Probably you guys know that you can make your own action, condition and event with jass, so i downloaded World Editor Unlimited, and i got the triggers, i'm trying to fix a known problem, i already saw the soluction, but i can't.. There's a error with the name, you can see it here
Scrolldown the page, and see the troubleshoting/faq, and you will see the problem which is this
Q: When I try it it says "Missing String 'WESTRING_TRIGCAT_XXX'"
A: You didn't add the category.
You spelled the category wrong somewhere.
The name of the trigger is WESTRING_TRIGCAT_XXX, and it gives that error
"Missing String 'WESTRING_TRIGCAT_XXX'" i already checked misspealing but there wasn't i guess, i will attach the files so you can check yourself, i didn't know where to post, but i guess it's here.
EDIT: When i try to attach the page gets white and nothing happens, so if you can download WEU thanks, here
Scrolldown the page, and see the troubleshoting/faq, and you will see the problem which is this
Q: When I try it it says "Missing String 'WESTRING_TRIGCAT_XXX'"
A: You didn't add the category.
You spelled the category wrong somewhere.
The name of the trigger is WESTRING_TRIGCAT_XXX, and it gives that error
"Missing String 'WESTRING_TRIGCAT_XXX'" i already checked misspealing but there wasn't i guess, i will attach the files so you can check yourself, i didn't know where to post, but i guess it's here.
EDIT: When i try to attach the page gets white and nothing happens, so if you can download WEU thanks, here