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Dalanar RPG

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Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
So... where IS the development... place? xD

And should I read through 30 pages to find out who Rui is?
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
I dont know who is rui either, but I'm guessing he/she the mod who removed most of our trash posts :)
Level 10
Jan 24, 2009
Bad News: I am Leaving the Team you guys... It feels like Nothing is happening, We were supposed to test the Save/Load System on multiplayer but that diden't happen...

Good News: there is none from me... except that I might help with some spells After I left...
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Some days without progress are no reason to call a project dead. I'm working on another map for 5 years now. xD
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
I suggest we plan ahead to prevent things like this to happen.
Or maybe write a miniature version of a game design document :) (Maybe this is too much)
Lol it is getting anywhere. Im currently awaiting some models from a friend and when they are done i can finish my statmenu system. Naitsirk, i asked you to test the saveload in multiplayer as you are the only one that can host maps online. Its sad that you left, but its pretty lame if its because the project is 'dead'.

MeOme, i will send you the map when im back from school because i got to go now. Sorry for the late answer.
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Houston, we have a problem.
(Info: X-OMG-X gave me the map so that I could work on it)

When I try to test the map, I just get returned to the WC3 starting screen. Same happens when I try to start the map from the game directly. Meaning I can't test if my fixes do what they're supposed to and other stuff. :/

Does anyone know why that happens / what i can do against it? :cry:

PS: Whoever placed the pathing blockers on the map seems to have been drunk half of the time. oO
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
I use JNGP too. (Working on my own 440x440 Orpg with currently 20k doodads would be quite hard otherwise :wink: )

WC3 --> Single Player --> Custom Game --> Dalanar RPG v0.26 --> Start Game --> nothing happens
Local Area Network --> Create Game --> Dalanar RPG v0.26 --> Create Game --> nothing happens
I even tried to host it in Battle.net, but it said "Game not found".
Oh thats not so good. Probably because Mjllonir is using the old version of JNGP, wich caused the same problem last time we tried. Hm, lol cant remember how to fix it..

Btw, i will agree with you guys. The project seems to be quite 'dead' and doesnt move anywhere, anymore.. I dont think it never is going to be finished :/
I just dont know what to do.. Continue working on it or give the project to a new one that can continue the development of dalanar.. :/
Level 10
Jan 24, 2009
I use JNGP too. (Working on my own 440x440 Orpg with currently 20k doodads would be quite hard otherwise :wink: )

WC3 --> Single Player --> Custom Game --> Dalanar RPG v0.26 --> Start Game --> nothing happens
Local Area Network --> Create Game --> Dalanar RPG v0.26 --> Create Game --> nothing happens
I even tried to host it in Battle.net, but it said "Game not found".

Try Saving the map in NewGen since It's vJASS... So that means if you open the Trigger Editor you'll need to Save before testing...
Level 12
May 30, 2009
OMG, you can suck up your guts, drink a large coffee, splash icy cold water on your face, slap yourself in the face a couple times to wake you up, and sit down and develop for the sake of this work you've already done, and work until you know that you've done something significant. This also goes for everyone (except me because I'm lazy :p)

For the project!
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Aaah good. xD
"vJass" was the right hint. I had Jasshelper disabled when i saved before. :hohum:
Now it works.

But really, the pathing blocker placement is just... ugh. It's still possible to walk to dungeon 2 from dungeon 1. :p
I'll make it so that walking on the parts with the stone texture is impossible.

And we need to talk about the experience gain. I don't know how all those changes under Gained Hero-EP in the gameplay constants are supposed to work, but right now they do that an enemy gives less exp the higher his level is, and that you get no exp at all after you're level 13. And that makes (at least to me) absolutely no sense. This is the most important thing-to-change atm, I think.

Oh, and the dungeon with the Couatls (dunno which number that is) seems to have no boss.

Aaand the Pyromancer's attack projectile has no model. Which should I give him? Or should I just pick one that I find fitting?

PS: To everyone: Don't get demotivated by my talk about the amount of unfinished things. I'll try my best to fix the stuff I find. ;)
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
Oh yea, there is alot to be done.
So OMG i suggest we sit down and throw in ideas and plans for the map.
What is left to be done and etc.
Okay thanks for motivating me lol. I will keep working.
Im still awaiting the needed models for the statmenu system.
A small talk about what to do would be nice.
We make a To-Do list.
This is a few things im adding on the wall.

Statmenu System (X-OMG-X)
Bug fixing (meOme)
Terrain improvements (??)
Spells for 6 heroes (X-OMG-X, ??)
Development Updates (X-OMG-X)
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Good, good... but what about the exp-"system"?
It absolutely can't stay the way it is now.
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Yeah, but right now it goes like this:

Higher critter lvl = less exp...

You gain less exp every lvl, after lvl 13 you get 0, whatever you do...

Seriously, who made it that way? xD

Oh well I'll just change it so that it works "logically". OMG can tell me later how he imagined the "kills-per-lvlup"-function.

I couldn't do much the last two days, yesterday was really stressy and today my sister needed my help with her homework as soon as I came home... <_<
Now I'll chill out a bit and then I'll do something... maybe. :grin:

Allright I worked on the map. But the more I test my fixes, the more new bugs I seem to find. x_X
I didn't look at the triggers yet, since they are by far the biggest part of what has to be fixed. I'll start with them tomorrow or the day after.

- You can't walk from one dungeon into another anymore. (You could still go from 1 to 2 by walking at the border of the map...)
- The stone walls between the first dungeons are now completely unpathable. I also increased their height a bit to make them look like something that can actually block your path.
- Fixed the "our allied town is under attack" bug by moving one of the creeps farther away from the castle.
- All ranged units/heros have a visible projectile now.
- Couatls are now flying like they're supposed to, and not stuck to the ground anymore.

Partly Done:
- Repositioning of pathing- and line-of-sight-blockers on the whole map.
- Finding a good balance for experience gain.

To Do:
- It's still possible at some positions in dungeons to attack enemies from other dungeons with ranged heroes.
- Starting with the ogres, nothing happens when you kill a boss.
- Spells, spells, spells... and their tooltips (I'm looking at you, Hydromancer)
- The message that shows what ability you learned shows wrong names for the higher levels of some spells.
- When you leave a 13-24 dungeon, you are returned to the 1-12 portal room... a bit annoying.
- Have to fix the bug where you leave a dungeon and can't reenter because it thinks you are still in there.
- Maybe some other stuff I forgot right now.

Suggestions/Questions/Other Stuff:
- The Hydromancer's "Elemental" spells seems quite useless. He needs to channel to create a water-elemental that only stays as long as he channels and that is actually weaker than him...
- Any particular reason why the max hero level is 71? ^^
- Abilities level at 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50. I don't really like the sudden 6-level gap between 24 and 30. It's also a bit boring (and quite bad for the spell-/attack-dmg-balancing) that you don't get better abilities after level 50.
- I think it would be better if the creeps would belong to neutral hostile instead of a player, because you could see their level.
- The Couatl-dungeon needs a boss.
- I think it would be more interesting if more enemies had abilities.
- I see no logical reason why int should give less mana than str gives hp. Could we make int and items give double mana and double the manacost of all spells too, to balance it out again? Then str would give 20hp and int would give 20mana, I think that would look nicer.

That's it from me for now.
Have a nice day/night/whatever it is where you live. ;)
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Level 8
May 31, 2009
Umm, I believe the game was supposed to have no flying units, it was intended as so, because the melee characters would not be able to attack them (seems more realistic that way I suppose), but of course nobody said we can't change that :p

Besides that all the updates you made are very good, and very cool. Someone will have to take care of the EXP and the balancement of everything I guess.
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Eh, they're not really flying, they're hovering (is that the right english word? ^^), meaning they can only go where land-units can go and can be attacked like ground units. They're only so far above the ground that it doesn't look like they're swimming in the sand (1-2m above the ground), so it's realistic that you can still reach them with melee attacks.

I'll make the exp-thing so that it is good enough for now, later... we'll see.

The "balancement of everything"... better not to think about that. lalala :hohum:
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
- Starting with the ogres, nothing happens when you kill a boss.
- When you leave a 13-24 dungeon, you are returned to the 1-12 portal room... a bit annoying.
- Have to fix the bug where you leave a dungeon and can't reenter because it thinks you are still in there.

This part... unless you understand vjass..
I doubt that you can do it lol.
The reason behind those boss monsters, over stage 7, aren't teleporting you is because the are no drop items for them so I can really teleport those heroes there and collect dust.

Anyway well done. :thumbs_up:
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
I think it would be way better to get to an empty loot room than to stand around in an empty dungeon.

vJass, eh? Why did you use vJass for something that can easily be done in GUI? xD
Wether I can do it... Well I guess it's at least easier to change your triggers than to create new ones. I'll see if I can understand them.

btw, one thing I forgot to mention:
- In the smaller dungeons, if you are fast enough, you can get to the boss again before he respawns. If you're really fast even before the enemies respawn. Maybe we should make it so that a dungeon is reset after all players have left it?
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
vJass, eh? Why did you use vJass for something that can easily be done in GUI? xD
I can use text macro :)
btw, one thing I forgot to mention:
- In the smaller dungeons, if you are fast enough, you can get to the boss again before he respawns. If you're really fast even before the enemies respawn. Maybe we should make it so that a dungeon is reset after all players have left it?
I didn't do the respawns.
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
What are text macros?

The respawn triggers are guite easy to understand, the question is more "what would be the best way to respawn enemies for this kind of map?". I think a dungeon should be resetted when all players leave it.
Level 10
Jan 24, 2009
What are text macros?

The respawn triggers are guite easy to understand, the question is more "what would be the best way to respawn enemies for this kind of map?". I think a dungeon should be resetted when all players leave it.

Text macros are vJASS thing... Not to sure how to explain what it is... but you can atleast call them in a Function by $(TextMacro name)$ or something...
Level 3
Sep 24, 2009
Yeah, as what Aesthetics said.
I can add in 1 line of text and create 10 or more lines at will.
Imagine 20 stages of the same thing, except the stage name, portal name etc.)
What if you had to change a small thing in each of everyone of them.
Anyway, I'm going overseas for sometime tomorrow :)
When you are done with the bug fixing, maybe you could send me the map whilst I try to fix the vJass part.
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Yeah, as what Aesthetics said.
I can add in 1 line of text and create 10 or more lines at will.
Imagine 20 stages of the same thing, except the stage name, portal name etc.)
What if you had to change a small thing in each of everyone of them.
Well... I have a dungeon system in my map that is quite similar to the way this one works, and I think it has less lines in GUI than your system has in vJass... But if you prefer vJass, that's your choice of course. :p

This are the Jass/vJass-things that need fixing:
- You can -load an infinite number of heroes. ^^
- Leaving a dungeon by death or through the entrance makes it unreenterable most times.
- Leaving a #13-24 dungeon returns you to portal room 1 instead of portal room 2.
- Please make it that you are transferred to the loot room whether the boss drops or doesn't drop an item.
- When you get to the loot room, the camera should follow you (like when you leave the loot room).

Things I fixed/changed today:

- Line-of-Sight-/Pathing Blockers placement is done. :)
- Corrected the Assassin's name. (It's written with 4 's')
- The item "Claws of the Wild" now gives the bonus it's supposed to give.
- Raised the night sight range of all heroes to 900. Not seeing where you are going is just annoying.
- Raised the attack range of all ranged heroes to 400. A mage should be able to throw his missile farther than 1 meter. Is the druid supposed to be melee or ranged? 170 is a strange range.
- Changed the Clerics projectile, the old one didn't really fit him imo.
- The text message now shows the correct ability names when leveling the Hydromancer's abilities.

Bad Stuff:

- Item requirement system is missing.
- I still need to start spell-fixing... And sadly the problem has a main culprit: mjllonir.
Most of his spells don't do what they should, they leak, and not one of them is MUI. Examples: Blink Strike, Dagger Hurl (passive), Wolf Form.
From the spells that he triggered I only found 1 yet that isn't bugged, and that spell could easily be done completely without triggers. <_<
I guess I'll remake all of mjllonir's abilities from scratch to make sure they actually do what they're supposed to.

The only problematic spell from another triggerer I found is Naitsirk's Frost Bolt. (leak-remove + wait = bad idea I think)

~That were the meOme-news for today, we wish you all a nice sleep~

So... How's the Map comming along?
See above. ^ :D
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Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
I can't remember the Triggers in that spell.... Well Fix it as mutch as you'd like...
Well, you set a point- and unitgroup-variable, then use a wait, and then remove the leaks. This will leak for 2 reasons.
1) Blizzard messed their code up a bit with patch 1.23. You have to remove leaks without waits and in the same trigger, or they will still leak a bit.
2) The variables can be overwritten in the wait-time by another hero using Frost Bolt. The leaks wouldn't be removed then.

So yeah, I'll try to fix that. What about I just remove that wait? it's only 0.1 seconds anyway.
Level 10
Jan 24, 2009
Well, you set a point- and unitgroup-variable, then use a wait, and then remove the leaks. This will leak for 2 reasons.
1) Blizzard messed their code up a bit with patch 1.23. You have to remove leaks without waits and in the same trigger, or they will still leak a bit.
2) The variables can be overwritten in the wait-time by another hero using Frost Bolt. The leaks wouldn't be removed then.

So yeah, I'll try to fix that. What about I just remove that wait? it's only 0.1 seconds anyway.

sure... It's abit late here...3:25 AM to be accact.... So yea... And BTW... I can Join this Project agian if you need me:p I soon have Holidays:p need something to do:p
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Yeah, it's a bit late here in good ol' Germany too. :wink:
I was so caught up in mapping that I didn't look at the time. ^^
Thanks for the "meOme news" :D

Yea i know the item-req isnt imported yet as i couldnt. Sending you a PM.

Also, the range of the ranged heroes shouldnt be the same (most of them), as a spellcaster has less range than a ranger.

- Any particular reason why the max hero level is 71? ^^

Yeap, its 71 and should stay there. I have a special feature for that. Will reveal some more information when it comes to there.
Level 7
Jul 18, 2009
Also, the range of the ranged heroes shouldnt be the same (most of them), as a spellcaster has less range than a ranger.
The archer still has 600... I just increased the others because less then 400 looks strange. I can make them have different ranges (just tell me which), but it shouldn't be less than 350 I think.
The archer still has 600... I just increased the others because less then 400 looks strange. I can make them have different ranges (just tell me which), but it shouldn't be less than 350 I think.

Okay mix their ranges a bit, but keep the medium around 400.
Also the druid. Its almost a melee hero but still a ranged hero. I think it should be set to 250-275 range.
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