Cumulative adventure game

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Level 3
Feb 1, 2011
In this game there will tons of things to do and real sense of freedom. The game is in a snowy terrain, set in a fictional medieval land, there is no magic, its just the land the game takes place in doesn't actually exist. You could say its like northern france in the winter. The multiplayer game will allow players to engage on missions of various types. But to even figure out who gives the missions you could waste your time by talking to everyone, or eavesdrop on citizens talking to find clues on where the best missions are and where the missions that interest you are. Each mission has a significant part in a greater story, and the more missions you complete of one kind will push your story in that direction. for example, the more missions you do involving exploration the story will end with a special area opened only to those who complete the missions. Or for missions that require killing others, will unlock a certain weapon.
So far i have:
The eavesdropping locations: much like in assassins creed.
and all the missions planned out on paper.
Terrain got bugged, back to 0

*will upload a screen shot ASAP*
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Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Few ideas that bumped in my head:

. People that give quests should be randomized
. Quests must be original
. This is the "Idea Factory" section, if you don't need ideas post this on "Map Development".
Level 3
Feb 1, 2011
will be looking forward for this:) nice ideas:)

Thanks. :D

Few ideas that bumped in my head:

. People that give quests should be randomized
. Quests must be original
. This is the "Idea Factory" section, if you don't need ideas post this on "Map Development".

Could you explain the Randomized quest givers. i dont really understand what you mean fully.
Quest will be generic and original.
And i need ideas because the map is not complete and really the only thing i have thought of is the quests.
so please share. :D

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Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Sweet screeny actually :p

Well about randomized quest givers...
If players are used to play your maps they will know where each quest is given. Except if you randomize it each new game ;-)

And i need ideas because the map is not complete and really the only thing i have thought of is the quests.
so please share. :D
What do you need ?
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
1) Tricky thing to do, but you may make such thing as reputation wit heach particular NPC. NPCs would react to player's actions. If NPC likes a player, he could give him better/more quests or some useful information. If NPC dislikes the player, they may give wrong clues (randomly. they may give good clues too!). Also, an interesting twist would be to keep player ignorant of his precise reputation, letting him judge about it from NPC quotes (if NPC dislikes the player, he would certainly speak rudely... unless it is a very cunning NPC, who would speak nice, but say lies).

2) Books with ancient secrets (aka quests and clues) that must be gathered page by page from quest rewards, creep drops, secret places, etc. Player may drop off the pages at the book-binder, who will later bind them into a book (or maybe steal the precious pages?)

3) Destructible and interactive environment are a good idea. I'm pretty sure there were destructible doodad models somewhere.
Examples of interactive environment: dragging and dropping a corpse upstream, to poison the river; Drop a ring into a pond and later hear a fisherman boast he caught it.

3a) Daily newspaper (rumor, gossip, call it as you wish) - giving wider resonance to your actions (maybe even in exaggerated proportions: you kill a few people in one village and people in another talk of "great massacre" and fear and hate you even more).

4) Add crafting. It's often an interesting thing. Becoming a great craftsman could be a questline aswell.

5) Make gathering for crafting interesting. For instance, you don't see sulphur deposits right away, but character or NPC comment that water in the lake tastes bitter and there're wisps of smoke there - hence digging there would yield some sulphur.

6) Archaeology-like activity (like WoW arcaheology, but with changes as in 5). What can be more exciting, than assembling a prehistoric artifact, one tiny fragment at a time?
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
Sweet screeny actually :p

Well about randomized quest givers...
If players are used to play your maps they will know where each quest is given. Except if you randomize it each new game ;-)

I think familiarity gives players something to talk about... also randomized quests are indeed pretty tricky and you can't really make a game like Red Dead Redemption in warcraft 3. =p
Level 3
Feb 1, 2011
1) Tricky thing to do, but you may make such thing as reputation wit heach particular NPC. NPCs would react to player's actions. If NPC likes a player, he could give him better/more quests or some useful information. If NPC dislikes the player, they may give wrong clues (randomly. they may give good clues too!). Also, an interesting twist would be to keep player ignorant of his precise reputation, letting him judge about it from NPC quotes (if NPC dislikes the player, he would certainly speak rudely... unless it is a very cunning NPC, who would speak nice, but say lies).

2) Books with ancient secrets (aka quests and clues) that must be gathered page by page from quest rewards, creep drops, secret places, etc. Player may drop off the pages at the book-binder, who will later bind them into a book (or maybe steal the precious pages?)

3) Destructible and interactive environment are a good idea. I'm pretty sure there were destructible doodad models somewhere.
Examples of interactive environment: dragging and dropping a corpse upstream, to poison the river; Drop a ring into a pond and later hear a fisherman boast he caught it.

3a) Daily newspaper (rumor, gossip, call it as you wish) - giving wider resonance to your actions (maybe even in exaggerated proportions: you kill a few people in one village and people in another talk of "great massacre" and fear and hate you even more).

4) Add crafting. It's often an interesting thing. Becoming a great craftsman could be a questline aswell.

5) Make gathering for crafting interesting. For instance, you don't see sulphur deposits right away, but character or NPC comment that water in the lake tastes bitter and there're wisps of smoke there - hence digging there would yield some sulphur.

6) Archaeology-like activity (like WoW arcaheology, but with changes as in 5). What can be more exciting, than assembling a prehistoric artifact, one tiny fragment at a time?

Yes all these are very nice ideas. Some of the mare already implemented. But i will definitely add crafting. But this is a long process, considering im working 99% alone. But i prefer not having partners. thanks for the great ideas.

@Goffterdom Well i need a unique re-spawn. or ill just have the game end when you die. I also need advise on how to make multiplayer triggers, without making a separate trigger for all the players. (if possible) And anything that comes to mind when you think about the theme.
Level 4
Jun 5, 2010
You could also add some building options, so you can build a hideout in case of emergency, or build a huge tower to control the inhabitants of a city, or something similar
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
How about make it like a detective-war map. You need to solve some puzzles using your head and then catch the bad guy, kill him. It sounds nice though. Make the enviroment a little bit city like which is snowing. For the re-spawn, how about when you die, in multiplayer, a friend needs to buy a book of the dead (something like a necronomicon) from a guy, preferably a witch doctor. And he goes to the cemetary where the garve is located and use the item there. But the hero goes back to level 1. How about make the hero unarmed at first. No sheild, no sword just some clothes. Then craft these weapons and armors. It would be nice of there is a story behind the whole game. Add some corrupt officials who are leading the town/city. Make it gta style when you kill someone. if a police sees you they catch you and try to arrest you. If you keep killing, you will have a bounty on your head. You need to escape or evade people from that island. And if youre not caught, police will chase you when they see you.
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