[Civilization Kind] Glory of War

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Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Glory of War

Map Summery
Map Type: RTS/Civilization
Map Aspects: Some strategy, touch of diplomacy, city building, city conquering, areas defending
Map Size: Epic (256*256)
Number of Players: 12 (at least 8 recommended)
Terrain Type: Different areas, Snow, Plains, Desert, Jungle, Islands, Grass...
Duration of one Game: One hour for a medium game (~8 players) / > one hour for a nice game (~10 players) / > 2 hours for a huge game (~12 players)

Glory Of War is a RTS mainly based on macro (city, resource, unit production management). Units will be easy to train and you will be able to raise huge armies in a short time. So the point is your city management. You'll have to take care of your population if you want to evolve. Teching is another aspect of the game, there are LOTS of researches to-have to be better than others, they do increase your power. Your Empire will keep growing so you'll have to find new cities to expand. And dont think that hostile will let you alone, they will attack you back if you ever tried to capture their cities. You can evolve through 4 Ages, each allows new things to be trained/built. You'll be able to choose what kind of Government you want for your Empire, you can also choose what God you want to prey.

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News (Last update: 12/10)
~11/2: The project is not solo anymore ! One member join the team ! Thanks to DudeSpirit who is currently working on my the terrain. Thanks :)
11/17: Moral System Video Trailer
11/18: Description Refreshed
11/21: Some add (Resources, Races)
11/23: To-do List / Done List
11/24: Some things done
12/10: On break, need help

Map Total Progressing Summery
Current working conditions: ON BREAK (I'm currently searching for members who can help me (click this))
• Object Editor 65%
• Trigger Editor 25%
• Whole Terrain 55% (DudeSpirit says its 60%, I'm more pessimistic)
Whole Map 48%

• To-do - Estimated Time
System: Income - 90' (11/24)
System: Politic/Religion - 90'
System: Race Selection - 90' (11/24)
System: City/Capture - 90'
System: Food - 120'
System: Mini-Game - 45'
System: Moral - 120'
System: Diplomacy - 120'
System: Trade - 210'
System: Stock Exchange - 90'
System: Influence - 90'
Terrain: Jungle Area, Mini-Game Area, Islands - ~~
Trigger: Map Introduction - 45'
Abilities: Units - 120'
Abilities: Heroes - 180'
Tutorial - 270'
Religion: Unit for each God - 45'

Map Features
Advanced Battle System (With Moral Break)
A tutorial for systems (< 1' and which can be skipped) AND a mini-game for waiters
• There are no builder units
Advanced Starting Location Choice (You can check every starting point and choose the one you prefer)
• A Mass Control System which allow players to control lots of units in the same time
• A unit is used for Diplomacy
• Lots of New-Kind Researches (Triggered Researches, with different effects than regular)
News 11/18
• Attacked hostile cities will invade you back
Trade System for Gold/Lumber based on Stock Exchanging. It means that Lumber cost increases when players buy Lumber and vice versa

This is not the video trailer !
This is a video to show moral break system. This can be the final form or not, I dont know yet.

Read this before watching the video:
Moral Break is represented by the Curse buff (a bonehead at the overhead of units). Moral Break triggered when a units has 0 mana.
Moral is gained when the hero kills a unit (every nearby units, small area) and when he casts a spell (every nearby units, large area). The next version will change, when a unit kills another one it will recover one moral (only killing unit) (there'll be other ways to recover moral).
Moral is lost when a unit dies (every nearby units, small area). A leader death means loss of lots of moral points.
Leaders are not affected by moral break.

The floatting texts wont be in the final version, it was to check if every triggers was working.

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xb6kw2_video-trailer-moral-break-beta_videogames (HQ is better)

If you can give any feedback, comments, criticism it will be very useful. This system will be very hard to balance and to make it playable.

View attachment 70145
Screenshots incoming...

Map Infos
So there it is, the map itself.

There are four classical races with sub-races.
Race: Sub-race (Specialty)
Humans: Crown of Krieg (Cavalry), Empire of Mir (Infantry), Free Towns Union (Damaging Units)

Elves: Elves of Isarion (Casters), Elranduil (Ranged), Elders of Isilgand (Hawks & Eagles)

Trolls: Tazal Tribe (Ogres), Skalli Tribe (Furbolg), Skajan Tribe (Mammoth)

Orcs: Orcs of Kerak (Knight), Orcs of Ishap (Caster), Sumak Orcs (Tauren/Centaur/Razor), Takian Orcs (Goblins)

They are only 12 races I'm working on for now. I hope people will help for ideas.

Each race has the same building tech-tree, but a different unit tech-tree (in most general case). There are 7 (sometimes 8) units per sub-race and one hero. Most of the unit will have at least one ability.

11/18: Races name need to be changed. They also need a background, some of you already gave ideas I still have them in mind.
11/21: Races name changed.

I inspired economy system from Emperor Jackal's Civilization by Emperor_Jackal. I also added few changes of course.
Also city taking system is the same than LoE, attack cities until hit points reach x and then the city becomes yours.

• All cities have mana which represents number of inhabitants.
• Population Max depends of the city type (I think there will be 4 different town levels)
• Growth Rate (Mana Regeneration Rate) can be improved by few ways (mostly Improvements, Government Type)
• Attacking cities will decreases number of inhabitants.
• Taxes awarded depending on number of inhabitants in each cities.
• The more cities you have the most difficult it is to control them all. It will be more interesting to improve cities you have than expand without any intelligence. Each city you control will cost Influence Points. Your total influence will be a total amount of some things like Teching Percentage and Army Size.
• If Influence Points are below Influence Needed for your towns there will be a risk of revolution.
11/18: Lack of influence will decreases growth rate instead of having a risk of riots.
Resource: Way to gather

Gold: Taxes, Trade Caravans/Ships, Trade Counters, Shipyards, Buy/Sell (Stock Exchange)

Lumber: Automatically (Capital/Cities), Lumbermills, Buy/Sell (Stock Exchange)

Food: Automatically (Capital/Cities), Mill, Hunters' Hut, Shipyards (Fishing Required), Buy/Sell (Stock Exchange)
Food is going to be necessary for inhabitants. If you dont have enough food for your entire population citizens will leave your kingdom, some of them will also die.

Trade System
Trade Counters
A building where you can train Trade Caravan, it also awards gold every day.

Trade Caravan
3 Maximum per Trade Counter. Has an ability to choose where to trade. (There will be other fake caravan near the main, for more life)

Merchandise Drop
Trade Caravan may drop items upon death.

You can build warships, transport ships and Trade Ships. It also awards gold every day.

Trade Ships
Works like Trade Caravans.

> Trading with other race than yours will needs "Diplomacy" to be done.

There will be 9 different kind of government. All kinds are not available for every races.

Humans: Feudalism, Absolute Monarchy, Republic
Elves: Royalty, Mageocracy (the best wizard rules, I don't know how to call it in English), The Elders' Choice
Orcs: The Best Rules, Clan Assembly, The Elders' Choice
Trolls: The Best Rules, Tribe Council, The Elders' Choice

I'm also open to any idea concerning new governments.
Each kind is changing Growth Rate, Influence and Income. It also has effects on your units (Movement/Attack Speed, Damage, Armor, Moral (check below)).

11/18: Government allowed will also depends on the subrace.

I think there will be 4 ages: Dark Age, Enlightenment Age, Revolution Age and Higher Age (please help at finding another name!)

New: Maybe Ages will be different from Humans/Elves to Orcs/Trolls.

Age progressing will be different from LoE because support by Improves instead of Capital upgrading.

Improves are mainly similar to each races. Depending on units ability (for instance humans will have Defend but Orcs another improve to enable their warrior ability).

Military Techs:
Animal Taming, Archery, Archery Tactics, Boarder Control, Discipline Control, Endurance Training, Equerry, Equipment Mastering, Fire Arrows, Horseback Raiding, Improved Melee/Ranged Armors/Weapons, Magical Training, Marksmanship, Military Manoeuvring, Offensive Magic Learning, Pillaging, Regenerate, Siege Mastering, Siege Stragegy, Terrain Knowledge, War Horse Training.

Civilian Techs (Humans & Elven):
Banks, Chain Working, Colonialism, Currency, Diplomacy, Education, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speach, Gunpowder, Medicine Knowledge, Improved Hunting/Masonry/Mining, Irrigation, Laws, Litteracy, Magical Knowledge, Masonry Knowledge, Optics, Order Regulation, Patriotism, Road Network, Sailing, Sentinel Network, Trade.

Civilian Techs (Orcs & Trolls):
Colonialism, Currency, Diplomacy, Education, Freedom of Religion, Medicine Knowledge, Improved Hunting/Masonry/Mining, Irrigation, Magical Knowledge, Masonry Knowledge, Optics, Patriotism, Road Network, Sailing, Sentinel Network, Trade, Clans/Tribes Union, Written Customs, Resources Working, Hardworking and Fire Knowledge.

News: Spying Network, Ranked Officer Training, Battalion, Civil Victim/No Mercy, Act of Bravour, Civil Navy

Improves are not in chronological order.

It is planed to be two major system: Moral and Leading System.
I'll make this game based on HUGE battles. Means low unit cost, lots of units, low hitpoints.
Each unit icone represent in fact a regiment (for instance 5 footmen are spawned after training ended).

Moral System
11/18: How work Moral ?
+1 Moral to a unit who killed another one
+2 Moral to every nearby units when your Hero kills a unit
+2 Moral to every nearby units when your Hero casts a spell
-1 Moral to every nearby units when a unit dies
-8 Moral to every nearby units when a Hero dies

Moral Break means loss of 5 Amor Points, a reducing of 50% for Damages and Attack Speed.

Leading System
Ok, I reforge the leading system. Instead of leader units I'm going to use a Mass Control System. I think a building or a unit will have few abilities to control groups of unit. First an Area Ability. Each unit in the area are load in a unit group. Then the building has few abilities which match with orders (Attack, Move...). The previous created unit group will follow orders until you create a new one.

11/18: Number of Towns level decreased from 4 to 3. Also added a building "Houses" who have mana too (and so award taxes).
There will be 4 levels for a town. Each level increases max inhabitants.

Capital-City = 25.000 inhabitants maximum
Towns: Level 1 = 2.000, Level 2 = 5.000, Level 3 = 9.000, Level 4 = 15.000
Orcs: Clan Hall, City, Stronghold
Troll: Village, City, Stronghold
Humans: Village, Town, City
Elves: Town, City, Haven

If it's possible I would like to add a civilian building Housing which will increases number of maximum inhabitants. (11/18: Done)

Humans: Kingdom of Krieg (Commander), Crown of Mir (King), Free Towns Union (General)
Elves: High Elves (Archmage), Night Elves (Archdruid), Eldars (Cardinal)
Trolls: Plain Trolls (Shaman), Forest Trolls (Shaman), Ice Trolls (Shaman) (Someone has an idea ? there is only one Troll Hero :()
Orcs: Northern Orcs (Warlord), Orcs (Clan Ruler), Beast Orcs (Warchief), Hills Orcs (Warlord)

First spell is aura, second is ultimate, I dont want to give every spells. I think almost every ultimate are triggered. I still dont know if combat abilities will be triggered or not, I still need your opinion.

King: Devotion (Armor), The Last Stand (Gives x% of chance to revive after death to every nearby units)
Commander: Warcraft (Damages), Glorious Charge (Every Knights nearby and the hero are forced to attacked the targeted area. Their first attack has a bonus damage and an AoE effect)
General: Manoeuvring (Mvmt Speed), Battlefield Master (Allow the hero to "mass control")
Archmage: Mystic Prescence (Damages), Fire River (Works like Stamped)
Archdruid: Peace (Reducing ennemy Damages), Dream (Turns every nearby friendly unit to the etheral plan, without movement speed decreases)
Cardinal: Faith (Damages), Cosmic Rain (Starfall)
Niishama (Shaman): Persevering (Hit Point Regen), Storm Totem (Summon a totem which auto-cast storm shield, damages doesn't affect friendly units)
Tribe Ruler: Skirmishing (Atck Speed), Tribe Dominance (Permanently increases Income)
Clan Ruler: Trust (Armor), Orc Honor (Gives x% of chances to avoid moral break to nearby friendly units)
Warlord: Agressivity (Damages), Endless Battle Lust (Permanently increases XP rate)

Feel free to propose your own ideas. I'm taking everything in account.

Diplomacy Status: Hostile, Neutral, Allied (Requirements: Diplomacy), Liege (Requirements: Order Regulation / Clan(Tribe) Union or Feudalism), Colony (Requirements: Colonialism)

Status Effects
Hostile: None, Attacked at sight
Neutral: Non-agression (all players starts with Neutral Status)
Allied: Non-agression, Resources Exchange, Share vision (there will be a requirement)
Liege: Allied, Liege player is forced to share vision, Liege player is forced to give x% of Income
Colony: Allied, Colonized player is forced to share vision, Colonized player is forced to give y% of Income, control sharing of Colonized player's units

Diplomacy is going to be managed by a unit. I'll give more infos later.

Religion will be based on domains.

There are 8 gods. Each subraces can prey two or three different gods. All Priests/Shamans have Heal as a standard ability, your god is giving them another auto-cast ability. It'll also allow to summon an advanced unit.

God - Domain - Unit Allowed - General Bonus - Buff Given
Benelis - Goodness - Mönark the Defender - Increases Armor - Gives a percent chance to pacify an enemy killing unit
Arakhan - Vengeance - Zord the Avenger / Diaz the Punisher - Increases Moral gained by kills - Gives a percent chance to instantly kill an enemy killing unit
Meladan - Order - Increases Influence - Restores Moral
Ellios - Forest - Greatbeard the Overseer / Zanbû the Storm - Increases Growth Rate - Gives a percent chance to revive as an Ent until death
Levian - Loyalty - Alandis the Wanderer - Increases Moral max - Gives a percent chance to avoid Moral Break
Khord - War - Skrr the Despoiler - Increases resources gained by pillage - --
Aragoma - Strength - Grizz the Brute / Saat the Deathwalker - Increases Hit Points - Increases Damages
Cosmos - Magic - Xion the Almighty - Decreases Countdown of Spells - Increases Damages of the next attack (This God can only be chosen by Elves)


If you have any comments, criticisms or anything else which can help me mapping I'll be glad to read you :)

After all, thanks for everything you'll can do.
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Interesting idea to add some fantasy races, so elven archers and orcish brutes won't look ugly. However you will still have to find appropriate models then.

Butthose improves and ages are related to all races? Somehow I find those civilian techs odd for primitive races as trolls.

You say you will use batalion system then? Because if you do, it will be more fun, but you'd better to consider that this will burden the machine, which means you will have to do smaller map (don't even think about 256x256) and faster paced gameplay, so the game finishes sooner, before the eventual leaks and other things make the game unplayable.

Oh, and you plan to do an AI?
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I think there will be different improves from Trolls to Elves because of the different cultures, but Trolls will have the same improve, maybe under another name to make it fit with trollish culture. Moreover I'm not considering Orcs and Trolls as primitive race there so they can have civilian improves.

I didnt get "burden" the machine. I'm afraid it means I won't be able to use my batalion system... Because map is already 256*224 or something like that. I also want an epic battlefield... You think I have to forgot them because of laggs it will make?

AI is not planed, but if someone skilled in AI want to do it when map is finished I'll let him do it :D (in fact some people already told me that an AI for LoE was hard to make, so for GoW I think this is the same).
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I have been thinking about what you said on primitive races. I think you are totally true, I will work on different improves between civilian and primitive cultures.

Why should I use a huge terrain ?
1) Lots of room
2) Means more races, more cities
3) Larger battlefield
4) Islands (so use of ships)

And what if I delete memory leaks ?
Linked thread (Leader System) -> http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/triggers-scripts-269/command-orders-leaders-146396/

EDIT: After an happy cigarette I found some new ideas for Trolls and Orcs improvements:
Laws -> None
Order Regulation -> Clans Union (Orcs) / Tribes Union (Trolls)
Literacy -> Written Customs
Freedom of Speach -> None
Banks -> Resources Stocking
Chain Working -> Hard Working
Gunpowder -> Fire Knowledge
Shamanism (Orcs)
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Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Yeah you'r true, nothing new in races.
But hard to move on only with warcraft 3' models. Yeah, there are LOTS of different unit, but what about buildings ? and heroes ? I dont want my map to be 3.5mb with 17 different imported models... I want the map fast to download to attract people.
I'm sorry but all mappers are limited to the all-made races if they want to make a real tree-tech.

But if you have an idea of a new race tell me, we can check out if it's possible.

And I dont get the meaning of entertaining ?

EDIT: Enjoy new display! :D

EDIT2: Can they stack more than one ability Item - Mana Bonus (x) on one unit ? If they can I will be able to add a building "House" which can increases max number of inhabitants in each city. So that it will really looks like cities ;D
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Yeah you'r true, nothing new in races.
But hard to move on only with warcraft 3' models. Yeah, there are LOTS of different unit, but what about buildings ? and heroes ? I dont want my map to be 3.5mb with 17 different imported models... I want the map fast to download to attract people.
I'm sorry but all mappers are limited to the all-made races if they want to make a real tree-tech.

But if you have an idea of a new race tell me, we can check out if it's possible.

And I dont get the meaning of entertaining ?

EDIT: Enjoy new display! :D

EDIT2: Can they stack more than one ability Item - Mana Bonus (x) on one unit ? If they can I will be able to add a building "House" which can increases max number of inhabitants in each city. So that it will really looks like cities ;D

I agree, but just naming something like 'Ice Trolls' could be at least a little bit more unique, make up some race names yourself, or i could help you out with that.

By entertaining i mean that even the most simple AoS-map, made in 6 hours, can still be entertaining. You join the game and you go like 'man this map is so shittily made..' Yet you still won't leave the game.

Ex. Heroes and Armies
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Yeah naming sub-races by something else that an adjective can be more original. Thanks for this idea and for your help.

So you mean my "map is so shitty made" ? =)
Level 3
Nov 20, 2008
This looks like a really cool project, but to some it may be hard to understand how all your systems work. So therefore I suggest that you make some kind of introduction cinematic. That will be optional of course. Because people easily leaves if they don't understand. Anyway I hope I will be able to play this on Battle Net, keep up the good work.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Yep maybe it can be a good idea, I have been thinking on but I thought I was not going to add it. Maybe I will after all.

EDIT: I have been thinking of adding water races (because Nagas as tree-tech :)). I was thinking of Nagas+Murloc and Nagas+Tide Giants/Other aqua monsters (yeah I know, nothing original at all :D). Anyway it can just increase number of choice given to players.

And I have also been thinking of redo the whole terrain. Instead of using pre-defined starting location maybe let players choose their own starting point.
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009

I know that the map ggotta be really difficult to make, but, later, when you already improved everything and all, maybe add Religions and religions units or something
And I don't know nothing about world map editor, so I can't help you with that >_>
By the way, I'm 15. Just informing. ( After a happy cigarrete ) xD
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
A really forgot to think about religions. What you just said is really a nice idea mate thanks :D

I think map is going to be playable in one month. I'll need maybe two to finalize it. Then we will see how it goes...
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006

Added: Diplomacy System, about Heroes and Towns/Capital-City

I took a look at Warcraft's musics and I didn't find the others than those in Sound Editor. Where can I find them ? (Have I to use MPQ ?)
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
MPQ meaning? And wc3 soundtrack is only: normal soundtrack when you're playing a normal game, campaign musics (for a tragedy, like that when Arthas left the capital completely destroyed, Uther saying that he's a monster, etc) and Power of the Horde. The only time I managed world editor I found all musics there..
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Leading System modified. I think I'm going to use a "Mass Control" system. Like you have an ability to select a group, then other abilities for each command (attack and move?).

Triggered Improves.
Ranked Officer Training - Increases AoE of Mass Control abilities
Batalion - Increases number of units trained (remember: when a unit is created, x units of the same type are also spawned, this improve increases this number)
Civil Victim (Eves/Humans) - Decreases number of inhabitants killed when you attack a city but increases number of damages you have to deal to city to get its control
No Mercy (Orcs/Trolls) - Increases number of inhabitants killed when you attack a city and decreases number of damages you have to deal to city to get its control
Act of Bravour - Increases moral gained by kill by one (remember: when a unit kills another unit it gets one moral point)
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Beta: One month
Alpha: Two months

Maybe more because I'm redoing the terrain and for now I'm very slow to start it :D

I think so :D
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I'm currently working on terrain but I have few problems.

As you can see I have worked on only few parts. I'm going to focus on the upper-left part for beta-testing.

But terrain is far too basic and I dont know what to add to improve it. This is a epic size map which means that too many doodads maybe means reach the limit, some doodads are bad for the gameplay etc...
Terrain now outdated, new terrain incoming.

So if someone can share ideas or its own experience...

New !
First post updated !

Wanted to write this to avoid people to think "what a basic map" when they see units and terrain in despite of the rest (that I really worked on).

Advanced Battle System (With Moral Break)
A tutorial for systems (< 1' and which can be skipped) AND a mini-game for waiters
• There are no builder units
Advanced Starting Location Choice (You can check every starting point and choose the one you prefer)
• A Mass Control System which allow players to control lots of units in the same time
• A unit is used for Diplomacy
• Lots of New-Kind Researches (Triggered Researches, with different effects than regular)

EDIT: I would like to add moving grass. Does it lagg with a high number of this doodad ?
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Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Cool ideas mate, The map's starting to grow on me, at least its sounding good on paper.
I've had a very similar vision about the whole Moral Break -system on my mind, i hope you can pull that one off.
May i ask you, what's up with no builders?
I could help you out with the terrain, I've still got your MSN from the name-thing.
Just log on and we'll talk.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Thanks mate, I'll be glad to let you help me terraining :D
If you want to test the moral break system I have a template map, I just have few changes to do to make it playable for you and me.

No builders ? It means that there are no workers, no builders. All buildings are created in the capital-city or other towns (there are 3 kinds of structures: Military, Defensive and Civilian). A item appear in inventory and you have about 1000 range around city to build (It also means that cities without water around won't be able to build a shipyard, same for lumbermill which need trees to be constructed).
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Ah i got it, so it's a similar building-style as on 'Civilization RT' or whatever it was called.
I'll make a small map for you so that you can see what kind terrain i would do.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
The project is not solo anymore ! One member join the team ! Thanks to DudeSpirit who is currently working on my the terrain. Thanks :)
Level 2
Nov 6, 2009
Hi it's couple of days i occasionally found your last map Lords of Europe and i have to say its great. I've seen many Civilization-like maps but LoE is definitely my N°1!! Simply but complex - briliant :clol:
Anyhow i'm glad to hear you're working on new map. Ill cross all my fingers for you :cwink:

About suggestions i would like if you will consider posibility of adding some unit that will gain experience thought battles. Some sort of promotions maybe... just for couple of important units for each factions not for all.

Second proposition is some sort of Ultimate for each race in form of spell that would take effect on whole map. For example: Trolls Blood: +200% hp regen for 30 second for one of Trolls faction. Cooldown 5 min. That spell can slightly upgraded by advancing ages.

Ok thats all i wanted to say...for now :cgrin:

Wish you good luck!
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Hey guys!
Map is progressing ! I'll be soon working on Triggers (which means that unit data are ended soon!), the faster (or slower ^.-) part.

For your suggestions pomerancak, I was already thinking about 'promotion' for units. I dont know how the system's going to be for now but you can be sure there will be experience. A ultimate for each race is a really nice idea. But there are currently LOTS of spells for each race so find news without copying rest will be hard. DudeSpirit told me it can be a good idea too so I'm thinking about it.

DudeSpirit is doing some great work for the terrain. There is currently only one almost playable area, I'll be glad to post screenshots (and why not a teaser video?) in few days.

EDIT: I'm currently working on a trailer.
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Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I have a question: Do you think abilities (for heroes) should be triggered ? (I mean at least damages based on attributes and solved by triggers). Or because it's a RTS-like map it should makes heroes abused at the end of the game ?
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Level 3
Nov 20, 2008
Hey, I see that your map is based on several islands, but I think it's a pain in the ass to move lots of units across the water (and as I understood it, there's gonna be a lot of units). So how are you planning to do that?
However this looks great, keep it up.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Terrain is now outdated, I forgot to mention it.

DudeSpirit is currently working on a new terrain where the major part of the map is ground-linked. There are islands but few.

Thanks for support :)

EDIT: Any suggestions ? (about anything)
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Are there religion units? Humans believe in Christ, Elfs believe in some kind of Nature Gods, or Magic gods, orcs believe in something like the vikings or tribal, wild gods, something like Sparta's (300) and trolls also the same idea of deities, tribal gods exclusively for the nature..
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
There are no religion units for now.

There are few gods for each race, they are giving spells but not units.

EDIT: I think I'm going to add a wonder system, only buildable in your capital-city. I will add a kind of bonus, I dont have decided what yet. Please feel free to give your own idea (I need them actually xD).

EDIT2: I thought about religion units. All the religion will have one unique unit (a bit like Titans in AoM but not so strong). I already did them but I'm not sure of all the names/models so I'm going to wait before telling you.
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Glad I could help a bit. Err... another idea for Glory of War could be... there are gonna be sub factions or something? Like a sub-race, or... yes there are. Maybe... a final upgrade or something? A Great resource, but it is so good and awesome you could only choose one... or maybe CONCENTRATE on something... or keep all balanced. Or both (concentrate in something specific, like citizens working more in a project than other, AND a ultra technology, final technology, something like that... a great science discovery that could be converted for war, a kind of steel discovered and could be refined to make a perfect sword, or even a great artifact from the past of ancient heroes, or the "discovery" of a special prophecy for your people that make your hero stronger, I don't know...
Level 2
Nov 6, 2009
Hello again :cgrin:

I would like tomake some notes about hero abilities becuase it seems it will quite a big map with lot of units and other things players should check it will be nice if you implement some pasive abilities. Maybe some "cooler ones" dependable on stats (e.g.: x% chance to strike a blow that would add 75% of your STR as a damage or AGI/5% chance to make double attack for AGI based heroes...)

About wonders i dont know if it is acceptable and codable but for one of Orc's factions there can be some wonder (probably some ultimate shrine for their War's god) that would grant them Honorable death ability. That ability will grant every unit increased attack speed for a short amount of time right before their death. Hope its understandable. And one of human wonders can simply have + armor aura for allies with 900 range. Just because humans are good defenders :clol:
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Those two kinds of effects are already taken by religion and politics. Increases speed before death is a nice idea but it needs a code hard to make. Easy to give them the attack increasing, but what if they got healed ? what if they dont die ? do they keep their increasing forever ?

If you want to know what abilities heroes have I will put them here the faster possible, I tried to make original ultimates, I think I succeeded but for others abilities there is nothing original. You give nice idea of abilities, I think I'm going to use your kind of effect.

Thanks for comments.


First spell is aura, second is ultimate, I dont want to give every spells. I think almost every ultimate are triggered. I still dont know if combat abilities will be triggered or not, I still need your opinion.

King: Devotion (Armor), The Last Stand (Gives x% of chance to revive after death to every nearby units)
Commander: Warcraft (Damages), Glorious Charge (Every Knights nearby and the hero are forced to attacked the targeted area. Their first attack has a bonus damage and an AoE effect)
General: Manoeuvring (Mvmt Speed), Battlefield Master (Allow the hero to "mass control")
Archmage: Mystic Prescence (Damages), Fire River (Works like Stamped)
Archdruid: Peace (Reducing ennemy Damages), Dream (Turns every nearby friendly unit to the etheral plan, without movement speed decreases)
Cardinal: Faith (Damages), Cosmic Rain (Starfall)
Niishama (Shaman): Persevering (Hit Point Regen), Storm Totem (Summon a totem which auto-cast storm shield, damages doesn't affect friendly units)
Tribe Ruler: Skirmishing (Atck Speed), Tribe Dominance (Permanently increases Income)
Clan Ruler: Trust (Armor), Orc Honor (Gives x% of chances to avoid moral break to nearby friendly units)
Warlord: Agressivity (Damages), Endless Battle Lust (Permanently increases XP rate)

Feel free to propose your own ideas. I'm taking everything in account.

News: Spying Network, Ranked Officer Training, Battalion, Civil Victim/No Mercy, Act of Bravour, Civil Navy

Cities will have only 3 levels.
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Level 2
Dec 27, 2007
Troll Hero suggest

about The Troll Heroes i maybe have some ideas!

Forest Trolls: Furbolg Ambassador

Ice Trolls: Frozen Hunter (Troll Berserker)

Plain Trolls: Half Troll/Ogre (a 2 headed Ogre green colored)

hope u can use it!
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Those are good ideas, but the point was that there was only one model in warcraft 3 for Trolls' Heroes. And I already have lots of imported stuff so I would like to stop importing now. But anyway good idea thanks !
+Rep your first rep! :p
+Rep to Sasuhkun and Pomerancak for help too.
Level 2
Nov 6, 2009

about that Honorable death ability i suggested: It is suposed to be very limited, just for a few seconds. Also it would not matter if units dies or survives. To decrease chance that unit will survive spell can also amplifies incoming damage (like Mask of Madness in Dota). The idea is to make unit extremely dangerous right before it dies.

About hero abilities... I will take it more generally now.
For Humans i suggest more auras, simply because they are those soft weak meatbag that appreciate every single live :csmile: Also some aura that would increase it's power accordingly to how many humas are around will be nice (e.g.: aura that for every human unit in 1000 range grants +1 armor to alies).
For Elves i would go to some sofisticated magic skills. Aura that will cause damage/steal some mana/stuns every time enemy hero(unit) cast spell within it range for example. Also some nature help would be nice. The closer your hero is to trees the bigger is his attack speed for example.
For Orcs i recomend some pasive abilities that modify heroes fightning abilities more then AoE auras. Like example i mentioned. Another abilities can looks like: for every x hp enemy is missing give x bonus dmg. For every enemy unit in 1000 range +x damage for hero. Or some survability stuff like +x% of max hp/sec on hero that has high STR gain or some passives that grants him some +X STR pasive or it can be in one ability.
For Trolls... hmm actually i don't have any specific idea for Troll heroes now. Sry.

About Wonders and global ultimate spells... What about Sanctuary of life for one of human's factions? It can grant global The Last Will with low chance...

+Rep to Sasuhkun and Pomerancak for help too.

There is reputation system:cq: Haven't noticed, shoulda give u + rep for LoE asap :clol:
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Your ideas sound great. I think I'm going to use some of them (gonna list them somewhere).

But there are that I can't triggerize myself. Maybe can you ?

EDIT: Thanks for rep =)
EDIT2: Actually the point for heroes was to give them all an aura, but the idea of different "kind" of abilities is better, it increases differences between races. Really, thanks :)
Level 2
Nov 6, 2009
Ahh, i forgot to mention little detail... i never force myself to lear triggers, nor Jass :csad: I ain't having much free time and strong will :ccry:
Should have cleared it at the very begining. Sry. All i can suggest is Tutorial section here on hive, maybe some of moderators will be able to help with advanced triggering.

Anyhow i'm glad you like my ideas. I'll post as often as i will be able to. Wish you good progres with map :csup:
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Trolls are a more... spiritual race. Orcs are spiritual too, but not as them so I think some "spiritual" abilities? Like Reincarnation: when one unit dies, there is a x chance that another is born some distance away from your main city, or the city where it was produced. Or any city, dont know. Also, they could have the power to invocate spirits, to do many things: a spirit aoe attack, something like a "possesion" skill, like banshee... informations that "only the dead" know about, or he discovered after death, or anything. Any "help" from the spirits, aside from the tribal magic as well, and the troll Alchemy. Which remembers me, humans or elfs will have some kind of Alchemy? Both? Just one? +Rep! :D
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Thanks for finding Troll background =D
Yup, Trolls can be like that. I already had based the Troll hero, Niishama (it was a shaman and I thought it was ugly to just call it Shaman so I found the upper rank) on elements. It can summon three different totems. Adding Spiritual skillz would improve the panel of their abilities (and icons associated really fit with troll general theme).

I dont get what you said about alchemy ?

Religion: All subfactions won't be able to take the same major God.
Politics: Same idea

About Gameplay:
Influence System will looks-like LoE's one but very more restrictive. It'll be like you wont be able to take 5 towns in 5 minutes. Conquests will be town per town, you'll have to improve it by buildings civilian structures.
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Level 2
Nov 6, 2009
Spiritual theme sound great for Trolls.
Abilities may look like this:
1) for every fallen allied unit one ghost arises (aura or toggable)
2) for every fallen enemy unit hero or your units gains some mana/hp or other benefit.

Btw: one pasive i would be most happy to see in game :csup: For every x taken hits increaes your hp regeneration by 1/sec permanently.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Some kind of technological research which could be converted into better use of chemicals in cities and medicaments, aside of course of weapons. Though it looks modern things, Alchemy use all of that.. as far as I know. Simplifying, potions and similar. Of course they are not so easy or popular like Warcraft... a "health potion" would be the revolution for those. Well, you got me. I think.
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Terrain Progress: About 50% of the inland is done, the islands are still unfinished. I'll start working on it again as soon as i hear some feedback from Goffterdom again.

The terrain will feature: Desert Area, Snow Area, Tropical Area, Regular Greeny Human & Elf area.

The islands are not yet thought so i can't reveal anything about it just yet.

I will add more detail after I've done all the Inland/Islands.

Unfortunately i cannot add any screenshots here, since i don't have the Unit data, i could show you the shape of the world, but it wouldn't look as good.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Hey guys, a friend of mine was in my house this week-end so I couldn't geek :D

I'll give some informations about development soon.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Do you think I should add a Road System ?

Question for everyone : Do you think a Road System is needed in a RTS/Strategy map ?
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