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Burning Legion Mod

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Burning Legion Mod (Updated: 2/9)

Deathbringer presents:

Felforge is going to start out as a basic map or map pack for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, the packs will allow you on startup (courtesy of dialog boxes) to choose your race (basic 4 + Burning Legion). It will introduce the Burning Legion as a playable faction in the game, allowing you to command their massive fel hordes in domination of the universe.

The Burning Legion is an army thousands of years in the making, moving from world to world, stripping the worlds of all their resources and indigenous peoples, then moving on, in a universal crusade to eliminate all life.

The Legion's main focus is heavy weaponry, their most powerful units are extremely slow but deal massive damage, this brings forth many possible strategies to the player. To make up for the Legion's lack of Air power, they are being compensated with a building called a "Staging Ground", the Staging Ground is where infernals are constructed and put to life, this building is unique in that it allows a player to drop infernals anywhere on the map, some may be screaming "nerf" already, but balance is one thing that will not be an issue here, for every buff the legion gets, they get an equal debuff to counter it.


Basic Infantry - Felguard
Felguard provide the backbone of the Burning Legion's shocktroopers, they are the frontline defenders for the legion.
High Health, High Armor, Average-Low damage, Expensive, and Slow, Upgrades to Fellegionnaire (More health and damage)

Basic Ranged - Imps
Imps are tricky little demons that are easily tamed, they may not be the largest or most deadly, but they are by far one of the most clever.
Average Health, Low Damage, Can net air units with a Shadow Bind spell, cheap, and fast

Heavy Melee - Wrathguard
Wrathguards are Eredar who have immense power and are the strongest soldiers the legion can field. High health, heavy damage, and power with no compare.
High Health, High Armor, High Damage, Expensive, and Slow

Damage Caster - Eredar Warlock
Has a variety of damaging spells, its normal attack is extremely weak.
Average Health, Low Armor, Low Damage, Average Price, Average Speed, High Damaging Spells

More Units to Come

This modification should start as some basic melee maps, hopefully this will evolve into a full fledged modification for TFT, that will actually have its own executable for launching.

This project will be primarily done by myself, but from time to time I may have some call outs for some talent. Current progress will always be stated below..

Phase 1: Concept Work [Complete!]
Phase 2: Implementing [In Progress]

Overall this project should provide hours of fun, adding a new race might mix things up enough to cause players to swap up their strategies and invent whole new ones. The goal of this project is mainly to breathe some new life into the melee side of WC3, which, in my own opinion, was one of the greatest aspects of WC3.


Staff Openings:
Skilled Modeler
Must be skilled in 3DS Max or other compatible modeling formats, must be very skilled in animation, since structures are the only thing that are needed to be created from the ground up (besides a unit or two) this job will be very important.
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Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
Read the rules. You should include more information, rather then just saying I am making a map. I'll give you some time to actualy include something about the project, but if this thread isn't updated soon I will close this thread.
to see how much attention it gathers, if enough people show interest I'll start leaking info.

Thats what screwed my last project, Steel Titans, I just threw it all out there, even stuff we weren't sure about, which caused crossovers and broken promises, therefor leading to loss of fanbase and death of the project.

I'll edit the post.

(excuse my disregard of the rules, figured they were the same as back at old Wcsear.ch, and figured "Burning Legion Mod gave enough information to wet some tongues)

Once again my apologies, didn't mean to start an argument or flamefest >< and please operator when your done making sure I've included what I needed to say, can you delete these first 3 replies? Just as a cleaning house kinda thing, would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm going to start putting up some concept art on here piece by piece.

For starters, Legion Camp, Basic Tier 1 Town Hall
Level 10
Feb 8, 2006
The Burning Legion (BL from now on) is the army Sargeas made a long time ago... The army of Illidan, composing of Blood Elves, Naga, Broken, and some demons, calls themselves Illidari. They fight AGAINST the BL, the Horde, the Alliance, the Undead, everyone! And so do does the BL... They want to destroy everything! And they eat blood elves fro breakfast :D
No.. Major Factions in Warcraft stand as follows, Alliance (Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves, and Draenei), Horde (Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Undead, and Azerothian Blood Elves), Shat'tar (Outlandian Draenei and Naaru), Burning Legion, Scourge, and Illidari (Illidan's Forces (Blood Elves, Broken Draenei, Fel Orcs, and Naga).

Illidari are at war with the Burning Legion, the Burning Legion has considered him and his forces to be too costly an asset. The BL in my mod will be the following races following the lore (http://www.wowwiki.com/Burning_Legion)...

Man'ari Eredar (Wrathguards and Warlocks) - http://www.wowwiki.com/Man'ari_Eredar
Annihilan (Pitlords) - http://www.wowwiki.com/Annihilan
Sayaadi (Succubi) - http://www.wowwiki.com/Sayaadi
Mo'arg (Felguards and Engineers) - http://www.wowwiki.com/Mo'arg
Gan'Arg (Workers) - http://www.wowwiki.com/Gan'arg
Possibly - Shivarra - http://www.wowwiki.com/Shivarra

A few other races as well will be shown in the legion, such as Shadow Council Orcs (Warlocks primarily), Fel Stalkers, of couse a few constructs (Infernals/Fel Reavers) and some others.

And yes, Steel Titans was an effort by me and my friend to create a total conversion for Warcraft III, sadly to say, many things didn't get agreed on and it was finally cancelled.. see the forums, I editted the post a few days ago.
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Level 10
Feb 8, 2006
Great, now we know what units will be ingame! Thanks!
Can you please release more info about the race? I cant wait to hear more about this project!
I cant help you with much , since I cant model, but if you need anything else, dont hesitate to tell...
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Level 13
Aug 31, 2005
This modification should start as some basic melee maps, hopefully this will evolve into a full fledged modification for TFT, that will actually have its own executable for launching.

Just a thought, you better have a good lawyer if you wanna make your own wc3 game a .exe file. (And a very good programmer) because you're going to have alot of problems in the future if you try this.
Not trying to discourage you but:
A.) Blizzard WILL sue you for creating a seperate exe of their game without their permission (which I doubt they will grant)
B.) Programming an exe to open a file in a seperate program is difficult but can be done.
C.) By creating a seperate exe file that opens wc3 files (maps) will void your blizzard terms and agreements and possibly bring up more legality issues.

If you want an icon for your map on peoples desktops, then id suggest making a shortcut program that opens the map in wc3. (Only way I know how to program something like this would be through a macro that quickly makes the users selections in wc3 after the program opens it)
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
Well acutly I think he meant when he said seperate exe is yea a shortcut but also a install program so basicly you can run warcraft 3 or the mod but they will still be using the same systems and will not be a copy of the warcraft 3 at all. its just like installing a switch between the two games.
Um.. I hate to say this, I mean this in the most non-offensive way possible, but do you know what a Mod even is?

And actually I could rip apart Warcraft 3's code and make a whole new exe if I wanted to, and couldn't get in any legal trouble for it, as long as I am not reproducing it for personal profit.

I plan on, probably way later on, adding in a few mpq files of my own and a new .exe file that would run a "fan made expansion" (Mod) for the game. One example would be Afro's project from before, don't remember what it was called, but it replaced all the races in the game with his own custom races and had its own title screen and everything.

(I'm also a grandmaster programmer at visual basic with a bit of C# and C++ on the side ;) )
Java is more memory consuming it seems, all my javascript coded programs drain my CPU compared to others (Azureus for example)

also, to quote bash.org (forgive the reference but I find it hillarious)

<Alanna> Saying that Java is nice because it works on all OS's is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders

Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
No.. Major Factions in Warcraft stand as follows, Alliance (Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves, and Draenei), Horde (Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Undead, and Azerothian Blood Elves), Shat'tar (Outlandian Draenei and Naaru), Burning Legion, Scourge, and Illidari (Illidan's Forces (Blood Elves, Broken Draenei, Fel Orcs, and Naga).

lol,dude you say something what would be considered by me as 'impossible' you say the Draenei are at the alliance's side and also at the side of the Shat'tar? and also you say the blood elf joined as well as the horde as the Illidari? If you mean these draenei and blood elves are different groups or something i could understand .. but ... just explain it to me ..
Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
Well actually
The Blood Elves in the Horde do not KNOW their Prince is leading them down the path of following Illidan.
There is a whole ordeal with no contact with Outland and not really knowing what Kael'Thas is doing. Read up on Worldofwarcraft.com about it
Actually after reading I am right, there are two factions of blood elves now, the ones on azeroth DONT KNOW that Illidan and Kael'Thas are feeding magic off demons, and when they do find out, they rebel against their former leader (Hince why blood elves can fight Kael'Thas as a boss in Tempest Keep)

Read their newest encyclopedia posts from WoW's main website
Level 10
Feb 8, 2006
DoOs_101: He became the Lich King, the spirtio of Ner'Zhul combining himself with the body of Arthas.
There was only ONE Burning Legion, stop saying 'new' and "old"... The Illidari are not in any way associated with the BL...
Lore closed, look at wowwiki, or the offical lore...
Now, about the thing that I am posting for: If you are making this into what could be called an "unofficial expansion", I think it would be great idea to squeeze a single player in the mod... In witch, I would love to help :D. Either in filling out the story for the campaign, designing indivugal characters, making , casting, and sorting out voices for the new creatures/heroes, or make the campaign itself in the world editor (Sadly I cant model or program/JASS that much)! I'd do almost anything for this project!
Level 10
Feb 8, 2006
That is what I can help with :) I wouldnt just make one up, I wouldnt go base it off some imaginary story.... I would have used the last few events of WoW as a base, and the order of the campaign would have been: Orc, Night Elf, Undead, Human and, finnaly, Demon. and so on, and so forth....
Still, if I can help in anything, please tell me :)
That sounds like a very cool campaign. I have always wanted to see a campaign about the Orcs corruption. You will need to involve Magetheridon, Draenei, and Burning Legion. Magtheridon turns the Orcs into Fel Orcs and becomes Lord of Outland at the Black Temple. The Orcs raid many, or most, of the Draenei's temples. Like Auchindoun, and the Temple of Karabor, now the Black Temple.

Akama will also have to be used if you are going to involve Draenei. They were attacked by Burning Legion and Fel Orcs a lot so it would be odd to just say Draenei were on vacation.
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