Best games of ALL time!?

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Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
Warcraft 3,Heroes 3,Rome Total War,Mount&Blade,Starcraft(1 and 2),Black&White(1 and 2),Warhammer 40k(all games and expansions),Devil May Cry(all exept DMC 5),Age of Empires 2,Assasin's Creed(all series again),Prince of Persia(Sands of Time,Warrior Within,The Two Thrones),Elder Scrolls(all series again),Diablo 2 are in my opinion the best games of all time
Level 17
Apr 24, 2005
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, Star wars: KOTOR, Impossible Creatures (the only RTS i have actually played online, because it had something that no other RTS had: customizable armies, you basically create your own units to use in battle)
Level 7
Jun 16, 2008
In my opinion, two valid candidates would be Metal Gear Solid (number one, for the Playstation, released in 1998 - best of the series, although Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots comes very close), and, as Rao Dao Zao voted, Deus Ex, released in 2000. Both had state-of-the-art gameplay, a mindblowing plot, incredible soundtrack, and other amazing factors that contributed to them being the best in my opinion. Half Life (number one, released in 1997) comes very close, though - tied with Metal Gear Solid 4 for runner-up.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, Star wars: KOTOR, Impossible Creatures (the only RTS i have actually played online, because it had something that no other RTS had: customizable armies, you basically create your own units to use in battle)

damn lol,i totally forgot about KOTOR and Impossible Creatures...gotta say i loved combining the crocodile with a gorilla :grin:
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
There are no best games, everyone has a different opinion.
But hey here's my top 10 favorites in no order because they are all very sexy games.

Top 10 Favorites
  • Metroid Prime
  • Diablo II
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • Curse Of Monkey Island
  • Killer Instinct
  • Pokemon Black
  • Worms World Party
  • Goldeneye
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Super Metroid
And shouldn't this kind of thread go in the General Gaming section of the forums? :3
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
I don't know, I tend to change "favorite games" quite frequently, as they are released. The ones that left a really longstanding impression on me though has to be the Jak series.

Jak & Dexter, Jak 2 and Jak 3.

Oh how I long for the rise of the adventure platformer genre again.
so how the f*** did I end up playing nothing but league of legends

lol I guess you don't mind that annoying "Over 9000!" thing :p

But seriously, have ANY of you EVER played Metal Saga? If not I seriously recommend it :)
Unfortunately, I don't think they sell it anymore :/
I have one working on a PS2 emulator though :>

The only 'bad' thing is that it requires about a 1 GB graphics card, a 3.2 Ghz processor with 2-4 cores, and about 4-8 GB of RAM so that it doesn't lag.
The best Framerate is 60 FPS, mine usually goes sinusoidally between 39 FPS and 65 ( ~53 avg )
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Personally,i love Mortal Kombat Armageddon the most :D

As a kid, me and some other guys played MK3 Ultimate as much as I do now war3 and sc2. And before that when we had neither video games, nor PC, we played MK1 on arcade game, it was the 90's

Me my bro as old fans of MK played it a lot (even Blizzard mentioned they have played MK on their documentary about their history) . Then exactly because I havent forgotten that game, I started following MKDA MKD MKA as I didn't follow it after Mk4 which I played last.

So through youtube videos and Mugen I saw what MKDA-MK9 are like. I just didn;t want to engage myself with MK so I only saw the stories. I would say MKA is the best but MK 9 now has LADDER as far as I know, as in fighting others like battle net, wow, MK with that - mega cool. But I don't wanna engage myself into MK as im into SC2, just sounds great so MK9 maybe is the best, and the graphics are the best.

Thought I like MKA and MK 9 (2011) equally, as MKA has other cool things like custom fighters etc. But still if MK 9 is the only one with battle net, fighting others online, that's so awesome, 1v1 ladder, competitive MK :) I wouldnt play it though, im into SC2 & Blizzard games since 2001 ..
Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
As a kid, me and some other guys played MK3 Ultimate as much as I do now war3 and sc2. And before that when we had neither video games, nor PC, we played MK1 on arcade game, it was the 90's

Me my bro as old fans of MK played it a lot (even Blizzard mentioned they have played MK on their documentary about their history) . Then exactly because I havent forgotten that game, I started following MKDA MKD MKA as I didn't follow it after Mk4 which I played last.

So through youtube videos and Mugen I saw what MKDA-MK9 are like. I just didn;t want to engage myself with MK so I only saw the stories. I would say MKA is the best but MK 9 now has LADDER as far as I know, as in fighting others like battle net, wow, MK with that - mega cool. But I don't wanna engage myself into MK as im into SC2, just sounds great so MK9 maybe is the best, and the graphics are the best.

Thought I like MKA and MK 9 (2011) equally, as MKA has other cool things like custom fighters etc. But still if MK 9 is the only one with battle net, fighting others online, that's so awesome, 1v1 ladder, competitive MK :) I wouldnt play it though, im into SC2 & Blizzard games since 2001 ..

aha i understand,anyway i must say that MKA has online play too,i know becuz i have the game and there is the option,but i haven't tried it because it is not original,but who knows,maybe it will work since it is for ps2....
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Well MKDA to MKA didn't have much imporvement in the graphics, they still look too cartoony or not like real people. MK vs DC and especially MK9 make the graphics and all is bloody realistic and so good, also in MK 9 you can play 2vs2 like in Mugen engine. Mk9 beats all but I do like MKA's story and the character rooster. It's even very interesting how MK 9 as being MK 2.5 story-wise, has reference to MKA as a continuing MKA while the story still happens before MKA. Both are very good games, I like MKA's story and battles, just that MK 9's graphics make it all look a bit cooler.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
yes,i agree with u,MK9's graphics are a lot cooler,esspecially the idea of making 2d battles in a 3d world,though anyway,i enjoy 3d battles more as there is more depth in gameplay when u can dodge attacks not just block or jump over them...
Level 11
Jul 7, 2010
The game that I got hooked to for ages was Halo CE on xbox. Than play'd halo 2 and Warcraft III only start Warcraft III due to dota than soon loved all the other custom games. Later moving on to World of Warcraft and really anything that looks good to play.(Mostly MMORPGS)
Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
I kinda forgot about the Alien Versus Predator games,esspecially Alien Versus Predator 2,and 3,too bad Sierra or whoever closed the multiplayer hosting for alien vs predator 2,but,a few smart guys made another internet host,kinda like garena for avp2 which is awesome,i wonder,are there any chances that garena will host avp2?
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