1. I wasn't saying we should ban every gun on the planet. I was saying that they should ban any gun that falls under the "kill within seconds" category. or we can even modify our rounds to just maim. everything is easier for cops if everyone was on melee
Except EVERY gun can "kill within seconds" or "maim". A bullet is a bullet, regardless of what is firing it. A 6 shot revolver can kill someone just as quickly as a fully automatic M16.
2. the reason why all the ban laws are failing, is because people still had guns pre-law. the laws weren't being enforced enough. plus, the other bans did not bring along guns in the process. you want drugs, you can't get one, you've got a gun, use it to kill people for drugs.
And so what, you think the government will go door to door, ransacking every house searching for illegal guns if they pass a law banning guns? Yeah, that'll go over REAL well. Also people can get drugs without guns. Most druggies don't own guns. And the drug dealers sure as fuck don't care what gun laws exist, they'll still get guns with the money they earn from selling drugs. You accomplish nothing.
Tirlititi said:
So I guess Aurora's shooter was in the 1%? People in Colorado fall in the case you mention of being "perfectly sane people wearing guns for killing-criminals-only purpose". Of course, they didn't take their guns out ; it would have certainly made accidents...
Besides, I really don't think a system that would rely on people's guts and supermen behaviour for its security is on the good path.
The shooter was hardly suicidal. He took no real risks. He even had body armor for fucks sake. He knew for a fact nobody in that theater would be armed because it's illegal for anyone to be armed in that theater. And most people follow the law. He chose that theater specifically because it was shooting fish in a barrel. They couldn't escape, they couldn't fight back, they were sitting ducks. Notice how all mass shootings take place in crowded areas where concealed carry firearms are banned? Because nobody can fight back and the shooter can rack up high kill counts. Relying on police that aren't there when the shooting happens, instead of relying on yourself is stupid as fuck and inexcusable.
Mechanical Man said:
So how many people were able to defend in this shooting thanks to such law? And there isn't much difference beetween automatic and semi automatic, with semi automatic you can make almost the same carnage as with full auto.
Nobody was allowed to defend themselves because the law prohibits firearms inside places like theaters. Even though Colorado has conceal carry, they're not allowed to bring their guns where they need them most, and look at what happened.
Mechanical Man said:
Some americans just can't realize that if everyone had a weapon in his pocket, there would be much more killings, in case they don't know, some people are very impulsive, not thinking at the consequences, but only concentrated at the present and if someone pisses them off, they would pull out the gun and shoot without thinking. You may say yes, they could get guns illegaly, but that requires a lot of effort and people in general are lazy and if it's not at hand, they won't bother to get that thing unless they desperately want. As some said, automatic weapons are banned, but it still can be obtained illegally. As you can see, the shooter didn't get any automatic weapons, hence all legal, what are the chances he would buy any weapons at all if they were illegal?
It's this sort of half-baked logic that causes these tragedies to begin with. You're everything that is wrong with this country. "Hurr nobody but me has any sort of self control, give them a gun and they'll immediately turn into a cold-blooded killer". Yeah, no, it doesn't work that way. Most people are honest, law abiding citizens who just want to live their lives. Facts support this. If you actually did research instead of spout random, unfounded fear-mongering you'd know that people with conceal carry licenses commit LESS crimes in general, and never commit gun-related crimes. So yeah, clearly, everyone would just go shooting up everyone if they had a gun. Stop being so ignorant.
Mechanical Man said:
Explosives you say? He may plant explosives in his house as nobody would bother to check. But for planting explosives you need some skills, also at public place, he would become suspected if always around the movie theater. Rushing out with gun is much easier, you don't need more than a day to learn how to operate them.
Again, ignorance. You can make simple explosives with basic house-hold chemicals. He could have easily made up a bunch of grenades, put them in a backpack, and start chucking them around the theater. Any grade schooler with a computer can do this. In fact, in some ways it would be easier to do this then get a gun. Yet you don't see people bitch and moan that people are buying fertilizer and making bombs.
Mechanical Man said:
2nd amandment was actual in the 18th century, when war and local battles were still waging, also note the technology in that age. I doubt Holmes would create such massacre with flintlock pistols. So yes, 2nd am. should be respected also within the age of acceptance, allowing only weapons within that age's technology, that is flintlock rifles and pistols.
The 2nd amendment exists for two reasons, one of which is showcased by this shooting. To protect ourselves and our property, and to resist the government if it gets out of line. Those two reasons are precisely why they made it. Nowhere in the second amendment does it say "the right to bear arms everywhere except public gatherings". They understood that shit can go down anywhere at any time, and so you had the right to protect yourself.
It's today's warped society that thinks it's ok to take power away from the people. I have a right to defend myself. I have a RIGHT to fight back and kill someone who is attempting to take my life. People like you trample all over that right due to your own ignorance and fear. You don't know anything about guns nor the kinds of people who own and use them. All you know is they're scary and kill people. Your ignorance breeds fear and that fear leads you to make illogical choices and trample on other people's rights. I bet you've never even so much as held a gun, let alone shot one. I bet you don't even know anyone who owns a gun or shoots them. Everything you know about guns you got from the news.
There were four servicemen in that theater. Four people who were trained to use firearms. Four people who, I guarantee you, swore and said "God I wish I had my gun right now" right before the killer ended their lives. You deprived these people the ability to fight back. By doing so, YOU, and everyone like you, contributed to their deaths. You'll deny it, but you are responsible for every death in that theater. I hope that makes you happy.
Edit: An example of what SHOULD have happened, had the anti-gun fear mongers not had their way.