(Closed) Admin Application

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Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
The 2-Player Campaign
Admin Application

I am putting out a request for 2-4 admins for this new project forum.
If you want to apply for an admin spot, and you feel that you follow the specifications to an acceptable level, please notify me on this thread if you would like to apply by filling in the form below.
Of course you can just as easily resign from this post whenever.

- Be able to communicate in English effectively to other users
- Be able to keep up regular activity on this forum
- Have a good understanding of the project and the maps
- Preferably, to have provided support to the project in the past
- A knowledge of how forum adminning works

- Help maintain order on this area of the forum & on the maps/packs
- Play and keep up with the project
- Play a part in removing bugs/errors from the project and general improvement

To apply for admin, fill in this form with your personal responces:

Account Name:
Why you want to be an Admin:
What you will provide as an Admin:

- TheSpoon
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
I can help maintaining order here. But I would (nearly) never be able to play it on my free time since every people plays crap on BN nowadays. :p

I could play 'em in Singleplayer, though (Then again, it's a Multiplayer Map. But maybe it can be helped).


Account Name: Dead-Man-Walking
Why you want to be an Admin: I just wanna help. 'Nuff said. Also, I got nothing to do.
What you will provide as an Admin: I would be cleaning this forums of spam, most of the time (I'm active for about 12 Hours or so every day). And maybe give out some ideas.
Other: Well yeah, I guess that's everything.
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Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
I'd like to apply for an admin Spoon.


Account Name: Lich Prince.
Why you want to be an Admin: Well I'd simply like to help out and be part of this.
What you will provide as an Admin: I don't have anything else I'm working on so this project will receive most of my attention.
Other: I fit all the Specifications up there. However, about the "Play a part in removing bugs/errors from the project and general improvement" role, I'm unable to do shit in World Editor. Saying it now so I wont face any problems concerning it later. (If I get accepted-Ofcourse I'll report the bugs but I can't fix them at all.)
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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Account Name: McQvaBlood
Why you want to be an Admin: I've always loved the campaigns of Warcraft III, I've played through them countless many times and your project is simply awesome. I wish to sacrifice some of my time in return for the many hours you must have spent with creating this great conversion.
What you will provide as an Admin: Ample playtesting. (I play the campaign simultaneously with two players, my brother, Baltazar, and one of my friends, W4nderer.)
Anything else you ask me to do, like forum moderating.
Also, my computer ain't good enough to run Starcraft II, so you don't have to worry about me suddenly leaving this project.
I'm also a capable triggerer. (I don't know how you measure this. I can code pretty much anything, but only in GUI (I've coded (though not released) besides other things: a recharging protoss plasma shield, a unique damage detection system and I've had many-many failed attempts at creating hero sieges and AoSes, so I can code some fun spells, too.)
I can speak English fluently and I (used to) visit the 2-player-campaign topic several times a day. Though I don't know yet just how complicated this can get with several ongoing threads, but I feel like I'll be able to handle it. I believe I 'have a good understanding of the project and the maps'.
I've provided support to this project through several bug reports already and by providing feedback regarding every new map since I've known about this project... (That is, around the release of Undead 01.) and also some older ones.

I don't know what you mean by knowing how forum adminning works. If you are worried about me being unable to handle the interface, I'll learn it. If it means something else, please tell me.
Level 10
Aug 15, 2008
Account Name: Azeroc
Why you want to be an Admin: To help maintaining order and give some information regarding 2P project.
What you will provide as an Admin: Order, Will inform people about spoon's projects and pretty much everything else.
Other: I have tested loads of spoon's maps (not only 2P project) and we are kinda close internet friends xD

My Application Form

Account Name: Indomitable1319
Why you want to be an Admin:
I've been with this project since somewhere near the start. I have been an avid supporter of this project, and I was actually very suprised and intruiged when I saw this project hosted. I still hope you remember me. I wasn't really part of the planning of everything, but I really want to be an admin. I can spot typos and violations against this forum and make sure it stays clean. Thanks, TheSpoon..
What you will provide as an Admin:
I can provide some awesome suggestions and mantain a state of equilibrium in this forum. I can also help with some GUI and make sure that no spammers will post in these forums.
I can speak fluent English, I'm also a perfectionist. I must have proper grammar and spelling or I'd kill myself. I can also help you with a few GUI problems, I know quite a few solutions. I might have a different and odd way of doing triggers, but that doesn't mean that they don't work!

I can also help design skills and link tutorials on things that might really help with your mapmaking. I will also strictly implement a no-cursing policy, wherein the strongly mature words will be prohibited, like F**k, S**t, B***h. Some like Damn, Ass, and mild ones will be allowed in the case of expressing awesomeness in this project. I will also make sure that I also follow the rules and will not abandon this forum because I can't get SCII since it didn't appeal to me. I will also support any other projects you have, and will provide rep for users that I feel that deserve it.

This form was Quoted from McQvaBlood.
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Level 3
Mar 5, 2010
Account Name : Twizter
Why you want to be an Admin : Well, I've been interested in this project since you released it and its going damn well. I'd like to give my opinions and ideas on stuff, as well as remove any spammers in the thread
What you will provide as an Admin : Me and my friend play this almost every Friday, so I could check the maps for bugs whenever you release them. I have zero World Editor skill however, so I can't fix 'em.
Other : Like McQvaBlood, I didn't understand the "- A knowledge of how forum adminning works" part. I can learn it however


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Thanks for all the applications; I've chosen 3 moderators.
They will be Lich Prince, Twizter & McQvaBlood, congrats!
I apologise to do those who did not become an admin, but please stay a part of the project!

I've put a message forward for the hive admins to do this for me, so it could be a while before you get your privilidges.
I'll also be sending a PM to the 3 of you describing a bit clearer what I expect you to do.

Thread closed!
But I'll put in another post when I get an answer back from the admins.
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