Complete the Hero

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Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Hello to everyone.
I have a strength hero (disabler/tank) and i don't have any idea for replace your ultimate.

I already have 4 abilities:
1. Scarlet Strike:
Make 3 strikes that cause shock waves. Deals damage to enemies in a line, the nearby enemies will be damaged, knockback the distant enemies.
Channeling for 1 second.
2. Defensive Assault:
Wields his shield and attack towards the target point, stuns and damage enemies in the path, at the end gains a barrier that block any damage taken for 1.5 seconds.
3. War Emblem:
Give a chance to perform a Scarlet Strike on atacked unit and increases strength by an amount until leave combat.
this spell is the current ultimate but I think it does not match with his other spells.
4: Giant Sword:
Strike the enemies in the area with the sword deals great damage , the damage is increased as more enemies are affected, enemies that survive will be disoriented for some seconds.

I hope that anyone give me a idea to make another ultimate.

Thanks for reading.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
What's the hero's theme/model used?

Fissure (Active): Attacks the ground, pushing back all units on either side in a straight line from the hero and opening a fissure in the ground (does high damage to buildings). While the fissure remains open, no unit can pass it and buildings inside take continuous damage (closes up after a while).

Fulminous Edge (Active): While active, gains attack speed for every kill and has a chance to inflict Stun, Dizziness or Purge with every attack.

Sword Art Inline (Active): Summons X swords from the caster's body, appearing next to him at various ranges. When the caster next targets a unit with a regular attack, the swords will move to and through the target, dealing damage to all units they pass through (up to the range they were summoned from).
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
The model of hero:
Royal Captain

Sword Art Inline (Active): Summons X swords from the caster's body, appearing next to him at various ranges. When the caster next targets a unit with a regular attack, the swords will move to and through the target, dealing damage to all units they pass through (up to the range they were summoned from).

This one is my favorite, the name is the best haha.
I think that every sword created can be launched with a normal attack or on a Scarlet Strike activation. You gave me a nice idea. Thanks.
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