Hi everybody!
I haven't been there in a while but lately I have had a lot of free time so I decided to dove into modeling. So here is Blastoise, for the fans of Pokemon
I want to stress that this is the very first model that I've made entirely and I spent a lot of time on it. I'd like to know what you guys think of it.
What I mean by entirely is:
-I did all the geosets except for the glow geosets and the portrait's background that I have copied from Battle.net
-I did all the texturing. I know it is bad
but I really have no skill for it
-I did all the animations. I didn't copy-paste any but I admit that I took inspirations from pre-existing animations taken from Warcraft III models (here are the credits: Tauren Chieftain, Inferno, Ogre, Sasquash, Shaman, Druid of the Claw, Tauren, Treant, Grunt, Razormane)
-I copied-pasted the Particles from other Warcraft III models and then I modified them (credits: BladeMaster, Unholy Frenzy, and maybe some others)
-I copied-pasted the Ribbons from the Tauren Chieftain
The softwares I used were:
- gmax
- Mdlvis
- Warcraft III Viewer
- Warcraft III Model Editor
- Vertex Modify from Oinkerwinkle tools
- Geoset Merger from Oinkerwinkle tools
- Adobe photoshop CS2
- Notepad ++ !!!!!
I tried to create as many animations as possible so that Blastoise can do almost every attack it would be able to learn in the Pokemon game
(EarthQuake, Ice Beam, Water Gun, Hydro Pump, Scratch, Withdraw, Karate Chop)
If you want to use it in a Warcraft III customized game, here is what I'm proposing:
- for Earthquake: war stomp of the tauren chieftain
- for Ice Beam: something like the breathe of fire from the Pandaren
- for Water Gun: StormBolt of the Moutain King
- for Hydro Pump: Starfall of the POTM with some modified Star Effect of course
- for Scratch: just the attack
- for Withdraw: StoneForm from the gargoyle
- for Karate Chop: Stun of the MK
I hope you will like it and I am opened to any kind of constructed criticism
If you use it, don't forget to give credits please!
PS: I had a little situation when I created the model: I hadn't realized that it was way too big. So I had to use a trick. Consequently, if you open Blastoise in Warcraft III Viewer, you'll get weird things. But it works ingame
Have fun!
tortank, blastoise, pokemon, turtle, gun, water, ice, aqua