Corner Territory Conquest or "CTC". [BETA]
This is a simple and big AoS map wich im working since 2 months
Its still a beta i need a lot of things to improve yet...
Mid spawn and move only the rest has been disabled due to errors but you can still play the map.
°A total of 4 races,2 The Legion,2 The Forsaken.
°5 total lanes,two diagonal lanes for each team,one lane top,one lane bot and lane one mid
°In bot and top lanes there will be medium creeps,in diagonal lanes there will be weak creeps and mid lane there will be the stronger creeps.
°When you destroy a tower you control it.
°Total of 9 heroes (One of them,Elektra,is a beta/unfinished Hero).
°Streak triggers and combo kill triggers (like-in-dota)
°Vote-kick system
°Commands,-ms (movement speed),
-ma (match up)
-water green/blue/red
°And lots of things yet...
Modes:-AR (All Random) and default -AP (All Pick)
What i will make (JUST WHAT I REMEMBER UNTIL NOW) :Will add Heroes,add items/recipes,fix lanes,add Multiboards,add split gold and assist system.
I really found this website useful for importing cool things you make into my map so i should give credits to you all
i cant remember the names right now but if you want will give u credits...
Btw my partner,Evil_Seal,wich helped me a lot in GUI triggers he havent got lot of time this month and i hope i will find some other partner for vjass triggers because its really a good map
Of course will give ya credits .
warcraft III 3 AoS CTC corner territory conquest