You can do it in GUI
Initialisation Terrain
Environnement - Change terrain type at (Point(x, y)) to Summer Lordaeron - Terre using variation -1 in an area of size 1 and shape Cercle
Environnement - Change terrain type at (Point(x, y)) to Barrens - Terre using variation -1 in an area of size 3 and shape Cercle
you can ask for circle or square shape from point choosing the wideness...
personally i advise you if you want to make something special to manually paint the terrain with a 1 wide brush.
variation of -1 = random variation, if you put something else it will paint with the variation choosen if avaiable
you need center coordinate, the form and size of drawing, then do the calculus to change the point each time to each position and draw...
remember that 1 square like a tree pathing (4x4 half square) is actually 128 distance in coordinate.
the only little flaw with this method is if the terrain will be centered at random using ability at point as event, the drawing could be off by 64 pixel...
because when you paint the tile the tile itself is centered so on the editor you always paint at intersection of 4 tiles..
_ _ _
the point if centered not in the middle of this will automatically paint the middle, so the square your aiming might be painted a little left, right, up or down....
but that is just for the center tile all other tiles will work correctly from the center decided by the game.
so you drawing will be perfect but a little off by 32 or less pixel
also not sure, but to be able to change the tile of a map i think they should be avaiable in the map editor of this map (even if you didn't use them)
if you used 16 tiles max allready on the editor but want to draw with trigger a 17th it might not work.
when manually painting remember alway jump +/-128 from x or y.
thats all i think i can do a demo map if really needed but it should be easy...
if needed explain me exactly what you want to do in details.