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Daemonic Sword ORPG

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.
Welcome to the Daemonic Sword ORPG!

An amazing Storylined RPG with endless Exploration, Bosses, Items, Quests, Music & more!
Fulfill your destiny as one of 14 Heroes sent to either save the realm or leave it in darkness as you experience a timeless masterpiece beyond imagination.

Designed for:
Classic and Reforged
Singleplayer or Multiplayer
Default or 3rd Person

Official Players Guide (Created by the fans!)

With over 2000+ Members already what are you waiting for? Join the community!

-Select a Hero with your Mouse to start new or input your save code.
-Follow the Storyline to complete Quests.
-Interact with almost anything and have fun!
-You can always -repick if you wish to select another hero.

Daemonic Sword has a pretty big learning curve for all the systems but do not get overwhelmed and take your time.
There is a massive Wiki and fanbase ready to help you with any Questions you may have.

-Play Both Reforged/Classic.
-Player Single Player/Multiplayer
-14 Unique Heroes which can each Evolve into a new Hero.
-Save/Load for both Single/Multiplayer
-Bank Vaults save additional items
-Custom U.I with Books, Scrolls, and Custom Systems with Hotkeys
-Custom UI Attribute System
-Customize Inventory/Statistic System
-Professions System (Thievery, Fishing, Forging, SpeechCraft, Hunting)
-Calendar System with Weekly Events.
-UI Hotkey Button Menu
-Enchanting, Forging, Crafting and Fusion Systems with thousands of choices.
-3rd Person Camera with fully controlled camera angles and zooms.
-Multiple Languages Supported (Currently being worked on)
-Exclusive Soundtrack over 40 Musical tracks available

-Exclusively made Special Effects created by Vinz
-Learn unique abilities of your choice.
-Customize Backpack Model.
-1000's of Items to Forge, Fuse, enchant, purchase and earn.
-12 Classes of Items with over 10 Types for each Class.
-Reforge your items into more powerful versions using Forging Skills
-Item Set's included (Fusions of 6 Set Piece Items)

-New Lead Special Effects Designer Vinz is currently working on Revamping and created all New Special Effects.
-Hundreds of High Quality Special Effects

-Choose between two Alliances at any point in the game. (Evil or Good)
-Two Main Quests, one for each Alliance.
-5 Guilds which save with your Hero.
-Tons of Mini Games and Systems including Lockpicking
-Play actual Musical Notes and Learn the Different Songs of the World.
-Colosseum Mini Games Included with Prizes and lots of unique Fun!
-Purchase and Build your very own Home.
-Over 30 Unique and amazing Bosses.

-More then 6 Towns and Cities with enter-able buildings.
-Dialog and communicate with every character you see that can speak.
-Specific Ultimate Items for each character
-Epic Custom Skins, Terrain, Spells, and lots more!
-Over Hundreds of Hours of Gameplay!
-Tons of Guilds, Side Quests, Mini Games, and Adventures
-10+ Major Temple/Dungeons included in map with Epic Boss Battles and Loot.


Name: Shea Easterbrook
Battle.Net: Daemonic#1597
Hive: Daemonic_Sword
Discord: Daemonic#6077

Modeller Credits:

A Very Special Thank you to every Modeller on the Hiveworkshop!

Daemonic Sword uses so many of your models and it truly helps create an amazing experience.
With Reforged and constant updates the credit section may be a little outdated, but I will try my best to update this section as all of you are amazing!
Thank you so much.

Icon Credits:
Apothercree (Submitted Hero Icon Portraits)


FireMage - (Life Sage) - Kitabatake
Blood Elf Champion - (Raegnarok Norm) - General Frank
Ice Wings - (Raegnarok Meta) - By Suselishe
Bloodelf Phoenix Guard - (Assassin) -General Frank
InquisitorMalendis - (Reaper) - Sellenisko
Obsidian Overlord - (Emperor of Darkness) - Ampharos_222
Li0neSS Arch Angel Seraphim Mistress - (Dragon Princess) - General Frank
Hyperion - (Pure Vampire) - General Frank
Sylvanas Windrunner Banshee Queen Sellenisko - (Sentinel) Sellenisko
Alexstrazsa - (Phoenix of Gaia)- 67chrome, Sellenisko
Angel - (Defender of Realms) - expresso (Tranquil)
Angel - (Angel of Light) -Xazuki
Prime Matron - (Shadow Blade)-By dickxunder
Soul Devourer - (Undead) - Grendel
Hellscream - (Demon Slayer) - Sephiex
HeroBloodelvenPaladin - (Mystic Angel) - General Frank
The Lich King - (Daemon(Evil) - l0w_kwaliti
Deathwing - Kwaliti


Advanced Rod, Fishing Hat - MeteORA
Chest04 - Chriz
Anvil - Carrington2k
LightningArrow -JesusHipster
BearRug_DDK - darkdeathknight
Belted Cape - Sunchips
Blueholy Wings - UgoUgo
Light Feather - Dan van Ohllus
Frost Wyrm Shield_Left - Markos3520
Gold Bar - communist_orc
Horde Fire Bow by Forgotten_Warlord - Forgotten_Warlord
MasterSwordPedestal - Zerox
SilverOre - Ergius
Improved White Shield - Astaroth Zion
King -Tranquil
Nathrezim Doombringer - Ampharos_222
GungnirV2 - NeuroHunter
MaulofHavoc, Great_Axe, Thebandit's_Shield, All custom trees - eubz
Snowpine - By Gottfrei
Troll Hunting Bow - MaTiJa97
Nostradamus - KayS
Diablo - Dan van Ohllus
BloodlotusRG - Kitabatake
Arch Angel - Elenai
Tormentor - Ampharos_222
Bladed Edge, Dragon BattleAxe, Ogre Axe, Searing Blade, Portrait Items, Skill Buckler, SmolderDragon Sword. Spirit Shield - Lord_T
Orbs Fire, Lightning, Water, Poison, Light, Darkness, Potions Green/Blue, Purple Vial, Lord
Blood Elf Magestaff, Crate - Debode
BloodyAxe_ByEpsilon - Epsilon
Elven Boots, Boots of Speed, Slippers of Agility, Staff, Gloves of Speed, Javelin, Ice Shard - Matarael
Cold Steel Kukri, Destroyer FaceGuard, Rotten Staff, Longsword of Marr - Usedwell
RPG SET #1 (Round Shields, crystal Sword) - N00byStance
Copper Bow, Metal Bow, FootmanArmorV2, - Kitabatake
Crusader Sword - ikillforeyou
Deldrimor Mace - Goolygot
Crystal Shield, Double Plated Shield, Golden Shield, Iron Shield, Rusier Wooden Buckler, Steel Shield, Demon Satyr, Skeleton Firemage, Skeleton Fire Warior Mage - HappyTauren
Dead Dragon Helmet - Champara Bros
Teamcolored Key - Kitabatake
ArcaneRuneHammerV2 - RaidonGod
Assassins weapon - Goolygot
Deldrimor Mace - Goolygot
Doomstaff, Doomsting - Boneknight
Dragonscale_Blade , Hammer of Naaru, Wooden Bow, Rune Dagger, Shadowmourne, Shield of FW, ShadowDragon, Land Dragon - Forgotten_Warlord
Dragonslayer - Boneknight
Lion Sword, Armageddon - KayS
Faceguard of the Hawk - debode
Gem - Dan van Ohllus
Grand Blade - Tonberry
Guard_Shield - paladinjst
InfernalDestroyer, Megaton Hammer - Sunchips
Mithril Sword - Revilo
MithrilHammer - MistAssass
LethalBow - Gottfrei
Khaz'amul - Boneknight
King's Crown - Tranquil
Pickaxe - Fan
Scythe of Doom - D4RK_G4ND4LF
Spartan Helmet - Tr!KzZ
The Hellbringer - Teaspoon
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury by chilla_killa - chilla_killa
HumanGuardHelmVersion – paladinjst
Ancient Wall 03 - By Kitabatake
Angel - By Dionesiist
ArcaneRocket_Projectile -By sPy
ArcaneStaff - By War_Golum
Attack Aura - By s4nji
Balverines - By Dan van Ohllus
Banisher, Borreal Hound – By Grendel
Blackcloudof Fog - JetFangInferno
BlightwalkerAura - By War_Golum
BloodBatMissile - By judash137
Burrower - By Ampharos_222
Chaos Banner -By Pyramidhe@d
Cathedral - By eubz
Chaos Marauder Helmet, Coffin - by chilla_killa
Castle Wall -By Tranquil
Crusader Helm - By ikillforeyou
Decay Staff - Epimetheus
DemonHunter – By KayS
Demon Knight by DevineArmy - By Devine
DemonObelisk , DemonPillar- By Amigurumi
Demon Tower - By HappyTauren
Heal Aura - By Lordan12
Doomstaff - By Boneknight
Dragonspawns - By Sellenisko
DruidStaff - By Truth Troll UA
Dune_Crawler - By Ampharos_222
Elven Swordsman - ?
Enchanted_Arrow -By sPy
EvilMissileofShadowyDOOM - By shamanyouranus
Horned Helm - ?
Rock Slam/ Falling Light - By judash137
FelHoundRider - Frankster
SunfireMissile - By pWn3d
Flame Thrower - By Champara Bros
Forgotten_Warlords Greathelm - By Forgotten_Warlord
Fountain statue - By Hexus
Frozen Orb - By Daelin
GhostAura - By Mainy
Glaciar Aura - By Daelin
Grassie - By HappyTauren
Great Lightning - By Tranquil
Grudge Aura - JetFangInferno
Healing Surge - By RetroSexual
Hell Fire - By Champara Bros
Warrior (Demon Slayer) - Made by Sephiex
Demon Arch-Duke - By Dionesiist
Hellspawn Annihilator - By Ampharos_222
Fel Orc Outrider - By Deolrin
Holy Awakening - JetFangInferno
Holy Breath - JetFangInferno
HolyLionMissile - By ratamahatta
Holymagic_Projectile - By sPy
HouseVar01 - By Amigurumi
Frost Aura - By s4nji
Infernal_Mask, MyrmidonHelmet -By -Peper-
Living Statue - By WhiteDeath
Lightning Bolt - By Champara Bros
LightningStrikeLarge - By Callahan
Lost Memory - By Suselishe
MagicLightning_Aura - By sPy
Mastermind Daggers - By Ampharos_222
Mindstaff - By Thrikodius
MineWall - Emergenzy
Halo -By RetroSexual
Outland Brazier -By shamanyouranus
PandaGlaiveMissile - By RetroSexual
Pillar (Diablo3) - By Pinachet
piratehat01 - By Chriz.
Quiver_Item - By eubz
Ring of Protection - republicola
Royal Arrow - By Champara Bros
Ruin Head - Buster
Coral Tree - By waveseeker
RuneBoltMissile - Red Baron
RunningFlame_Aura - By sPy
Scared Skull - By RetroSexual
Sea Aura - JetFangInferno
Serpent Lord's Gaze - By Usedwell
Crown Shield by Sunchips - By Sunchips
Naga_Shield - By eubz
Shiva's Wings - By JetFangInferno
TornadoElemental - Callahan
Spiders Victim - By Teaspoon
Spiral Aura - JetFangInferno
SpiritArrow – ByEpsilon
Spell Projectiles, VenomousAura, WateryAura, HolyBlast, Holy Missle, Strengthen, Aura - By sPy
Staff of Negation - By Thrikodius
Staff of Silence - By Thrikodius
Starfall Missile, Flameshot Aura, Mist Aura - By Pyritie
Undead Aura - By s4nji
Voodoo Mask - by Forgotten_Warlord
Doomshooter - By Boneknight
WingsoftheNightmare - By Usedwell
Wooden Log Wall - By xorkatoss

Help Support the Development of the Best RPG on Warcraft III!

If you have any questions about the map please refer to the Discord as is the Main Hub for all the communication.

This is a huge game with hundreds of hours of epic gameplay.
Some reviews date back to 2012 and the game has since come a very long way and is now considered one of the Best RPGs you can experience and play.

Daemonic Sword ORPG, Shea Easterbrook, Coop, Adventure, RPG, Roleplaying game, ORPG, Daemonic_Sword

Daemonic Sword ORPG 3.69 (Map)

Orcnet22:54, 9th May 2013 Moderation renew Daemonic Sword ORPG (Version 5.37) RateScorePercentLetter 5/591-100A RateScorePercentLetter 4/581-90%B RateScorePercentLetter 3/575-80%C RateScorePercentLetter 2/570-74%D...
After years of awesome updates and development, receiving a lot of love and becoming one of the coolest custom games for Warcraft both classic and nowadays Reforged as well, the moment at last has arrived. Director's Cut and congratulations!!! Hard...
Level 2
Sep 21, 2013
wow you guys are derping so much just becuz a map dont have smaller numbers does not mean its bad map the maps you named dont stand close to daemonioc sword rpg and this map is 999x better you know why i said that? becuz i like this map what i wanted proove is its a matter of taste you like better these maps thats why you are saying these maps are blah blah 999x times better dont be a kid and grow up but if u compare maps to each other and tell ""this map is better than that map becuz this map have smaller numbers than that map dont"" its a derp troll logic
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Level 2
Apr 9, 2014
i hate to tell this but there are some problems which i've seen from many previous version-it's the reward from quest. When i return the princess to the king, it said that i received 2k5 gold and exp but nothing happen!
Level 2
Oct 10, 2010
I reached the loading screen, it load finish but the loading word doesnt change and its just stuck there. Why?
Level 3
Nov 25, 2012
Yes, this map has much content than other RPG maps, but IDK something makes it not that attractive, i think it should have better models and nerf a bit more the numbers. It has even more then TWRPG i believe.
Level 1
May 7, 2014
Had a pretty decent start with the map - played like 20 min then the rush ran out.

1. Too sparse map - dark forest is too small, not enough creatures.
2. SHIT LOAD of empty terrain with no creeps to farm.
3. AND THE WORST OF ALL - saved the map; loaded with the key; hero remains at the same level BUT ALL MY QUEST PROGRESS IS GONE! Had to start from scratch. - NOT FUNNY :(
(BTW had the problem with TKOK (SP) where there is same LOAD key system so if I am doing it wrong can anyone plz correct me?)
Level 2
Apr 9, 2014
I only dislike the load/save mode. There is just a title "Your vault..." and then the items (not quest items) which I had spent 4 hours to earn disappear. I give up because it is the 2nd time I have the same problem.
Level 6
Feb 8, 2012
this thing is not cool...
i tried to play it Single player but in LAN it kept saying that Single player detected...
in the map player suggestion it says 1-10 players or i don't know i didn't see it clearly but there is 1 player there, i can't accept this, this is blasphemy :ogre_rage: but it's a cool map actually :ogre_haosis: 11/10 would play (Don't ask where that one people come from)

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
i tried to play it Single player but in LAN it kept saying that Single player detected...
The map maker is not very good. He does not realise that there is a variable set if the game is in multiplayer and cheating is disabled despite people like myself trying to make him aware of it. This variable is used by SWAT Aftermath to allow you to play solo games and still save while also prevent you from out right cheating by not playing single player in multiplayer mode. It also saves on costly cheat detection systems that idiots seem so determined to place in their maps.
Level 3
Nov 25, 2012
The crafting system is amazingly extent! Buff exp for thievery skills it's too low, same for forging, or make quest for upgrade professions which would involve other professions.
Level 6
Feb 8, 2012
Uh just trying want to say something for this map...
There is something that i encountered in the Quest fo King's Potion
Where yo must search for
-Blue Meteorite
-Supreme Health Potion
-Desert Rose
-Fusion Stone
-Holy Water
-(I forget the last item)

The Supreme Health potion is impossible to find, in other words it's unobtainable so the quest stuck in there... you can't do anything in hell, you can't progress to Heaven, you can't defeat Diablo
The Supreme Health Potion=1 Sea Turtle & 4 Rabbit
The Rabbit is easy to find but the Sea Turtle i think can be founded using the Carbon Steel Rod (If You use Chrono Rod you'll Get Giant Turtle, You Use the Steel Rod You'll just get Perch and Frog i think...)
Carbon Steel Rod everytime you cast it to water some message will pop up said "You Don't Have Fishing Rod" If you want to fishing in those Ripples....
The Only Thing to fix this is... Sell the Supreme Health Potion once again in Desert Merchant/Potion Merchant
You Can sell the Sea Turtle in the Hunter Guild with Sea Snake, so we can just buy it and then make the King's Potion (For now youu can't do anything with that Good Quest, if you have the Raw Code use it to spawn the Sea Turtle Item or maybe even the King's Potion...) So just follow/Do some side Quest or maybe even go to the Evil Side and do Evil Quest (Or Follow the Gold Heroes Guild Quest and Do some Housing/find some set before you break your own heart knowing this thing....)
CMIIW, if someone can help me with this quest i'll be very grateful :ogre_haosis:
Level 3
Nov 25, 2012
Uh just trying want to say something for this map...
There is something that i encountered in the Quest fo King's Potion
Where yo must search for
-Blue Meteorite
-Supreme Health Potion
-Desert Rose
-Fusion Stone
-Holy Water
-(I forget the last item)

The Supreme Health potion is impossible to find, in other words it's unobtainable so the quest stuck in there... you can't do anything in hell, you can't progress to Heaven, you can't defeat Diablo
The Supreme Health Potion=1 Sea Turtle & 4 Rabbit
The Rabbit is easy to find but the Sea Turtle i think can be founded using the Carbon Steel Rod (If You use Chrono Rod you'll Get Giant Turtle, You Use the Steel Rod You'll just get Perch and Frog i think...)
Carbon Steel Rod everytime you cast it to water some message will pop up said "You Don't Have Fishing Rod" If you want to fishing in those Ripples....
The Only Thing to fix this is... Sell the Supreme Health Potion once again in Desert Merchant/Potion Merchant
You Can sell the Sea Turtle in the Hunter Guild with Sea Snake, so we can just buy it and then make the King's Potion (For now youu can't do anything with that Good Quest, if you have the Raw Code use it to spawn the Sea Turtle Item or maybe even the King's Potion...) So just follow/Do some side Quest or maybe even go to the Evil Side and do Evil Quest (Or Follow the Gold Heroes Guild Quest and Do some Housing/find some set before you break your own heart knowing this thing....)
CMIIW, if someone can help me with this quest i'll be very grateful :ogre_haosis:

I think it is fine the way it is, but he needs to reduce proffesion exp required.


Aries, also could you fix a trouble with stacks? I saved like 600+ fur pelts on my bank and after i loadb the code IT WON'T LOAD, it doesn't give an error MSG and i find it really frustrating. IDK if that was the problem, what i got was:

-360+ spider eggs.
-Red amulet of the one.
-Water elemental soul(Lazar was its name?).
-320+ Iron Ore.
-40+ Groupers.
-52 Diamonds.
-66 Chronomites.
-42 Coals.
-600+ fur pelts.
-325+ Amanita Brennellia.
-70+ Gold Ore.
-3/4 Artifact Piece.

ID: GravelordNito.
Class: Necromancer

If you could fix this error, i would be so happy, so i won't lose all the mats i farmed for 2 days again :goblin_cry::goblin_cry::goblin_cry:
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Level 4
Apr 27, 2011
This thing requires 345 level, Diablo's and Almighty's essenses, both EMQ and GMQ final items - Love Tears (which gives +6000 to ALL stats and other bonuses) and Orb of Evil (+4000 ALL stats) but the f*cking combination of this items - the Visor of the One itself - gives stupid +1500 str +2500 agi +smth int - my question is - WTF?!?!? The lower limit of stat bonus for combination of the items should be at least the highest bonus from requirements (at least 6000 in such case). I mean - Visor gives no unique abilities to override such reduce in stats and its +150K hp... so to say - not saved the day for sure!
Please, tell me if it is a mistake in 5.54! Because I have to finish both EMQ and GMQ ones more to obtain tears and orb!

but ANYWAY this map totally deserves 5/5! Dunno why it receives only 3 from moderators!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
This thing requires 345 level, Diablo's and Almighty's essenses, both EMQ and GMQ final items - Love Tears (which gives +6000 to ALL stats and other bonuses) and Orb of Evil (+4000 ALL stats) but the f*cking combination of this items - the Visor of the One itself - gives stupid +1500 str +2500 agi +smth int - my question is - WTF?!?!? The lower limit of stat bonus for combination of the items should be at least the highest bonus from requirements (at least 6000 in such case). I mean - Visor gives no unique abilities to override such reduce in stats and its +150K hp... so to say - not saved the day for sure!
Please, tell me if it is a mistake in 5.54! Because I have to finish both EMQ and GMQ ones more to obtain tears and orb!
If I recall, the map used standard WC3 inventory. As such the combined stat value of an item should only be slightly higher than the best of its components since you have just got an item that takes 1 slot instead of how ever many slots the components required. You can then put other higher items in the other freed slots for more stats in total.
Level 4
Apr 27, 2011
Are you seriously think that lvl 345 item gives 4 times less stat bonus than its component of 310 lvl?
I mean it is said that Visor gives +7500 agi +6000 int and +8025 str
But in current version it was soooo awfully nerfed - I supposed that it is a mistake - didn't it?
Seriously, for example Cuirass of the One - level 350 item - gives +6000 stats and great abilities. It can't be even compared with current version of Visor of the One, which gives +1525 str +2500 agi and smth like +4000 int....
It is just my opinion, maybe I am wrong, but " As such the combined stat value of an item should only be slightly higher than the best of its components since you have just got an item that takes 1 slot instead of how ever many slots the components required" this rule realyy doesn't work - again from +6000 str of component item we receive +1525 str from final item....
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
this rule realyy doesn't work - again from +6000 str of component item we receive +1525 str from final item....
I am stating the logic, not the reality. This map is full of problems such as becoming permanently stuck in dungeons due to bad design and that stat inflation is so bad that it probably can define its own word for hyper inflation.
Level 1
Jul 6, 2014
I am stating the logic, not the reality. This map is full of problems such as becoming permanently stuck in dungeons due to bad design and that stat inflation is so bad that it probably can define its own word for hyper inflation.
What the heck you are Mr/Mrs Statesman ,Critic ,Realist . Whats wrong with you ..... Give me a logic , no problems , dungeons nice desing , stats regulary positive without inflation Orpg i want to play it .... and oh yeah not hacked cu'z i don't want to play alone.
Thanks in advance
That orpg is awesome the best i ever played.
TKOK isn't even close to masterwork of Daemonic please ....
Only map Which deserve to mentioned as a possible synonym is perhaps TBR
Since these days rpgs been hacked immediately , this one deserve 6/5 beside from patches and active work on it. No doubts , for sure every Orpg and Rpg lover will like it and need to show some respect on these guys , who make it and keep move on and on and on and on .... hmm you need WIKIpedia for that orpg , didn't you !? Found struggle .... go back to 1-10 dmg short repeatable dungeons orpgs 1 - 4 "power level" ... what !?
We all know , there is no perfect Orpg out there .You need HUGE team ...
No offence , no defence the facts ...
Lets try to have fun with at least last "well organized" regularly patched , fans half created (oh that's new even today) map.

I am sorry , but my native language is Dutch .
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Whats wrong with you .....
I do not think anything is wrong with me. My health seems pretty fine at the moment.

stats regulary positive without inflation Orpg i want to play it
This does not make much sense. I think you may have misunderstood what I said. The RPG suffers from statistical hyper-inflation, this is when stats grow exponentially at such a rate that you can quite literally one shot characters a couple of levels below you. Although it does emphasise progression, it totally wrecks game balance and results in pretty stupidly large numbers which the game struggles to even display correctly.

Game balance is wrecked because even the slightest disparity in strength is magnified several fold resulting in some things being totally useless compared with others. This is especially noticeable with non-ultimate abilities (well was, maybe they fixed this over the last few years). Only your ultimate scaled with your stats, meaning that unless the ability was a passive or had a non-scaling effect (divine shield, stuns, passive abilities, etc) it became totally and utterly useless at high levels since even using it wasted a few attacks which each did a lot more damage. Even ultimates struggled to be useful damage wise as end game had so many attack damage modifiers stacking that a flat "x * attribute" damage was nowhere near as effective as hitting for several billion damage even with armor.

TKOK isn't even close to masterwork of Daemonic please ....
TKoK has a lot more design behind it. I do admit that it lacks some of the fun factors Daemonic has such as casual PvP, lots of hidden secrets and a quite a lot of hero choices but here are just a few ways TKoK is superior.
1. End game does not result in absolutely stupidly large values of everything. You can still bulldoze over all low level stuff just as efficiently without the need to have 77 trillion damage.
2. Team work is required to get anywhere in TKoK. In Daemonic you can just out inflate everything with the most rigged items destroying any idea of difficulty or skill.
3. Everything in TKoK feels polished. You do not find yourself becoming trapped inside a dungeon because a door closed on your face or find yourself facing 3 of the same boss at once due to some reset error.

Since these days rpgs been hacked immediately , this one deserve 6/5 beside from patches and active work on it. No doubts , for sure every Orpg and Rpg lover will like it and need to show some respect on these guys , who make it and keep move on and on and on and on .... hmm you need WIKIpedia for that orpg , didn't you !? Found struggle .... go back to 1-10 dmg short repeatable dungeons orpgs 1 - 4 "power level" ... what !?
I have no clue what you are trying to say. As far as I am aware mentioning any WC3 map in Wikipedia would violate its Terms of Use unless the project is made by a real life organization.
Level 1
Sep 7, 2012
Awesome map what much else are you planning to do with it? this is become such a good orpg the good idea's keep flowing in. :)
also when you level up your profession can it display its level instead of saying *profession * level up.
Level 3
Aug 18, 2008
The code is not working anymore?? try few time.. still nothing happen even the message said decoding is successful..
Level 8
Jun 13, 2012
5.56?Where are you getting this updates?On the main website they didn't released any new map since 5.54.And if this they have some new website or this is your doing,then where is the change log?
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Level 2
Dec 16, 2011
Why do you use save codes instead of the standard save in Warcraft 3?
Because of the save codes, whenever we load our saved games, we have to
do the quests all over again, and who has time for that??
Instead of wasting time updating maps all the time, why not create new maps?
Because most of the people have already played the original version,
and so will most likely not bother to play any new versions.
Level 2
Apr 9, 2014
I saw that the change log in ver 5.54 included :"Skill point will not be lost between leveling up". I have tested and it doesn't work.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Why do you use save codes instead of the standard save in Warcraft 3?
Because the standard save in WC3 is pretty much classed as a "broken" feature. A lot of game state information is lost (the game is not deterministic between continue and after load) and many trigger systems will break without explicit handling (array 8191, periodic timers etc). As such the load codes are about the only way saving can be done.

Because of the save codes, whenever we load our saved games, we have to
do the quests all over again, and who has time for that??
That is the map maker's own stupid map design problem. I did try to tell him years ago to allow people to vote where to re-start. It is impossible to complete all quests in a single session (unless you are a lifeless loser who still plays WC3 for 8-16 hour sessions). He does not even allow you to skip the annoying cut scenes making everything twice as long as it should be (maybe that was fixed?).

Instead of wasting time updating maps all the time, why not create new maps?
Updating a map takes far less time than making a new map. Frankly the way WC3 is at the moment it is not worth while making any more maps for it since the player base is now so small you are lucky if existing maps still get played. Any new map would have to be in a game like StarCraft II with a larger player base.

Because most of the people have already played the original version,
and so will most likely not bother to play any new versions.
Actually I gave up playing it when the author decided to ignore my feedback and I realised what a waste of time the map was. Playing Diablo III is far more rewarding per unit time and that is a standalone game and not some random map.
Level 2
Apr 15, 2014
Wheres the Vanguard's Helm? I tried Killing Hellcaller, Citadel golems for 1 Hour and didn't get it, also did killed many bloodfiends over an hour, still no helm.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2015
how the hell do destroy rock chumps now...!? befor they just destroy with an attack but no more..... wierd?
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
for some reason... this game doesn't run on my computer.

I have the latest version of warcraft and everything.

run it in local and custom games.

with AI and without.

but nothing... doesn't run



It's working now

I had to wait extra long... basically loged onto my emails and read a whole email, before it loaded.

but it works and it's great!

only problems currently are that here are no recipe tables for rings and you can't find the evil orb anywhere in the evil cave...

also there are some random guys with !!! above their heads... but no quests for us... so glitches I think

O and you need to be able to stack more things, makes more space in your inventory for potions and mana.


when you obtain a helm or shield or weapon... It should be equipped into a different inventory slot like a special place that doesn't interfere with the current items


when you level up, your live should be set to full again, it's annoying to level up and then die... Better yet, level up area effect damage(based on level up points) then full health.

That way everyone's happy =)



Damn... I'll have to play from scratch next week some time, I just feel like I made it so far in the game... but now after trying the code like 5 times now, it's still not working =(

o well, it shows it's a good game that I'm even considering playing it again
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Level 2
Apr 15, 2014
Their website is down..
but forum is up
whats the problem?
anyone knows about this ?
I haven't seen their site down for long...
Level 2
Apr 15, 2014
Does anyone knows how save/load works out?
I do know that in order for it to work it needs to have the right gamename and together with its corresponding load code..

What will happen if "One Reformatts it's pc"?

Does the wc3 have some kinda little bit of information that can wreck the whole code?

I know they work out real smooth if you just use your own name and your own load code that has been created by the person who uses it's kind of name.

Note: Help is Greatly appreciated! (Y)
Level 2
Jan 9, 2015
not sure what u mean but just goto ur char and load ur code and its -loadb if u have put something in ur vault at the castle..