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Coding Updates

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Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
I felt like the existance of this thread could be useful :thumbs_up:

Current Jobs:
  • Blademaster Beta Progress (~60% completed)

Finished Jobs:
  • Warlock Beta spells
  • Paragon Beta spells
  • Condition System (4/10 : recoded 27/10 : recoded 20/12)
  • WorldTime (26/11)
  • ===| NPC System Parts |===
    • NPControl (5/12 -09)
    • NPCamera (7/12 -09)
    • NPConversation (NPCTalk) (12/12 -09)

Last Update: 31/01

  • Blademaster game mechanic finished!
  • 2 Blademaster spells finished!
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
weeell, wait 'till you see the actual system code x) it relies 100% on the ABuff engine :)
And stuff like essays/exams and other boring sh*t will probably slow progress from time to time.

edit: finished reading the cJass manual :) installing naow
edit 2: finished coding another necromancer spell, totally in cJass =D
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
(Y) it doesn't add much to code-readability, but makes typing 300% faster.
The ++/-- operators are badly implemented, though, since it uses workarounds and other stuff :p The define is awesome tbh.

No progress today I believe, as I got loads (like 84 pages of grammar) of french homework for tommorrow =(

10/10: Updates on the spells,
both coding-wise and eye-candy-wise.

Minior changes to Condition system.
Implemented different condition states
with their own buff-icon.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Cleaned up my last comment, no double posts here :p

Fixed a lot of bugs which effectively crippled the playability of the test map.
Recoded another spell in ZINC, and nearly finished a more complex one.

Well, I'm off the coding now - homework's calling...
Level 9
Apr 5, 2008
Seems good so far, but I think it's a little to basic to show as of yet.
Will you be able to talk to the NPC's? In the version we have so far, you have a spell in your action panel which let's you talk to npc's. When talking, you enter a first-person like view, and the heroes item panel turns into a bunch of options of things that you can say. This is how you get quests and such.

Wolfe is remaking the hero concepts we have so far, except for the occulist and bowman, into more interesting classes, and he has a few spells ready for them already.
Also, in 2 days time, he's posting a large post on the thread about the upcomming beta.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Currently the NPC system handles different pre-defined behaviors for registered NPC's. I.e on spell targeted they will do A and when attacked they do B, where A & B are functions made by the user.

Will the talking be handled by the NPC system? If so, then I'll write a module (I like modular code :D) that handles some stuff.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Aight, can you send me the current NPC version in the map?

Just how will the items work? Will there be text printed on-screen, so items only works as dummy choosers? Or will the different responses be texted on the items?

EDIT: small update - Finished the NPCTalk camera module!
Level 9
Apr 5, 2008
I can't send you the current npc system right now, as I only have access to my laptop.
When you talked to NPC's, the things they said were printed on the left side of the screen, beside the npc. The items in the inventory were all option, and what they did was in the description, so I needed to create one item for each option. The last item was a cancel option, which canceled the conversation.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Yeah, me too!

EDIT: Are there any items in any hero's inventory by default? Or is it just plain empty?

Because I'm deciding that NPCTalk will require an empty inventory, so storing items is up to you - it's not hard or something but it would have overcomplicated the code :p

Update: NPCTalk progress has slowed down until I finish this small program for my class.. Should be finished by tomorrow or so.
Level 9
Apr 5, 2008
Well, I'm not sure if I introducered you to the action panel yet, but I'll just do it now.
To save space, each hero has in his command card a spells called Action Panel, which turns the inventory into a panel of things you can do, like Talk, Use, Worldmap, so when players talk to NPC's, the items in their inventory will always be equal to the items on page one in the action panel, so you can just remove those items. When the conversations ends, just add them again, and everything will work fine. The items originally in the inventory will be stored by the inventory system and put there when the action panel is closed.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Okay, so I can just erase pretty much everything in the hero's inventory - as long as it gets added once the conversation is over?

Side note: Finished the small program! Next stop: NPCTalk!
Another side note: Added some suggestions to Wolfe about some heroes's game mechanics.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
NPControl: handles npc-events; event-responses (onDeath, onNearby etc...)
NPCamera: handles the camera movement; used to position in fp-view
NPConversation (NPCTalk): handles npc talking; items in inventory gets moved to X/Y and then restored when the conversation is ended. You can pre define chat answers using the ChatPanel struct, or just add your own items into the hero's inventory.

as for progress: still trying to find the source of some strange bugs...
Level 9
Apr 5, 2008
Cool, looking forward to seeing it, ^^
Btw, Wolfe has told us to focus on the skills, as he's rewriting the quests he has made so far. He also found a terrainer to look the current terrain over and correct some things and do interior terrain. Also, he's redoing the dungeons that Yohobofire made, and I also think he's going to increase the map size to something larger than 256-256 (256-280 or something) to allow for larger and more complex dungeons. The dungeons will all be scripted full of traps and deadly obstacles, and I want to ask you if you also want to script some of the dungeons?
Level 9
Apr 5, 2008
The quests that wolfe will design each have a set amount of NPC's that we'll just add as we start coding the quests, and if I know Wolfe right, he'll make a profile for each NPC's with a description of what they're gonna say. ^^
So yeah, it would be most lovely if you started on the Warlock, :D
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
To come:
- The Guardian
- The Paragon
- The Vanguard
- The Wizard (Concept that replaces the Chronokeeper - because the Chronokeeper pissed me off.) =D
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Bah! Wolfe is scary, very scary!

A small update:
  • Warlock game mechanic finished!
  • Warlock spell Stormhammer finished!

Question 1: Is there any knockback system in the map?
Question 2: Is there any stun system in the map?
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Good job Tukki. Remember to take screenshots of the mechanic/spells in use. =D
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008

As for the Stun & Knockback systems:

I'm using UnitStatus for the stun and Rising_Dusk's Knockback system, both available at WC3C.net

Will try to take some screenshots and make the preview tomorrow or today, the sooner the better.
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