CTC v1.90b Beta

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Corner Territory Conquest or "CTC". [BETA]

This is a simple and big AoS map wich im working since 2 months
Its still a beta i need a lot of things to improve yet...
Mid spawn and move only the rest has been disabled due to errors but you can still play the map.

°A total of 4 races,2 The Legion,2 The Forsaken.
°5 total lanes,two diagonal lanes for each team,one lane top,one lane bot and lane one mid
°In bot and top lanes there will be medium creeps,in diagonal lanes there will be weak creeps and mid lane there will be the stronger creeps.
°When you destroy a tower you control it.
°Total of 9 heroes (One of them,Elektra,is a beta/unfinished Hero).
°Streak triggers and combo kill triggers (like-in-dota)
°Vote-kick system
°Commands,-ms (movement speed),
-ma (match up)
-water green/blue/red
°And lots of things yet...

Modes:-AR (All Random) and default -AP (All Pick)

What i will make (JUST WHAT I REMEMBER UNTIL NOW) :Will add Heroes,add items/recipes,fix lanes,add Multiboards,add split gold and assist system.

I really found this website useful for importing cool things you make into my map so i should give credits to you all :D i cant remember the names right now but if you want will give u credits...
Btw my partner,Evil_Seal,wich helped me a lot in GUI triggers he havent got lot of time this month and i hope i will find some other partner for vjass triggers because its really a good map ;) Of course will give ya credits .

warcraft III 3 AoS CTC corner territory conquest

CTC v1.90b Beta (Map)

21:26, 8th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: Status: Rejected Add a category. List everyone under credits in the description. Work in progress maps are not allowed Lacking description: Template Contact Me




21:26, 8th Sep 2011
Status: Rejected

Add a category.
List everyone under credits in the description.
Work in progress maps are not allowed
Lacking description: Template

Contact Me
Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
CTC v1.90b

It is a good terrain. it is not stuffed but it is not empty either.

Why does the heroes have different costs at the beginning?
You should also improve the tooltips for the buying of heroes (more information).
The spellbook abilities are a nice extension.

I played "sylvanas". I think it is not good that she has two autocast abilities (searing arrows and forst arrows).

Only a few, but it is not a disadvantage.

The possibility to change the watercolor is realy weird :D
You should remove any wood costs, it is too complicate.
It is a little bit boring that there is only one lane where spawn units fight.

The file name is too long, the map is not playable for many people!
I suggest: CTC 1.90b

The imported models are well chosen. Many peaople import too much useless stuff.