//@ SetUnitMaxState
//@ Credits:
//@ Written by:
//@ Earth-Fury
//@ Based on the work of:
//@ Blade.dk
//@ If you use this system, please credit all of the people mentioned above in your map.
//@ SetUnitMaxState Readme
//@ SetUnitMaxState() is a function origionally written by Blade.dk. It takes advantage of
//@ a bug which was introduced in one of the patches: Bonus life and mana abilitys will
//@ only ever add the bonus ammount for level 1. However, when removed, they will remove
//@ the ammount they should have added at their current level. This allows you to change a
//@ units maximum life and mana, without adding a perminent ability to the unit.
//@ Adding SetUnitMaxState to your map:
//@ Simply copy this library in to a trigger which has been converted to custom text.
//@ After that, you must copy over the abilitys. This is made easy by the ObjectMerger in
//@ JASS NewGen. Distributed with this system are //! external calls to the ObjectMerger.
//@ Simply copy both of them in to your map, save your map, close and reopen your map in
//@ the editor, and remove the external calls. (Or otherwise disable them. Removing the !
//@ after the // works.)
//@ Using SetUnitMaxState:
//@ nothing SetUnitMaxState(unit <target>, unitstate <state>, real <new value>)
//@ This function changes <target>'s unitstate <state> to be eqal to <new value>. Note
//@ that the only valid unitstates this function will use are UNIT_STATE_MAX_MAN and
//@ UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE. Use SetUnitState() to change other unitstates.
//@ nothing AddUnitMaxState(unit <target>, unitstate <state>, real <add value>)
//@ This function adds <add value> to <target>'s <state> unitstate. <add value> can be
//@ less than 0, making this function reduce the specified unitstate. This function will
//@ only work with the unitstates UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE and UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA.
library SetUnitMaxState initializer Initialize
// Configuration
// The rawcode of the life ability:
private constant integer MAX_STATE_LIFE_ABILITY = 'Zx01'
// The rawcode of the mana ability:
private constant integer MAX_STATE_MANA_ABILITY = 'Zx00'
// The maximum power of two the abilitys use:
private constant integer MAX_STATE_MAX_POWER = 8
// System Code
// Do not edit below this line unless you wish to change the way the system works.
private integer array PowersOf2
function SetUnitMaxState takes unit u, unitstate state, real newValue returns nothing
local integer stateAbility
local integer newVal = R2I(newValue)
local integer i = MAX_STATE_MAX_POWER
local integer offset
if state == UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE then
set stateAbility = MAX_STATE_LIFE_ABILITY
elseif state == UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA then
set stateAbility = MAX_STATE_MANA_ABILITY
debug call BJDebugMsg("SetUnitMaxState Error: Invalid unitstate")
set newVal = newVal - R2I(GetUnitState(u, state))
if newVal > 0 then
set offset = MAX_STATE_MAX_POWER + 3
elseif newVal < 0 then
set offset = 2
set newVal = -newVal
exitwhen newVal == 0 or i < 0
if newVal >= PowersOf2[i] then
call UnitAddAbility(u, stateAbility)
call SetUnitAbilityLevel(u, stateAbility, offset + i)
call UnitRemoveAbility(u, stateAbility)
set newVal = newVal - PowersOf2[i]
set i = i - 1
function AddUnitMaxState takes unit u, unitstate state, real addValue returns nothing
call SetUnitMaxState(u, state, GetUnitState(u, state) + addValue)
private function Initialize takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 1
set PowersOf2[0] = 1
set PowersOf2[i] = PowersOf2[i - 1] * 2
set i = i + 1
exitwhen i == MAX_STATE_MAX_POWER + 3