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Darkness Returns I v2.4.1


(User Path)/Documents/Warcraft III/Campaigns

  1. Download the campaign
  2. Put the file at the directory above
  3. Open Warcraft III > Singleplayer > Custom Campaigns
  4. Choose Darkness Returns I and play it

Zalamus Whitesky
A new commander of the Grand Coalition. Paired with Alliara Lightstar, his capabilities to command the light and his swordsmanship will lead him to victory.

Alliara Lightstar
Another new commander of the Grand Coalition. Paired with Zalamus Whitesky, her magical prowess, and advanced knowledge will allow her to fulfill all of her superior every command. However, she must be prepared, when her emotion and loyalty is put to a test.

Karizen Whitesky
The young brother of Zalamus who was thought to be killed during one of the Barbarians pillaging at a village, he survived the onslaught and was rescued by Okta Raxus from the Revolutionaries. Now trained to combat directly, Karizen is ready to show how strong he had become.

Sir Edward
His knowledge led him to become a leader at a small coalition under Grand's banner. When he realizes something odd is happening in Grand, he started an initial spark that caused his exile. His deeds, however, has not gone unnoticed and invoke curiosity of one of the four great mages in Hazam. His spark is what drives Revolutionaries' actions today, after several years of Revolutionaries' disappearance.

An elite assassin and agent, he is tasked with the impossible missions for his master, Fallen. With all of his prowess and capabilities, he is more than willing to die to see his master's reign.

  • Custom Lore.
  • Difficulty System; play from the newbie-friendly "Beginner" to the challenging real-story of "Mastermind". This campaign offers seven difficulties consisting of Beginner, Novice, Easy, Normal, Hard, Chaos, Mastermind. Keep in mind that "Mastermind" GREATLY INFLUENCES A CHAPTER.
  • 'New'Factions; play as the deceiving undead of fall, the corrupt coalitions, the shadowy elves, the mysterious phoenix flames and much more.
  • Plan, Manipulate, Conquer; each map plays with your forces at a major disadvantage throughout the game. Only through strong will and manipulative plays, you can send the enemy to the graves.
  • Difficult Battles; No matter what difficulty you choose, the gameplay will give some challenge for you. For those who like to laugh in face of their own demise; try playing on Mastermind, it will be SO MUCH FUN.
  • Unique Mission per Side; Each side goes with their unique style. Some plays directly, some plays covertly. Each side missions goes with unique traits.

Factions :

Grand Coalition :
The major superpower across the continent of Hazam, the biggest of three continents at Hazamus. This coalition composed of humans dwarves and some elves alike with the vision of ruling the entire Hazamus with prosperity and peace that they seek about. They utilize a combination of weaponry and magic in battle. Currently led by Annaira the Amazing.

Revolutionary Coalition :
No men want to remain in the dark when the Grand seems to act upon something. With their limited weaponry and arsenal, with Revolutionaries as their common name (formal: Revolutionary Coalition), they declare war against them. Revolutionaries arise a few years back, forcing the Grand Coalition to make brutal steps of appointing a sadist, brutal and merciless Supreme Commander to silent them up. Since the former commander no longer in charge, Revolutionaries once again start to make their move. Currently led by Commander Ozaras.

New Coalition :
Having been dumped from the central world for decades and a small scale rebellion they do only turn to the worst, the shore cities of southeast Hazam decided to merge themselves under one banner. Aided by an unknown man, they decided to play part in destroying Grand Coalition and secure the central for themselves. Currently led by Sir Edward.

Fallen's Undead :
Not much known about them, these menace of the past are pretty dangerous foes for any oppositions to deal with. Claimed by Phoenix Flames' Supreme Commander as non-existent anymore, they're actually still existing and continues to grow in the shadow. Currently led by Fallen.

The Phoenix Flames :
The shadowy power that secretly plays in the upcoming war. Phoenix Flames has been a major threat to Darkness' upcoming invasion. With their supreme powers and intellect, these fire loving soldiers are a force to be reckoned with. Whom lead this dangerous army? Nobody knows for certain at this point...

The Demonic Legion :
Darkness always has his personal troops appointed for his will. These are the enigmatic and chaotic beings that serve the evil himself. They take no prisoners and will slay all living existence until there's nothing but ashes remains. So obvious that Darkness would lead his elites by himself.

Elves of Hazam :
These peace-loving creatures won't escape the upcoming war. Threatened by Revolutionaries and hunted down by Darkness' army and Phoenix Flames for their own reasons, they will fight side to side with the armies that will throw away their threats. Their main leader is Nagan the Great and they comprise of Holy, Shadow and Nature Elves, each with their own leader as well.

Lightning Blades
An army of legendary soldiers led by a mysterious person named, LegendzKing...

And get to meet more (minor) factions in the story!

Older Versions :

Version 0.10
Version 0.20
Version 0.21
Version 0.30
Version 0.31
Version 0.40

Media :


Notes :
1. The campaign doesn't use cinematics, rather they use subtitles. The triggers should enforce them automatically, but it's recommended to use Subtitle ON setting.
2. The real story is kept in Mastermind Difficulty, other difficulties are significantly toned down to ensure the gameplay much easier. This is intended, and I won't change this one. The difference includes some optional quest changes, new enemies and most of all: new dialogues and characters present.
3. The chapter is ordered based on the real story but unlocked by their own arc (this means, to unlock a New Coalition chapter, you need to finish the last available New Coalition chapter)
4. Chapter Zero is set to Mastermind by default. These should help to give a general idea of why Mastermind is not set as default :)
6. For Revolutionaries 02, I recommend playing at least at Normal to get most of the experience.
7. If you encounter any bug, please report so an update can be quickly executed to patch them.


Map Terrains :
(2) Tirisfal Glades by @Blizzard Entertainment
(2) The Two Rivers @Blizzard Entertainment
(8) Garden of War by @Blizzard Entertainment
(8) Feralas by @Blizzard Entertainment
(8) Friends by @Blizzard Entertainment
Grand Coalition 01 by @ThinhHo
Agent of Fallen 01 by @ThinhHo
(6) Silverpine Forest by @Blizzard Entertainment

Models :
Royal Captain By @Tranquil edited by @Misha
Phoenix Mage by @General Frank
Phoenix Archer by @General Frank
High Elf Chronomancer by @Deolrin
Human Lumber Mill by @Ujimasa Hojo
Hero Death Knight by @Alastor
War Mage (Kirin Tor) by @Ujimasa Hojo
Dalaran Blood Mage by @Ujimasa Hojo
Blood Mage by @Stefan.K
BETA Footman by @Blizzard Entertainment
Blood Elven Warrior by @General Frank
Phoenix Crusader by @General Frank
Human Bishop by @Tranquil
White Wizard by @Direfury
King by @Tranquil
High Elf Archer by @Himperion
Rocket Rain by @ILH
Human General by @Direfury
Human Spell Breaker @Hermit
High Elf Spell Thief by @Himperion
Nobby Mansion Townhall by @Ujimasa Hojo
Nobby Mansion Blacksmith by @Ujimasa Hojo
Nobby Mansion Farm by @Ujimasa Hojo
Power Lich by @HappyTauren
Human Paladin by @Direfury
Nobby Mansion Workshop by @Ujimasa Hojo
Nobby Mansion Arcane Academy by @Ujimasa Hojo
Nobby Mansion Altar of Kings by @Ujimasa Hojo
Nobby Mansion Barrack by @Ujimasa Hojo
Captain Kul'tiras by @Ujimasa Hojo
Azeroth Footman by ???
Argent Knight by @Direfury
Azeroth Soldier by ???
HQ Militia by ???
Hero Argent General by ???
Uter by ???
KArchSorceress by ???
ArgentMageTower BETA by ???
Azeroth Footman by ???
Hero Priest Avatar by ???
Bolvar Fordragon by ???
Commander by ???
Hero Argent Lord Commander by ???
Azeroth Heavy Tank by ???
Dwarven Adventurer by @General Frank
Hero Holy Warrior by ???
Female Footman by @Cavman , @Kuhneghetz
Female Angel by @Tranquil

Skins :
Royal Mage by @~Nightmare
Nobby Mansion by @Pyroproctos
8 Health Bar by @Avatars Lord

Icons :
High Elf Chronomancer by @Deolrin
Phoenix Archer by @General Frank
Phoenix Crusader by @General Frank
Lieutenant by @Tranquil
Chaplain by @Blizzard Entertainment @Pyraeus
Nobby Mansion Townhall by @Ujimasa Hojo
Nobby Mansion Keep by @Ujimasa Hojo
Nobby Mansion Castle by @Ujimasa Hojo
Power Lich by @HappyTauren
Nobby Mansion Workshop by @Ujimasa Hojo
Nobby Mansion Arcane Academy by @Ujimasa Hojo
Nobby Mansion Barrack by @Ujimasa Hojo
Bandit Defend by @bu3ny

Sounds and Music:
Boltmachine Soundset by @LegendzKing
Out of Kindness by Atlus [SEGA]

Name Recommendations :
@Leo Akastenix

Model Packs :

Beta Testers :

Reviews :


Log of Changes
Secret Level no longer triggers a defeat before ending sequences
Fixes Secret Level ending cinematic sequence

Agent of Fallen 01:
Units under Phoenix Elite subfactions are heavily enhanced to denote their elite status (careful engaging them)
Trained units no longer given to the Phoenix Elite subfaction
Added more Lightning Blades' Hunters around the map

For those who wishes to only watch the cinematic of Secret Level and have played this mission in 2.4 (for prior it is recommended to retry this mission in 2.4 due to dialogue improvements), you can use "testwin" command without the quote marks.

Lord of the Phoenix Flames has unveiled a secret part of the past into the piece of the present.

Fixed a crash caused by Phoenix Slayer model
Fixed a bug if skipped, Agent of Fallen 01 get MUCH MORE HARDER than intended
Fixed a bug in Grand 00 that caused the ambush to loop dialogues
Fixed a major issue with campaign buttons not appearing

Steam Tanks now has Overcharge ability
Steam Tanks attack speed increased from 2.25s to 2s
Steam Tanks movement speed increased from 220 to 250
Steam Tanks now has Develop Sophisticated Armor research
Dinosaur Tanks is now buildable
Dinosaur Tanks rocket damage reduced from 20 to 15
Dinosaur Tanks rocket aims to all unit instead of air only
Fixed Okta Raxus not giving message on death
Footmen and Knights now have Sundering Blades
Sundering Blades deal 25% additional damage to Medium armor
Axemen Defend On icon fixed
Revolutionaries Elite changed into Dragion Knight
Improves Phoenix Knight and Crimson Hunter

Agent of Fallen 01:
Ambush troops number increased
The girl name is revealed (Mastermind only)

Agent of Fallen 02:
Infernal is now available as a trainable
Added Fatebane to two other bases
Power Crown no longer dropped for all difficulties
Applied patch 1.31 to this map

Grand 01:
Reposition some units
Combine circle of power into one, closer to Waygate
Added a second Waygate that can be used by all parties to navigate the forest

Revolutionaries 01:
Executor and Phoenix Flames bases are expanded, expect HARDER resistance destroying them
Executor has assigned some of their troops and towers to Archaris' forces
Executor is now connected to Archaris base
Moved a Mastermind boss to a more visible spot, making it harder to siege one of the enemy bases

Revolutionaries 02:
Azralor now has 3 additional Boltmachines at his disposal
Phase 2 allies now has more towers against Azralor's forces
Kruzal now employs Empowering Wards across his base, making siege MUCH HARDER
Player now receive free Musket (and Air and Elite given conditions are met) reinforcement every few minutes
Changes the layout of some buildings and the position of some unit, allowing most of allied forces to assist Ozaras
Ally will no longer have insufficient money to keep fighting for 4 hours straight
During first phase of the battle, allies now can give elite troops to allow better engagement in favor of the player
Enemy bases are now fortified further
There are two waygates now that connect all bases better

Secret Level:
Removed enemy handicap bonus
Fixed one of the player not getting special troop bonus
Added more dialogue to expand upon the story
Improved enemy troops' extra spells
Adjustment to Alfarien's Commander Aura
Phoenix no longer dies from self-burn for this mission
Minor adjustment for base positioning
Improved Hive's Forces (notably Directive's Coalition)
Grant partial access to Phoenix Flames technology
Reworked ending
Changed one of LegendzKing's items
Ancient Phoenix now deal Chaos damage
Infernal is now Meteorite Infernal with buffed stats
Corrected some spells for some units

Sundering Blades is no longer available

Grand Coalition 00:
Azralor now uses his yellow attire instead of black
Changed mission music

New Coalition 01:
Engineer Wart now has proper troops protecting him
Revolutionaries 02:
Changed Dino Tank and Boltmachine models

Agent of Fallen 02:
Reduces spawn time from 900 to 750 seconds
Doubles the time before Phoenix Flames attack (Mastermind Only)
Added 4 Nether Drakes to the base defense spawn
All difficulty beyond Normal now has 75% handicap for all opponents
Player and Zoharin now uses elite undead unit (double base damage) (exclusively for this chapter)

Hunters, Executors and Slayers now benefits from footman upgrades

Grand Coalition 00:
Added additional enemies
More dialogues involved
Items are now attainable
More events
Riflemen, Knights and Elite Guards are used by the opponent
An easter egg related to Short Story added

Agent of Fallen 01:
Added additional enemies
Phoenix Flames now retaliates with reinforcements
Reduced time for the mission in all difficulties except Mastermind by 30 minutes

Agent of Fallen 02 :
Added 4 Bloodfiends to both sides spawn
Added 3 Greater Voidwalkers to both sides spawn
Reduced Siege Tank from right spawn by 1
Increased Ironflame Elites' initial strike time by 600 seconds
Added 3 Fatebane, a new unit, for Azralor's Executor (not replaceable)
Added an allied AI for defending base

Revolutionaries 02 :
Traitors should now address Loyalists as enemy properly
Traitors now change to Yellow, making it differentiable from the Loyalist allies

General :
Priest's Dispel Magic now deals 500 damage
Priest's Dispel Magic now has 600 area of effect
Priest's Dispel Magic now has 800 range
Priest's Dispel Magic now costs 200 mana
Sorcerer's Slow replaced with Entangle
Sorcerer's Polymorph replaced with Magic Rain
Footman's Heal is now auto-cast
Cavalry's Inner Fire is now auto-cast
Dino Tank's Homing Rockets damage increased from 10 to 20
Leader Aura's damage bonus increased from 20 to 25
Priest's Heal recovery increased from 50/75/100 to 50/100/150
Changed Archer's Headshot icon
Divine Blessing cooldown increased from 0 to 90
Berserk's learn hotkey fixed
Divine Blessing's learn hotkey fixed
Mind Possession cooldown decreased from 10 to 5
Awake the Dead cooldown decreased from 60 to 30
Death Force's area of effect increased from 300 to 600
Guardian of the Fallen's base damage increased from 17 to 30
Guardian of the Fallen's attack cooldown reduced from 1.35 to 1
Vadrazus' base damage increased from 0 to 20
Sorceress' mana regen increased from 0.67 to 1.33
Azralor's base health reduced from 2750 to 2000
Azralor now has Purge
Azralor no longer has Mana Burn, Lightning Shield
Blaze Ironflame no longer has Berserk
Edge the Swordmaster no longer has Dispel Magic
Farhn no longer has Frost Bolt
Hanaf now has Trueshot Aura
Kruzal the Executor now has Roar
Phelina no longer has Bloodlust
Phelina now has Healing Ward
Hammer Blow and Sword Blow no longer can hit air units
Fallen's base health increased from 250 to 500
Mizen now has Berserk

Agent of Fallen 01 :
Fixed a critical glitch with Portal

Revolutionaries 01 :
Added Ancient Janggo of Endurance for Dreadlord hero

Agent of Fallen 02 :
Increased Zoharin's health by 1000

Revolutionary Coalition 02 :
Fixed a major bug with Loyalist faction
Fixed a major bug with upgrades
Removed the ability to train Revolutionary Elites for Loyalist
Increased starting gold and lumber from 10000 to 12500

Hidden Chapter :
Changed the commander to a specific name instead of generic commander name

Added Chapters :
- Agent of Fallen 02: Zero Hour
- Revolutionary Coalition 02: The Devil King
- Hidden Chapter

General :
- Revolution Elites HP reduced from 1670 to 1300
- Elites HP increased from 1000 to 1250
- Okta Raxus' Spirit Ghost Summon Mana Cost reduced from 250 to 200
- Alliara Lightstar's Blizzard Mana Cost reduced from 100 to 80
- Vadrazus' Agency Power Evasion increased from 20% to 25%
- Redha Ani's Sacred Arrow Base Bonus Damage increased from 25 to 30
- Phoenix Flames' Inner Fire Damage Bonus increased from 20% to 25%
- Phoenix Flames' Inner Fire Armor Bonus increased from 7 to 10
- Phoenix Flames' Rain of Fire Damage per Wave increased from 25 to 40
- Crimson Sword's Base Damage increased from 11 to 18
- Crimson Hunter's Base Damage increased from 15 to 25
- Parnada the Wise's Base HP increased from 1500 to 2000
- Phoenix Guardian's Base Damage increased from12 to 24
- Phoenix Guardian now has Ensnare
- Phoenix Guardian's HP increased from 1500 to 2000
- Changed many models and icons for better appearances
- Vadrazus' Wraith's HP increased from 750 to 900
- Vadrazus' Mind Possession Cooldown reduced from 15 to 10
- All Undead Units have their stats readjusted (due to Agent of Fallen 02)
- Lord Ozaras now only has one passive (Leader Aura)
- Farm (Grand) no longer trains Worker [No more hunting worker game]
- Doubled Divine Blessing duration
- Berserk mana cost increased from 25 to 50
- Increased Ice Time's Area of Effect from 450 to 1000
- Decreased Ice Time's freeze from 30 (10) to 20(5)
- Buffed Priest abilities

Grand Coalition 01 :
- Added Elite Waves that attack at longer intervals
- Added Final Wave that attacks at last moments
- Split defense outposts
- Rename generic commanders to have their unique names
- Added some units to help the defense further
- Player starts with tier 1 upgrade for all units except Archers (all difficulties)
- Ozarus now teleports back to base, regardless if cinematic is skipped or not

Grand Coalition 02 :
- Nazare P's Base HP increased from 45 to 90
- Rasi Annah's Ice Time Mana Cost reduced from 250 to 100
- Added Towers to most entrances to the middle base
- Level cap raised from 4 to 6
- Fixed Undead AI
- Added 1 Knight for player
- Allows Mortar and Siege Engine to be built
- Increased wait duration from 600 to 900 for enemy and 750 to 1500 for Azralor
- Added two more Town Hall for Zarb-Zurb
- Slightly altered the first phase after calling for help

Revolutionaries 01 :
- Executors are replaced with Lieutenants
- A new variant of Executor added in limited number to Azralor's forces
- Increases the tech tree of Revolutionaries for player
- Grant access to tier 3
- Steam Tanks are now trainable

New Coalition 01 :
- Engineer Wart's Damage Cooldown reduced from 3.5 to 2 seconds
- Engineer Wart's HP increased from 1200 to 1800
- Added an additional Elementalist to the eastern flank
- Added two additional Peasants at the beginning
- Slightly changed Chief, Ani and White Fang starting positions

NOTES: Many changes are not logged, only logged them starting from 31/12/2018 22:43 GMT+7

Darkness Returns I v2.4.1 (Campaign)

Even though you won't be working on this campaign, in case you decide to return one day and work on it again... I will leave my review for the possible future ;) HEAVY nitpicking incoming, some or most of it, depending on how you look at it will be...
You could hide the credits list for easier scrolling. Why are all chapters visible? It's not in map development anymore. I just want to know what's up with chapter 2 before continuing with the others or trying a whosyourdaddy run on chap2 for a...
Easy only needs to go softer with Orange. That's basically the biggest problem. Well, the undead didn't do anything so, I don't know... Yeah, but it's confusing. All units should use the same pattern. You can make it so that they do it super fast...
Review for Darkness Returns 1 - The first map/chapter -> It's good that everything is explained at the start. Feels like a mini AoS map :) Troops fighting each other, main objective to kill the Mountain King and the Archmage. The chosen map is good...
ReviewDarkness Returns Key ConceptThe first map/chapter -> It's good that everything is explained at the start. Feels like a mini AoS map :) Troops fighting each other, main objective to kill the Mountain King and the Archmage. The chosen map is good...
ReviewDarkness Returns Key ConceptCampaign - The campaign is nice even if you used Blizzard maps for each chapter. The heroes are fine, the lore as well. I liked it. The first map/chapter -> It's good that everything is explained at the start. Feels...
Some changes made, Approved. In Heave and Earth (Grand Coalition 02) there are two orange paladin heroes with the same name: Manadar the Healer. Didn't the purple undead have heroes? Also, they don't attack (out of their base)? Green barracks seem to...
Managed to get 1.29 PTR and tried it, It was totally fun :D although on the chapter where you protect this waygate, I simply do not know how the bandits like "teleported" when I highly protected it, I clearly maintained all spots where the enemies attack?


You cannot stop the attack. They come from offscreen thus cannot be stopped. The outpost of the revolutionaries only supply the front line attack, not the ambush ones.

This mission has been remade to be more difficult and changing as time progresses.

Hope this clear things up!
Level 5
Apr 13, 2018
I'm sorry for reviewing late ;w;. but as far as I can remember, I really liked the campaign. The story was rather astounding! I can't write too much for this review because of my computer, but I really loved the campaign! 5/5!
I'm sorry for reviewing late ;w;. but as far as I can remember, I really liked the campaign. The story was rather astounding! I can't write too much for this review because of my computer, but I really loved the campaign! 5/5!
Thank you :)
Appreciated it.
Dunno why I'm here, but here's an update for the annoying second mission of Agent of Fallen.

Sundering Blades is no longer available

Grand Coalition 00:
Azralor now uses his yellow attire instead of black
Changed mission music

New Coalition 01:
Engineer Wart now has proper troops protecting him
Revolutionaries 02:
Changed Dino Tank and Boltmachine models

Agent of Fallen 02:
Reduces spawn time from 900 to 750 seconds
Doubles the time before Phoenix Flames attack (Mastermind Only)
Added 4 Nether Drakes to the base defense spawn
All difficulty beyond Normal now has 75% handicap for all opponents
Player and Zoharin now uses elite undead unit (double base damage) (exclusively for this chapter)
Since the development has stopped, I will provide playable maps of the next part of the campaign at the link below
Fixed the issue with the crash, as well as updated to the 2.4 version. I am adding more minor content to this campaign just to improve it since I also plan to play them for my recordings. This particular patch addresses the absurd difficulty of the secret mission the most. I have yet to stabilize the Mastermind difficulty for most mission, so keep in mind the difficulty is fluctuating for now.
Secret Level no longer triggers a defeat before ending sequences
Fixes Secret Level ending cinematic sequence

Agent of Fallen 01:
Units under Phoenix Elite subfactions are heavily enhanced to denote their elite status (careful engaging them)
Trained units no longer given to the Phoenix Elite subfaction
Added more Lightning Blades' Hunters around the map

For those who wishes to only watch the cinematic of Secret Level and have played this mission in 2.4 (for prior it is recommended to retry this mission in 2.4 due to dialogue improvements), you can use "testwin" command without the quote marks.

Not a major patch. This is mostly addressing critical issues in Agent of Fallen and Secret Level Ending.
Level 8
Oct 6, 2021
Hey daff, I've played your campaign and I feel enjoy playing it especially your Revolutionary Coalition faction which gives the impression that many allies in one map are fighting against the enemy.. but why don't you make lots of chapters so you can explain each faction slowly so you don't seem to be rushing the story and getting character development, for example? you made this campaign very fun but it ended too quickly in my opinion
Hey daff, I've played your campaign and I feel enjoy playing it especially your Revolutionary Coalition faction which gives the impression that many allies in one map are fighting against the enemy.. but why don't you make lots of chapters so you can explain each faction slowly so you don't seem to be rushing the story and getting character development, for example? you made this campaign very fun but it ended too quickly in my opinion
Thank you for the input. I am happy to see that the general idea of the campaign is acceptable and interesting.

Yes, in regards to the story it is rushed because this was supposedly a long campaign line as opposed to just one campaign.

I personally currently am working on a new campaign hoping to correct the mistakes this campaign has and create a much more cohesive story than this campaign.
Level 8
Oct 6, 2021
Thank you for the input. I am happy to see that the general idea of the campaign is acceptable and interesting.

Yes, in regards to the story it is rushed because this was supposedly a long campaign line as opposed to just one campaign.

I personally currently am working on a new campaign hoping to correct the mistakes this campaign has and create a much more cohesive story than this campaign.
Just a suggestion, if you want to create a new campaign, can you not make too many units in one map? Like this campaign, at first it was safe, but more and more it felt leggy :V
Just a suggestion, if you want to create a new campaign, can you not make too many units in one map? Like this campaign, at first it was safe, but more and more it felt leggy :V
I will keep the suggestion in mind. It is kind of challenging to balance the numbers yet at the same time yield a feeling of massive war on multiple fronts like Chapter 2 for Revolution and Agent of Fallen. I also will be more mindful with 'Heal' since it really disrupt the killing pace of units in engagement.
Personally, since all of those are base building missions, I recommend either Grand (easiest but tend to be time consuming due to multiple enemy bases) or Revolutionaries (harder, especially if things go south with the three "heaven falls down" cannon, but my experience with that mission is that it is faster to finish with some strategies). I would not recommend Fallen mission at all since the balancing around that mission is soo terrible that players will unnecessarily suffer (looking at those Fatebane in several bases, multiple enemy bases to destroy, very aggressive attacks from all of said bases, multiple level 10 enemy heroes, and Executors + Ironflames OP units for cherry on top)