need Custom spell help.(Auto spell casting)

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Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
hey so im trying to make the first of those 3 auto spell casting to my tower defence map.
Making any Spell Autocasting

this is the part i have probelms with and your offcourse VERY VERY VERY welcome to make it as a dummy map. tho i Assume that you cba to do that hehe

Custom Spells
To make a trigger launch with a custom spell you will have to look at the 'Order String - Use/Turn On' and make sure it is the only occurence on that unit, else more spells will be launched at the same time. When selecting the ability / action, instead of choosing preset you choose function, then Conversion - Convert String to Order and write the Order String in that field.

Unit - Order (Some Unit) to (Order(Some_Spell_Name)) (Target unit of ability being cast)

as you can see in there when it's done it lokos like this and i can make that happen:
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Orc Raider - Ensnare (Target unit of ability being cast)

problem is that i can't get my own spell in (it's Dragon breath from the Orc champaign Chem that panda dude)

so any chance anyone can help me. we can allso talk on skype if thats faster. else I'l look in on this topic many times each day since i can't make my td done with out the ability to get auto casting on all the towers.
Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
Breath of Fire is the spell you are looking for. It is no spell that is used on a unit, but on a certain position. So you need to search in Unit - Issue Order Targeting A Point.
The Panda is a neutral hero, so look under neutral for the right order.
  • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Neutral Pandaren Brewmaster - Breath Of Fire (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
You should remove the point leak, if you use this action.
Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
I dont know what you mean by remove the point eak(if i have not allready done it. but here is a picture of mine that don't seams to work (ignore that it says heal1 just a name for the dummy i put it on the one that heals minion somewhat)


  • dummy.jpg
    39.1 KB · Views: 61
Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
Try using "starts the effect of an ability" as event.
Also use the trigger tags:
[trigger]your trigger[/trigger]
to post your triggers. In the trigger window, where you modify a trigger right click on the white sheet (the trigger symbol) and use "copy as text". Then you can paste your code in the trigger tags.

Things That Leak

You need to store points in variables and remove them after you have used them with custom script.
Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
I changed the start part so it now looks like this. No luck I have in the game dispklay to tell me that it does accept that it's the spell. it just don't want to do the Breath of Fire

side note: things that leaks are not realted to this or if it is then im very confused.

Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Ability being cast) Equal to Heal1
Then - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: Working
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Neutral Pandaren Brewmaster - Breath Of Fire (Position of (Triggering unit))
Else - Actions
Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
no leaks are not related to your problem. They are just a general thing you should avoid, but when testing if something works you don't need to worry about them.
It must be position of (target unit of ability being cast)
The breath of fire must have enough range, the tower must have enough mana to cast the spell, breath of fire must not be on cooldown, techtree requirements of breath of fire should be matched (if it even has any)
Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
I belive i found the issue. The unit needs to have the ability I try to cast. it should work now. tho i have to make my towers in to heros insted of units
Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
And if i do that i don't need to change the
Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Neutral Pandaren Brewmaster - Breath Of Fire (Position of (Triggering unit))

Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
thanks you been most helpfull atm it does what I want it to if I manualy use the dummy ability (even when the dummy ability is on auto and it does cast the dummy ability) but not when it's on it self. Gess i have to tinker with it to see whats up with that. maybe it's the tigger event or not I got it working with the heal on my own minions now i just getta get it to work with searing arrow as the original poster recomented
Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
I just tryed it with Fairy fire it refuse to auto fast it self. but side note if i cast fairy fire outside the range of the Breath then the target is effected by fair fire. if i target fairy fire inside the range og the Breath then the breath goes off but no fairy fire on it. but yeah i sat the range of fair fire to 9999 so Im sure the minions was in range.
Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
so odd that the auto don't work. if you got the time to make a dummy map that juses fair faire or searing arrors(better) to case the Breath attack I would not say no to that
Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
I see it's working on yours. somehow not working on mine very odd. but I'll compair the two maps to see whats the issue. I even tryed to take over your scout tower but it just fill in the abilitys other other abilitys not the one it used to have insted of FF and BF you added.
Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
Myybe you can check and see why the hell it don't work on my map allso for the fun of it try to delete the scout tower and then copy it in form the dummy map. and you will see that it don't like to keep the abilitys.(I copyed in BF and FF from your map to my map and then after the scout tower when it did not work.


  • Healandsend2.w3x
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Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
Nothing wrong on your end. It's just weird warcraft autocast behaviour. Since the creeps are ordered to move they are automatically targeted by faerie fire. I made them attack move (and gave them an attack that could target buildings) and the tower used faerie fire.
You should use the "unit is attacked method instead"

Here is how I did it. Using the unit is attacked method also has the advantage, that the player can decide which unit should be attacked (with the breath of fire) and you can set the attack speed.


  • Healandsend2Attack.w3x
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Level 2
Mar 16, 2017
I can remove the FF part tho since it don't do anything now that it just runs on attack. it does the same if ff is auto casting or not. so as long as two tower types never have the same ability this should work. Many thanks for your help.
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