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- May 27, 2007
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Hereby I bring to you my upcoming online RPG "AHP: LotD"
For months I have been working on this project, most of the time in silence but for the last few weeks I have given a taste of my project on the wc3campaigns forum.
Background Story
AHP: LotD is an online RPG that takes place in a unique realm called Degodar during their medieval years. The land has been in conflict for years, during a war that ragged most of the country apart and left villages scattered and open for foul beasts and bandits.
Many years after the war, known to many as the War of the Crowns, was finished, the scattered villages and inhabitants forged an alliance to prevent anything of this scale again. At the top of this alliance a bound of Heroes was places, calling themselves The League of Heroes. Their duty was and still is to advice the magistrates, councillors and the ambassador on their decisions and to keep order within their kingdom.
As the land regenerated itself during these years everything seemed alright, till recently... and some rumours say it has to do with a long and forgotten legend never thought to be true... The Legend of the Dragonlord.
As one of the new promising Heroes that just finished their trainee-ship, you will be put on the task to investigate the matter and to overcome anything that might threaten the realm.
In this RPG you, and 3 of your compagnon Hero players will offer yourself to the service of the local authorities and the League of Heroes, where you are a member from. During these individual quests you will unravel any secrets, not only about the Legend that causes the disturbance, but also about the past of the lands.
During your quests you will obtain items of great power which you will be able to wield and of which most are directly visible on your character.
The story takes place in a RTS camera viewpoint, just like normal Warcraft III.
AHP: LotD is proceeding as planned, yet there is no knowledge about when it will be released. But we can give estimations on what is done and what is not.
Done/To Do List:
Terrain - done
Models - done
Triggers - >80%
Creatures and NPC's - done
Spells and Abilities - 80% (done for the alpha/beta test, but +/- 60% of final version)
Questline [Written] - 60%
Questline [Implemented] - 60%
Storyline - done
The RPG will feature a great array of things, such as:
- A main and optional Questline
- A max. Hero level of 25 with spells suited to this level
- Revealing ability, adding a new dimension to questing!
- Custom Spells
- Custom Shops
- Spelltrainers where you have to buy your spells
- A new resourcement instead of wood called "Hero Ability Points"
- Custom items and units
- And more...
Resourcements work as followed:
Your Hero can obtain both gold as Hero Ability Points (HAP points). Gold is obtained trough killing creatures and finishing quests and is only ment to buy items and reagents.
HAP points can only be obtained trough leveling and are required for buying spells. They give an indication of your experiences and via that your trainer will know if you are ready to learn a new spell. Every time you level you will gain 100 HAP points which you can spend on abilities at the
Titan, Magister and Swift trainer. Each spell costs at least 100 HAP points and you cannot unlearn your spells (yet), so choose wisely before buying!
Next to these features the RPG will be playable for a max. of 4 players that will be able to customise their character by choosing their own spells, getting their own personal favored gear and so on.
I hope you will be looking forward to see this project go live.
Thanks for reading,
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