Does health always stay the same percent, as in, it will go up if you increase max HP and go down if you decrease max HP?
Is it possible for a unit to die by lowering their max HP too much? What happens if it gets reduced to 0? What happens if they have 1 life left with 100 max life, then you lower their max life to 10 (if percent health is maintained, that would put them below the health where they die)?
I'm curious because I might mess around with some abilities and stuff.
Is it possible for a unit to die by lowering their max HP too much? What happens if it gets reduced to 0? What happens if they have 1 life left with 100 max life, then you lower their max life to 10 (if percent health is maintained, that would put them below the health where they die)?
I'm curious because I might mess around with some abilities and stuff.