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[Request] Need hero ideas belong to models.

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Level 1
Mar 28, 2008
Hello everyone.
I need hero ideas that belong to heroes from hero pictures.


Idea template is here (Blue highlighted texts are examples):
Hero Number: Hero7
Hero Name: Astoros
Hero Information: The Natural Summoner is a vicious master that capable to control the natural beast to fight by his side. Any formidable foes that trying to challenge against him would taste his wraith as there is nobody could defeat him deep beneath the forest since the animal inside the forest is his army.
Ability 1: Earth Eruption
Description: Unleashes a dozen eruptions from the earth's core to wreak havoc upon the Impaler's enemies. Deals damage and stuns the enemies.
Based on: Impale (from Crypt Lord)
Ability 2: Wood Slam
Description: The Tauren slams his weapon to the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies and slowing them.
Based on: Thunder Clap
Ability 3: Totem Strike
Description: Gives the Tauren a chance to deal 3x damage and stun the enemy.
Based on: Bash (remove the damage bonus thingy and add 3.00 to Damage Multiplier, making it a Critical Strike that stuns enemies!)
Ultimate: Rock Nova
Description: The Tauren tosses rocks to nearby enemies at an alarming rate.
Based on: Fan of Knives (just change the models!)

NOTE: Abilities must be belongs to hero models.


  • Heroes2.jpg
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Level 7
Jul 6, 2008
I am confused on what exactly you want us to contribute. Hero7 is the archer/flyer thingy (it's early), and you have stuff that doesn't make sense with that. Please be a little more concise with your question/idea asking and I'll definitely contribute something.
Level 1
Mar 28, 2008
Just need hero ability ideas. Look at hero pictures that I attached. And if you have an idea about a hero spells post it as the example.
Level 7
Jul 6, 2008
Oh. I thought you wanted us to edit what you used as the template somehow. Well anyway I'll try my hand at one.

HeroNumber: 34
Name: Leviathan/Carcinos
Hero Information: A enormous beast of the sea, The Leviathan is seen as a god by many isolated cultures. His razor sharp spines and his incredible fortitude make him a formidable foe to man or beast. He is capable of controlling the seas around him, and has enormous strength.

Ability 1: Razor Spines
Description: The spines on this beast grow long and sharp, impaling those who try to attack it's shell.
Based On: Spiked Carapace Minus Armor Bonus

Ability 2: Aura of the Tides
Description: The Leviathan carries a misty aura that makes the hands of enemies slippery and their weapons dull with moisture and rust. Reduces enemy damage by a small percentage.
Based on: Command Aura, targeting enemies, with negative values.

Ability 3: Hydro Plume
Description: The Leviathan blasts the water it stores in his shell out, damaging nearby enemy units, and soaking them, which makes them move slower.
Based on: Frost Nova

Ultimate: Hyper Spin
Description: The Leviathan tucks all of it's body parts inside it's shell, and spins extremely fast. It's spikes impale nearby units, dealing massive damage.
Based On: Bladestorm, probably custom model.

That was fun, I'll probably edit and do more.

Model Ideas:
Aura of the Tides: Mist Aura - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
Hydro Plume:AnimateDeadTarget - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
Hyper Spin: One of JetFangInferno's Bladestorm models.

Well here's may second idea

HeroNumber: 28
Name: The Preacher
Description: One of the most dedicated students of the Cult of the Damned, a man whose only knows as The Preacher goes around "persuading" random victims to join the Cult. He takes what he wants by force, but many underestimate how cunning he can be.

Ability 1: Preach
Description: The Preacher reads a passage from a Tome of the Damned, causing nearby friendly units to fight with unparalleled spirit.
Based On: Roar

Ability 2: Reanimation
Description: The Preacher picks a freshly dead corpse to bring back to life, who will fight in his name until his energy runs out.
Based On: Carrion Beetles.

Ability 3: Persuasion
Description: The Preacher persuades a nearby enemy unit to join the Cult, making him switch sides in the middle of battle.
Based On: Charm

Ultimate: Summoning
Description: A dark god is summoned to obliterate the Preacher's enemies for a short amount of time. This god will rally the nearby dead to fight in his name.
Based On: Vengeance.
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Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Hero Number: Hero5
Hero Name: Severus
Hero Information: A flying serpent that has been granted the great magics of the oceans, allowing it to control water at will. After an incident, the flying serpent was nearly killed but a new power of its surfaced and saved him, the power to generate water to act as weapons or shields.
Ability 1: Water Wave
Description: Shoots a wave of water at the target point, damaging units in a line.
Based on: Crushing Wave
Ability 2: Water Shield
Description: Creates a shield of water around the flying serpent and cause it to become invulnerable.
Based on: Divine Shield
Ability 3: Water Illusion
Description: Uses water to create a lot of clones of the serpent, the clone dies after one attack and does not damage
Based on: Mirror Image(make damage taken to 1000000% or something)
Ultimate: Water Bomb
Description: Drops multiple bombs crafted out of water below the flying serpent, dealing a lot of damage in a small area.
Based on: Thunder Clap (just change the model and remove the slow).

Hero Number: Hero2
Hero Name: Muldahn Bronze Beard
Hero Information: One of the last survivors of the bronzebeards, Muldahn loves inventing things by nature and has invented many useful weapons to fight the enemy.
Ability 1: Rocket Pod
Description: Fires a lot of rockets from his rocket pod attached to the copter, dealing damage and stunning the enemy.
Based on: Cluster Rockets
Ability 2: Flamer
Description: Uses a flamer to burn units in a cone, dealing damage and causing the units to take burn damage.
Based on: Breath of Fire (just change some things)
Ability 3: Machine Gun
Description: The Machine Gun attached to the copter will fire automatically every so often, dealing damage to an enemy.
Based on: Phoenix Fire (from phoenix, remove the burn)
Ultimate: Pulse Cannon
Description: Charges up a powerful pulse cannon and fires it, dealing damage in a line.
Based on: Shockwave(change model and add cast time)

This is my hero idea but i changed the blue to light blue cos I found it a pain to read the dark blue one.
Level 7
Jul 6, 2008
I'll try another.

Hero Number: Hero8
Hero Name: Avenger
Hero Information: As a small child, this orc saw his village burned to the ground by humans. Before he too was slaughtered like the rest of his clan, a wyvern picked him up and carrier him to safety. He learned to survive in the wild with help from his savior, and has sworn a vendetta against the humans.

Ability 1: Aerial Prowess
Description: The Avenger has mastered flight extensively, and has gained the ability to dodge most attacks.
Based On: Evasion

Ability 2: Divebomb
Description: The Avenger barrels down at full speed towards an enemy, damaging and stunning the foe and slightly hurting himself.
Based On: Stormbolt, low range, make a trigger that takes away 1/4 of his life every time he casts it.

Ability 3: Ward of Rage
Description: The Avenger puts down a War of Rage, which rallies all units to fight with unparalleled fury.
Based On: Sentry Ward, with the attack speed aura.

Ultimate: Unstoppable Fury
Description: Turn into a raging spirit, that has splash damage and heavy life bonus.
Based On: Metamorphosis. Change model to Spirit Wyvern.
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