Custom Spell in Triggers Help

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Level 1
Jan 19, 2011
I've been working on some trigger-based custom spells and I've come to a point where I'd like to be able to Order my Dummy to use one of my spells that simply stuns the target. The dummy spell is StormBolt without the damage. I am stuck on:

  • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to "Stun" (Target unit of ability being cast)

S.N: I'm trying to make a spell similar to Charge in WoW, any help on moving the unit will be greatly appreciated (something similar to Batrider's Unstable Concoction but without dieing).
Level 1
Jan 19, 2011
Sorry about that. I am looking to make a spell that makes my unit to stun and run towards it's target. The "run towards" would be like when Batriders rush in their targets when they use Unstable Concoction.

maybe you are reffering to Order Human - mountain king storm bolt?...
This is my main question, I want to give the stun spell to my dummy. Am I to edit the original Human - Mountain king Storm bolt in the Object Editor, or is there some other way to call my custom spell so that the StormBolt only applies the Stun?
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
Left-click Storm Bolt Ability, and select Copy Ability and then, Paste Ability
It will direct you to a new place, a folder named "Custom Abilities" folder -> Human -> Heroes -> Storm Bolt
From there, now your spell is now, a custom-made
It is also referred as "A000" for first spell, next is "A001" and so on
Order Human - Mountain King Storm Bolt must be used in order for your dummy to cast this ability through trigger
Also, at "Stats - Hero Ability" change it to False so your dummy can cast the ability because it has already turned to Unit Ability instead of Hero
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