• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.


Hi everybody!
I haven't been there in a while but lately I have had a lot of free time so I decided to dove into modeling. So here is Blastoise, for the fans of Pokemon :D
I want to stress that this is the very first model that I've made entirely and I spent a lot of time on it. I'd like to know what you guys think of it.
What I mean by entirely is:
-I did all the geosets except for the glow geosets and the portrait's background that I have copied from Battle.net
-I did all the texturing. I know it is bad :( but I really have no skill for it
-I did all the animations. I didn't copy-paste any but I admit that I took inspirations from pre-existing animations taken from Warcraft III models (here are the credits: Tauren Chieftain, Inferno, Ogre, Sasquash, Shaman, Druid of the Claw, Tauren, Treant, Grunt, Razormane)
-I copied-pasted the Particles from other Warcraft III models and then I modified them (credits: BladeMaster, Unholy Frenzy, and maybe some others)
-I copied-pasted the Ribbons from the Tauren Chieftain

The softwares I used were:
- gmax
- Mdlvis
- Warcraft III Viewer
- Warcraft III Model Editor
- Vertex Modify from Oinkerwinkle tools
- Geoset Merger from Oinkerwinkle tools
- Adobe photoshop CS2
- Notepad ++ !!!!!

I tried to create as many animations as possible so that Blastoise can do almost every attack it would be able to learn in the Pokemon game :D (EarthQuake, Ice Beam, Water Gun, Hydro Pump, Scratch, Withdraw, Karate Chop)
If you want to use it in a Warcraft III customized game, here is what I'm proposing:
- for Earthquake: war stomp of the tauren chieftain
- for Ice Beam: something like the breathe of fire from the Pandaren
- for Water Gun: StormBolt of the Moutain King
- for Hydro Pump: Starfall of the POTM with some modified Star Effect of course :)
- for Scratch: just the attack :)
- for Withdraw: StoneForm from the gargoyle
- for Karate Chop: Stun of the MK

I hope you will like it and I am opened to any kind of constructed criticism :)
If you use it, don't forget to give credits please!

PS: I had a little situation when I created the model: I hadn't realized that it was way too big. So I had to use a trick. Consequently, if you open Blastoise in Warcraft III Viewer, you'll get weird things. But it works ingame :)
Have fun!

tortank, blastoise, pokemon, turtle, gun, water, ice, aqua

Blastoise (Model)

16:27, 6th Aug 2014 MiniMage: Approved.