[Civilization Kind] Glory of War

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Level 2
Nov 6, 2009
^^Hmm, what exactly do you mean by road system?

Some sort of pre-prepared roads where units can go?

In that case it does not seem needed.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
No, a Road System like in Civilization.

You have to make roads before building (structures need to be build near roads). They also increases movement speed of units.
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Sorry for the ausence. Road system looks good... Aw. VIDEO TRAILER *-* Propably the only two days I won't be able to beta test would be obviously 24/12 and 31/12 | 01/01 Maybe I will be able to play in the morning (after I sleep), and afternoon of those.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I wont be on my computer those days xD

I dont know when I'll be able to release the video trailer.
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Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
This is not the video trailer !
This is a video to show moral break system. This can be the final form or not, I dont know yet.

Read this before watching the video:
Moral Break is represented by the Curse buff (a bonehead at the overhead of units). Moral Break triggered when a units has 0 mana.
Moral is gained when the hero kills a unit (every nearby units, small area) and when he casts a spell (every nearby units, large area). The next version will change, when a unit kills another one it will recover one moral (only killing unit) (there'll be other ways to recover moral).
Moral is lost when a unit dies (every nearby units, small area). A leader death means loss of lots of moral points.
Leaders are not affected by moral break.

The floatting texts wont be in the final version, it was to check if every triggers was working.

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xb6kw2_video-trailer-moral-break-beta_videogames (HQ is better)

If you can give any feedback, comments, criticism it will be very useful. This system will be very hard to balance and to make it playable.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Hmm what are talking about?


News from 11/18:

Races name need to be changed. They also need a background, some of you already gave ideas I still have them in mind.

Lack of influence will decreases growth rate instead of having a risk of riots.

Government allowed will also depends on the subrace.

How work Moral ?
+1 Moral to a unit who killed another one
+2 Moral to every nearby units when your Hero kills a unit
+2 Moral to every nearby units when your Hero casts a spell
-1 Moral to every nearby units when a unit dies
-8 Moral to every nearby units when a Hero dies

Number of Towns level decreased from 4 to 3. Also added a building "Houses" who have mana too (and so award taxes).
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Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Also updated the first post.

News about Religions:
Religion will be based on domains.

There are 8 gods. Each subraces can prey two or three different gods. All Priests/Shamans have Heal as a standard ability, your god is giving them another auto-cast ability. It'll also allow to summon an advanced unit.

God - Domain - Unit Allowed - General Bonus - Buff Given
Benelis - Goodness - Mönark the Defender - Increases Armor - Gives a percent chance to pacify an enemy killing unit
Arakhan - Vengeance - Zord the Avenger / Diaz the Punisher - Increases Moral gained by kills - Gives a percent chance to instantly kill an enemy killing unit
Meladan - Order - Increases Influence - Restores Moral
Ellios - Forest - Greatbeard the Overseer / Zanbû the Storm - Increases Growth Rate - Gives a percent chance to revive as an Ent until death
Levian - Loyalty - Alandis the Wanderer - Increases Moral max - Gives a percent chance to avoid Moral Break
Khord - War - Skrr the Despoiler - Increases resources gained by pillage - --
Aragoma - Strength - Grizz the Brute / Saat the Deathwalker - Increases Hit Points - Increases Damages
Cosmos - Magic - Xion the Almighty - Decreases Countdown of Spells - Increases Damages of the next attack (This God can only be chosen by Elves)

EDIT: I need a buff idea for the god of war.

EDIT2: Description refreshed a lot.

New features ! 11/18
• Attacked hostile cities will invade you back
Trade System for Gold/Lumber based on Stock Exchanging. It means that Lumber cost increases when players buy Lumber and vice versa[/color]
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Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Moral break system=thumbs up..
Some ideas>
• How about adding a hero duel system, just like in warhammer mark of chaos game?I believe someone already made a system like that...
•buff ideas for the war god-
a.for every kill, units within x range of him regens hp equal to a certain percentage of the dying unit's maximum hp.
b.auto cast bloodlust to himself and and also +moral to units around him..
for every kill..
c.for every consecutive kill he gains +damage and +attack speed(bonuses are relative to his killing spree, more consecutive kills higher bonuses)..the effect fades away after x amount of time..
Hope that helps..
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Your first proposition for War's buff is very nice, think I'm gonna use that.

Thumbs up = ?

I dont know Warhammer - Mark of Chaos, what is this system ?

EDIT: Google told me that Thumbs Up means that you agree with my idea. Thanks =D

But do you think the Curse Buff is a good idea ? If no what buff could be representative ?
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
The duelsystem works like this when 2 heroes meet at the battlefield thay would duel inside a circle, 1vs1..nobodycan come in and out of that circle..I believe someone already did that here on hive.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I dont really like the system, heroes got a main part in the battlefield. Remove them from the battles wouldnt fit with the fight atmosphere I want to create. But thanks anyway :)
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
I agree with Goffterdom, the heroes are meant to enhance and support the troops on the battlefield, not meant to be soloed with.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Moreover, they are needed for Moral System, I mean I can't remove them from the battlefield.

Race Name found ! I worked with DudeSpirit, thanks to him :)
Empire of Mir
Crown of Krieg
Free Towns Union
High Elves -> Elves of Isarion
Eldars -> Elders of Isilgand
Wood Elves -> Elranduil
Orcs/Barrens Creeps -> Sumak Orcs
Fel Orcs -> Orcs of Kerak
Orcs -> Orcs of Ishap
Forest Trolls -> Skalli Tribe
Plain Trolls -> Tazal Tribe
Northern Trolls -> Skajan Tribe

Major Changes
New Resources System

Resource: Way to gather

Gold: Taxes, Trade Caravans/Ships, Trade Counters, Shipyards, Buy/Sell (Stock Exchange)

Lumber: Automatically (Capital/Cities), Lumbermills, Buy/Sell (Stock Exchange)

Food: Automatically (Capital/Cities), Mill, Hunters' Hut, Shipyards (Fishing Required), Buy/Sell (Stock Exchange)
Food is going to be necessary for inhabitants. If you dont have enough food for your entire population citizens will leave your kingdom, some of them will also die.

Trade System

Trade Counters
A building where you can train Trade Caravan, it also awards gold every day.

Trade Caravan
3 Maximum per Trade Counter. Has an ability to choose where to trade. (There will be other fake caravan near the main, for more life)

Merchandise Drop
Trade Caravan may drop items upon death.

You can build warships, transport ships and Trade Ships. It also awards gold every day.

Trade Ships
Works like Trade Caravans.

> Trading with other race than yours will needs "Diplomacy" to be done.

Others Improves

Advanced Informations
I will add advanced informations. I mean like taxes details, influence details, rate of occupied houses etc... you'll can hide/unhide

Mercenary Encampment
There will be encampment all over the map where you will be able to hire mercenaries depending on geography.
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Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Got your mail.
Awesome stuff, i can't wait to see the trading system in the game.

This might also be a good time to give some terrain progress update.
The terrain is pretty much 60% done to the Alpha-version of the terrain.
Parts still missing from the terrain are:

60% of the greenland/plains.
Islands are not done.
Jungle/Tropical Area is not done.

After the 'alpha' terrain is done, i will start looking at the map more closely, adding decoration into it.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
the effect should fade away only after you stop killing... and something like that: bloodlust, something that increase the combat capacity of one. Or even in the moral system: instead of killing unit gives moral to only that unit, it gives AoE moral...
I didn't like the trade system( it is realistic, yes, but it is gonna fuck me up, so... xD) Of course, that'll be bad for everyone, but whatever.

edit: Do you know quite when you're gonna finish the beta? I'm anxious to play it @-@
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Your idea about Moral System will be taking in account, it is a main point that I have to think about.

Why dont you like the trade system ? Why should it be bad for everyone ?
Level 2
Nov 6, 2009
But do you think the Curse Buff is a good idea ? If no what buff could be representative ?

What exactly will happen if unit will get to 0 morale? Flee? Start losing hp? Anyway i like the idea of moral, never seens it before in Wc3. About exact number as you throw them out.. i think you should make some tests before releasing to make sure it will work. It is hard to decide if numbers are fine just from paper...

Also nice work on religions. For God of War buff: for every x killed unit grants some damage (or heals a bit or other bonus).

Trade system seems nice but very complex, recomend to cap maximum amount of trade post. As SasuhKun mentioned it will disturb players from raging war :cgrin:

Anyhow the whole project looks better and better! Gratz for dev. team! :crazz:
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
The trade system will hopefully bring a whole new set of strategies to the table.
It will require more management from players if they want to keep their trading relations active.

Sure, it might disturb players from raging war, but this map is not as simple as Lords of Europe, this needs more thinking and more management, more like Civilization.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Well, the more you trade the ... forgot the word. The more pricey it becomes... well, that remembers of sorrow times in Age of Empire/Mithology where I traded lots of things before and when I really needed they were too pricey.

But it is realistic, so maintain it. And really nice updates.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I didn't get what is your problem Sasuhkun...
EDIT: Ok you mixed both ideas of Trade and Stock Exchange. So you have Trade Counter where you can train trade caravan, those caravans can "trade"' with other Trade Counters. Physically the Caravan will go from one counter to another one. It will gives gold. Now there's the stock exchange system, resources' price will depends on Offer and Demand (Economy Notion), it means that the more asked, the more expansive the resource will be.

And thanks DudeSpirit, this is exactly my opinion about LoE and GoW :)

@Pomerancak: Why should it be complex ? Did you ever play AoE ? If not maybe it can be hard at start but I'll try to make the tooltips the more helpful possible (maybe adding some blank abilities to explain how works things like Trade, Diplomacy, Politic, Religion etc...).

And for Moral I'm sorry I didnt see that I removed the effect of Moral Break during my update.
Moral Break = 50% damages, -5 Armor, -50% Attack Speed
But those numbers are not final, and as you said it will needs LOTS of balance. I gave numbers to give a general idea.

Buff of the God of War: A unit buffed is healed when it kills another unit (small amount).

Another question : Do you think Heroes' Abilities should be triggered ? I mean at least damages depending on Hero Attributes ? I dont know what to do because this an RTS map, which means that when heroes a certain level their spell might be very powerful if damages depends on attributes.

EDIT2: The Loadingscreen is currently on work. A friend of mine got some notions about picture editing.

EDIT3: And also, my motivation is running down... I dont manage to make an efficient mapping, just fixing stuff there and there, not important things you know ? I'm borred to be borred -.- In the next few days I think I'm going to make a GREAT work on the map, because I didn't work on it for real since too much time.
Level 2
Nov 6, 2009
AoE... yum! :cgrin: The only thing i remeber from AoE are my favourite War Elephants :csmile: Guess i haven't traded a lot :csup:

Neverthless the moral break doesn't seems bad i would only suggest to add a flee sequence once the unit hit 0 moral. Something like reverted Taunt and just for 3-5 sec then unit can be controled but with Moral Break debuff.

About triggering hero's abilities i vote for Yes. At least some of them should scale with hero level imho.

And your motivation... hmm how about this :croll: Would ya help if i said that LoE is best map in it's category and i'm expecting LoW to be even better? :cwink:
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
When you buy more, the more pricey it is... I don't like Offer and Demand, though the reality it is that. It makes everything harder... for me. So maintain it. It will be bad for every player anyway :D

And I really don't know about the attributes thing... it is good to be a edge in the battle, and as time passes they become legends of their civilizations, but if they be too imba, they could kill an army in seconds.... well, just make it balanced, so that the abilities aren't too imba, or too bad.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Hey, Goffterdom, hero goes ideas for the topics race, improves, and units: first, for Higher Age, Modern Ages seems good to me. After all, Humans/Elves= Dark ages, primitives, survival, first settlement, etc. Enlightnement age= The discovery of many "basic" technologies, and mainly the age of magic. Revolution age= Just look at history. Industrial revolutions, which means more "normal", scientific technology. Which reminds me that there are no magic technologies at all... Modern age: the final destiny of the race, where it reaches it's full potential. More technologies and "polishments". To the orcs, trolls: Dark age, same as humans. But they don't know their potential to war, and so are just a little stronger than humans, because of their bodies, and not their training. Blood Age: Now HERE we go. MILITARY TECHNOLOGIES, WAR, MWAHWHWHWAHH. Pacific Age: Finally the discover of magic and more civilians technologies. More concern of all civilian technologies, maybe a military or two. Fulfillment Age, when the orcs and trolls finally come to an balance and are ready for their destiny. (Also unlocks potential) And you could change the orders of some ages: Elves and Trolls, since they are more spiritual, have enlightnement/pacific first, since they're a bit more pacific and humanitary. Humans and Orcs have Blood Age/Revolution Age first, since their first discovery is not a pacific or magic one. Also, when humans and orcs discovery magic and more civilians technology, they use it most for war (magic) and try to have some kind of balance. When elves and trolls reach war age, they begin using magic for war and begins to think there are more things in the world aside from magic. In Final age, everything should come to an balance (Though humans still are going to be more scientific advanced, elfs more magically advanced, trolls more spiritually and voodoo magic, etc advanced, and orcs more advanced in war at all.) And to the heroes, some heroes are kinda repeated. Just compare the faction to the heroes: Read the topic Races to make the heroes. Make it depending the faction: Orcs Caster for example, a arch-shaman or something. Plain orcs: A Rided Warlord. something like that. By the way you just have one magic technology... I think you should add more. At least divide into basic, intermediate, and advanced. Maybe you could also makes elements, elements technology and buildings that can only be buyable with magic, since elemental or even normal magic help people building things that they couldn't before. For example: A Shrine for animals, so you have some infinite meat or skin resources, something like that. I just think you should give more attention to the magic. After all, magic is... magic. MAAAGIC *-*
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
lol :)
Thanks mate for this looong post ! Very useful for me, you give lots of idea for ages. I think I will use almost all of your age names. Maybe not in the same order and with the same background.

About heroes, a shaman is a nice idea for the Orcs of Ishap. Mounted Warlord is already the hero of Sumak Orcs, I didnt noticed it :x. Anyway I'll give +Rep for ideas ("You must spread some reputation before" blablabla)

There wont be any advanced technologies (Gunpowder is the max adv. tech).

For ages.
Humans: Dark Age -> Enlightenment Age -> Revolution Age -> Golden Age
Elven: Dark Age -> Enlightenment Age -> Art Age -> Magical Age
Trolls: Dawn Age -> Blood Age -> Pacific Age -> Spiritual Age
Orcs: Primal Age -> Blood Age -> War Age -> Enlightenment Age (Orcs of Ishap, Sumak Orcs) or Conquest Age (Orcs of Kerak, Takian Orcs)

About Magical Researches you are true, I'll think about it an post an exhaustive list.

I need your comment (I mean, your point of view is really interesting) about ages upside and I'll need too for magical researches.

Thanks again for feedback :)
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
One screenshot of the greenlands/plains -area added!
Here it is!

Note that this is not FINAL terrain yet, changes can and will most likely be done!
Just wanted to give some preview.

Also note that the terrain will be much more living and much more awesome once the units and buildings are in.
This is, after all a map where the player will build the walls and other buildings they want.

More screenshots coming soon!


  • GoWshot1.jpg
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Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I divided them because Blood Age sounds more brutal than War. War is organized and methodical whereas Blood is frenzy and strength.

EDIT: 11/24
I worked a lot on the map today (Income and Race Selection).
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Oh, I see, you're right... can I do something to help you motivate? After you get inspiration your mind turns into a blank paper... after you made a oeuvre d l'art (correct me, I KNOW it is wrong... well I'm almost sure).
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Hmm it could be good to fine other names for Ages (for every race I mean).

Need your opinions about :
Need to be changed:
Dark Age for Elven's first age (Remote Age ? Lonely Age ?).
Enlightenment Age for Elven's second age (Noble Age ?).
Blood Age for Trolls' second age (Age of Conscience ?).
Enlightenment Age (Orcs of Ishap, Sumak Orcs) for Orcs' last age (Age of Wisdom ?).

EDIT: Ok I re-did names of ages:
Humans: Dark Age, Enlightenment Age, Revolution Age, Golden Age
Elves: Awakening Age, Art Age, Noble Age, Magical Age
Orcs: Primal Age, Blood Age, War Age, Age of Wisdom (Ishap, Sumak) or Conquest Age (Kerak, Talkian)
Trolls: Dawn Age, Age of Conscience, Pacific Age, Spiritual Age
Your comment ?

I aslo need an idea for the diplomatic building. I find "Diplomacy Center" a bit ugly...

I'm working on tech-tree for now. I'm thinking on removing certain researches depending on races, to increase differences between them. I'll search magical researches too.
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Yes, the technologies are too... similar. Instead of thinking in a variation, just replace it with something only that race would do. For example... colonies. Elfs are too noble and too... good to do something like that. Though they need to expand somehow, so maybe... instead of force their culture in that place, they could either: extract what them want (Most countries did colonies to get rare resources) from the nature with the help of magic, or with the same help "influence" a village or something like that to "obey" them... handling what them what, like a colonization, but rather indirectly and without the hate of the colonized ones. Which means the elfs have a better way to colonize than the humans, and so the elfs must be worse in something the humans are pretty good. (Since they're using magic to do those things, more scientific technology, whatever you decide.) I think you could add some neutral cities and villages to be conquered/colonized/annexed/attached it to your territory... wait, there are, right? I forgot that detail... ^^' But you understood me. I think.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Ofc there are other towns you can capture, such as LoE (but there will be less cities).

I think I wont follow the standard backgrounds for the race. Ofc their will be differences but not the standard ones. You spoke about Spirituality for Trolls, Elven will be a Magical Race but not so peaceful. Backgrounds for Orcs and Humans are still in work.

Concerning technologies as I previously said, I will disable some techs to race/subrace. I will also make more "miror research" (I mean same research for Orcs/Trolls which do same effects than Elves/Trolls but with another name and background) to increase differences.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
I don't like mirror research... as I said, there should be some differences, like in the colonies as I said before. But right now I don't have any great idea. You're focusing on the technologies of what race? And DudeSpirit, the terrain looks awesome, it seems that you were born to do it.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Ok, concerning mirror researches I reduced their number. Also it dosent mean that all races got the same research, it means that if their are equivalences between two researches for two different races I wont give them the same research. I'll make two researches with same effects but different names and tooltips.

I found new ideas concerning researches, I didnt do magical ones yet but I disabled certain researches depending on each race' style.

Ok about background. I worked on every races, so that I was able to choose what researches will be disabled etc...

Elves are not a war people, it rather likes art and music. There are no conquest lust.

No hunting, no mining. They prefer to trade with other elves than other races. Fishing. Culture > Economy. Main merchandise is jewels and gems.

Strict hierarchy. No social changes. Quick political decisions.

All gods have as many believers than the others. The religion is not so important

Adapting easily and pacifically to the environment.

Magic is a social mark of success. Wizards are respected. Magic is freely teach to every young.

Well trained army with few soldiers but all very good. Good equipment. Specialized units.




Researches Unavailable:
Elves: Expansionism, Freedom of Speach, Hunting, Improved Hunting, Improved Mining
Humans: Engineery Mastering
Orcs: Building Science, Irrigation, Medicine Knowledge
Trolls: Freedom of Religion, Improved Hunting, Improved Mining

Unique Researches:
Elves: Art, Music, Sculpture
Humans: Science, Alchemy, Damages/Armor Upgrades +1 level available
Orcs: Shamanism, Pride of the Clan, Learn from the Past
Trolls: Shamanism, Spirituality

I'll add Humans, Orcs and Trolls background later, I will also post the new researches list.

Now names for subraces:
Skalli Tribe: Skalli means People of the forest in the Troll language.
Skajan Tribe: Skajan means Cold people in the Troll language.
Tazal Tribe: Tazal means Desert country in the Troll language.
Orcs of Kerak: Kerak means North in the Orc language.
Orcs of Ishap: Ishap was the first Niishama (the higher class of the shaman) to encourage the pursuit of the knowledge.
Sumak Orcs: Sumak is the name the Orcs gave to the desertic area.
Takian Orcs: Talkian means Honour-less in the Orcs language. The Talkian Orcs are those who lost their homeclan or who get banned. They are not automatically ennemies.
Elves of Isarion: Isarion was a great wizard who decided to dedicates his life to Magic. During his quest lots of Elves followed him.
Elranduil: Elranduil is the Elven name for Nature.
Elves of Isilgand: Isilgand is the name of the Elven homeland.
Empire of Mir: Mir is the name of the greatest sea of the known world.
Crown of Krieg: Krieg is the name of the plain where first the baron decided to ally together to create a new nation.
Free Towns Union: This is the name of the alliance of many free towns who'd been attacked by Krieg. They defended themselves and attacked back thanks to their new alliance.

@Sasuhkun: He's skilled, isnt he ? :)
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Sure is. Well, everything is looking just great... except for one thing. Well, I just though that humans have some music and art too... (Or maybe not, they developed in another way... though they should have some of that artistic culture too... the elves could have a way more superior development of arts (Advanced Arts, Aesthetics, something like that) but the humans have art too... (I'm playing Guitar Hero, so I may be a bit influenced right now xD) (Stupid contract that bound my goddamn soul to that damned Lou)
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
In the human background I notice that Humans are a people of wars.Their are curious so they have more technologies than everyone else but they are more warriors.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
First post updated.

I'm on break for now, I wait that some members help me for some stuff. There is too much work for me finally XD (at least if I want to release that before three months :x).
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