[Campaign] Destiny of Stormwind

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Level 11
Dec 14, 2014



3 years after the Siege of Orgrimmar, tension has erupted once again between the Horde and the Alliance,
as the High King, Varian Wrynn, broke the peace by trying to invade Lordaeron. And now, the Horde is marching
to the Alliance's capital, as the night elves attempt to hardly hold the orcs, and the dwarves are surounded by
politican conflits. Will Stormwind survive to the Horde's outslaught?


-New tech-tree for all the main races;
-Custom models, icons, skins, music and voices from World of Warcraft;
-6 main characters;
-Many secrets, hidden in many maps;
-QWER hootkey system.

Red Color - No work done.
Yellow Color - Some work done.
Green Color - Finished.
Tech-Tree - 75%
Storyline - 50%
Resources - 90~100%
Chapter 1 - Breaking th Peace - 100%. Main faction: Night Elves.
Interlude 1 - For Honor! - 100%. Main faction: --
Chapter 2 - Gilnean Affairs - 100%. Main faction: Worgen.
Chapter 3 - Broken Hope - 50%. Main faction: Silver Covenant.
Interlude 2 - Preparation - 100%. Main faction: --
Chapter 4 - Internal Conflict - 15%. Main faction: CoTH.
Chapter 5 - Light's Will - 0%. Main faction: Draenei.
Chapter 6 - Counter Attack - 0%. Main faction: Gnomes.
Interlude 3 - War Power - 0%. Main faction: --
Chapter 7 - Light of the Moon - 0%. Main faction: Night Elves.
Chapter 8 - Desesperation - 0%. Main faction: Humans.

Beta version will be out after Chapter 5 is done.
More chapters will be added while the progress is being done.



[td] Velen has been the leader of the draenei people since their flight from Argus 25,000 years before the first orcish invasion of Azeroth. As his title entails, he has been granted the gift of prophecy, and — aided by the Light — has guided his people as they fled from, and later fought against, the Burning Legion who had ensnared their eredar brethren. He is first among the draenei and is the formerly best friend of Kil'jaeden. Now, he leads the draenei race in the Alliance, always following the Light, in this dark times.[tr]
[td] Genn Greymane was one of the human leaders who met at the council to form the Alliance of Lordaeron. The people of the Alliance remember the king of Gilneas as a proud, strong-willed, cunning, and arrogant man. He and his armies stood by the Alliance during the Second War, but in the aftermath it became clear to Genn Greymane that the Alliance needed Gilneas more than Gilneas needed the Alliance. He ordered that the Greymane Wall be closed to all outsiders, effectively sealing off his kingdom from the outside world and its conflicts. But fate, it seems, was intent on teaching the king a lesson in humility: although the wall succeeded in isolating Gilneas from the rest of the world, it also served to damn the kingdom's people forever. As the worgen curse swept the nation and early attempts at containment failed, Greymane found himself fighting a battle for his people's very humanity.[tr]
Varian Wrynn, also called Lo'Gosh, the "Ghost Wolf", is the son of the late King Llane Wrynn, is the acting leader of the Alliance, and the current King of Stormwind. He is a ruler with a fierce love for his people and his son, Anduin. Though the events of his life have left him severely distrusting of the Horde. Under his leadership, the humans of Stormwind led the Alliance to victory against many enemies, and now they seek to bolster their strategic holdings against their perennial enemy, the Horde. As the war spread all over Azeroth, Varian will have hard choices to make. Tyrande Whisperwind is the most prominent night elf leader, as the chosen high priestess of the goddess Elune, the former general of the night elf sentinels, and the current head of the Sisterhood of Elune. Together with her lifelong mate, the Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, she has represented the highest leadership of the night elves since the fall of Queen Azshara and the Highborne caste ten thousand years ago. Tyrande is a caring soul at her core, and is willing to do anything to protect those she loves and is sworn to protect — which these days means the entire kaldorei race. [tr]
The Council of Three Hammers is the regency that rules the Kingdom of Ironforge, following the crystallization of King Magni Bronzebeard. The Council is so named because it is comprised of representatives from each of the three dwarven clans of the Three Hammers in Eastern Kingdoms: The Bronzebeard clan, represented by Magni's brother, Muradin Bronzebeard; The Wildhammer clan, represented by Falstad Wildhammer; The Dark Iron clan, represented by Magni's daughter, Moira Thaurissan. Though internal events make the three dwarven clans distrust each other, they will do everything they can to save the Alliance. [tr]
High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque, the King of Gnomes, spends the overwhelming majority of his time working on plans to retake Gnomeregan, after the radiation bomb was released when the troggs began their invasion, but the bomb killed more gnomes than troggs. Gelbin is one of the most renowned inventors ever, and has been honored as a just and skillful leader. But now, dark days have arrived upon the Alliance, Gelbin and the gnomes do anything to help their allies. [tr]



Got any questions or suggestions? Feel free to post!

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Level 11
Dec 14, 2014
Ooh! Thanks iamxaxas! I'll if I need anything :)
Also, just here to say that before start the campaign itself, I'll complete the tech-tree for all the six races. The only real problem are the worgens -_-
Also, could anyone link some buildings that could fit the gnomes? I'm thinking about use Ujimasa's Kul Tiras set or Stone Orcs set. But I think that nome of this fits the gnomish race.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
The Draenei are the only alliance race I like a bit.
Still,the thread looks nice.good luck and have fun!
I may be able to help a bit with triggers.
Ill be watching,along side the rest of abaddon's fury.....
Level 6
Mar 27, 2013
Also, could anyone link some buildings that could fit the gnomes? I'm thinking about use Ujimasa's Kul Tiras set or Stone Orcs set. But I think that nome of this fits the gnomish race.

I found these, for now, but I guess you've probably checked them already :p



Level 17
Sep 24, 2009
I hope that this is not yet another thread whit fancy pictures and few nice ideas... I want to see some actual progress...
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
@Sylvie. Lol. I posted on my thread aswell to show its not dead
Oooo night elf base. Looking good.I have no suggestions at the moment. Ill study the screenshot further and tell you If I see some way to improve it
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Nice screenshot, but where are the ancients are they gone :(?
Now that you mention it....where are they?
@The banshee queen. are you gonna make them regualer units or are you using those custom buildings to replace them?

P.s. Have you seen This
Level 11
Dec 14, 2014
Just the Ancient of Life is gone, and that other new building will replace the Huntress Hall, since the new main building looks like the original Hall. But I may, and I probably will, remove all of them, I don't see the logic of elves going out of big tress to fight :/
And thwy wont be present, if I do so. Prehaps in some maps in Ashenvale...

@Archimonde: Actually no, I'll take a look! Thabk you mighy demon!
@dhika: I will put the progress, and I already start working :/ can't the screenshot show it?

Also, I'm thinking about don't put cliffs in the maps, what do you guys think? (Cities will still have, this is just for the "natural" places)
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
I always wondered about that..

No problem,ill help in any way I can :).

It could work,but I think it may cause the terrain to look too flat
Level 11
Dec 14, 2014
Nice screenshots! But I think that the elves's team color would be better in Blue, teal or Light blue.

Thanks, but to be honest, I prefer purple team color. Besides, Blue and Teal are already in use (Humans and Draenei).

Nice screenshots, but don't forget to give the worker his shadow xD
Btw I will miss the ancients :D

lol those eyes XD
Thank you, I didn't saw that. :)
It was already time... they are now hanging out in Fellwood.
Level 11
Dec 14, 2014
Ayay, the sky and fog are already placed, I forgot that it must be done in triggers. And I'll change the camera, thanks for the suggestion!
EDIT: Well, sky is settle, changed that ugly screenshot c:
Also, I think it is time for a gameplay screenie ^_^

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