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Blight Dispel

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Level 1
Jan 22, 2008
Blight Dispel Tile

I'm having a slight problem with Blight Dispelling. I'm trying to change the tile which blight dispels to (Normally dirt) to a Grass type of tile, But I can't find any sort of variable in the editor or in Game play Contestants. I tried to trigger it, But it changes the tiles of the surrounding ones as well when the building is complete (Such as Tile). I'm not that good at JASS, so there could be a way to isolate for the blight tile that I'm unaware of in triggering the dispel. I've also searched Hive, Thehelper, and various other sites for tutorials as to this and had no luck.

If there's no way, Thanks for telling me, And if there is, thanks in advance for helping me :thumbs_up:.
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Level 28
Jun 4, 2007
Try the Environment - Change Terrain Type action.
Event - Unit Finishes Construction
Condition - (dunno if you have any)
Action - Environment - Change Terrain type to (Lordaeron Summer Grass) at position of (constructed structure) using variation (-1) and size (5 should fit) and shape (circle).

The variation -1 creates random variation.
Level 1
Jan 22, 2008
Yeah, but then doesn't that change all of the tiles in the area including City Stone? I mean only where there was blight (Since blight doesn't cover Stone Tile, it wouldn't only be changing environmental areas back to normal).
Level 8
Nov 29, 2007
But unless you changed unit build constraints they cannot build on such tiles anyway so as long as the size is small enough it shouldn't matter.

If you have changed the build constraints [pathing > placement requires..] then you could try deleting the dirt texture using the modify tileset option and watching what happens [if anything].

Hope that in some way helped.

[EDIT] Or you could completely remove the blight dispel ability and have something like this:
  • Test
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Finishes construction
    • Conditions
      • ((Position of (Triggering unit)) is blighted) Equal to True
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to ***Whatever***
    • Actions
      • Environment - Remove Blight for Player 1 (Red) from (Position of (Triggering unit)) to a radius of ***something***
      • Environment - Change terrain type at (Position of (Triggering unit)) to Lordaeron Summer - Dirt using variation -1 in an area of size 1 and shape Circle
Level 1
Jan 22, 2008
The thing is that there is no tile-based pathing restrictions in my map, But either way I guess I'll work with what I can get. Thanks for the solvents guys, I'll see if I can make the Rock tiles changing not be too harmful to the environment =P.
Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
Without needless triggerwork, I doubt you can get the desired effect.

Eat the bullet and be happy with unblighted tiles, I say.
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