me. And he doesn't seem buffed enough. Thats just my opinion. I don't know if its like that ingame.

Does this:

Look like a child to you? :eek: Did you even look at the face? heh.
Awesome2. Cant wait =D
I hope you make animations for the abilities he have in diablo 3.
That would be awesome. Would look cooler that way :)

I got Run, Stand-1, Stand-2 ( based on the in movie stand :grin: ) and attack-1 ( also based on the movie first attack with the stick )

Most of the animations will be in function of his abilities found on the official blizzard site, not sure if I'll be doing all of them though...

I'm not that good at animating, so it takes some time :hohum:

Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I got Run, Stand-1, Stand-2 ( based on the in movie stand :grin: ) and attack-1 ( also based on the movie first attack with the stick )

Most of the animations will be in function of his abilities found on the official blizzard site, not sure if I'll be doing all of them though...

I'm not that good at animating, so it takes some time :hohum:


Hehe, whatever you say =D
You also said that your not a skinning guru, but to me your good enough, and im sure its the same with the animations ;)
Dude, When will it be in the diablo3 Warcraft map? :D
Wait a few months and you will get your answer.
No, just kidding, i dont know when it will be added... if it will be added.. And you will understand why if you read our forums.
We are planning to start over with a new diablo 3 map, an ORPG map. With more content, quests, options on where you want to go, a main city with way points, vendors, dungeons, leveling areas, new systems, and much much more.. So we might not even keep working on the old map.
Or maybe we will... I have no idea. I guess we will make him since if we makes him for the ORPG, we can just simply add him to the old map aswell :p
Level 8
Apr 5, 2008
Hmm this is really great!
However I dunno whether I'm gonna implant him into my map. Unfortunately the Monks skills are most likely impossible to recreate for Wc3 I'm afraid :/

And doing a Wizard and especially Witch Doctor model as well would be great. Something where you can easily attach weapons on ingame. The current Sorceress (the Blizz Model) for example is horrible for this^^

But all up to you:wink:

I'm curious about his animations :O
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Hmm this is really great!
However I dunno whether I'm gonna implant him into my map. Unfortunately the Monks skills are most likely impossible to recreate for Wc3 I'm afraid :/

And doing a Wizard and especially Witch Doctor model as well would be great. Something where you can easily attach weapons on ingame. The current Sorceress (the Blizz Model) for example is horrible for this^^

But all up to you:wink:

I'm curious about his animations :O

Thats why we made our own wizard and witch doctor model :p
They are not as pro as this model though.
And its not impossible to make monks spells, it shouldent be hard at all for someone that is good at making spells & that has experience with triggering.
But now lets go ontopic and only talk about the model :p
Here are ( after some struggle and help from BlinkBoy to make the gifs )
some of the animations






Note that I will you use ArtTools, so the fact that the mesh does not have mesh deformations is that Art Tools does not support that, so at tjhe end, don't worry, it will be closed

C&C plz



  • MonkIdle1.gif
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  • MonkIdle2.gif
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  • MonkRun.gif
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  • MonkStandReady.gif
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  • MonkAttack01.gif
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Yeah, his joints should be connected, I can see holes in his body when he's breathing, attacking and standing. :pmeh:

that's because he's working in 3dsmax 5. The joints will unite once he exports the model.

About the animations:

1º the legs are static in stand-1, they need to be a lil bit, and the pelvis should have some slight movement since the spine is breathing.

2º Stand - 2's start is very fast, it won't blend well in game. Insert like 10 frames using dope sheet and make him raise the staff to his shoulder with less desperation.

3º Walk, the feet don't touch the grown correctly. Also, his right arm looks pretty stiff, it's not very natural, it looks like some robotic arm.

4º Remake Stand Ready. The position is bad, his legs are way too open, his arms are badly positioned, the left arm collapses with the chest and the right arm is way too much in the back side. The animation also doesn't blend correctly.

5º The attack animation looks kinda stiff, it has a good amount of motion, but lacks motion in the pelvis. the feet aren't touching the ground correctly and in general they appear like doing tiny circles in their grounding area. Also, the front leg shouldn't go up and down, it should remain stiff and the foreleg and upperleg should bend according the body's movements. Another thing, the arms are collapsing with each other, this shouldn't happen, you should make sure that the arms keep the same relative position to the staff during the whole animation. As an end note, the animation does not blend. You may have to remake it after remaking Stand Ready.
Don't worry about the speed of the animations, it is because I was experimenting with the timeinterval of the gif frames.
About the blend you mean that the there is a glitch between last and first frame ? -> that is because I exported to images with Max and I only took every 2nd or every 3rd frame, so it could that there is missing a important frame in the gif... don't worry in max it blends fine :wink:

About the other stuff, I will deffently spend time on checking them

Thnx for the C&C guys

Level 6
May 3, 2009
OMG! dude you haxed the blizzard monk and converted it to WC3!!!!

ontopic: Great Job! this has been the best diablo 3 model but now its the best WARCRAFT 3 model eva!!!

anyway whats the filesize of the model whit anims?

Update Run Animation


1. His back has impact when he drops, and raises when he goes with both feet of the ground
2. his arms are nolonger "robotic" :wink:
3. his feet now touch on the ground
4. And his hair blows in the wind :grin:

Update Idle animation


1. His knees bend, a little
2. The pelvis ( or hip moves )

Hope this is better



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In Stand - 1, he rotates way too much to left. Also if you want to make idle stand be that way you should rotate to the left afterwards, else you break the harmony to the eye. If you stare at it for a while, it will look incomplete.

About New Walk, arms have improved but they are still robotic in a way, I've also noticed that they accelerate suddenly some times like the arm having the staff make a sudden rotation at the end. The body now recieves the hit of the ground but is still incomplete, during the hit the pelvis should go a bit down and the upperleg should try to bend to resist the hit, just a lil bit.

Also are you using FK or IK?
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
I say avoid just that. The model is not Warcraftish at all, it's way more realistic. Warcraft-like animations would look well only if you made him look like a crossbreed between a Blademaster and Arnold Schwarzenegger. We don't want that, right?
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Dont complain, even if it doesnt look like a warcraft model, it can be used.
And maybe he wants it to look realistic, with wc3 anims.

BTW, your signature sucks :p
its like, are we suppost to say "you are bad at his" insted of just "noob" :p and like, "Rolling on floor laughing" insted of "ROFL". If you dont like chatspeak, then just ignore it :p
Chatspeak as you call it is just a faster way to say things.
Its like insted of saying
"Looking for more, we need healers and Damage per second players, we are going to do the black temple on Heroic mode. Whisp me!"
when you simply can say
"LFM, Healer & DPS, BT Heroic. /w me!"
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Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
LTGH, I was saying that the model is good (no, it's not good, it's awesome) and making the animations Warcraft-like will ruin it. It is good as it is, that's my point. Please learn to understand people's posts before replying.

About my signature, if you don't like it - ignore it.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
LTGH, I was saying that the model is good (no, it's not good, it's awesome) and making the animations Warcraft-like will ruin it. It is good as it is, that's my point. Please learn to understand people's posts before replying.

About my signature, if you don't like it - ignore it.

Okey i will ignore your signature, if you ignore people that use leetspeak or chatspeak, since your sig is more stupid then that.

Anyway, i think that the model will look good with warcraft-like animations since otherwise it wont fit in with the map, so my point is that It will look better if you make it warcraftish insted of diabloish, it will stand out to much otherwise- Learn to understand my posts before replying to them.
Level 3
Jul 26, 2009
Can it you two. Finding a good medium between not cartoony and too cartoony is the best solution here.
About New Walk, arms have improved but they are still robotic in a way, I've also noticed that they accelerate suddenly some times like the arm having the staff make a sudden rotation at the end. The body now recieves the hit of the ground but is still incomplete, during the hit the pelvis should go a bit down and the upperleg should try to bend to resist the hit, just a lil bit.


I think, well I hope, I got it this time :hohum:

I got rid of the acceleration, no more sudden rotation in the end of the staff, the arms look a little more natural, I bended the upperlegs a bit when the feet hit the ground, and I think the total is more fluent and natural... I said I think


so final comments are still welcome, thnks for the C&C stuff BlinkBoy




  • MonkRun.gif
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In Stand - 1, he rotates way too much to left. Also if you want to make idle stand be that way you should rotate to the left afterwards, else you break the harmony to the eye. If you stare at it for a while, it will look incomplete.

And the stand anim ( sorry for the double post didn't know I was gonna end this one asswell.. )
He doesn't turn to the left anymore too much. Also, I added some more swoong to it, so it is not just like an exercise that he is doing, going up and down, it is cut up in several parts...
and I added a little more bending in the knees

here you go, also some final C&C plz




  • MonkIdle1.gif
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stand 1 should be just breathing.

not really Tauren. There are many ways to make it, plus just making a model breath is boring. I made it in my tutorial because it was intended as the first animation to teach(so it had to be VERY simple), but it doesn't mean you have to do it that way.
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
I must admit :D You may have just created the best warcraft 3 model ever made xD The quality of the model, skin and animations is fantastic!

Only thing I can really point out is the stand-1 seems to contain too much body movement :) But like WILLTHEALMIGHTY said, it still looks good so keep it! maybe just rename it :D

All in all though, I can tell this is gonna be a top notch model! I look forward to seeing the final version :)
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