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Blight changes when in game?

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Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
Anyone notice this or is my shit fucking up? The tiles will be set as i want them in warcraft3 edior, but when i go in game, it seems the blight "updates" or something, and spreads out creating poor-looking dirt/rough dirt spots where i would have another tile which is next to the blight. some of the tiles next to blight are even rough dirt but it still gets changed when going in game? anyone ever had this happen before?
Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
blight is a not a very nice terrain to work with but my suggestion to you in make your area you want blight then make dirt surrounding it and the blight should stay there without receding. Sources: I have blight on my rpg and it never does what you say because I do this.
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
blight is a not a very nice terrain to work with but my suggestion to you in make your area you want blight then make dirt surrounding it and the blight should stay there without receding. Sources: I have blight on my rpg and it never does what you say because I do this.

Dude yeeaah, i just surrounded the area i want with another tile, and the blight wont spread through it. i surround it with an unbuildable tile, and nothing is removed. if i surround it with dirt/rough dirt, the blight still edits those tiles. because i could surround what i need with rough dirt without it looking monsterous, but it still changes some into dirt, which makes it ugly.

but thanks man!
Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
Dude yeeaah, i just surrounded the area i want with another tile, and the blight wont spread through it. i surround it with an unbuildable tile, and nothing is removed. if i surround it with dirt/rough dirt, the blight still edits those tiles. because i could surround what i need with rough dirt without it looking monsterous, but it still changes some into dirt, which makes it ugly.

but thanks man!

That sucks mines surrounded in sand and grass if that helps. Plus 5 Undead buildings however every one of those buildings don't produce blight so :p
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
That sucks mines surrounded in sand and grass if that helps.

wtf man lol i just replaced most of what i needed with the untiled, but my grass looks better, and grass wouldnt change would it? :mad: ;) thanks for the recommendation though, appreciate it.

wtf man lol i just replaced most of what i needed with the untiled, but my grass looks better, and grass wouldnt change would it? :mad: ;) thanks for the recommendation though, appreciate it.

CORRECTION: Nevermind it still spreads lol. unbuildable tile works tho ;P tybye
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