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Change navigation to bundle (map, resource) to show last page of comments?

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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
@Daemonic_Sword has an issue with his bundle Daemonic Sword ORPG . He is displeased with the fact that the first visible post is something old and irrelevant from 2012. I get that. I really do. But that's kinda how threads work, innit?

I can understand wanting to see more recent feedback and posts first thing makes more sense and that's what "reverse order posts" is for. But do we want to reverse the order of posts for bundles? Isn't that confusing?

Therefore my proposal for a minor change that might solve this is that when you click to view a bundle, you are automatically shown the last page.



Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
I don't think that would actually solve the issue but it would help in a way. The "problem" would still be there if one would just want to see the first page. Also, sometimes it might just be that the last page would contain a bad user review until that page won't be the last anymore.
For instance, I usually check on the last page of map resources to see what's going on when I'm not watching those threads so it won't bother me in this regard and newly added resources don't really have time to get filled with pages and remoderations/updates so I would miss them. Not that the last part is really relevant since I usually test the latest version at that time anyway.

So, if that brings him some peace of mind, it's OK.
Another thing you could do is just mark old reviews with something like: deprecated, obsolete or something along those lines.
Also, you could just unmark older reviews from the reviews tab.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
I guess we could unapprove old moderation related posts from resources that are very old.
Yes, however we should not remove the user rating (of that past moderator/reviewer) since that would be "unfair" to users that rated the resource back then. Or, you could help the resource out by removing only past moderator/reviewer ratings if they were rated in a review post. But then you'd have to check and see if that person didn't change or keep rating after a future update. Eh...


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
If someone posted something about an old version of a map and the map has been updated far, far beyond that, I can see how it's annoying when it show up as the first thing you see.

On Facebook for example, the order is chronological too but the first couple of posts (if there are many) are collapsed with a button to show them. That's just a harder solution to make here.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
If someone posted something about an old version of a map and the map has been updated far, far beyond that, I can see how it's annoying when it show up as the first thing you see.
Yeah. He also asked for a remoderation. If for instance he had none, then the old review would have remained as a sign that the resource had been moderated.
So, you could be a little passive-aggressive censor friendly and just hide that review but not like delete it to regular user eyes but put it under a sort of spoiler tag or make it look like a deleted post (how it shows to staff) but instead of "deleted by" you can write obsolete/deprecated/whatever.

Fun fact is that even though that review post might say something, the rating shown on it was replaced by Alexen's.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Deja vu...

I, of course, would absolutely be on board for this. Both Wc3C & the original Hive had it so that when you clicked on a thread in your User CP/Unread Watched Threads list, you would only ever be taken directly to the newest post; this is something Hive 2.0 (for all it's improvements & benefits) has been missing, and which would be a welcome fix.

(I should be clear, it sometimes works correctly, but often (especially for Resources/Bundles) it only takes you to the top of the first page).

Ralle said:
But that's kinda how threads work, innit?/quote]
Yes, in general, when one clicks on a thread in a forum one wants to start at the beginning. But if we're talking about threads we're already Watching/Subscribed to, I really only ever want to see the newest posts.
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