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Daemonic Sword ORPG

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.
Welcome to the Daemonic Sword ORPG!

An amazing Storylined RPG with endless Exploration, Bosses, Items, Quests, Music & more!
Fulfill your destiny as one of 14 Heroes sent to either save the realm or leave it in darkness as you experience a timeless masterpiece beyond imagination.

Designed for:
Classic and Reforged
Singleplayer or Multiplayer
Default or 3rd Person

Official Players Guide (Created by the fans!)

With over 2000+ Members already what are you waiting for? Join the community!

-Select a Hero with your Mouse to start new or input your save code.
-Follow the Storyline to complete Quests.
-Interact with almost anything and have fun!
-You can always -repick if you wish to select another hero.

Daemonic Sword has a pretty big learning curve for all the systems but do not get overwhelmed and take your time.
There is a massive Wiki and fanbase ready to help you with any Questions you may have.

-Play Both Reforged/Classic.
-Player Single Player/Multiplayer
-14 Unique Heroes which can each Evolve into a new Hero.
-Save/Load for both Single/Multiplayer
-Bank Vaults save additional items
-Custom U.I with Books, Scrolls, and Custom Systems with Hotkeys
-Custom UI Attribute System
-Customize Inventory/Statistic System
-Professions System (Thievery, Fishing, Forging, SpeechCraft, Hunting)
-Calendar System with Weekly Events.
-UI Hotkey Button Menu
-Enchanting, Forging, Crafting and Fusion Systems with thousands of choices.
-3rd Person Camera with fully controlled camera angles and zooms.
-Multiple Languages Supported (Currently being worked on)
-Exclusive Soundtrack over 40 Musical tracks available

-Exclusively made Special Effects created by Vinz
-Learn unique abilities of your choice.
-Customize Backpack Model.
-1000's of Items to Forge, Fuse, enchant, purchase and earn.
-12 Classes of Items with over 10 Types for each Class.
-Reforge your items into more powerful versions using Forging Skills
-Item Set's included (Fusions of 6 Set Piece Items)

-New Lead Special Effects Designer Vinz is currently working on Revamping and created all New Special Effects.
-Hundreds of High Quality Special Effects

-Choose between two Alliances at any point in the game. (Evil or Good)
-Two Main Quests, one for each Alliance.
-5 Guilds which save with your Hero.
-Tons of Mini Games and Systems including Lockpicking
-Play actual Musical Notes and Learn the Different Songs of the World.
-Colosseum Mini Games Included with Prizes and lots of unique Fun!
-Purchase and Build your very own Home.
-Over 30 Unique and amazing Bosses.

-More then 6 Towns and Cities with enter-able buildings.
-Dialog and communicate with every character you see that can speak.
-Specific Ultimate Items for each character
-Epic Custom Skins, Terrain, Spells, and lots more!
-Over Hundreds of Hours of Gameplay!
-Tons of Guilds, Side Quests, Mini Games, and Adventures
-10+ Major Temple/Dungeons included in map with Epic Boss Battles and Loot.


Name: Shea Easterbrook
Battle.Net: Daemonic#1597
Hive: Daemonic_Sword
Discord: Daemonic#6077

Modeller Credits:

A Very Special Thank you to every Modeller on the Hiveworkshop!

Daemonic Sword uses so many of your models and it truly helps create an amazing experience.
With Reforged and constant updates the credit section may be a little outdated, but I will try my best to update this section as all of you are amazing!
Thank you so much.

Icon Credits:
Apothercree (Submitted Hero Icon Portraits)


FireMage - (Life Sage) - Kitabatake
Blood Elf Champion - (Raegnarok Norm) - General Frank
Ice Wings - (Raegnarok Meta) - By Suselishe
Bloodelf Phoenix Guard - (Assassin) -General Frank
InquisitorMalendis - (Reaper) - Sellenisko
Obsidian Overlord - (Emperor of Darkness) - Ampharos_222
Li0neSS Arch Angel Seraphim Mistress - (Dragon Princess) - General Frank
Hyperion - (Pure Vampire) - General Frank
Sylvanas Windrunner Banshee Queen Sellenisko - (Sentinel) Sellenisko
Alexstrazsa - (Phoenix of Gaia)- 67chrome, Sellenisko
Angel - (Defender of Realms) - expresso (Tranquil)
Angel - (Angel of Light) -Xazuki
Prime Matron - (Shadow Blade)-By dickxunder
Soul Devourer - (Undead) - Grendel
Hellscream - (Demon Slayer) - Sephiex
HeroBloodelvenPaladin - (Mystic Angel) - General Frank
The Lich King - (Daemon(Evil) - l0w_kwaliti
Deathwing - Kwaliti


Advanced Rod, Fishing Hat - MeteORA
Chest04 - Chriz
Anvil - Carrington2k
LightningArrow -JesusHipster
BearRug_DDK - darkdeathknight
Belted Cape - Sunchips
Blueholy Wings - UgoUgo
Light Feather - Dan van Ohllus
Frost Wyrm Shield_Left - Markos3520
Gold Bar - communist_orc
Horde Fire Bow by Forgotten_Warlord - Forgotten_Warlord
MasterSwordPedestal - Zerox
SilverOre - Ergius
Improved White Shield - Astaroth Zion
King -Tranquil
Nathrezim Doombringer - Ampharos_222
GungnirV2 - NeuroHunter
MaulofHavoc, Great_Axe, Thebandit's_Shield, All custom trees - eubz
Snowpine - By Gottfrei
Troll Hunting Bow - MaTiJa97
Nostradamus - KayS
Diablo - Dan van Ohllus
BloodlotusRG - Kitabatake
Arch Angel - Elenai
Tormentor - Ampharos_222
Bladed Edge, Dragon BattleAxe, Ogre Axe, Searing Blade, Portrait Items, Skill Buckler, SmolderDragon Sword. Spirit Shield - Lord_T
Orbs Fire, Lightning, Water, Poison, Light, Darkness, Potions Green/Blue, Purple Vial, Lord
Blood Elf Magestaff, Crate - Debode
BloodyAxe_ByEpsilon - Epsilon
Elven Boots, Boots of Speed, Slippers of Agility, Staff, Gloves of Speed, Javelin, Ice Shard - Matarael
Cold Steel Kukri, Destroyer FaceGuard, Rotten Staff, Longsword of Marr - Usedwell
RPG SET #1 (Round Shields, crystal Sword) - N00byStance
Copper Bow, Metal Bow, FootmanArmorV2, - Kitabatake
Crusader Sword - ikillforeyou
Deldrimor Mace - Goolygot
Crystal Shield, Double Plated Shield, Golden Shield, Iron Shield, Rusier Wooden Buckler, Steel Shield, Demon Satyr, Skeleton Firemage, Skeleton Fire Warior Mage - HappyTauren
Dead Dragon Helmet - Champara Bros
Teamcolored Key - Kitabatake
ArcaneRuneHammerV2 - RaidonGod
Assassins weapon - Goolygot
Deldrimor Mace - Goolygot
Doomstaff, Doomsting - Boneknight
Dragonscale_Blade , Hammer of Naaru, Wooden Bow, Rune Dagger, Shadowmourne, Shield of FW, ShadowDragon, Land Dragon - Forgotten_Warlord
Dragonslayer - Boneknight
Lion Sword, Armageddon - KayS
Faceguard of the Hawk - debode
Gem - Dan van Ohllus
Grand Blade - Tonberry
Guard_Shield - paladinjst
InfernalDestroyer, Megaton Hammer - Sunchips
Mithril Sword - Revilo
MithrilHammer - MistAssass
LethalBow - Gottfrei
Khaz'amul - Boneknight
King's Crown - Tranquil
Pickaxe - Fan
Scythe of Doom - D4RK_G4ND4LF
Spartan Helmet - Tr!KzZ
The Hellbringer - Teaspoon
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury by chilla_killa - chilla_killa
HumanGuardHelmVersion – paladinjst
Ancient Wall 03 - By Kitabatake
Angel - By Dionesiist
ArcaneRocket_Projectile -By sPy
ArcaneStaff - By War_Golum
Attack Aura - By s4nji
Balverines - By Dan van Ohllus
Banisher, Borreal Hound – By Grendel
Blackcloudof Fog - JetFangInferno
BlightwalkerAura - By War_Golum
BloodBatMissile - By judash137
Burrower - By Ampharos_222
Chaos Banner -By Pyramidhe@d
Cathedral - By eubz
Chaos Marauder Helmet, Coffin - by chilla_killa
Castle Wall -By Tranquil
Crusader Helm - By ikillforeyou
Decay Staff - Epimetheus
DemonHunter – By KayS
Demon Knight by DevineArmy - By Devine
DemonObelisk , DemonPillar- By Amigurumi
Demon Tower - By HappyTauren
Heal Aura - By Lordan12
Doomstaff - By Boneknight
Dragonspawns - By Sellenisko
DruidStaff - By Truth Troll UA
Dune_Crawler - By Ampharos_222
Elven Swordsman - ?
Enchanted_Arrow -By sPy
EvilMissileofShadowyDOOM - By shamanyouranus
Horned Helm - ?
Rock Slam/ Falling Light - By judash137
FelHoundRider - Frankster
SunfireMissile - By pWn3d
Flame Thrower - By Champara Bros
Forgotten_Warlords Greathelm - By Forgotten_Warlord
Fountain statue - By Hexus
Frozen Orb - By Daelin
GhostAura - By Mainy
Glaciar Aura - By Daelin
Grassie - By HappyTauren
Great Lightning - By Tranquil
Grudge Aura - JetFangInferno
Healing Surge - By RetroSexual
Hell Fire - By Champara Bros
Warrior (Demon Slayer) - Made by Sephiex
Demon Arch-Duke - By Dionesiist
Hellspawn Annihilator - By Ampharos_222
Fel Orc Outrider - By Deolrin
Holy Awakening - JetFangInferno
Holy Breath - JetFangInferno
HolyLionMissile - By ratamahatta
Holymagic_Projectile - By sPy
HouseVar01 - By Amigurumi
Frost Aura - By s4nji
Infernal_Mask, MyrmidonHelmet -By -Peper-
Living Statue - By WhiteDeath
Lightning Bolt - By Champara Bros
LightningStrikeLarge - By Callahan
Lost Memory - By Suselishe
MagicLightning_Aura - By sPy
Mastermind Daggers - By Ampharos_222
Mindstaff - By Thrikodius
MineWall - Emergenzy
Halo -By RetroSexual
Outland Brazier -By shamanyouranus
PandaGlaiveMissile - By RetroSexual
Pillar (Diablo3) - By Pinachet
piratehat01 - By Chriz.
Quiver_Item - By eubz
Ring of Protection - republicola
Royal Arrow - By Champara Bros
Ruin Head - Buster
Coral Tree - By waveseeker
RuneBoltMissile - Red Baron
RunningFlame_Aura - By sPy
Scared Skull - By RetroSexual
Sea Aura - JetFangInferno
Serpent Lord's Gaze - By Usedwell
Crown Shield by Sunchips - By Sunchips
Naga_Shield - By eubz
Shiva's Wings - By JetFangInferno
TornadoElemental - Callahan
Spiders Victim - By Teaspoon
Spiral Aura - JetFangInferno
SpiritArrow – ByEpsilon
Spell Projectiles, VenomousAura, WateryAura, HolyBlast, Holy Missle, Strengthen, Aura - By sPy
Staff of Negation - By Thrikodius
Staff of Silence - By Thrikodius
Starfall Missile, Flameshot Aura, Mist Aura - By Pyritie
Undead Aura - By s4nji
Voodoo Mask - by Forgotten_Warlord
Doomshooter - By Boneknight
WingsoftheNightmare - By Usedwell
Wooden Log Wall - By xorkatoss

Help Support the Development of the Best RPG on Warcraft III!

If you have any questions about the map please refer to the Discord as is the Main Hub for all the communication.

This is a huge game with hundreds of hours of epic gameplay.
Some reviews date back to 2012 and the game has since come a very long way and is now considered one of the Best RPGs you can experience and play.

Daemonic Sword ORPG, Shea Easterbrook, Coop, Adventure, RPG, Roleplaying game, ORPG, Daemonic_Sword

Daemonic Sword ORPG 4.11 (Map)

Orcnet22:54, 9th May 2013 Moderation renew Daemonic Sword ORPG (Version 5.37) RateScorePercentLetter 5/591-100A RateScorePercentLetter 4/581-90%B RateScorePercentLetter 3/575-80%C RateScorePercentLetter 2/570-74%D...
After years of awesome updates and development, receiving a lot of love and becoming one of the coolest custom games for Warcraft both classic and nowadays Reforged as well, the moment at last has arrived. Director's Cut and congratulations!!! Hard...




Orcnet22:54, 9th May 2013



Moderation renew
Daemonic Sword ORPG (Version 5.37)









"Daemonic Sword" is a massive Role Playing game where a player challenges itself on building good gear, exploring distant lands and same goes to accepting quests.

"The idea of bolstered attributes and objects on a hero is too much and leaves me on awe for this rpg is quite different from others with a decent and balanced hero characteristics, although the game is more settled for a few players rather than a full house since the file size of the map is big which might ruin a 10 man gaming in problematic lags."



"The Terrain looks like it was sprinkled with too much colors although it seems fine, much more straight into the game instead of a dynamic terrain that will suffice a player."



"To my conclusion this rpg is well suited for those who loves powerful damages and extreme rampage to the fullest."

Total Score:

Vengeancekael: Private Message
Date: 2012/Jan/29 14:51:21

Lacking Description: Template
The disabled versions of custom icons are not imported.

Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone

Comment: Approved - Neat RPG

Also the bagpack is missing its disabled icon version. Oh and how about hiding the bagpack's model, it's kinda weird like that.
And shorten the description and put more screenshots in it.
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 12
Dec 20, 2011
I've played this even before it was posted on Hive! I'd say this is an awesome map. A lot of people host this map in RPG rooms, lol.

And umm, could you fix your credits list? Try using hidden tags to separate one part from another. Changelogs, credits, game information, etc.
Level 2
Aug 29, 2011
Hi Shea!

Hi Shea i'm a fan of ur map!! Nice to see u on hiveworkshop!! I follow ur site to get the updates and latest changelogs.. This extra option is cool :) keep it coming.. :)

A suggestion.. u could put up changelogs every version like many map makers here do.. i don't how it works so if it's too much of a bother, np.. i'll visit ur site anyway!!

AWESOME MAP!!! :ogre_love:
Level 2
Apr 24, 2009
Pretty good to pass the time. Like the minigame inside the game, adds a way to break it up the play session with a good old defence game. I would rate it about a 3.5 compaired to other RPG maps I've played but I'll go out and give you the full 4 on hive because its still a work in progress and i see potential.
Level 2
Mar 10, 2012
I'll try it when I reach home, you should add some screenshot ^-^

# Edit : So I cut it into download maps folder but when I run the game it doesn't show/load the map on the list, any idea?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
its ok to have a big stats if the dungeon and the bosses are strong

am i right?
Not really. It looks very childish having 1,000,000 damage when 10,000 damage would suffice. It also makes for an impossible difficulty curve at time as late content will easilly rip early content appart. In a map where such content is in close proximity to each other that is a bad idea. Worse still, some PvP not could join and rip you appart with gear insanly better than yours.

It also required far too much time to get anywhere than a WarCraft III map should. No universal level, hours to unlock stuff, chance based drops etc.

The main problem was class ballance. I leveled up a variety of classes and some were noticably better than others. Specificly some damaging abilites were totally usless and would "tickle" enemies.
Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
The game is nice. I played this a long time! It has mix in stories. I like the Imba items (But not that much in the start game or early game)! Gives you a heck of damage but the only thing missing here is: in the start newbs are like useless because they can be easily pawned but in the late game... DAMN, how Imba.. Maybe balancing it (mostly in the items cuz you look like a God If you have an item that gives +1000000+ damage or sometimes stat) cuz it gives more advantage at late games because you re tooo way IMBA while in the start.... you look like useless.

The key to a good RPG is Simplicity! And I must say this game requires simplicity. But this is only my opinion!
Still Daemonic Sword is good! Rated this 3/5 and a +REP to the Creator. Missing two points cuz many items are too IMBA and this sometimes ruin gameplay. Why? Because If you are too IMBA, sometimes you will get bored cuz there will be no competion. No one can defeat you.

Deleted member 217057


Deleted member 217057

This map is the best map I ever played... 5+ rated worth it!
I keep playing this isn't it to get the desired level I want then its the item I want to obtain or the boss I want to kill :3
It never ends :p , Although it ends eventually and the quest line is a bit short but there are so much other things to do!

They got a forum for help which I definitely used... xD :3
Here: http://daemonicsword.freeforums.org/index.php?sid=925c67000e99067c5bc40e8f1a5f4a0d
I definitely recommend you this map like a top 3 of ORPG'S!
*Ps: Standing on number 1 of course ;)*
*My Top 3: 1. daemonic Sword, 2. Twilight Eve , 3. The black road :3*
Anyway All Have Fun Playing And Greetings Xx ;) :3 :D
Level 1
Mar 31, 2009
ok. first of all map is awesome. Hard,and anty cheat engine included for single player. Really good terain and investments feature kicks off this map if u ask me to another dimension. BUT after 7 hours of playing i saved and critical error pops up after i try to load a game so that would be lethal for anyone if there was anyone near me when i tryed to load game. there's quite a lot empty space and bandit trap in desert doesnt match lvl or equipement at lvl 10 for example. sooo... please fix save for single player. and i dont mean the code. everything else is quite awesome :)
Level 3
Jan 10, 2012
Map is barely balanced, and lacks the finesse of other maps. Things are multiplied by 5 and in the high levels, expect massive amounts of damage, hp and armor. When paired side by side with something like TKoK, you can see the difference in quality between the two. TKoK may be the better map, but that doesn't mean this map isn't damn fun to play.

Deleted member 217057


Deleted member 217057

game crash when loading...????
That happens if people leave your Lan/gameranger/online room or game... If you got this with only this map... It could be your network settings (Hamachi haves to be off or removed from your computer) or you placed the map in the wrong directory... Hope this helps :goblin_yeah:

:thumbs_up: Good luck :ogre_datass: ,

Doombringer. :ogre_hurrhurr:

Deleted member 217057


Deleted member 217057

He cannot as the problem is with WarCraft III's save system being buggy.

When you save and load in WarCraft III using the inbuilt functionality, the secene graph state is not properly recoreded/restored resulting in triggers breaking.

And this happened to me! -_-
My save code didn't work anymore so now my level 100+ character is gone :D
:goblin_boom: :ogre_frown: :ogre_icwydt:

Doombringer... :ogre_kawaii:
Level 2
Jun 4, 2013
Well, it's the only WC3 map I got addicted to, and I've played quite a while. Even tough it's not finished it's really complete, with tons of items and cool quests to do. The two main storylines are EPIC!! and the Heros are awesome, ever char has it's own skills and even have evolutions. Best RPG map EVER
Level 1
Jun 9, 2013
first: where can I find 'bank fortress' or what is that?..i can't find it and I can't save any item
second: everytime i load I have to start the quests from the first one,I don't have any Inn or farm, I lose everything...only my level remains..how do i save my quests? thanks
Level 14
Dec 28, 2012
first: where can I find 'bank fortress' or what is that?..i can't find it and I can't save any item
second: everytime i load I have to start the quests from the first one,I don't have any Inn or farm, I lose everything...only my level remains..how do i save my quests? thanks

1.The Bank located at the left conrner in water search area and you will find it
it costs 1 million gold and lumber and lets you save items
2.save code does not support saving quests and inn so you will always start from start there is no way to save quests(Impossible to code)
3.if you use normal wc3 save it still wont work cus of massive map size it wont load and file will be corupted or will crash
Level 10
Sep 27, 2009
It is possible to code, just the map maker lacked the skills.

No, it is because the normal Warcraft III save is buggy and does not save/restore game state correctly.

Very possible to code and I'm not the greatest programmer, but I have the skill, I just haven't found a good way of doing it for new and loaded characters at the same time. Besides in the game you come back from the Future into the past so technically it makes sense.

As for normally save load... It actually a surprise to me that it isn't work. It really should work and I am unaware of when the last time it was working, as that is key for Single Player and saving your place within the quests and game... I will keep trying to compress the map bit by bit and hopefully enable the default saving again.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I will keep trying to compress the map bit by bit and hopefully enable the default saving again.
This may or may not require you sacrificing functionality. Many maps such as TKoK and SWAT AM gave up as it was not worth the sacrifice. An example of what cannot be used is timer callbacks (a JASS only feature). These callbacks are lost when you save/load using standard save/load yet most JASS abilities and many systems depend heavily on the feature.

Very possible to code and I'm not the greatest programmer, but I have the skill, I just haven't found a good way of doing it for new and loaded characters at the same time. Besides in the game you come back from the Future into the past so technically it makes sense.
As a result, I never did finish the main story. I made it to Heaven but then had to go as I was not rigged enough to continue.

A checkpoint system would be useful. Such as allowing people to vote on the story progression 1-2 minutes after the game starts. The checkpoints they can vote for are either based on character level (higher levels unlock higher checkpoints) or you could save checkpoints manually (would increase code size, no problem if you use codeless file save).
Level 2
Jun 4, 2013
This is the best game orpg wise...system is not that hard, takes a while to get used to the terrain and all the things in there. It's a very complete world, with epic story awesome heroes with nasty spells and also they can evolve and become cooler and stronger.

So far the best rpg map I've played. It has glitches and stuff but it's a work in progress so I guess the gameplay will only get better and better. 5 out of 5!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
this is one of best rpg maps out there but here is only 3 pages of comments? i dont see logic at all :( map is pure awesome 5/5 its a map you must play
Because it is not really... Although it was fun, it had serious balance problems end game, at least when I played it. Specifically how the scaling went exponentially with an exponential exponent so everything had absolutely stupidly high stats at the end game.

There is no need ever for a WC3 map to give stuff millions of HP and hundreds of thousands of damage. This shows poor game design. Sure WoW did it at the end but that was because of the design challenges of adding meaningful expansions (which this game does not have). This caused huge problems with hero abilities where the non scaling ones were rigged early game but useless late game while the scaling ones became over powered at the end game.

I tried to make suggestions of making the normal melee units scale so they were useful passed level 1-10 but they ignored me as some kind of troll.
Level 2
Sep 21, 2013
bigger numbers means its poorly design? no offense but this sounds like total bs i dont see any logic at all there why does it matter there is small numbers or big arent balancing big numbers harder work than balacing small numbers? also i prefer big numbers than small numbers like weapons giving few stats 1-10 or +50dmg etc that makes me feel not powerfull at all ;p

p.s. new version and code wipe i see should play again with friends

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
no offense but this sounds like total bs i dont see any logic at all there why does it matter there is small numbers or big arent balancing big numbers harder work than balacing small numbers?
Because it adds nothing to the game next to frustration.

Lets say every 5 levels doubles the stats of monsters. Now monsters 10 levels above you have 4 times the attack and health. However if you get to monsters 400 levels above you they have 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 times the attack and health of you. Not only will they one shot you, but they will one shot you by several million times. Additionally any damage you do might not be doing damage at all. Heck they will totally wipe you if you only have 120,892,581,961,462,917,470,617 times the stats since you are still an order of magnitude out. Good luck gauging that extra 10, from your stat window as the numbers are already probably overflowing the UI.

also i prefer big numbers than small numbers like weapons giving few stats 1-10 or +50dmg etc that makes me feel not powerfull at all ;p
It is if you only have 10 stats and 50 damage. Obviously for a multi hundred level RPG that would be a tad too small. But on the other hand having 1,000,000,000,000 damage is a tad too large.

There should be a linear component to strength that increases every level. There should also be a slight exponential component that increases every level. This way end game content will still wipe you out in one shot but does so without over killing you millions of times and that you can actually read the end game stats.

For example lets say you start at level 1 and you have 10 power. Every 50 levels doubles your power and every level adds 1 power (before exponential). This means that at level 400 you would have approximately 103,263 times the stats at level 1. This is quite reasonable and if armor was used to raise HP instead of pure HP you will still have low enough health to see in the UI. You will also still get some nice items with like +100,000 damage and stuff. Abilities are also easier to keep balanced since you do not need to make sure they are hitting at the correct order of magnitude (out of the 10-20 odd covered) to be meaningful or not OP. I know that this map suffered a lot from that with abilities being rigged mid game and totally useless end game as they could not actually scratch anything next to maybe crowd controlling enemies.
Level 1
Sep 1, 2012
My Opinion to the latest map release

Please note that my english is not my mother-language and the following text will have some mistake in it.

First of all I'd like to thank you for making such an amazing map. Since I invested hours if not days into this game, a at least single replay should be made.

I played the last couple version and was very satisfied with them. Of course there where certain bugs where player could exploit the system, but it was overall pretty stable. Allthough i am playing the latest version right now i'd like to critize a couple of things:

1) The Skillssystem is in my opinion way to hard to achieve. Dont get me wrong, if someone i willing to invest hours into upgrading the skills, he or she sure can do, but to relate the skills to the mainquest is to much (lvl 6 speechcraft to acces the Demon Sword? I reached lvl 120 before speechcraft lvl 6). But that is not the only thing that takes away the fun. Forging weapons gets so repetitive if you get a mere +6 Experience for that early game items + you are not able to craft better items to get more exp, eventhough you have the ingriedients materials. A different scaling would be a RELIEF. Hunting and thievery is ok i guess, same goes for lockpicking, since it doesnt affect gameplay that much.

2) I know you invested so much time in removing the bugs, but there are still to many bugs and glitches. A certain bug appeared when i tried to purchase property and destroyed the towers in the graveyard south of the 2nd city. Instead of spending gold, i got gold for everything i purchased. So i had like max gold with lvl 15. A other bug occurs during the evil main quest. When trying to get the skeleton artefact you only get a acolyte soul (or what its called), rendering you unable to finish the quest. Furthermore there doors are avoidable when summoning units. I dont know if this is intended but this makes the game way to easy

3) Could you please update the Set-Items-Description of your homepage? I dont know if its fan-made, but i guess that couple of things dont work, how they should. (is the key of the one still included in the game? have played nearly 24h with different players on different maps, but havent seen any)
4) I didnt play all characters so far, but reducing casting animation of some of them (demon hunter), would make the hero more efficient. Furthermore i think that adding a splashdmg or passive splash spell pretty useless. You dont get in so many situation where you face 6 enemys next to you, that requiere 8 or 9 hits to kill. They either die on one hit or, if it really takes 9 hits, they kill you.

I am willing to write you more in the future, if you are interested in my opinion. Please dont get my critization wrong, i love this game and think that its probably one of the best games i played so far. Its works with the old wc3 dynamics without that pretty and fancy TKOK engine. Thanks for reading and the very best.

Level 2
Sep 21, 2013
well what ever i still enjoy map and its my favorite map of all time becuz u can complete it solo havent seen any other rpg map wich would be this awesome and what you could beat it solo
Level 2
Sep 21, 2013
hey derp how about you first post these ""other awesome rpg maps what can beat SOLO" and i dont mean ONLY single player rpg maps but maps what can play also multiplayer

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
And every one map of 3 I wrote here is 999 times beter then this one in any meaning.
Those maps generally seem better balanced. Although this map has some pretty cool ideas (PvP, rts hybrid etc) they are very poorly implemented. Where as maps like TKoK end with you having reasonable numbers of damage and health (order of thousands) this map ends with damage and health exceeding the hundred million range. Your 30 damage knight is so useful when you hero can over kill it a million times every attack.