I take it this is for idea gathering? Consider Idea Factory. I warn you now though, ability based on object editor can collide and their effect will override. Exclusion to this is aura.
Negation : Drastically heals and grants maximum armor for 1/2/3 seconds.
Energy Wave : Fires a powerful wave that deals 250/400/650 damage to non-hero units in a line.
Burning Wind : Burn an allied unit, healing it overtime by 10/15/20 but unable to use abilities nor item. Lasts 5 seconds.
Wall of Hades : Summon a gigantic black wall that can taunt all enemies to attack it and automatically inflict 20% slow for 5 seconds every 3 seconds. Has 3000 HP. Lasts 60 seconds.
Maniac Mode : Increases self damage by 250% and armor by 3 but reduces health regen by 25. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Hand of Midas : Destroys a building and convert 100% of it's cost as gold.
Sankh Altar : Summons an altar that constantly deals 50 damage to all enemies in 500 radius every 2.5 seconds.
Shadow Whisper : Mute all enemies in the area, preventing them from attacking or using ability for 1/2/3 seconds.
Door of Hades : Deals 250/400/550 damage to all opponents in 400 radius, and stun them for 2/3/4 seconds. Has 3 second channeling. Zero mana cost.
Threads of Fortune : Deals 10/20/30 damage and stun the target for 3/6/9 seconds.
Kaboom Tower : Create kaboom soldiers that self destruct on nearby enemies.
Sanctuary of Heaven : Builds a sanctuary over 60 seconds that fires bolt of light toward enemies every 0.1 seconds. Damage dealt is 25 per bolt. 400 range. Sanctuary decays with 100 health per second. Has 1000 health. Level 2 spell grants 2 bolts per attack and level 3 spell doubles the damage of the bolt.