"Nazgrel wouldn't fit being corrupted at all, since I don't think he was part of the Warsong"
I can't really use a Warsong clan member as the hero, because for the begining of the campaign I think they're considered "missing"
"Grom's death didn't free the orcs, Mannoroth's death did"
I didn't mean it like that, Grom kills Mannoroth, so he freed them?
"Also, it's literally impossible to be a Fel Orc shaman. Once you become a Fel Orc, the spirits leave you."
Fair point..
Also.. does this Blood Pact thing go back further than RoC?
I'm a little confused
The Bloodpact existed before WC1. Here is a bit of Orc lore.
The Orcs use to be brown skinned, and they were honorable war-enjoying (but not vicious warmongers like they were) and spiritual people. When the Draenei came, the Orcs welcomed them warmly. The wisest and most powerful of orcish shamans, Ner'zhul, would regularly speak with the spirit of his wife. After many years of hunting, Kil'jaeden finally found Draenor (The planet was named by the Draenei, the Orcish name is unknown). Kil'jaeden took interest in the orcs, and decided to use them to slaughter the Draenei. Kil'jaeden disguised himself as Ner'zhuls wife and began telling him about Warlock Magics, saying Shamanism was not the original way of the ancestors and the Warlock Magics are the correct way. Ner'zhul managed to spread the Warlockism to nearly all of the Orcish Clans, except for the Frostwolf Clan (Thrall's Clan.) Gul'Dan was the most active of the Warlocks, who was ironically Ner'zhuls apprentice.
After driving the orcs deep into corruption, Ner'zhul's "Wife" introduced him to Kil'Jaeden, the "Great One". Ner'zhul was happy that he was saving his people, and getting the respect he secretly desired. With Ner'zhuls trust, Kil'jaeden told him about the Draenei and how they were truly evil. Ner'zhul convinced the other Orcish clans to attack the Draenei. Though, Ner'zhul became suspicious. The more he saw of the Draenei, the more he realized they looked VERY similar to Kil'jaeden. He also has a specific hatred for Velen, who was the Draeneis leader and their holiest being, besides the Naaru.
Ner'zhul confronted Oshu'gun, the Great Mountain of Spirits (Which was actually a large crystal, which is the original ship the Draenei used to come to Draenor)
Ner'zhul was horrified to see the spirits greeting him as a monstrosity. He saw his real wife, and she told him everything, about how Kil'jaeden had minipulated them.
Ner'zhul tried to spread this news, but Gul'dan, the greedy and powerhungry orc he was, told Kil'jaeden of the betrayal. For his loyalty, Gul'dan was promoted to Ner'zhuls power and Ner'zhul was demoted to nothing, and stripped entirely of his powers. Ner'zhul was forced to watch his race drive into the bloodlust that he started.
Though, Gul'dan grew overconfident, knowing that Ner'zhul could do nothing... or do
much. He let Ner'zhul acess all his files and dark documents of the Warlocks. He discovered that Kil'jaeden intended on giving the Blood of Mannoroth to the Orcs, completely sealing the Orcs loyalty to the Demons and empowering them greatly, but corrupting them in the process. Ner'zhul knew that with Gul'dans newly recieved influence none of the Chieftains would listen to him, except one, Durotan of the Frostwolf Clan and future father of Thrall.
As a result of Ner'zhul's warnings, Durotan, Chieftain of the Frostwolves, refused to drink the blood of Mannoroth, and saved them from the Blood Pact. Though, they had already been affected by the Warlock taint, and over time turned green aswell. Alas, Durotan and his mate Draka were the only people aware of Ner'zhul's.
Eventually, Draka and Durotan were assassinated, with their knowledge lost. Then, a lot of other stuff happened after the Second War, but it's way too much to explain.
Also, if you're wondering the origins of the Draenei and why Kil'jaeden hates them and velen and why they look alike, I'll type it here.
Sargeras was once the brother of Aman'thul, the most powerful titan and the leader of the Pantheon, the council of the strongest titans. Sargeras was a powerful and proud defender. Though, after he slew demon after demon, he started to venture deep into the nether. He eventually began to lose hope of the pantheon, and was slowly driven to madness. He fully turned to the dark side, and created the Burning Legion. The earliest known members of the Burning Legion were the Nathrezim and Tothrezim (Dreadlords, and a Dreadlord subspecies which work as assassins and spies)
Sargeras needed powerful spellcasters into his army, and he found interest into the arcanic Eredar. Over 21,000 years ago, Sargeras approached the three most powerful and leaders of the Eredar, Archimonde, Kil'jaeden, and Velen, on their crystalline homeplanet of Argus. The three shared a very close bond, but Kil'jaeden and Velen had the strongest of the three and would die for eachother. Though the Eredar were not evil, they were always willing to discover new magics and power, whatever the cost. Sargeras offered the three Eredar leaders great power and new magics in exchange for loyalty. Archimonde and Kil'jaeden gladly accepted, but Velen needed more time to think. In his dreams, his was contacted by the Naaru and they told him everything of the dark magics. Velen and his followers, known as the Draenei, or 'exiled ones' in Eredun, fleed from Argus to other distant planets. Eventually, Kil'jaeden and Velen went from an unbreakable friendship to a deep hatred. The corrupted eredar were eventually renamed the Man'ari Eredar. Man'ari meant "twisted" or "sinister" in Eredun. For over 20,000 years, Velen and his followers have fled from planet to planet, seeing only massacre and blood slaughter wherever they go. The worst of these slaughters were the Draenei-Orcish wars, were their long lasting Orcish allies betrayed them. This slaughter was so devastating, the only surviviors were enough to populate a small town. This town was Telredor, which was a small Draenei town built on the giant mushrooms of Zangarmarsh, were they hid and were safe for many years untill Illidan came. When he came, Kael'thas attempted to take over The Exodar (which was not one building, but a large group of buildings. The current Exodar was the largest of them). The Draenei were able to escape with the largest of the flying citadels, but Kael'thas took the rest and renamed it Tempest Keep and used it as his own citadel.
Though Kil'jaeden's undying hatred for the Draenei continues, he cannot carry out his plans as easily as before, for their new homeland, Azeroth, has bested the burning legion over five times.