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Can Somebody Explain Please...

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Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Wow. Somehow I think Mcdonalds are less delicious.
1) Yes, it's real.
2) For our delicious meal at McDonalds. But chicks can be "that" easier than normal chicken so they do it. Its the new way of butchering.
Level 14
Jul 12, 2011
Damn, the feels this gave me.
I'm not a vegeterian.
I hate vegeterians.
Humans should eat all kind of food.
Even meat.
However I say that such thing is cruel as fck.
Chicks don't deserve to die.
The just killed 20 chicks to make a meal for 2-4 humans while the could kill a giant and fat chicken to create a meal for 100 humans.
Nothing else to post here.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Maybe they run out of chickens so they have to use chicks. But because butchering chicks in the old fashion way is hard, so they do "that" way for more comfortable. At least those chicks died without getting their heads cut off.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
This is why I know people who only eat meat they can kill themselves. A) Far less cruel B) No preservatives and vaccines in the meat C) Tastes better.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Chickens grow very fast, especially with the artificial diets they are fed. It is only a couple of weeks before they are slaughtered as that gives the most optimum food to weight ratio. Remember that the larger something gets, the less it grows and the more energy is wasted moving. This is also why chickens are often stored in "batteries" so they move even less and grow faster.

Chicks are also subject to industrial processing. Any that are sick, small, mutant or wrong gender will be destroyed. The gender determination process is also highly dangerous for young chicks and it is said that the people who do it kill hundreds at first before they learn to do it properly.

Especially when producing egg laying chickens there is a huge wastage of chicks. All (well as good as) have to be destroyed since they are of no use for human consumption (different gene stock needed meat chickens). This is where gender selection is applied and it is literally like female, pass on, else kill.

What I am surprised is that humans are still involved in the process. Modern automated systems are far more efficient for such purposes and will remove any human contact from it. However I guess such plants would not be economical for chicken processing as the value of chicken is so low compared to the high cost of an autonomous plant for the purpose that it will never pay back.

Chicken is not very healthy to eat anyway nowadays. About 30-40% of what they eat is recycled chicken (the killed chicks/left overs from butchering/feathers) with the rest consisting of hormone/chemical supplements and soya. There is very little actually healthy in a chicken and that is why it has virtually no flavour and tastes like watery meat. I would strongly recommend people to eat more Turkey meat as they cannot be treated as inhumanly as chickens (they die more easily) so are more nutritious and also more flavourful.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
So wait. Are you trying to make tthe chicken farmers lose their jobs?
If you said chickens are the main reason of obesity, the entire human kind have been obesity thousand of years ago!!!
BTW, if you were true, so what about chicken's eggs? Are they one of the reason of obesity too? (If you were true in all of this, I'm going to eat ducks and have duck eggs for breakfast.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
If you said chickens are the main reason of obesity, the entire human kind have been obesity thousand of years ago!!!
Except battery chicken farming has not existed for thousands of years... Free-range chicken (which is not even fed as well as chickens used to) is immediately better and it tastes similar to turkey. This is what happens when you feed chickens 40-50% chicken, tons of hormones and only soya.

BTW, if you were true, so what about chicken's eggs?
Clearly they are not that healthy seeing how they disagree with me quite badly.

Are they one of the reason of obesity too?
Egg laying chickens are fed differently from slaughter chickens. Their diet requirements are considerably different. In any case they are mostly fed on soya which is likely the reason they disagree with me so much.
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