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Bladetitan Signatures

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Nice ! And here is my request ^^

I'm just asking me, if you are still getting requests; because i need a sig image for my map.

Size : Same as the Dragonson's sig
Text : BotEF
Text Location : Middle (like your sig)
Request Theme : Elfic Wood (Big Green Trees, Green Grass, etc... A beautiful Wood)
Request Color Theme : Between This Green and This Other Green

Images That You'd Like In Your Request: Something of Epic, Beautiful and Mystic.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Vladd's Request Accepted.

Also, i finished Gunslinger's request and i actually have a little something to say about it...
Okay, for a long time i've been having this thing in the main post about how you can help bladetitan by adding a little advertisement banner in your sig. I'm removing this now.
The reason for that is that:
1: We dont really need more advertisement.
2: I think people's sigs should be personal. the word 'Signature' means something you add to things you do to personalize it abit.
Gunslinger's request was originally one where he asked for a multi-clicky with his own project and then Bladetitan, but i've redone it so that it focuses only on his project (with some nice homemade art and sweet sweet freehand drawing!).
This is also because when somebody's gone through the waiting list, i want them to have a bloody awesome sig that's about THEM, and THEIR PROJECT. Not MY sig shop. :p
So here it is, Gunslinger's second signature which is focused 100% on his awesome project 'Oblivion of the Gods'.

(Hope ya like it)
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Request Size: Normal Sig Size
Request Text: -Peper-,
Text Location: Middle
Request Theme: Metal Plating, Metal Piece jointed, bolts, and some metallic shit
Request Color Theme:
Silver, black, chrome. Camouflage pattern for the text are preferred.
Images That You'd Like
In Your Request: Metals, platings, ammo shells, and some effect of course.
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Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
Finally its openD
Request Size: Normal
Request Text: Rise of the Titans
Text Location: Center
Request Theme: medieval
Heres something that can help you with my sig i like the sword in there:

So the sword in the middle and text in the middle and from left side some titan casting some spell and from right side some other titan casting other spell ;)
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Dota, LoL, HoN, Dota2. only difference is champions and graphics. and perhaps LoL is a bit faster gameplay. no difference besides that.
yes I have played all three. yes I liked all three.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I'd have used it an age ago if it wasnt for the fact that i'm slightly scared of checking the thread now that requests are open...
Also, i play LoL. Swain/Maokai, biches!

AAAAANyways, All new requests accepted. :)
I'm having abit of problems figuring out who's next, but i'l sort it out when i've settled down (Moving base of operations as per usual at the end of the week) dis evening.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Hey guys do Dragonson a favor and don't go off topic.

Well anyway Dragonson thanks for accepting my request, and I'll be patient for it.
Level 3
Jan 8, 2011
Hey there :p

I'd really like to request a signature so here we are:

Request Size: 400 x 200 Pixels
Request Text: Crazy Crazy Furbolg
Text Location: Bottom Right/Middle
Request Theme: Forest foreground/Evil shadow sorta thing.
Request Color Theme: Green/Brown/Black/Dark Purple
Images That You'd Like In Your Request: http://images.wikia.com/wowwiki/images/d/d9/Redfang_Hunter.jpg

Those images are just suggestions, i just want any furbolg really.
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Level 6
Jul 22, 2009
Request Size: 500x150 pixels
Request Text: Against the Plague
Text Location: Left, the word have to be placed like this
Request Theme: Plague, toxic smoke with strange purple magic light
Request Color Theme: Green and purple
Images That You'd Like In Your Request:
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
Ready's his ban hammer.

"You listen here, children. You will stay on topic, or I will smash your head with my big arse hammer here."

Did you mean that? Lol.

On-Topic: Whos up next? And is Dragon still active or has he gone on a small break again? He's stopped constantly posting D:
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Sorry guys, imma working on alot of stuff atm. Also, christmas.
Also, Assassin's Creed: Revelations Multiplayer (Singleplayer? What Singleplayer?)
Also, my fourth skyrim character.
Also, league of legends.
Also... Eh... Ahem.

I've sent out a new batch of verification vms, and confirmed that everyone on the list from (and including) Magtheridon96 to (and including) Drunken Jackal can be removed as they either didnt want their request when asked or already has their request finished.

Oh and, The two new requests are Accepted.
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