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[Strategy / Risk] The Russian Civil War

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Level 7
Aug 14, 2006
Started on this map ages ago, and as the old thread was closed, reposting this...

Essentially, the overall playing style is a lot like Lords of Europe. Cities provide the main income for players in most cases, and needs to be taken. Some cities provide extra income (Moscow, Perm, Tsaritsyn, etc) due to industry. However, if the city is lost, the industry will be destroyed.

Each player starts with one non-revivable hero, a number of cities varying from 7 to 1 and some units. Income comes in two minute intervals and depends on number of cities conquered as well as some upgrades or other buildings (like rebuilt industrial complexes or gulags).

There are currently 10 player spots (nationalists and anarchists can be computer controlled, and if a Red/White spot is unused another Red/White player gains their units and heroes):
3 Red Army Players. Controls most of Russia west of the Volga, as well as the south of central asia. Has 3 special units, Red Soldier, Political Commissar, Commander and Cossacks.
2 White Army Players. Controls most of Siberia, half of Ukraine and southern Russia. Has 4 special units, White Guardist, Officer, Priest (aura+bloodlustlike ability) and Cossacks.
1 Pro-White International Forces player. Starts off-map with a single base and port. Can travel by ship from off-map base to the Arctic, the Baltic, the Black Sea and Vladivostok while their off-map base cannot be reached by others. Has one special unit for now, the Czechoslovakian Legionaire.

1 Black Army player (Ukrainian anarchists). Controls a single city in southern Ukraine. Special units are Black Guardist (can turn invisible for 15 seconds, and have long range and fast movement speed) and Bomb Thrower (AoE attack).
1 Transcaucasian Federation player. Controls The Caucasus (2 cities). Has one special unit fior now, Mountain Soldier (gets a bonus when fighting in the Caucasus or the Urals).
1 Baltic forces player. Starts with two cities and has a single special unit (baltic patriot).
1 Alash Orda (Kazakhstan) player. Starts with two cities.

Future plans: More buildings, upgrades and units. Map out Poland and add Poland as a separate faction and add Ungern Sternberg as a separate faction.

0.4 Changelog:¨
- Added more units and buildings.
- Added hero abilities.
- Added possibility of computer controlled nationalists (blue, purple, grey, brown).

- Reduced gold income from cities.
- Increased training time of most units.
- Increased gold cost of upgrades.
- Added base gold income to all players.
- Made snipers unable to target buildings.
- Increased damage of Machine Gun Nests.
- Reduced size of Armoured Cars.
- Made Armoured units impervious to morale.
- Nerfed effect of Inspirational (Commissars and Priests)


Petrograd and Finland



The Volga


Central Asia


  • The Russian Civil War 0.4b.w3x
    1.9 MB · Views: 401
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Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Although I like LoE, I think you should really focus a lot more on terrain. Playing on a flat surface with a tree here and there can be very tedious. and DO NOT use blizzard cliffs. That is the worst possible thing to do to a map. I'd recommend importing some custom doodads.
Level 7
Aug 14, 2006

0.3b Changelog:
- Added Siberia and Central Asia
- Added Alash Orda and Turkestan ASSR players.
- Added international area for the IF players
- Added Naval Combat and Travel

- Leaving or non-playing Bolshevik or White units are now given to another red or white player.
- Improved terrain and gave cities different models
- Reduced cost of researching armaments factories.
- Actually added armoured units to armaments factories.

Although I like LoE, I think you should really focus a lot more on terrain. Playing on a flat surface with a tree here and there can be very tedious. and DO NOT use blizzard cliffs. That is the worst possible thing to do to a map. I'd recommend importing some custom doodads.

Noted. Improved terrain and added some more stuff around the map (most obviously villages with neutral hostile garrisons), although siberia is pretty much a waste still, but there aren't any cities outside of the Transsiberian Railway and Central Asia in the current version, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. I'll look into replacing the cliffs.
Level 7
Aug 14, 2006
0.4 Changelog:¨
- Added more units and buildings.
- Added hero abilities.
- Added possibility of computer controlled nationalists (blue, purple, grey, brown).

- Reduced gold income from cities.
- Increased training time of most units.
- Increased gold cost of upgrades.
- Added base gold income to all players.
- Made snipers unable to target buildings.
- Increased damage of Machine Gun Nests.
- Reduced size of Armoured Cars.
- Made Armoured units impervious to morale.
- Nerfed effect of Inspirational (Commissars and Priests)
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