Type of problem:
wrong description or negative spell haste value for cleric.
Map Version:
Description of the problem:
when you type -stats, the value of spell haste is indicated as -3% (dunno if it's really decreasing the spell haste or just showing like this).
(bugs only) How to reproduce the bug (if possible):
Pick a new cleric
up it to lvl 2
type -stats
check spell haste value (it'll be negative if you havent spent any point in agi)
As i said above, i'm not sure if this negative value is just a output problem or calculation problem, there is no way to have a accurate test with it (at least i dont know).
Another point is that i found it at random with cleric, so i didnt test the other stats/resistences results for other attributes/classes...
Img bellow
wrong description or negative spell haste value for cleric.
Map Version:
Description of the problem:
when you type -stats, the value of spell haste is indicated as -3% (dunno if it's really decreasing the spell haste or just showing like this).
(bugs only) How to reproduce the bug (if possible):
Pick a new cleric
up it to lvl 2
type -stats
check spell haste value (it'll be negative if you havent spent any point in agi)
As i said above, i'm not sure if this negative value is just a output problem or calculation problem, there is no way to have a accurate test with it (at least i dont know).
Another point is that i found it at random with cleric, so i didnt test the other stats/resistences results for other attributes/classes...
Img bellow